• Trail Trials: A Resilient Friendship in Brecon Beacons

  • Sep 9 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Trail Trials: A Resilient Friendship in Brecon Beacons

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Trail Trials: A Resilient Friendship in Brecon Beacons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/trail-trials-a-resilient-friendship-in-brecon-beacons Story Transcript:Cy: Wrth i'r haul godi dros y Bryniau Brycheiniog, roedd Aneira, Gethin, a Dilys yn barod i ddechrau eu hantur.En: As the sun rose over the Brecon Beacons, Aneira, Gethin, and Dilys were ready to start their adventure.Cy: Roedd y dydd yn addawol, gyda'r awyr glir a'r llwybrau yn ymddangos yn heriol ond yn llawn cyffro.En: The day was promising, with clear skies and the paths appearing challenging yet full of excitement.Cy: Roedd Aneira'n benderfynol i orffen y llwybr anodd cyn nos.En: Aneira was determined to finish the difficult trail before nightfall.Cy: Aethant ymlaen, gan edmygu harddwch y dirwedd.En: They proceeded, admiring the beauty of the landscape.Cy: Roedd y ddaear wedi'i orchuddio â dail aur a brown, yn dawnsio yn y gwynt oer.En: The ground was covered with golden and brown leaves, dancing in the cold wind.Cy: Roedd yr awyrgylch yn llenwi â sŵn coed tal yn siglo a'r arogl pinwydd ffres.En: The atmosphere was filled with the sound of tall trees swaying and the fresh scent of pine.Cy: Yn sydyn, wrth iddynt ddringo llwybr serth a chreigiog, clywodd Aneira alwad arswydus.En: Suddenly, as they climbed a steep, rocky path, Aneira heard a horrifying cry.Cy: Syrthiodd Dilys, a throdd ei ffêr yn ddrwg.En: Dilys had fallen and badly twisted her ankle.Cy: "Aneira!En: "Aneira!"Cy: " gwaeddodd Gethin, gan frysio atynt.En: shouted Gethin, rushing towards them.Cy: Bu'n rhaid i'r tri fynd yn araf.En: The three had to move slowly.Cy: Roedd Dilys yn delio â phoen, ond dalai hi'n glasurol.En: Dilys was coping with the pain, but she remained composed.Cy: Aneira a Gethin siaradodd â'i gilydd yn dawel.En: Aneira and Gethin quietly discussed what to do.Cy: Roedd angen penderfynu a ddylent aros yno a galw am help, neu geisio mynd yn ôl.En: They needed to decide whether to stay there and call for help or try to turn back.Cy: Roedd amser yn rhedeg allan, ac roedd y syniad o noson oer yn yr awyr agored yn ofnadwy.En: Time was running out, and the idea of a cold night outdoors was dreadful.Cy: Penderfynodd Aneira.En: Aneira made a decision.Cy: "Gethin, ti'r gyflymaf.En: "Gethin, you're the fastest.Cy: Rhaid i ti fynd am help.En: You need to go for help.Cy: Dilys ac fi aros yma.En: Dilys and I will stay here."Cy: ”Wrth i'r haul ddechrau diflannu tu ôl i'r mynyddoedd, defnyddiodd Aneira ei gwybodaeth o'r tir a'i ffôn symudol i geisio anfon neges.En: As the sun began to disappear behind the mountains, Aneira used her knowledge of the land and her mobile phone to try and send a message.Cy: Roedd y signal yn wan, ond penderfynodd geisio unrhyw beth.En: The signal was weak, but she decided to try anything.Cy: A'r funud pan goliodd Aneira gysur, clywodd sain syrenau yn ymddangos.En: Just when Aneira started to lose hope, she heard the sound of sirens approaching.Cy: Roedd help ar y ffordd.En: Help was on the way.Cy: Roedd y tîm achub yn cyrraedd mewn pryd, gan ffeindio Aneira a Dilys, a dod â nhw yn ddiogel i lawr.En: The rescue team arrived just in time, finding Aneira and Dilys and bringing them safely down.Cy: Yn nes ymlaen, pan roedden nhw'n eistedd yn ortopedig ac yn diolchgar bod popeth wedi gorffen yn iawn, sylweddolodd Aneira bod ei hun yn dysgu gwers bwysig.En: Later, as they sat in the orthopedics department, grateful that everything had turned out okay, Aneira realized she had learned an important lesson.Cy: Roedd hi wedi derbyn gwerth cadernid Dilys a'r doethineb ofalus Gethin.En: She had come to appreciate Dilys's resilience and Gethin's careful wisdom.Cy: Efallai na chafodd y diwrnod fynd fel y cynlluniwyd, ond roeddent wedi cael dimensiwn newydd i'w chefnder a'u cyfeillgarwch.En: The day might not have gone as planned, but they had gained a new dimension to their kinship and friendship.Cy: Wrth edrych yn ôl, roedd yn amlwg bod iechyd a diogelwch fwy gwerthfawr na chael unrhyw llwybr ei gwblhau.En: Looking back, it was clear that health and safety were more valuable than completing any trail.Cy: Ac aeth y tri adref, diolchgar ac yn fwy agos at ei gilydd nag erioed.En: And the three went home, thankful and closer than ever. Vocabulary Words:adventure: anturpromising: addawolexcitement: cyffrolandscape: dirweddatmosphere: awyrgylchclimbed: dringohorrifying: arswydustwisted: troddcomposed: glasuroldecision: penderfyniaddreadful: ofnadwymessage: negessignal: signalsiren: syrenrescue: achubgrateful: diolchgarresilience: cadernidwisdom: doethinebkinship: chefnderfriendship: cyfeillgarwchhealth: iechydsafety: diogelwchsteep: serthrocky: creigiogcope: delioknowledge: gwybodaethorthopedics: ortopedigappreciate: derbyndimension: dimensiwnvaluable: gwerthfawr
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