• Ep12 - Curiosity as a Superpower (with Nik Hulewsky of CoFounders.com)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, Nicholas Hulewski discusses his journey as a modern industrialist and shares insights into his current focus on podcasting and content creation.

    He elaborates on his belief that building an audience can serve as a competitive advantage, and touches upon the technical aspects of setting up a podcast studio. Nicholas also shares personal reflections on parenting, communication skills, gratitude for his wife's support, and the challenges of monetizing content creation.

    He emphasizes the importance of curiosity and continuous learning, providing actionable advice for aspiring content creators.

    • 00:00 Introduction to the Modern Industrialist
    • 00:20 Current Business Ventures
    • 00:41 Defining Industrialism
    • 01:07 Five Key Questions
    • 01:17 Learning and Personal Growth
    • 01:53 Family Reflections
    • 03:09 Business Bets and Future Plans
    • 04:28 The Importance of Communication
    • 05:37 Gratitude and Personal Challenges
    • 07:11 Monetizing Content and Final Thoughts
    • 08:16 Encouragement and Closing Remarks

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    10 mins
  • Ep11 - Empowering Small Businesses (with Rob Levin of Work Better Now)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, Rob Levin shares his journey from working with large companies to focusing on small and mid-sized businesses.

    Rob emphasizes the value of hiring remote talent from Latin America and the positive impact it has on these businesses and the employees. He discusses his experiences and insights on effective hiring strategies, the importance of having an assistant, and maintaining a growth mindset.

    The episode provides practical advice for entrepreneurs on scaling businesses and managing talent effectively.

    • 00:00 Introduction and Personal Preferences
    • 00:40 Casual Conversation and Daily Routine
    • 01:23 Business Overview and Mission
    • 01:57 Defining a Modern Industrialist
    • 03:02 Impact and Satisfaction in Business
    • 03:54 Five Questions Segment
    • 04:23 The Importance of Hiring and Delegation
    • 10:10 Gratitude and Personal Reflections
    • 11:09 Challenges and Future Goals
    • 15:38 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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    17 mins
  • Ep10 - Leveraging Content: Turn Distribution into a Product (Rameel Sheikh of The Bottleneck)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, Rameel discusses the journey from industrial ventures to founding a media company.

    He shares insights on content creation, the importance of distribution, and the unexpected opportunities he has encountered through his newsletter. Rameel also reflects on personal experiences, including his decision to leave a high-growth startup to focus on family, and offers advice on balancing work, family, and health.

    The conversation covers the distinctions between roles in project management and operations, all while emphasizing the importance of knowing one's goals and environment.

    • 00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Content Creation
    • 00:52 Defining Modern Industrialism
    • 01:29 Bootstrap Success Stories
    • 02:19 Accidental Business Ventures
    • 03:48 Content Creation and Distribution
    • 09:28 Balancing Work, Family, and Health
    • 16:07 The Role of Project Management in Operations
    • 20:37 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    21 mins
  • Ep9 - Connecting Talent and Opportunity (Donald Spann of Life Tech Staffing Agency)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, we discuss Donald’s ventures in staffing and entrepreneurship.

    Donald, who specializes in sourcing senior-level talent in the life sciences and runs a staffing agency, shares insights on the evolving nature of work, the value of remote work, and his bilingual staffing strategy. He also delves into the importance of sales skills, the impact of friends and family on his journey, and his gratefulness for his support network.

    Highlighting his ambition to break into new business categories, he emphasizes the significance of taking action to achieve success.

    • 00:00 Introduction: The Modern Industrialist
    • 00:10 Business Ventures and Staffing Agencies
    • 00:42 5Qs Pod: Latest Learnings
    • 02:35 Business Bets and Remote Work
    • 08:13 The Importance of Sales Skills
    • 10:29 Gratitude and Personal Reflections
    • 12:07 Challenges and Opportunities
    • 13:40 Core Skillset: Recruiting and Staffing
    • 15:48 Final Thoughts: Taking Action

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    17 mins
  • Ep8 - The Future of Business Automation (with Grant Hushek of GrantBot Process Consulting)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the world of business automation and sales strategies with the founder of Grant Bot Consulting.

    From discussing the importance of selling business insurance for automation agencies to modern industrialism, Grant shares his journey of building efficient systems and processes. He details his recent transition into full-time consultancy, the significance of empathetic client follow-ups, and his experiences in sales training with a coach named Brian.

    We also explore the challenges he faces, including the importance of minimizing downtime in automation, crafting compelling maintenance offers, and the critical roles of people and processes in business growth. He emphasizes the need for awareness of tech stack integrations through platforms like Zapier and shares personal stories about his support system and the importance of gratitude.

    The discussion touches on the essential knowledge and experience required to effectively audit business processes, offering valuable insights for budding entrepreneurs and consultants alike.

    • 00:00 Introduction to Automation Agencies
    • 00:34 Defining the Modern Industrialist
    • 01:12 Background and Journey of Grant Bot Consulting
    • 01:57 Sales Training and Client Follow-ups
    • 06:51 The Importance of Business Insurance for Automation
    • 10:45 Understanding Tech Stack Integrations
    • 12:33 Gratitude and Personal Reflections
    • 14:21 Challenges in Auditing and Process Consulting
    • 18:39 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    19 mins
  • Ep7 - Navigating Digital Operations and AI (with Micah Johnson of BGBO Co. & Arvo)
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, I engage with Micah Johnson, who shares insights from his journey through three ventures, with a focus on the complexities of integrating digital operations and AI in business.

    We discuss the difficulties of hiring for specialized roles, the gap in current education and training for such positions, and how tools like Zapier, Asana, and Airtable are making industrial methodologies accessible to smaller businesses.

    He also highlights the massive potential and opportunities in digital automation, shares personal experiences from his ventures, and offers practical advice for fellow entrepreneurs.

    • 00:00 Introduction and Initial Thoughts
    • 01:05 Meet Micah Johnson
    • 01:51 Micah's Business Journey
    • 03:03 Latest Learnings and Insights
    • 04:01 The Gap in Hiring for Digital Operations
    • 05:28 Opportunities in Digital Operations and AI
    • 06:52 Business Bets and Training Initiatives
    • 08:18 Personal Reflections and Challenges
    • 09:41 Gratitude and Support System
    • 12:25 Marketing Strategies and Speaking Engagements
    • 16:12 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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    17 mins
  • Ep6 - Systems, Scaling and Embracing AI (with Max Grant of REV SCALE)
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode, Max discusses the intricacies and challenges of scaling a business, the transition to a content producer mindset, and the importance of staying humble and grateful throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

    He also hints at a new business venture, talks about the impact of AI on the agency landscape, and shares his thoughts on finding true meaning and purpose in life and work.

    Emphasizes the importance of understanding systems and avoiding the pitfalls of taking on problematic clients.

    • 00:00 Navigating Business Growth and Systems
    • 00:10 Exploring the Impact of AI on Agencies
    • 02:09 The Journey of Personal and Professional Development
    • 03:49 Strategic Business Moves and Future Plans
    • 05:50 The Power of Networking and Leveraging Talent
    • 06:27 Operational Strategies and Scaling Challenges
    • 09:53 Innovative Approaches to Business and Hiring
    • 11:44 Maximizing Efficiency with Systems and Automation
    • 14:00 Expanding Reach Through Content and Community
    • 17:49 Exploring Business Models and AI Integration
    • 18:51 Productized Services and Client Retention Strategies
    • 19:53 Navigating Client Relationships and Operational Challenges
    • 22:34 Strategic Client Selection and Pricing Models
    • 27:41 Global Talent Acquisition and Cost Efficiency
    • 28:41 Personal Connections and Business Insights
    • 33:00 Future Plans and Personal Development Goals

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    34 mins
  • Ep5 - Redefining Entrepreneurship Through Storytelling (with Rob Ryan of The Storytellers Company)
    Jul 16 2024

    In this intriguing conversation, Rob Ryan shares his perspective on the significance of storytelling and relationships in today's business world, particularly against the backdrop of AI and technology advancements.

    Rob emphasizes that human elements like storytelling and authentic relationships are becoming increasingly valuable, distinguishing factors for businesses. Reflecting on his experiences and the history of entrepreneurship, he draws parallels between his aspirations and the pioneering approaches of historical industrialists, aiming to create a modern business empire akin to Disney's, built on compelling narratives and deep connections. He also discusses the importance of resilience, creativity, and human observation in personal growth and business innovation, advocating for a more humanistic approach to entrepreneurship that goes beyond mere efficiency.

    His venture into podcasting and content production, through the Storytellers Company, underscores his belief in the power of genuine stories to differentiate and elevate businesses and brands in a technology-driven world:

    • 00:00 Welcome to the Business-Focused Disney World
    • 00:43 Defining Modern Industrialism and Entrepreneurial Spirit
    • 04:08 The Power of Storytelling in Business
    • 04:48 Embracing Resilience and Creativity in Personal Growth
    • 07:03 Navigating the Post-Pandemic World: Observations and Reflections
    • 08:53 The Future of Storytelling in the Age of AI
    • 16:31 Launching the Storytelling Company: A New Venture
    • 19:56 The Importance of Relationships in Business and Life
    • 22:08 Gratitude and Facing Challenges Head-On
    • 28:13 Closing Thoughts and Future Endeavors

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    30 mins