
  • Friedrich Nietzsche - All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking
    Jul 27 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and it's July 27th!

    Did you know that today is National Take Your Pants for a Walk Day? Yes, you heard that right. It's the perfect excuse to get out, stretch those legs, and give your pants a much-needed tour of your local neighborhood. And let's be honest, they deserve it after all the hard work they do keeping you stylish and comfortable.

    In honor of this delightfully quirky holiday, today's quote is from the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who said,

    "All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."

    Nietzsche's words highlight the profound connection between physical activity and mental clarity. When you take your pants for a walk today, think of it as more than just a way to stay fit. It's an opportunity to clear your mind, spark creativity, and perhaps even come up with some truly great thoughts of your own.

    Walking has a way of grounding us, helping us to see the world from a fresh perspective. As you stroll through your neighborhood, take note of the small details you might usually overlook – the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the rhythm of your footsteps. These moments of mindfulness can lead to insights and ideas that you wouldn't encounter while sitting still.

    And don't forget, your pants will appreciate the outing too. They've been cooped up in your closet for too long. Today, give them a chance to breathe and see the world!

    So, lace up your shoes, put on those trusty pants, and head out for a walk. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in the park, a brisk power walk in the city, or a quiet meander along a country road, remember that each step is a chance to free your mind and conceive great thoughts.

    That's all for today's episode of The Daily Quote. I'm Andrew McGivern, thanking you for joining me. Now, go take your pants for that well-deserved walk and see where your thoughts take you. Have a wonderful day, and I'll see you tomorrow with another uplifting quote to start your day right.

    Take care!

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  • Elon Musk - When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor
    Jul 26 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is July 26th which means...

    it's National All or Nothing Day, a day dedicated to taking risks, making big decisions, and going all in on the things that matter most to you. It's a day to embrace a "no regrets" mentality and give it your all, whatever "it" might be for you.

    In the spirit of this day, I've chosen a quote that perfectly encapsulates the essence of going all in. This one comes from the visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk.

    He once said:

    “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

    Think about that for a moment. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. This quote reminds us that true commitment means pursuing our goals and dreams despite the obstacles and challenges we might face. It’s about having the courage to go all in, no matter the circumstances.

    On National All or Nothing Day, take this quote to heart. What important goal or dream have you been hesitant to pursue? Maybe it's starting your own business, changing careers, or taking a leap of faith in your personal life. Whatever it is, today is the day to push past your doubts and give it your all.

    Embracing an all-or-nothing mindset can be incredibly empowering. It means you’re not waiting for the perfect moment or the ideal conditions. Instead, you’re taking action because you know it’s worth it. Every great achievement begins with the decision to try, even when the odds seem daunting.

    Consider Elon Musk’s journey. He faced numerous setbacks and challenges, from nearly going bankrupt to dealing with countless naysayers. But his unwavering commitment to his vision—whether it was revolutionizing the auto industry with Tesla or making space travel more accessible with SpaceX—pushed him to succeed against the odds.

    So, as you go about your day today, ask yourself: What important goal will you commit to? What bold step will you take? Dive in, embrace the challenge, and see how far your determination can take you.

    Thank you for joining me today on The Daily Quote. I'm Andrew McGivern, reminding you to take risks, embrace challenges, and live your life with passion and purpose. Have a fantastic National All or Nothing Day, and I'll see you tomorrow with another quote to inspire your day.

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  • You can trust the unconscious. It knows more than you do
    Jul 25 2024

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    Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474


    Today is July 25th and welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and I'm happy you are here with me today.

    Did you know that today is Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day? Now, I know what you might be thinking: "Hypnosis? Really?" But before you roll your eyes, let's dive into it a little. Hypnosis has been around for centuries and has been used for a variety of purposes, from entertainment to therapy. It’s fascinating how something so simple as a change in focus can have such profound effects on our well-being.

    In the spirit of Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day, I've chosen a quote by the famous psychologist Milton H. Erickson.

    Milton H. Erickson (1901-1980) was an American psychiatrist and psychologist, renowned for his pioneering work in medical hypnosis and family therapy. He developed innovative therapeutic techniques that utilized metaphors, storytelling, and indirect suggestion, fundamentally transforming the practice of clinical hypnosis. Despite suffering from polio and other health challenges, Erickson's deep understanding of the unconscious mind and human behavior led him to create the Ericksonian approach to hypnosis, which remains influential in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy today.

    He said,

    "You can trust the unconscious. It knows more than you do."

    Let’s unpack that for a moment. Hypnosis is all about tapping into the unconscious mind, that part of you that works quietly behind the scenes, managing everything from your breathing to those sudden flashes of creativity. Erickson's quote reminds us that our unconscious mind holds a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, often more than we give it credit for.

    Think about it: how many times have you solved a problem after "sleeping on it" or had a great idea come to you in the shower? That's your unconscious at work, filtering through information and presenting you with solutions when you least expect it. Hypnosis takes that natural process and gives it a little nudge, helping you access those hidden resources more directly.

    On this day, take a moment to consider how you might harness the power of your own mind. Whether it's through formal hypnosis sessions, mindfulness practices, or simply paying more attention to your intuition, there are many ways to tap into that deeper part of yourself. Remember, you have a reservoir of knowledge and potential just waiting to be accessed.

    So, as you go about your day, why not give it a try? Maybe you'll find yourself more in tune with your thoughts and feelings, or perhaps you'll discover a new level of relaxation and clarity. After all, as Erickson wisely pointed out, "You can trust the unconscious. It knows more than you do."

    I'm Andrew McGivern signing off, and I'm glad you spent this time with me.

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  • Wayne Dyer - You cannot always control what goes on outside but...
    Jul 24 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and its July 24th.

    Let's start with today's national holiday. Did you know that today is International Self-Care Day? It’s a day dedicated to taking a step back from our busy lives and focusing on ourselves – something that many of us often forget to do. Self-care is about more than just pampering; it’s about nurturing your mind, body, and soul.

    With that in mind, today’s quote comes from the inspiring author and motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer.

    Wayne Dyer was a renowned American self-help author and motivational speaker, widely considered one of the pioneers in the field of personal development. He authored over 40 books, including bestsellers like "Your Erroneous Zones" and "The Power of Intention." Dyer's work, which focused on positive thinking, self-empowerment, and spiritual growth, has inspired millions worldwide.

    He once said,

    "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside."

    Now, let’s unpack that a bit. Dyer’s words are a perfect reminder for Self-Care Day. Life throws all sorts of curveballs our way – stressful jobs, hectic schedules, unexpected challenges. While we might not have control over these external factors, we do have the power to manage our internal response. Self-care is a key part of this. By taking time to care for yourself, you can maintain your inner peace and resilience, regardless of what’s happening around you.

    Imagine your mind as a garden. You can’t control the weather, but you can choose how you tend to your plants. Water them, give them sunlight, and pull out the weeds. Self-care is like this – it’s about giving yourself the nourishment you need to thrive, no matter what storms come your way.

    So, on this International Self-Care Day, why not take some time to do something that brings you joy? Maybe it’s reading a good book, taking a long walk, practicing yoga, or even just enjoying a quiet cup of tea. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to take care of others and handle life’s challenges.

    That's it for today’s episode of The Daily Quote. I’m Andrew McGivern, and I hope today’s holiday and quote inspire you to make self-care a priority, not just today, but every day. Until tomorrow, keep nurturing your inner garden and making each day count.

    One great way to get daily doses of self care in just three minutes a day... is to kickstart your day with Daily Quote. So take care of yourself by pressing the follow or subscribe button in your podcast app of choice.

    And share the self care... if you have friends or family that could use a daily positivity boost then share this show with them too.

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  • Jerry Seinfield - It's amazing that the amount of news that happens...
    Jul 23 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is July 23rd.

    Did you know that today is National Yada Yada Yada Day? Yes, you heard it right. Inspired by the iconic Seinfeld episode where George's girlfriend frequently uses "yada yada yada" to gloss over important details in her stories. It's a day to celebrate the art of leaving things unsaid, a humorous nod to those moments when you might just skip the boring parts of the story.

    Speaking of Seinfeld, today's quote is from the comedy legend himself, Jerry Seinfeld. He once said,

    "It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper."

    Now, let's dive into this. Jerry Seinfeld's quote perfectly encapsulates the humor in the everyday absurdities of life. On National Yada Yada Yada Day, it seems fitting to reflect on how we often summarize our lives in quick, neat packages, just like how the news fits perfectly into the pages of a newspaper. We tend to skip over the mundane details with a simple "yada yada yada," keeping our stories concise and to the point.

    But here's the thing – what are we leaving out? The "yada yada yada" might be hiding the juiciest parts. Imagine if newspapers did that with their headlines: "Major breakthrough in science, yada yada yada, new species discovered." It’s the details that make life interesting, even if we sometimes yada yada them away.

    So, today, as you go about your day, think about the parts of your story you're glossing over. Maybe, just maybe, take a moment to appreciate the little details, the bits you usually skip. Who knows what interesting tidbits you might uncover?

    Thank you for joining me on The Daily Quote. Remember, every day brings a chance to find humor and joy in the small things. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, wishing you a fantastic National Yada Yada Yada Day. Until next time, take care and don’t forget to enjoy every detail of your story.

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  • Helen Keller - Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it
    Jul 22 2024

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    Today is July 22nd, and welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and I'm happy you are here with me today.

    Did you know that today is Beta Glucan Day? It might sound a bit scientific, but beta-glucans are fascinating! These natural compounds are found in foods like oats, barley, and mushrooms, and they do wonders for your immune system. They’re like the body’s own personal cheerleading squad, boosting your defenses and keeping you healthy.

    Speaking of health and resilience, today’s quote is from Helen Keller:

    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

    So, what’s the connection between beta-glucans and Helen Keller’s wise words? Think of beta-glucans as a reminder that overcoming challenges often involves small, consistent actions. Just as beta-glucans steadily support your immune system, our daily efforts help us to overcome life's difficulties. They both remind us that resilience is built over time through small, positive actions.

    Beta-glucans work quietly, boosting your health behind the scenes, much like how each act of perseverance helps you overcome challenges. You may not always see the immediate impact, but these small efforts add up, building a foundation of strength and resilience.

    Today, celebrate Beta Glucan Day by enjoying some oatmeal or a hearty barley soup, and remember Helen Keller’s encouraging words. Recognize the small victories and the steps you take each day to overcome the challenges you face.

    That’s all for today’s episode of The Daily Quote. I hope you feel inspired to acknowledge your resilience and perhaps even add some beta-glucans to your diet. Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to sharing more positivity with you tomorrow. Have a wonderful day!

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  • Robin Williams - No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world
    Jul 21 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is July 21st.

    Today, we're celebrating a rather out-of-this-world holiday: Invite an Alien to Live with You Day. This quirky celebration celebrates the TV Show Mork and Mindy where an Alien whose mission is study humanity is invited to live in Mindy's house.

    It’s also a fun, imaginative way to encourage acceptance and curiosity about things beyond our everyday experiences—literally thinking outside the planet.

    Our quote of the day comes from the beloved comedian and actor Robin Williams, who launched his amazing career by playing Mork from Ork

    Robin Williams once said...

    "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."

    Now, let’s connect the dots between inviting an alien to live with you and Robin Williams' insightful words. Inviting an alien is a whimsical way of embracing the unfamiliar, the new ideas and perspectives that come from beyond our usual realm of understanding. It’s about being open to change and the impact that fresh perspectives can bring.

    Imagine for a moment, what would happen if you actually invited an alien to live with you. Besides the likely confusion over who gets the remote, think about the vast exchange of ideas that would occur. You’d be exposed to entirely new ways of thinking, new technologies, and perhaps even new jokes—though, admittedly, they go over my head because they would be out of this world.

    Robin Williams' quote reminds us that it's not just the grand actions that change the world but the simple, powerful ideas and the words we use to share them. Inviting an alien into your home symbolizes welcoming those transformative ideas, no matter how unusual or alien they might seem at first.

    So today, as you navigate your daily routine, take a moment to think about what it means to truly welcome the unknown. Whether it’s a new person, a new idea, or a new challenge, approach it with the open-minded curiosity that can lead to real change. Remember, as Robin Williams beautifully put it, words and ideas can change the world, one small step—or giant leap—for mankind at a time.

    Thanks for tuning in to The Daily Quote. Stay curious, stay open to new ideas, and who knows? Maybe tonight, you’ll leave a little space at the dinner table for an unexpected guest.

    I'm Andrew McGivern, wishing you a day filled with wonder and the power of new ideas. Until tomorrow, take care!

    Nanu, Nanu...

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  • Tony Robbins - The past does not equal the future
    Jul 20 2024

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    Welcome to The Daily Quote - a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is July 20th.

    Today, we’re celebrating Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day. It’s a day dedicated to letting go of regrets and focusing on the present and future. It’s about freeing yourself from the shackles of the past and embracing the limitless possibilities ahead.

    In the spirit of this liberating day, let’s turn to a quote from the motivational speaker and life coach, Tony Robbins:

    “The past does not equal the future.”

    This powerful statement reminds you that your past mistakes, missed opportunities, and regrets do not define who you are or what you can achieve moving forward. It's easy to get bogged down by thoughts of what you could have done differently or what you should have achieved by now. But today, let’s toss those burdens aside.

    Imagine if you carried all the weight of your past decisions in a backpack. By now, that backpack would be bursting at the seams, making every step forward a grueling effort. Today, take a moment to unzip that backpack, take out each “could have” and “should have,” and toss them away. Feel the lightness in your step, the newfound freedom in your heart.

    By letting go of these regrets, you open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities. You can start making decisions based on where you want to go, not where you’ve been. Think of it this way: if you drive a car, you don’t spend all your time looking in the rearview mirror. If you did, you’d crash. Instead, you glance back occasionally, but your focus is on the road ahead. Your journey through life should be the same.

    So today, embrace the clean slate in front of you. Recognize that you have the power to shape your future, starting now. Tony Robbins’ words are a reminder that your potential is not determined by your past. Each moment is an opportunity to create a new reality for yourself, one that’s not held back by yesterday’s missteps.

    Thank you for joining me today on The Daily Quote. I hope you find the courage to toss away those “could haves” and “should haves” and step boldly into your future. Remember, the past is just a story you tell yourself; the future is a story you’re yet to write.

    Until next time, I’m Andrew McGivern. Have a wonderful day, and keep moving forward.

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