• #334; Ali Gilbert - what keeps you from progress & How the pursuit of building a better physique can change your whole life
    Jul 19 2024

    So we have spoken on many podcasts before about fuelling our bodies for the results we want…

    But we also both came from

    • A fear of eating more

    • A fear of doing less

    • A fear of carbs

    • A fear of increasing our calories

    • A fear of carbs

    How clothes can even hold us back, or scales

    our stories with luke when we started revamped

    ** outsourcing - why is a coach so valuable in this

    The gain before lose

    No real program

    Fear of getting bulky

    “My body is different, my legs gain too fast”

    “Its different when youre older”

    “I just get bulky”

    “I just get fat”

    Fears you had, where you are now

    Just because you eat food…. Or train doesnt mean youll know

    • Why protein is soooo beneficial

    How “general advice” online can ruin peoples progress

    • We see these short term things and freak the fuck out

    How focusing so much on short term results robs you from ever reaching long term ones

    Lol i eat 180-220g easy without protein powder

    HEAT is a waste of calories ….

    • Scales

    • bf%

    • Macro calculators

    “I need carbs to train”

    • Why is it you need to focus on health first….? Like if you think about someone who has a higher blood pressure, resting HR

    How youve seen these lifestyle changes benefit people

    How all of thi stuff can factor into a better life - people don't see it when they start… but how - i know you promote this for the guys you coach but how can the mums and women here apply this?

    How an active life can really help your health & body coposition

    • Why food quality also matters (thinking of the work to break it down

      PAST EPS:






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    56 mins
  • #333; Physique development over time & improving long term. The big rocks that matter: Training. Gareth Sapstead
    Jul 12 2024



    Physique development over time

    • Looking so far into the future for what you want to achieve that you neglect the actions you need to take now which may not be fancy, IG worthy or what you like/want to do but we need to build the foundations

    • Without foundations you only plateau harder

    • Without foundations you only leave yourself a larger gap to fall back to when things don't go perfectly (which they wont) or you have a bad session, emotional day, holidays, etc…

    • Its easy to have time scarcity in terms of i need to rush this, do all these things now to achieve all these things and get better at all these things but realistically - you can only recover from so much and many of the things you see on the gram may not be conducive to you… its just something new to get more likes and engagement

    So with that lets talk about how to go about addressing physique development over time starting at training foundations and goals…

    How do you typically assess clients when they first sign up and how do you find their base line for things to “tidy up” improve etc and what are some common glaring things that youve seen over the years from most women who have been trying to get this toned physique their whole life

    • The things you see people doing now arent always what has led to the physique they have now

    Idea of psychology

    Doing what we need vs what we want and incorporating it so you can enjoy it while giving it what you need

    Simply NOT dieting does not mean intentionally building muscle

    Does not mean intentionally eating for progress, training for progress… your process wasnt there

    Again outcome focus end goal focus lets you down

    You need to buckle TF down

    • Volume adjusts but you cant force train either - its always smart training

    • Also important to realise it is a large muscle and it holds glycogen and water for days when you are training

    This really matters for how we plan your physique development over time

    Sometimes we have slower phases of learning skills which may not see big weights move

    You might need alot of core & lower back strengthening

    Where are the weaknesses in the chaing

    - why sometimes big barbell moves arent the answer in some phases

    - common training mistakes you see with this huge trend to grow the glutes but many programs being focused on alot of less ideal moves vs big bang for buck, but also why many people are doing all the kickbacks and thrusts but still not seeing the change in their legs

    • How only chasing prs every session holds you back

    • Other things to focus on for progress outside of increasing weights each week or even reps

    Learning the difference between breathing and bracing is MASSIVE

    How do you teach that as bracing tends to be a huge set back for so many people

    There is a huge difference between CORE training and ABS training…

    Can we talk a bit about your favorite core moves and abs moves? -

    Food: not undereating their calories

    Many people want this toned physique but their pursuit of leaner is usually done with the wrong training modalities, poor exercise selection and not staying in a build for long enough

    Dieting to lose the first 10lb to the next 10lb etcetc

    Your body doesnt like change fullstop so it is hard

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 21 mins
  • #332 Anti wellness wankery - so what you are doing isnt working??
    Jul 5 2024
    33 mins
  • #331-Kelly Mack on everything muscle and getting the leaner athletic physique. training, nutrition,
    Jun 28 2024



    When you go to train – whats the actually bottleneck to your physique

    There are many ways you can optimize movements

    But on the other hand you cant just go load yourself with big ass moves if there are things that we know that will plateau

    - She cut her fat loss short

    - When you made it you see this stuff

    TRAINING about

    Food about

    What it takes

    Show more Show less
    58 mins
  • #330; Training for the physique you want- why lifting heavy or hard isnt enough/ Jeremiah Bair
    Jun 21 2024




    And yes tehy think its pushing it further

    But when they try to build… get uncomfy or diet for the next summer or event

    And find themselves more unhappy and more disappointed






    Why its so important to spend more time building muscle

    Realities of building muscle & how its not jsut eat more

    You need to learn how to train HARD

    Build up your training capacity

    Matching the reps to the exercises as well ans the right exercises for you

    How about general

    Number sets

    Reasons i like the hip thrust

    Why having a coach is so fuckign important for this phase

    How your own cognitive distortions and how you arent seeing yourself as you are can hold you back

    Most online programs arent effective



    Why jumping straight into fat loss even if you ahve fat to lose wont set you up for success

    How we sabotage ourselves

    Show more Show less
    57 mins
  • 329 Make your health & fitness goals an enjoyable ride, not a chaotic rollercoaster Aram Grigorian
    Jun 21 2024



    I feel like people FEEL they need more work than they realise

    That training in itself is what will ghet us there

    It is ONLY weight training – SMART training – that builds the body

    But the shit all around it – the nutrition, the lifestyle, the habits

    They matter

    Training doesn’t burn that many calories

    More usually leads to body decomposition

    Because you cant recover, you aren’t able to give your best every session the same way on a smart prog

    And then you aren’t building muscle

    You gain more fat bc you arnet in a prime place for muscle and your habits most likely have you getting softer over time

    Where is the experience in all of this

    Enjoying the process

    You can have the meal plan the training

    But lets talk about what stopped you getting results before

    Why you lost them if you got them

    Lets start there

    - I didn’t start here

    - I have non negotiables

    Once your quality of life improves, the aesthetics look after themselves

    Because what you do everyday improves

    Your energy improves

    Your motivation, momentum, base line habits improve.

    - focus on the movemnts and how they feel

    - they don’t make menus and tailor our food environment in bubbles for our calorie flexibility

    - if you didn’t have that mindset of tradeoffs, its not all or nothing – you would have had a worst outcome and you wouldn’t have been able to do what was needed for your big event. You wouldn’t have had the energy or clarity

    That’s the thing there are non negotiables. You aren’t going to be good at managing life in these periods if you only care in perfect circumstances.

    - You can want it but do your actions align?

    Hard as a coach to challenge you and to have conversations especially when you yourself avoid them

    Wanting to look better **

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    57 mins
  • #328; What is progress - Without THIS you cant live your life the way you want NOT live a life that you love/ Stu Graham
    Jun 14 2024


    Resilience is the real flex

    This is where people can be a bottle neck to themselves in not being patient in this process

    Resistance is not bad

    What people think they need to do to get to their goal is rarely reality

    And how most advice out there sets people up to yoyo or be

    Start action and then you get motivation but no

    Motivation needs to be there and we do have it. Thats why you want change. Its just we put it into the wrong places with the wrong ideas of

    Meet ourselves where we are

    YIN x YANG

    Discipline isnt bad, its just how its used

    Its not the tool but how its used

    You wont always enjoy it but itll come. Kind of like my running. And then i started loving the hate for it for how it makes me feel

    The reason why i have confidence and where i am now is because i do something hard more often than not

    constantly chasing more thinking that will make them happy

    Or just checking boxes

    Where does the relationship with our bodies and food come into this and our past stories are

    MOTIVATION…. How relying on it sets you back and thinking you need more willpower and discipline sets you back. They are parts of the process no doubt, but how we use them is all wrong

    We cant change what we arent aware of

    Sense of self is more than one thing, we are many dimensions of self

    We are too busy trying to make a masterpiece of our bodies and fix that stuff over making our lives our masterpiece, we are forgetting how all of that is the soil on which we are doing the gardening of our habits, actions and selves

    Visual accommodation

    You cant think yourself out of a thinking dilemma or fix something with the same mindset that created it

    You cant see the box from the inside, or the storm from the inside

    You question everything except that which you absolutely believe to be true

    Becoming more aware in itself is progress


    We arent rational humans

    Fat loss is never the happy end point. Its part of the process but a goal usually as a means to a greater goal that has more holding power - because yes some people have fat to lose and many may need to lose a decent amount for health - but its rarely ever a holding force for results beacuse we can easily sabotage our way back to where we were before or worse

    What is progress - Without THIS you cant live your life the way you want NOT live a life that you love

    Dj board dials

    They may make amazing music at times but at other times just sound like noise

    The more you try to force, pressure, berate, control.. The less you actually have

    You can get all the progress, make amazing changes, but never even realise it because you didnt work on the relationship with your body image and self or do the inner work

    You didnt look into your actual LIFE


    Yes health seeking but it seems like people think that that and body goals are 2 different things

    They arent 2 different things its health AND physique

    I like focusing on performance. Health drives performance. Fuel and nourishment drives it. Respecting youself improves it

    And performance is also perf in life → physique

    Realities of progress. The diminishing returns as you advance

    Measures of progress that matter more as physique change is slow

    How the scale sets us back and many others back

    exhaust ourselves with more stress which further sends us backwards vs asking for help and realising old keys wont open new doors

    I have a saying that “youll never get results with any new approach or coach if you keep the same mindset as all the prior times you failed or fell off or quit”[

    Lets dig in

    Again unrealistix expectations

    Cognitive distortions in your journey and how chasing a former you holds you back

    How you can make huge changes in a small amount of time and what those look liek in reality - and how not seeing those as the biggest pieces of the transformation puzzle will hold you back long term because nothing else is permanent without it

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • #327 Do you want to be skinny OR lean? To look softer or defined? WHAT IT TAKES TO BUILD THE LEAN PHYSIQUE YOU WANT/ Brandon DaCruz
    Jun 7 2024

    Thing is that its not just about helping clients to lose weight - because so many people can do that on their own tho i will say HOW to get from A to B really matters for hte rest of the journey , iuts the rest of it that a coach is most beneficial for and why a coach is an invaluable piece of the puzzle for the long term vs the old promoted way of just a diet….

    Its not “teach them how and let them off” because its not just a diet anymore, its like, its proactive health and longevity, its teaching a better way to live. Its all the stuff needed to thrive in life. Sometimes the hard conversations and a coach challenging you against your need to always lean out is the best thing for you because thats where many women find themselves

    So why is it so important to focus on building muscle and committing to building phases ** which can be eating maintenance too but just committing to building OUT of a diet in general

    Do you want to be skinny or lean;

    How dieting for every occasion hold you back

    Not staying in one long enough - give it at least 16 months

    Burn more in the gym - my approach to build training capacity

    Getting leaner in the future much easier

    My weight from when i started

    “We can diet at any time to get lean” *** time fallacy *** conception of time

    *** i want to lkook like ____________


    Do you want to be skinny or lean?

    FEELS LIKE WE ARE WORKING SO HARD BC WE ARE PUTTING IT IN FOCUS, but do your actions align? Your HONEST mindset & focus… or is dieting still on your mind

    “I don't want to get bulky”

    Genetics of abs and glutes



    How we don't see ourselves as we are and how we hold ourselves back with bottle necking

    A coach is the most important here because we will always sabotage

    How clothes arent a great measure of progress if you get antsy about tight jeans and pants

    Food choices - like brandon said

    Beliefs around food and relship with food can also screw you over and alter hormones

    Emotional eating, boredom etc can turn your maintenance/building phase into more fat > muscle

    Not hoarding your food for night time to optimise your progress in this phase


    Mindset and psychology ones



    Not eating enough to build

    Eating too much

    And change isn’t happening quick! So settle in. Stop changing things up because you don’t see a change after 12 wks! Not to say nothing is happening in that amount of time, but it’s very unfair to have such high expectations on your body!!

    Every time you decide to diet when you feel too uncomfortable with extra weight, you likely are stopping the muscle building process. Many of you need more muscle to get the look you want, not more dieting. Stop constantly sabotaging your goals!

    If your goal is a lean or toned body,

    To reduce your bodyfat % and look chiseled

    Fat loss is only half the equation.

    The other half is BUILDING MUSCLE.

    Too many women never reach their physique goals cos

    they're only focused on fat loss (& go about it the wrong way)

    In real time; the RATIO of building muscle is 5:1

    Building muscle is where it's at for changing the shape + composition of your body.

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    1 hr and 4 mins