
  • Radical Self-Tenderness: Christie Hardwick
    Jul 23 2024
    Tenderness is pleasurable. So why does it feel like something to avoid, something to cringe from, something to quickly get through? When you are tender with yourself, or someone is tender with you, it is vulnerable. So why not be vulnerable? We all have our stories. Radical Self Tenderness takes self care to the next level. We cultivate within us a vibration of love that heals, What if taking care of you is part of taking care of the world? If you live tenderly on the inside could it contribute to more tenderness in your life and in those whose lives you touch? Can you be tender with what causes you to feel pain? Can you see how self acceptance contributes to peace? What if we were meant to love ourselves? What would that make possible?
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    1 hr
    Jul 16 2024
    Understand and embrace the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embody and express presence. Recognize subtle attributes of life that hold the illusion of separation. Yield to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss the new trilogy of LIVING, BEING KNOWING (Available now at iamsimran.com or anywhere books are sold. ) You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
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    1 hr
  • Modern Alchemy: Adora Winquist
    Jul 9 2024
    Are you a Modern Alchemist? Modern Alchemy is a sacred dance of ancient wisdom interwoven with modern practices—where science meets spirituality and offers us an opportunity to discover more peace, unity, and direction of our true passion and purpose. The path of the modern alchemist is a quest to find the master keys to your most fulfilling and vibrant life. It is the hero or heroines journey that focuses on transforming the world within you. This quest is a journey inward that is grounded in both principles and practical action in this physical world to support you to engage more effectively and harmoniously with the world around you.
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    1 hr
  • The Body Code: Lisa Francolini
    Jul 2 2024
    Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
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    1 hr
  • The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell
    Jun 25 2024
    A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
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    1 hr
  • Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony
    Jun 18 2024
    Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
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    1 hr
  • Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza
    Jun 11 2024
    “Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
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    1 hr
  • Divine Lens: Sue Frederick
    Jun 4 2024
    Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
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    1 hr