
  • Nothing Is Beautiful
    Jun 29 2024

    Yurrrrskiiii wass good widd it gangily, how we vibin? Eyem already knowing all iss bliss witcha n will continue to be as such. In this episode eye jus really have to say man nothing is beautiful… Eye truly mean,see, inner, under, & overstand that. The beauty of this world and existence and all it entails iss truly incomparable to the stunning presence of nothingness..being connected to everything and attached to no thing. Liberation & freedom. True freedom from bondage. This will conclude season one of a different Outterstanding. Eyell be back in no time with more in store. Stay tuned and in the mean time be sure to follow us on Instagram @zamanian_sols & @yaya9x1 BLISS UP

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    15 mins
  • The Illusion of Separation.
    Jun 27 2024

    Yurrrrrrr HWAAAAT IT DO FAMILY HOW ARE YALL F*CKIN VIBING GANG!!!?!?! Eyeve been away for a minute but eyeve really Just been getting more intune with myself and assisting in the creation of my divine flow. Buttttt today on this episode we talk about the illusion of separation. This really applies on all levels and that’s in fact exactly the context in which eye am discussing this topic. Separation came with the fall of consciousness that’s why you have pieces and piece/peace instead of wholeness authenticity and genuinity! Tune into the episode for a more in depth

    discussion. Don’t forget to follow me or the organization on socials @ zamanian_sols and @yaya9x1 ‼️ Til next time Wanéhaa

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    15 mins
  • Stop Running from Change
    Apr 22 2024

    Wandesa, how y’all been mane? That’s bliss

    eye hope you all have been continuing

    your growth at exponential rates!! In this episode we dive briefly into change and nature, as they are one in the same. Change cannot be avoided in any way shape or form…so why run from it? Why try to evade and elude it? It will only result in a more should eye say “explosive” lesson. What do you think of change?

    If you want to network follow us on Instagram



    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    14 mins
  • Spirituality..what is it really?
    Apr 10 2024

    Yo Yo wassup family how we Vibin? Today in

    this episode we break down the question

    of what is spirituality truly? Is it what we see on the media.. what we see in “ancient societies”? Honestly It’s none of the above but there’s hints of what it is within those things. This is where we come into play n dissect and dive into what spirituality

    truly is.

    If you want to network and connect more follow on Instagram



    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    29 mins
  • Acceptance
    Mar 30 2024

    Yurrr wadd it do, how y’all vibin gang? Dass Wassuh. On todays episode we dive into acceptance with a being eye know to be one

    of the best examples of the embodiment

    of acceptance our special guest @demorna.i. In this episode we both speak

    our individual truths on what acceptance is for us on many levels as well as what acceptance isn’t. So open ya true ears n tune

    into this message we gift to you. If you wanna lock in with our guest follow her on Instagram @demorna.i

    And if you wanna lock in with me or the Wanéhaa follow us on ig at



    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    30 mins
  • Breaking The Illusion of Good & Evil
    Mar 23 2024

    Yurrrr welcome to another episode! How

    y’all vibin mane? Dass bliss fs. So before we begin. Eyed like to introduce our special guest from WTE @suavee_888! And thank him for joining me on this episode, y’all

    be sure to follow him on Instagram and show support and tap in with the family. In this episode me and bro break down the illusion of good and evil amongst some other things that many may still be clouded by. As eye always say take your time with these episodes and truly decode for yourself how you can break these barriers. Take what is being said with a grain of sand for in the grand scheme of things that grain of sand issa piece bigger puzzle yet to be uncovered.

    If you want to network With us follow us on Instagram




    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    28 mins
  • Path of the Trickster Ep2
    Mar 19 2024

    Wandésà family, in this episode we go more in depth into the “path of the trickster” and its functions as well as some deeper insight that may not be well commonly known or understood by those that have walked this route before. The “trickster path” is nothing to fear and everything to embrace. This can only be found out by tapping in with thyself. Follow us on instagram



    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    19 mins
  • Entertaining & becoming aware of distractions
    Mar 16 2024

    In this episode we speak on distractions. Distractions are just that distractions, something that pulls your focus and attention away from you and your own cellf elevation. But you can use These distractions as tools for your growth IF you are able to identify and become aware of what it is exactly that poses as a distraction to you.

    Follow us on Instagram



    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/different-outterstanding/support
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    14 mins