
  • 05: Accountability Crisis: Redefining Responsibility in Your Team
    Sep 20 2024
    Join us today as we explore the accountability crisis and where it stems from. Are you frustrated with team members who shy away from taking ownership, leaving you stuck in a cycle of blame rather than solutions? If you're nodding along, this episode is for you! Join us as we dive into the pervasive issue of absent accountability in the workplace. We understand the challenges—after all, we started our business to bring our passion and unique skills to market, and hiring a team was a necessary, yet often difficult step.

    People can be frustrating, right? But what if we’ve been focusing on the wrong things?

    In this episode, we’ll confront why so many of us create solutions for problems we aren’t responsible for, while ignoring the power we truly have. We’re about to shift perspectives, so buckle up as we redefine what accountability really means in business, and how taking ownership—on the right things—can transform your team and your leadership.
    Ready to face the hard truths and get your team on track? Let’s go there today!
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 04: The One Thing Standing Between You and Success
    Sep 13 2024
    Join us in this episode, where we are bringing you insights from the best leadership research while exploring one of our favorite leadership principles—The Law of the Lid. This law reveals a powerful truth: your level of leadership directly limits your success. Whether in business or life, your leadership ability sets the ceiling on how far you—and your organization—can go.

    We’re sharing 3 actionable insights rooted in our core teachings that you can implement today to start raising your leadership lid.
    1. Shift Your Focus from Tasks to People
      Learn how empowering your team will create exponential growth—beyond what you could ever achieve alone.
    2. Own Your Leadership Gaps
      Recognize the areas where your leadership may be limiting progress and take proactive steps to develop them.
    3. Build a Culture of Accountability
      Discover how fostering accountability within your team not only drives results but also enhances trust and collaboration.

    Join us as we break down these principles with actionable advice that will help you elevate your leadership—and your success. Tune in to learn how to lead well and break through your limits!
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 3. The Ultimate Stretch Assignment
    Sep 6 2024

    Join us today as we dig into some thought shifting questions. If you feel stuck from time to time on your entrepreneurial journey this podcast is for you. It’s time to shake things up and dive deep into self-discovery and growth. In this transformative episode, we explore how the most successful women leaders push past the barriers that hold them back by embracing the ultimate stretch assignment: working on themselves.

    Join us as we unpack a series of thought-provoking questions designed to help you reflect on your role as a leader and the evolution of your business. We'll challenge you to confront what’s easy, what’s difficult, and what needs to change. This episode is packed with insights that will guide you in redefining your leadership style, improving your team dynamics, and refining your business philosophies.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 2. Leadership: The Game-Changer in Crisis—Why Now is the Time to Step Up
    Aug 30 2024
    In this pivotal episode, we dive deep into the critical importance of leadership and how your success—both in business and in life—is intricately tied to the emphasis you place on it. With the world facing unprecedented challenges—rising inflation, social division, and a climate of uncertainty—now is the moment to get serious about leadership. We explore why leadership matters more than ever, especially in times of crisis, and how history teaches us that the path to collective success is through navigating the phases of resistance, reliance, and resilience.

    We'll uncover the historic nature of societal crises, how they shape our leadership styles, and why resilience is the ultimate difference-maker. From the Great Depression to the financial crisis of 2008, history shows us that those who lead with resilience not only survive but thrive. This episode is a call to action for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to make a meaningful impact in turbulent times. Join us as we explore the necessity of unity, growth, and resilient leadership to navigate today's challenges and emerge stronger.
    Más Menos
    25 m
  • 1: It's Time to Make iShft Happen
    Aug 23 2024
    Welcome to the first episode of iShft Happens! We’re diving into the who, what, and why of who we are, but more importantly, we’re sharing why joining this conversation will shift the way you see, show up, and lead in the world.

    Our mission is simple: to inspire, motivate, and hold you accountable for your mission. We know that on the journey to greatness, shit happens. But here's the thing—shift is solvable. Too many people let the obstacles become the ceiling of their potential, distracting them from their calling. We're here to remind you that no matter how big the challenge, the answer lies not just in the systems and processes we teach our clients, but within you.

    Even though the work may not be easy, it’s simple. Join us as we break down the mental barriers holding you back and show you how to turn obstacles into opportunities. Let’s shift the way you live, work, love and lead. It's time to make iShft happen!
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • 135. Unlock Your Future: The Question NO ONE IS Asking
    Aug 16 2024
    Join us today in this episode of the podcast, where we embark on a profound journey to both ask and answer the question that no one is asking. Both hold the key to aligning the truth of who you are with the direction you want to take in life. This isn't just another self-help cliché; this is about uncovering your authentic self and understanding the deep purpose and value proposition that drives you.

    As we explore this question, you'll discover why it's essential for breaking through the barriers that have held you back. And more importantly, you'll be invited to engage in a powerful exercise—one that is so transformative, it could redefine the way you see yourself and your future. This exercise is more than just a thought experiment; it's a critical step in answering the question and aligning your inner truth with your outer goals.

    Get ready to dive deep, challenge your perceptions, and unlock a path forward that is truly aligned with who you are meant to be. This episode is not just about listening—it's about doing, growing, and evolving.
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 134. Courage Unveiled
    Aug 9 2024
    Join us today as we dive deep into this question: When did you lose your courage? Understanding the moment it was lost is the key to rewriting your narrative and stepping into the boldness required for your next level of success. In this episode, we dare bravely into the next season of life—whatever that may be for you. Through insightful conversations and personal stories, we’ll explore the significance of recognizing and reclaiming your courage. Tune in to gain the tools and inspiration needed to boldly embrace the challenges ahead and thrive in your entrepreneurial journey.

    Key Topics:
    • Identifying the moment your courage was lost
    • Understanding and learning from past experiences
    • Debunking common myths about adversity
    • Practical steps to reclaim and strengthen your courage
    • Embracing the next season of life with confidence and resilience
    Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, this episode will equip you with the mindset and strategies to face your fears, overcome obstacles, and achieve your highest potential.
    Join us on this transformative journey as we delve into the depths of shaken courage, unpack the layers of our past, and debunk the myths about adversity that hold us back.
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 133: What needs to be handled
    Aug 2 2024
    Join us today as we dive into a tough but crucial conversation about the obstacles standing in the way of your next level of success. In this episode, we're asking THE hard question: Are you truly ready for the success you seek, or are you sabotaging your progress by not handling the current challenges effectively?

    Success isn't just about ambition and hard work; it's about being prepared at every level. Today, we'll explore the often-overlooked areas that could be holding you back- whether it be your finances, your health, your relationships, we are digging in.
    Throughout the episode, we'll tackle the uncomfortable truths and the hard-to-face realities that might be blocking your path.

    We'll look at how our own fears, habits, and mindsets can sabotage our efforts, and what we can do to overcome these barriers.

    If you're finding it hard to navigate your current level of success and yearning for more, this episode is for you. We'll help you identify the areas that need your attention, make room for growth, and prepare you to handle the next level with confidence and readiness.

    Tune in for a deep dive into what it really takes to break through to your next level of success. It's time to confront what you don't want to see, to make way for the achievements that are yet to be seen. Are you ready to take that step? Let's get started.

    Más Menos
    31 m