
  • Shift
    Mar 18 2024

    Shift…to move from one place, position, direction, etc. to another. Alteration, Change, Deviation … Transformation, I like that one.

    I want to walk a small portion of the Camino De Santiago. I am realistic. I know that I need to train and do a lot of research.

    Want to follow me on this journey?

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Episode 9: Mycoplasma Bronchitis, Vanilla Monkey Butts, and Butt Wips
    Feb 3 2024

    Jam joins me for his random fund of knowledge and we discuss the false naming of "Flushable Wipes."

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Boogers, Dolphins, and a Christavention
    Jan 15 2024
    Calvin’s boogers are frozen. JMan tells us about Dolphins and Wombats. I might just be becoming a Swiftie - the hunt for the Time with Taylor and Benjamin Button.
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Segments…. JMan
    Jan 12 2024
    OK how am I going to name segment? JMan has a huge amount of knowledge and sometimes it’s just random stuff and sometimes it’s just really smart stuff and I’ve tried taking them to trivia and they never asked this stuff he knows. But I want to feature him on a short little segment every two weeks that he provides random facts. So we’re gonna take a pole. What should I name the segment?
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 2024 …
    Jan 2 2024
    I talk about the direction that I want to go in 2024 and how I want you to go along on this inspired journey with me.
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Christmas
    Dec 26 2023
    Just Christmas
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • this inspired journey (Trailer)
    1 m
  • Teacher Side Hustles
    Oct 10 2023

    First, you get to meet Jman! My youngest son.

    Second, you will only get the video of this on Spotify. Other platforms will have the audio only!

    Más Menos
    37 m