
  • 4202/20/22
    Feb 22 2024

    David swallows his pride, and Fallon thinks on her feet.

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  • 4202/20/12
    Feb 21 2024

    Tony and Vince catch up at the abattoir and chat about Jolene; Elizabeth has told Tony about Jolene being up and down. Vince encourages Tony’s plan to hang on to the cowhides and shows Tony the process. Tony tells Vince about his plan to get them tanned locally. Later Natasha finds Tony struggling with a website to find somewhere to tan the hides. The local place he had in mind has gone bust – the nearest other one is over 300 miles away and not cheap. Undefeated, Tony finds a couple of hides for around £200 each he can buy for the tearoom. Natasha’s happy.

    Harry bumps into Harrison and Harrison wonders what’s on his mind. Harry says sorry about last Friday and insists he’s not a problem drinker, but Harrison reveals he has looked Harry up and found his driving ban. Harry insists he’s clean now and wouldn’t have driven on Friday. Harrison points out that it’s only because Harrison stopped him. Harrison is concerned that Alice doesn’t know about Harry’s history – she is vulnerable, and there’s Martha too. Harry insists he’ll do whatever it takes – he’ll stop drinking now. Harrison gives Harry a name and number to contact for support, suggesting he contacts him today. Harry agrees.

    But later Harrison finds Harry in a bar, having had a drink and sounding merry. Harry admits he hasn’t made contact with the support group and insists that Alice doesn’t need to know about his drinking. Harrison gives him an ultimatum – tell Alice or he will. But Harry calls him out – if Harrison breaks police rules, Harry would make sure the right people knew about it.

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  • 4202/20/02
    Feb 20 2024

    Tony shares with Vince and Natasha what a nice time in Paris Helen and the boys had. He also checks Vince’s opinion of the refreshed Tea Room. Vince is positive – it’s the second best tea room in Borsetshire. Natasha is put out and Vince mentions a tea room in Brampton Green that has a better atmosphere, with sheepskin wall hangings making the place feel relaxing and welcoming, also deadening the noise. Vince suggests cowhide for the tea room and Tony’s keen, thinking of the Bridge Farm Anguses going for slaughter tomorrow. Vince can give him the hides, to be taken for tanning in Borchester.

    Jolene seems brighter and tells Elizabeth she has decided to talk to someone as advised. Elizabeth is invited to join Jolene in town as she goes shopping and they discuss Freddie doing well at the abattoir. Jolene ignores her phone, but reveals that it’s Harrison, who she admits may or may not be her new confidante. Jolene’s sorry for being touchy sometimes, and Elizabeth politely makes her excuses, leaving Jolene to continue her shopping, and praising her for taking action.

    Jolene suddenly finds herself with unwanted company, as Markie introduces himself. He remembers Jolene from back in the day, menacingly telling her he still follows her on social media. Jolene makes to leave but he says sit down. He also references Elizabeth, and is here to remind Jolene that she has a nice little village boozer. She should keep it that way and not talk to anyone, for her friends’ and family’s sake as well.

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  • 4202/20/91
    Feb 19 2024

    Emma and Ed are meeting Miles today, and Will volunteers to advise on negotiations. At the site, Ed goes off with Miles, leaving Emma to mock Will and the ostentatious hazel thumb stick he’s brought for appearances. Ed returns alone and Emma fears the worst, but chipper Ed says the deal is agreed! Miles was impressed by their pitch. Over a celebratory coffee and cake with Will, Ed and Emma reflect - Miles was virtually on board from Emma’s first phone call to him. But they still need to get through an interview with the bank on Friday. Emma’s also over the moon about how well her course assignment went – she wrote about a poem that she feels could be all about Grange Farm, and Ed would like her to read it to him later. Natasha gleans the info about them grazing on Miles’s land, and doesn’t hold back in criticising Miles. But Emma insists they will be alright.

    Vince doesn’t let on to Elizabeth about his recent conversations with Jolene, as Elizabeth decides to have a chat with Jolene to offer support. Jolene says she’s alright – just day to day concerns and worrying about Kenton – playing down her serious worry. Remembering how Jolene helped her during her depression, Elizabeth encourages Jolene to accept help and talk to someone, volunteering herself.

    Vince lies to Elizabeth about leaving his phone on the bar. He speaks to Jolene again, explaining he didn’t put Elizabeth up to talking to her. Jolene reassures Vince that after her chat with Elizabeth she has decided to talk to Harrison tomorrow - and tell him everything.

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  • 4202/20/81
    Feb 18 2024

    As Ed frets over how they are going to get the tree surgery business off the ground, Emma stuns him with her initiative, having worked out a plan to graze on the ten acres of land they crave. Ed's sceptical about trying Miles Titchener, but Emma has already found a number and called him directly - and Miles is thinking about it. Next step is to meet.

    At the Bull, David and Jolene chuckle over Tony’s ‘larky’ behaviour last Friday. They agree that things seem brighter since the dog attack – and David’s little disagreement with Lilian is all sorted too. Jolene admits she's concerned about Fallon, who has been quiet and is probably worried herself about Harrison who’s having a problem at work.

    Vince sidles up to Jolene at the Bull and unnerves her by insisting he's making progress tracking down the scumbags who attacked Kenton. He has a name - Markie - and is on the way to sniffing out a couple of other thugs. Jolene plays down her worry, trying to steer Vince away from his detective work, insisting things have gone quiet now. But Vince is determined.

    Later, David casually asks Jolene whether Vince has been bothering her, but she says it’s fine. But when Vince pushes things, jumpy Jolene finally snaps, and Vince realises that she has had a visit from this guy Markie. Jolene just wants to stay quiet and Markie will leave her alone, but Vince reckons that won't happen. He says she should go to the police – or Harrison. She’ll need to do something, sooner rather than later.

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  • 4202/20/61
    Feb 16 2024

    Tony’s enjoying a few drinks at The Bull to celebrate his birthday and chats to David, who appears very at home behind the bar. David pays for Tony’s round, as a thank you for the help he gave Pip with the early calf. Kenton seems happy that David and Jolene have everything under control. However, David appears to be going a bit too far when he starts checking how much Tony’s had to drink, then asks Kenton if he should get rid of him. Kenton points out that in a pub it’s OK for people to get a little merry. This doesn’t stop David suggesting Tony might like to drink some water. Tony declines politely, insisting that as it’s his birthday he is going to enjoy himself.

    Harrison chats to his boss, Inspector Norris, at the police station. She reminds him he’s not allowed to get involved in the investigation into the dog attack on Kenton, but does tell him the investigation team is doing a very thorough job. Harrison meanwhile, must content himself with going to deal with a man outside a bar in Felpersham, who is threatening to take off his underpants if they don’t let him in. Harrison arrives to find the man in a drunken state, urinating against a wall. It only gets worse when the man turns around and it’s Harry. Harrison persuades Harry to put his shirt back on, stop dancing and think about going home. But when Harry insists he’ll drive himself, Harrison has no choice but to arrest him.

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  • 4202/20/51
    Feb 15 2024

    Whilst Alistair and Denise are finishing up an operation on a cat he takes the opportunity to apologise for accusing her of sending him a Valentine’s card at work. She’s slightly mollified when Alistair tells her the whole episode was completely humiliating, then encourages him to make the most of his dating app. They’re interrupted by Paul, who tells Denise his Dad’s been trying to call her. John’s mother - Paul’s grandmother - has had another fall, and this time it’s bad enough to put her in hospital. Paul had planned to fly out to St Lucia in the summer to see her, but now he’s fearful that if she takes a turn for the worse he might not see her again. Denise insists Paul should fly out with his father tomorrow. Alistair then arranges with Lovell James for Paul to have compassionate leave so he can go. Alistair and Denise agree they’ll cope with the extra work in Paul’s absence. After a potential wedding client for the Brookfield barn cancels their booking, Pip and Ruth discuss how thinly stretched they are on the farm without David. On top of a relentless stream of admin they still have to be out in the fields doing actual farming. Pip reveals that she asked Lily whether the new events manager at Grey Gables, where Lily’s doing work experience, might promote Brookfield to their guests as a venue for an authentic barn dance and farm experience. If it works David will be impressed. But in the meantime, they need him back as soon as possible.

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  • 4202/20/41
    Feb 14 2024

    Alice finds Lilian smoking - and fuming - outside The Bull as she takes a break from David’s ‘help’, while Kenton continues his recovery. As Lilian sees it David is basically an obstruction behind the bar, while she runs around changing barrels, bottling up and filling the dishwasher. Her mood doesn’t improve when she goes back inside and David asks where she’s been. It gets worse when he uses their premium prosecco to experiment on a Valentine’s Day cocktail recipe. Kenton comes in to find relations more than a little strained. The final straw comes when David persuades Harrison to try a cocktail, but while doing his Tom Cruise impression and throwing the shaker around, David elbows Lilian squarely in the eye. She gives him a full rundown of his shortcomings and orders him into the cellar to move some barrels. The row prompts Kenton to shout at both of them to shut up and sort out the situation. Later, Kenton apologises, explaining that the row made him panic – it was frightening. Sympathetic David vows that from now on he’ll help make sure The Bull runs smoothly - and quietly. Fallon tells Harrison that Alice apologised for Harry’s clumsy question about them having children, then asks why Harrison got so upset. He apologises for not handling it better and concedes that, while he agreed they wouldn’t have children, there is still part of him that would have liked to. But more than that, he wants to be with Fallon and accepts she doesn’t want them. She kisses Harrison and wishes him Happy Valentine’s Day.

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