  • March 28th, 25: Walking in Newness: Life Lessons from Today's Bible Readings
    Mar 28 2025
    Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Judges 4-5; Psalm 39, 41; 1 Cor 13Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to the latest episode of the Daily Radio Bible podcast with your host, Hunter, your brother and Bible reading coach. It's March 28th, 2025, and we're on day 88 of our journey through the Bible. Today, we dive into Judges chapters 4 and 5, exploring the leadership and faith of Deborah and Barak. We'll also reflect on the beautiful but sobering words of Psalm 39 and 41, and discover the timeless virtues of love in 1 Corinthians 13. Throughout the episode, Hunter encourages us to let love, as revealed through Jesus, animate our lives with purpose and meaning. So, open your hearts as we listen to these scriptures and let them point us to the one who is the living word of God. Let's embark on this spiritual journey together. TODAY'S DEVOTION: In our reading in Psalm 39 today, we hear these words, We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it. And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? Such sobering words are echoed in the verse of Shakespeare where we read this. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time, until all our yesteryears have lighted fools, the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing. Mere moving shadows, poor players strutting themselves about the stage, days filled with sound and fury, all of it meaning nothing. Whether it is the pursuit of the arts or power, prestige, pleasures, making a name for yourself, all of it in and of itself is laden with nihilism. It all renders down to nothing apart from this, apart from love. Paul tells us here very clearly that love is what animates our days with meaning. Love imbues every gesture in life with the eternal, and love's kind was revealed to us in the flesh in the life of Jesus. And so we look to him, friends. We look to him as the model of our life in love. It is a self-giving life, a radically forgiving life, a co-suffering life, a life that is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful, not proud, nor is it rude. It doesn't demand its own way. It's not irritable, and it keeps no record of wrongs. It doesn't rejoice about injustice, but rejoices when the truth wins out. It never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through everything. So by his grace, dear friends, let us be reminded today that love can deliver us from a meaningless life and that God himself has gifted us with his love. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, and my daughters, and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen. Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. And now Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, Joy. Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life. Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us...
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    25 m
  • March 27th, 25: Divine Wisdom in Judges and Paul's Teachings on Spiritual Gifts
    Mar 27 2025
    Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Judges 1-3; 1 Corinthians 12Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Hello dear ones! Welcome to another episode of the Daily Radio Bible, where we journey through the scriptures together. Today is March 27th, 2025, and I'm your host, Hunter, your brother, and Bible reading coach. As we gather to warm our hearts by the fires of God's love, we dive into the pages of the Bible, starting today with the book of Judges, chapters one through three, and wrapping up with First Corinthians, chapter 12. In Judges, we recount the ongoing journey of the Israelites from the conquests led by Judah to the leadership provided by the judges. We see the stories of victory, lessons learned, and repeated cycles of disobedience and redemption. This narrative reminds us of the importance of faithfulness and the consequences of turning away from God. Moving to First Corinthians, Paul discusses the diverse spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit, emphasizing unity within the body of Christ. Every believer has a part to play—a unique note to add to God's symphony. We are all part of God’s grand masterpiece, crafted with purpose and deeply valued by Him. Join me in a time of prayer as we seek to live out our roles as part of God’s divine symphony, embracing both our humanity and our participation in His divine nature. Let’s immerse ourselves in the divine rhythms and discover what it means to be part of God’s amazing poetic masterpiece. So, grab your Bible, settle in, and let's dive into this enlightening word together. You're not alone on this journey. You are loved, and I am glad for your company. Let's get started! TODAY'S DEVOTION: You have a part to play. You have your own note to add to God's great symphony. You get to add your sound to God's amazing symphonic masterpiece. We actually get the word personality from the Latin word persona, literally meaning your sound. God has created you to offer your own note. He wants you to offer your sound to his great song. In Ephesians 2:10, it says, "We are God's masterpiece." That word masterpiece in the Greek is "poiema," which means poem. And God has expertly crafted you to be right in the place where you are, to be who you are. In learning to play our part, we must learn to accept our own humanity. And you should do this because God has. God has accepted your humanity. He's accepted all of humanity. He became one of us. Beyond that, he knows you. He knows all your secrets. He knows how frail you are. As the prophet says, "He knows that we are but dust." But he also knows that now, in Christ, you have become a partaker in the divine nature of God himself. You are deeply valued and cherished by God. And part of our journey is learning to discover what it means to be a partaker in the divine life of God. This does not mean that you are God, but it does mean that God has embraced you into his life. You are his child. We must learn both of these things as we learn to play our part in God's symphony: our humanity and our participation in God's divinity. And that lived out will begin to look like the giving of oneself, being radically forgiving in life, and learning to suffer alongside those who are in pain. Self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering love. This is what it looks like to live as the masterpiece that you really are. And that's a prayer that I have for my own soul. That's a prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, my daughters, and my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen. Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. And now Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, Joy. Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. ...
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    26 m
  • March 26th, 25: Unwavering Faith: Joshua's Final Words and Their Impact
    Mar 26 2025
    Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Joshua 23-24; Psalm 44; 1 Corinthians 11Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to another episode of the Daily Radio Bible. Today is March 26th, and you are joining us on day 86 of our journey through the Bible, guided by your host and Bible reading coach, Hunter. Together, we will delve into the rich passages of Joshua chapters 23 and 24, Psalm 44, and 1 Corinthians 11. In this episode, Hunter explores the theme of faithfulness, reflecting on Joshua's charge to the Israelites and their bold declarations to serve the Lord. However, as Hunter reminds us, it was Christ who truly fulfilled what we could not, offering us the gift of life through His finished work. As we meditate on these scriptures and join in prayer, let this time be a source of comfort and strength, reminding us of God's presence and love in our lives. So, wherever you are, settle in as we spend these moments together in God’s Word and in prayer. Enjoy today's episode! TODAY'S DEVOTION: We will serve the Lord—or so we say. This was the bold proclamation of the Israelites to Joshua. They promised their unwavering allegiance to God. Yet, Joshua challenged their declaration, asserting their inability to uphold such a promise. The cry of the flesh is loud—boasting of what it will do. Even Peter, in his own resolve, stated he would never disown the Lord. But before the rooster crowed, his flesh betrayed his resolve three times. Human resolve can be a frail thing; the flesh is prone to failure. What we truly need is someone who has already accomplished what we cannot. Enter our Lord Jesus. He didn't just promise obedience—He lived it. He perfectly upheld the covenant that Adam and all his descendants couldn't. Jesus served His Father completely, from beginning to end. He did it, and with His final breath, declared, "It is finished." Therefore, as followers of Christ, let us move away from the notion of what we will do, and rest in the confidence of what has been done. Jesus has accomplished it. It is finished. His work allows us to remain in the land, in Him, in His promises, and in life. Every day, remind your heart that He has done it. This is a prayer I hold for my own soul, for my family—my wife, daughters, and son—and for you. May it be so, as we continue to live in the victory secured by Christ. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen. Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. And now Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, Joy. Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life. Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ. Amen. OUR WEBSITE: www.dailyradiobible.com We are reading through the New Living Translation. Leave us a voicemail HERE: https://www.speakpipe.com/dailyradiobible Subscribe to us at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Dailyradiobible/featured OTHER PODCASTS: Listen with Apple Podcast DAILY BIBLE FOR KIDS DAILY PSALMS DAILY PROVERBS DAILY LECTIONARY DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL
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Thank you

Thank you Hunter for your positive words and wisdom I listen to you every day. I appreciate your dedication, your effort and time of making a podcast. Every single day is motivating me to listen to you and to share with others.

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You are loved!

That is the message I hear everyday in this podcast. Hunter and Heather do an excellent job of walking with us through God’s word and reminding us that God wants relationship with us and that our hearts and minds can be directed toward our Savior through his word. Over the past year my heart has heard many messages of hope, love and forgiveness. I am looking forward to what God has to say to my heart this year. Thank you Hunter for being my “Bible reading coach.” I have truly been blessed.

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An everyday blessing

Like you, I imagine, I was looking for a daily Bible plan. What I found was so much more. The DRB Not only goes through the Bible over the course of a year in a very smart way, but also includes a short but well thought-out discussion and a beautiful prayer. It is an excellent 20-30 minutes that you can use to start, center or end your day right. I think it could be especially helpful if you are feeling lost or unloved, and who isn’t sometimes?

Give the DRB a try, and chances are you’ll be a daily listener like me.

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