
  • 144: Strong Again
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  • 143: Marlene Thomas This Crazy World
    Jul 4 2024
    Unfortunately, she does not look like this.
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  • 142: The School of Hard Equi-noct-ials (E Squared)
    Menos de 1 minuto
  • 141: Muse Surveillance Techniques
    1 m
  • 140: Urania (shown here in a 1915 shot) Proposes New Project
    1 m
  • 139: Fellow Aviators
    Jun 25 2024
    Because they develop the imagination through uncommon determination, home planetariums are spaces conducive to adventure, akin to the utopia of the avant-garde. These are the ones who broke through the window of classical painting to experiment with boundless new spaces. Malevitch, writing in 'Suprematism', perhaps said it best:

    'I have broken through the lampshade of the constraints of color. I have moved into the white (starlight). Sail after me, fellow aviators, into the abyss. This manifesto might easily appear above the entry to Kovak's Planetarium, Phairis's Museum, or alongside Likert's pierced oil drum, so similarly do the artist and the amateur scientist feel that same desire to take flight'

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  • 138: Melancholy
    Jun 24 2024
    Pictures like this one sometimes sparked a debate as to whether a home planetarium invoked a sense of melancholy or not. For how could a theater of the fantastic, of wonder and endless possibility also make one sad? It was a good question, yet a home-based setup often sits idle for long periods, gathers dust, speaks of its limits rather than its boundless potential. Lack of infrastructure, permanence, and perfection struggle against the desire to be an institution. Can dreams end up in the dumpster? Well that was one way to put it - but maybe there was just one more flip of that rusty fuse box left in the old place. Its day was surely coming, but maybe it wasn't THIS day?

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  • 136: Urania is not Your Mistress!
    Jun 18 2024
    dont get ideas about this mistress stuff ok? we muses are not mistresses, except maybe that one time in 4 BC, but that was less than 24 hours, yes? here's a public domain excerpt for your poetry you dont know collection, for which you still need a logo, you know?

    Published 1904 in your Charles lamb collection., Essay 37, Poems of Geo Wither, "the Mistress of Philarete".

    Stars indeed fair creatures be.

    Yet amongst us who is he.

    Who joys not more the while he lies.

    Sunning in his mistress' eyes

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