
  • "How are you today?”
    Jul 25 2024

    In praying for those I worked with, serving them above what my job required me to do and in developing real relationships with them outside of “Work”, I began to notice when their demeanor changed and they were having a bad day. I learned to ask, “How are you doing today?” I really wanted to know the answer. They would respond with “I’m Fine”, then I would respond, really? Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional? Really, how are you doing? Then I would be quiet and let them share what was really going on because they knew I genuinely cared. When they were done sharing, I learned to say, “Thanks for sharing that with me, can I pray about that with you right now?” I never got turned down. Mind you this took a couple of years to develop but you can do it too. You can start by simply asking “How are you doing today?”

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  • The Birth of iWork4Him
    Jul 24 2024

    God taught me how to shift the paradigm of work into a place of work interlaced with ministry, a workplace mission field. I prayed for those I worked with, I served them over and above, I befriended them, and I prayed with them. But I realized, none of these actions mattered if my work wasn’t excellent. If I wasn’t a great employee, with great work production, and great work relationships, no one would care about my faith. Others needed to see that my faith was real and that it applied to all of my life. Excellence needs to define who we are at work. Looking back, I made mistakes but I prayed with tons of people, made lifelong friends and even participated in leading one of my bosses to Jesus and another to rededication. iWork4Him was born out of this story, can you say iwork4Him?

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  • Your Workplace Ministry
    Jul 23 2024
    • Martha: When Jim & I were 13 we committed our lives to full-time Christian Ministry. So naturally I thought I would be a pastor’s wife or a missionary.

    • Jim: I thought I was going to be a youth pastor.

    • Martha: When we got married, I naturally thought that ministry was in our future.

    • Jim: Martha was right about that. But we were both wrong about the location of our ministry. We kept thinking we were headed for church ministry.

    • Martha: But Jim and I are both good at business and we ran an insurance agency. We didn’t know our ministry was right there in front of us. We treated people well.

    • Jim: But we never saw it as a ministry. In fact, no one ever spoke into our lives that we could have a ministry in our workplace.

    • Martha: But we were in ministry and our workplace ministry calling perfectly matched our God given gifts, talents, and abilities.

    • Jim: So, are you committed to full-time Christian Ministry? You’ll find it at your workplace today!

    • Martha:  For more about iWork4Him and the iWork4Him podcast, go to iWork4Him dot com.  That’s iWork the number 4 Him dot com.

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  • Let Prayer Change You
    Jul 22 2024

    In 2006 I started a new job commuting 90 miles each way to work. I made a commitment to not turn on the radio on my way into work. I wanted to dedicate that time to pray for my family, my bosses and their families, my co-workers, and my employees. I learned to be quiet and I learned to make notes when I heard things from the Lord in my prayer time. I like to say that it Changed my life. Over the 4 years of this commute, I watched one of my Bosses come to be a Jesus follower and one rededicate his life to Christ. I was able to pray many times with my employees and I was able to demonstrate through service and friendship that my life was changed by Jesus. iWork4Him was launched through this prayer time and the iWork4Him Nation Covenant was birthed out of the process God took me through.

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  • Do you know your co-workers?
    Jul 19 2024

    During my morning commute to my new job, I began praying for the people I worked with and then serving them above what I was required to do but I knew that more was needed to shift my faith paradigm at work. I needed to really know these people I worked with. My wife and I started creating ways to get to know people outside of work to develop real relationships. We had people over for dinner, we went out after work, and ate lunch together. My intention was to know more about them as individuals, not just co-workers. I learned their spouses’ names, their kids’ names. I learned what bothered them and what encouraged them. At the same time, I let them know who I was. I shared about my family, my dreams, my struggles. We just shared life. I started to see the real people I worked with. Do you know your co-workers personally?

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  • Through God’s Eyes
    Jul 18 2024

    Our country needs healing, and it starts with bringing healing to your workplace. There is brokenness in us, in our world, work, and community. There is healing in Jesus. Today as you have zoom calls, meetings, sales calls, service calls, or power lunches, look for the broken around you through God's eyes. See people the way He sees them… as Image bearers. In following Jesus, we are to be like Him. He brought healing wherever he went. Sometimes it was physical, and sometimes it was emotional. Either way, He was a healer, and he wants you to heal too. You first, then others. By loving God and loving people, God will heal wounds through us. You are in your workplace on purpose because there is healing to be done. Remember, Jesus is a healer, and since we follow Jesus, we are healers too.

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  • What brings you to tears?
    Jul 17 2024

    Our country needs healing, and it starts with bringing healing to your workplace. Frederick Buechner said, "Pay attention to the things that bring a tear to your eye or a lump in your throat because they are signs that the Holy is drawing near." What injustice in your community brings you to tears? Homelessness, poverty, joblessness, sexual exploitation? What can you do about it? God provided you with a job and an income. What is that income for? For providing for your family and for bringing healing to your community. God asks that you Consider 10% of your income for ministering to the needs of the lost and broken. Sometimes those lost and broken are right next to you at work. Remember, Jesus is a healer, and since we follow Jesus, we are healers too.

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  • Brokenness Needs Healing
    Jul 16 2024

    Our country needs healing, and it starts with bringing healing to your workplace. Frederick Buechner once said, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." I believe the greatest need is the healing of the lost and broken. Likely you have noticed brokenness in your workplace that needs to be healed. What are you doing about it? Praying about it? Seeking to understand it? Trying to find the person who is causing the brokenness? In our workplaces, we often find broken people bring their brokenness to work with them, and it multiplies. It's one reason you as a Jesus-follower are there. That brokenness needs healing, and you know the best healer in the world. Remember, since we follow Jesus, we are healers too.

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