
  • The Gap and the Gain (essential for feeling good)
    Jun 1 2024

    In this enlightening episode titled "The Gap and the Gain: Essential Insights for Sustained Happiness," we explore a transformative concept that shifts how we measure success and progress in our lives. This principle, distinguishing between 'the gap' and 'the gain', offers a profound framework for maintaining a positive outlook and feeling good about where you are on your life's journey.

    'The Gap' represents the space between where we are and where we think we should be—the often unattainable ideals that can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. 'The Gain', on the other hand, focuses on recognizing and valuing the progress we've already made from where we started, fostering gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.

    This episode will delve into:

    • Practical strategies to shift your focus from the gap to the gain, enhancing personal satisfaction and motivation.
    • How this mindset shift can improve mental wellness, increase resilience, and foster sustainable happiness.
    • Stories and examples that illustrate the powerful impact of appreciating the gains in various aspects of life.

    Join us as we uncover the secrets to feeling good by acknowledging how far you've come, rather than how far you have to go. This perspective is not just about celebrating victories—it's about creating a life where you feel continuously uplifted by your own journey.

    For anyone looking to deepen their understanding of personal growth and find joy in every step of their journey, visit AwakenedAcademy.com for more transformative resources. Additionally, enhance your daily practice with Michael Mackintosh's resources on Insight Timer, designed to help you bridge the gap and appreciate the gain.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Statement of Divine Abundance [Speak aloud or listen daily for best results]
    May 13 2024

    Today, I Acknowledge I Am An Eternal Being Of Infinite Divine Light.

    I am an embodiment of endless love, peace, purity, power & bliss.

    Originally and eternally, I am safe, I am secure and I am complete. Being the light that I am, I need nothing, I have already attained everything, and I am free.

    I recognize that through time and influences, I came to believe in distorted perceptions about my identity and the world I perceived around me.

    I limited my abundance by believing I was just a mortal being, surviving in an external world of lack, limitations, man-made laws.

    I now acknowledge that I am a powerful, immortal spiritual being and the world I perceive is simply a mirror of my own inner state of consciousness.

    I accept the power within me to change my attitude, vision, words and actions to therefore manifest a new reality around me. I am never a victim. I am the creator and artist of my life and my world.

    I am an extremely powerful infinite consciousness and exist before and after death. As of today, I am fully released from any past blockages and fears around money. I forgive everyone who influenced me with their false programming around money and wealth.

    I now realize that their beliefs are all about them. They have nothing to do with me and nothing to do with money.

    Money is simply an energy of exchange and I can have as much money as I wants by helping others get what they want creating a mutually beneficial win/win situation.

    I now CANCEL all false programs about money and wealth. I choose to cancel any and every old false belief that no longer serves me. From today, I am no longer subject to those false ideas. I am free.

    I now choose to forgive everyone for their faulty programming. And I forgive myself. I realize ultimate no one is to blame - and I send good wishes for their success and wealth, backward and forwards in time. May all souls be wealthy and free.

    I now reconnect my awareness to the unlimited light I am, and draw upon the Ultimate Source of All Abundance, the Constant Ocean of Love, the Unlimited Supply of Pure Light and Infinite Wealth. As I breathe now, I am deeply nourished by this radiant light and love, and I re-experience my own eternal wealth and prosperity as an eternal child of God, the Ocean of Limitless Wealth and Constant Bliss.

    I now align with the truth about money and attract money and wealth towards me.

    I now take new actions that add massive value to others, and by doing so, I receive the return in the form of money, wealth, abundance and blessings. As I now dedicate my life to helping others get what they want, I attain everything I want - experiencing more and more wealth and abundance each day.

    I now align with the truth about money and claim back my power. I am now free from the past, and grateful for my wealth. Wealth is my birthright. Wealth is coming to me now in wonderful ways. From today onwards, all good things I now think and feel become manifest. I am now happy, willing and grateful to enjoy the abundance that is my divine birthright.

    I accept that physical wealth is a part of spirituality and I wholeheartedly welcome money and wealth to flow fully into my life now in ALL its wonderful forms.

    I deeply appreciate having this abundance of pure money, and I give thanks for money in my life. Money and wealth are healthy, natural and good and there is always more than enough for everyone. From today, I chose to fully align my thoughts, words, actions, relationships and connections with the greatest benefit of all - so that everyone becomes wealthier and happier f

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Be Here Now: The Key to Unlocking Your True Desires
    Mar 24 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    "Be Here Now: The Key to Unlocking Your True Desires"

    In this episode, "Be Here Now: The Key to Unlocking Your True Desires," we delve into the profound simplicity of being present. In a world that constantly pulls us toward the past or future, learning to anchor ourselves in the now is not just a practice of mindfulness—it's a powerful conduit for manifesting what we truly want.

    Discover how the art of presence can clarify your desires, enhance your manifestation abilities, and bring you into alignment with your aspirations. We'll explore:

    • Techniques to cultivate presence in everyday life, transforming ordinary moments into opportunities for deep connection and clarity.
    • How being fully "here" clears the noise, allowing you to hear the whispers of your true desires.
    • The role of presence in dissolving barriers to manifestation, making what you seek not just a possibility, but a reality.

    Being present is more than a meditative practice; it's a way of life that opens the door to the abundance you're seeking. Join us as we uncover how to "Be Here Now" and harness this moment to shape the future you desire.

    For those on a path to deeper fulfillment and eager to bring their dreams to life, explore AwakenedAcademy.com for resources that support your journey. To aid in cultivating presence and mindfulness, check out the enriching content from Michael Mackintosh on Insight Timer, designed to guide you toward living fully in the now and achieving your heart's true wants.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • What is soundtrack of your life?
    Mar 16 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    You are the main character in the movie of your life...

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Make your visions feel normal and natural
    Mar 10 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    In the episode "Normalizing Your Visions: Integrating the Extraordinary into Everyday Life," we dive into the powerful practice of making our biggest dreams and visions feel normal and natural. This transformative approach demystifies the gap between where we are and where we aspire to be, embedding our highest aspirations into the fabric of our daily existence.

    Discover how to:

    • Shift your mindset to embrace your visions as not just possible, but inevitable.
    • Incorporate visualization techniques that make your dreams feel familiar and achievable.
    • Cultivate an environment that mirrors your aspirations, making them feel like a natural part of your life.

    By treating your visions as part of your current reality, you align more closely with them, smoothing the path for their manifestation. This episode guides you through the subtle yet impactful changes you can make in your perception and lifestyle to bring your dreams from the ethers of imagination into the tangible world.

    Join us as we explore how to seamlessly integrate your grandest visions into your everyday life, making them feel as normal as your daily routines. It's about living in a state of readiness and acceptance for the abundance and success that's on its way to you.

    For further exploration into manifestation and creating a life aligned with your true essence, visit AwakenedAcademy.com. Enhance your practice with guided meditations and resources from Michael Mackintosh on Insight Timer, designed to help you make your visions feel natural and normal every day.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • One Year Reflection on Your Wish Fulfilled
    Mar 7 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    It's been a whole year since I began this podcast. Here is what I've learned in the last 12 months practicing your wish fulfilled.

    And - THANK YOU for your presence <3

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • When you feel like giving up...
    Mar 4 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    You will get there.

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Offline time is MAGIC
    Feb 17 2024

    If you’d love to become a certified spiritual life coach, meditation teacher, author or course creator - go here: https://awakenedacademy.com/

    To get personal coaching / mentoring with Michael click here (limited spots available): https://forms.gle/Z1F1eyGnStxncpk9A

    "The Untapped Magic of Offline Time: Reclaiming Presence and Possibility"

    In this episode, "The Untapped Magic of Offline Time: Reclaiming Presence and Possibility," we explore the transformative power of disconnecting from the digital world. In our hyper-connected era, taking time to unplug isn't just a luxury; it's a vital practice for well-being, creativity, and manifestation.

    Discover the profound benefits of carving out offline time in your daily routine. Learn how stepping away from screens and engaging with the real world can lead to heightened clarity, increased productivity, and a deeper connection with your surroundings and inner self.

    We'll delve into:

    • The positive impacts of offline time on mental and emotional health.
    • Strategies for integrating meaningful offline moments into your busy schedule.
    • How disengaging from digital distractions can enhance your ability to manifest by fostering a clearer, more focused mind.

    Join us as we embrace the magic of offline time, where every moment spent away from the screen opens doors to personal insights, creative inspiration, and a renewed sense of connection with the world around us.

    For those on a journey to deeper mindfulness and manifestation, explore AwakenedAcademy.com for resources that support your path. And for practices to enrich your offline moments, discover the wealth of resources provided by Michael Mackintosh on Insight Timer.

    Más Menos
    25 m