• Inside Tips from Publishing Pros- with Dianne Pearce and David Yurkovich
    Jul 18 2024

    If you’ve been to this show a few times, you’ve heard me say in the intro that I want you to be the author of your own story. That statement has a double meaning. First, I like to think about our lives as a movie, where we can choose to be in charge of writing a large part of the script instead of allowing others to do it for us.

    The second meaning is more literal. Sharing the experiences and wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years could be just the inspiration someone else needs to go out and do great things in the world.

    In my conversation with Dianne Pearce, and David Yurkovich, we talk about how someone who has a story inside them, can begin thinking about getting that story into a form that can benefit others.

    Dianne and David have developed an understanding of what it takes to be a published author through their experiences with their own books and running their publishing company Current Words.

    We demystify the publishing process and talk about actionable things you can do to begin your author journey if that interests you. This is one of our longer episodes, so, refill your drink and enjoy this conversation.

    ----more---- Show Notes: Elevating Your Book: Insights and Tips from Current Words Publishing In this episode, we delve into the world of publishing with Dianne Pearce and David Yurkovich of Current Words Publishing. They share their expertise on creating quality books, covering the editorial process, tips for effective storytelling, and the importance of marketing for authors. Diane and David also discuss their journey from running a local writing workshop to establishing their publishing company, along with their collaborative efforts in helping writers produce polished and engaging work. Whether you have a story to tell or need guidance on the publishing process, tune in for actionable advice on becoming a successful self-published author. 00:00 The State of Self-Publishing 01:08 The Double Meaning of Being an Author 01:40 Introducing Diane Pierce and David Jurkovich 02:52 The Origin of Current Words Publishing 07:09 Challenges and Realities of the Publishing World 09:34 The Importance of Quality in Self-Publishing 24:12 Common Writing Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them 28:12 Supporting Writers with Grammar Challenges 28:47 Navigating First Person Point of View 31:06 Balancing Information Dumps in Writing 32:41 Maintaining the Writer's Voice 33:22 The Role of Dialogue Tags 34:05 Overcoming Analysis Paralysis in Writing 35:28 Evaluating and Coaching Story Ideas 40:16 From Manuscript to Published Book 42:55 Building a Community of Writers 46:38 Leveraging Social Media and Reviews 49:55 Instant Noodles: A Platform for Emerging Writers 51:57 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
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    54 mins
  • Master Public Speaking- with Meghan Dotter
    Jul 11 2024

    How would you feel if I asked you to speak to a room of around a hundred people? Would you be excited or terrified?

    My guest today is Meghan Dotter, founder and CEO of Portico, and author of the book titled The Reluctant Presenter. Portico is a team with expertise in storytelling, speaker training, presentation design, leadership development, and messaging.

    Meghan and I talk about how excellent presentation skills are crucial whether you are simply updating your team, or addressing a room full of investors. We talk about ways she’s helped clients create breakthroughs in their presentation skills and why TED talks aren’t always exactly what they appear to be.




    Mastering Public Speaking: Insights from Expert Megan Dotter

    In this engaging discussion, Meghan Dotter, founder and CEO of Portico and author of 'The Reluctant Presenter,' shares essential tips and strategies for effective public speaking. The conversation delves into the misconceptions about TED Talks, the fear of public speaking, and practical advice for overcoming anxiety.

    Meghan highlights real-life examples of transforming hesitant speakers into confident presenters, emphasizing the importance of connecting with the audience and framing presentations as conversations. The episode is rich with actionable insights for anyone looking to improve their presentation skills, whether they're addressing a small team or a large audience.

    00:00 The Illusion of TED Talks

    01:03 Introducing Megan Daughter: Expert in Presentation Skills

    01:47 The Reality Behind TED Talks

    02:50 Understanding the Fear of Public Speaking

    05:28 Overcoming Presentation Anxiety

    07:44 From Fear to Confidence: Success Stories

    11:32 The Journey to Effective Public Speaking

    23:37 The Impact of Virtual Presentations

    24:52 Navigating Virtual Interactions

    26:02 Challenges for Young Professionals in Hybrid Workspaces

    26:58 The Importance of Small Talk and Social Networking

    28:14 Inspiration Behind Writing a Book

    31:49 The Reality of TED Talks

    35:50 Harnessing Nervous Energy for Effective Speaking

    41:15 Practical Tips for Improving Public Speaking

    44:11 Conclusion and Contact Information

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    48 mins
  • The Power of Clowning to Bring Joy and address bullying with Bullseye the Clown
    Jul 5 2024
    Did you ever see the 1998 movie Patch Adams starring Robin Williams? Did you know that the movie was based on a real person? Well, I didn’t, but today’s guest did, and it led him down a path that focuses on bringing smiles and humanitarian aid to people in need worldwide. My guest today is Bullseye, the clown. Like so many things we all encounter in life, he thought he would dip his toes into a novel experience just once, only to find his impact on others was creating several positive effects in his life. We talk about why clowns are not just there for the kids, we also talk about bullying, and ways to prevent your kid from being bullied or becoming a bully, and how he discovered that real happiness comes from doing good things for others, so turn your volume up to eight, and let’s go! ----more---- Website http://www.bullseyetheclown.com LinkedIn URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/bullseyetheclown Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/bullseyetheclownonbullying YouTube URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/bullseyetheclown Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bullseye_clown ----more---- Summary Bullseye the Clown shares his journey of finding fulfillment by doing good things for others. He started off doing stand-up comedy but realized it wasn't fulfilling. After his father passed away, he decided to travel and joined a clown tour in Russia. The impact he had on people during the trip made him realize the power of clowning. He started using his clown persona to bring joy and humanitarian aid to people in need. He also focuses on anti-bullying and aims to empower children to stand up against bullying. The conversation explores the connection between bullying and home life, the importance of finding outlets for bullies, and the impact of bullying on both the victims and the bullies themselves. It also delves into the concept of happiness and the role of clowning in bringing joy to others. The conversation concludes with suggestions for small acts of kindness and ways to address cyberbullying. The guest provides his contact information for those interested in learning more or getting involved. Keywords clowning, humanitarian aid, anti-bullying, fulfillment, joy, transformation, bullying, home life, outlets, hurt people hurt people, happiness, clowning, joy, small acts of kindness, cyberbullying Takeaways Doing something nice for someone else can bring fulfillment and joy.Clowning can have a powerful impact on people and bring smiles to their faces.Bullying can have long-lasting effects on individuals, and it's important to address the issue.Changing patterns and being aware of one's surroundings can help prevent bullying.Empowering children to stand up against bullying is crucial. Bullies may have a bad home life and are often seeking an outlet for their own pain.Hurt people hurt other people, highlighting the cycle of bullying.Clowning and acts of kindness can bring happiness and joy to both the giver and the recipient.Parents should have open conversations with their children about bullying and cyberbullying.Small acts of kindness, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter or nursing home, can make a difference in someone's life.Being selective about social media platforms and interactions can help prevent cyberbullying.Clowns are not just for kids; they can bring laughter and joy to adults as well. Sound Bites "If things are not going the way you want them to do, the best thing we can always do is just do something nice for someone else.""Real happiness comes from doing good things for others.""There's something to the power that we have as clowns.""Hurt people hurt other people.""The joyful rebellion is all about realizing that if you're not happy with where you are right now, then you have to decide, okay, what do I do next?""Sometimes the people whose lives you change, you may never know." Chapters 00:00Finding Fulfillment Through Clowning and Humanitarian Aid 06:21The Power of Clowning to Bring Joy and Smiles 08:09Addressing the Issue of Bullying 13:49Preventing Bullying by Changing Patterns and Being Aware 23:23The Connection Between Bullying and Home Life 26:53Finding Outlets for Bullies 29:07The Impact of Bullying on Victims and Bullies 34:43The Power of Clowning and Acts of Kindness 41:54Addressing Cyberbullying 45:07Clowns: Bringing Laughter and Joy to All
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    48 mins
  • From Boredom to Brilliance: Shanti Hershenson on Writing, Motivation, and Success
    Jun 28 2024

    Today’s episode will leave you feeling one of two ways. I hope you leave feeling fired up about your next creative project, but there’s a chance you might go away feeling like it’s too late to do all the really cool things you always dreamed you would.

    Truth be told, I’m still on the fence about my own feelings on the subject, but I’m doing my best to lean toward fired up.

    My guest today is Shanti Hershenson. She began writing in 2020 in her joyful rebellion against the boredom she was experiencing during lock down. Since then she has published over sixteen books. She continues to write at least 1000 words every day, and I don’t think I mentioned it yet, but at the time of this interview, she is sixteen years old. Yeah, you heard that right.



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    Instagram (@shantihershenson) ----more---- Writing Through Boredom: The Prolific Young Author Shanti Hershenson's Journey In this episode, the host discusses the creative journey of Shanti Hershenson, a young author who began writing at 12 during the 2020 lockdown and has since published over 16 books. Shanti shares insights into her writing process, how she handles criticism and how she manages to write daily alongside her school commitments. The episode delves into her inspirations, her reaction to earlier works, and her experiences with marketing and self-publishing, while also highlighting her impactful book on middle-school bullying, 'You Won't Know Her Name.' 00:00 Reflecting on Early Writing 01:16 Introducing Shante Hershenson 02:41 The Birth of a Young Author 05:56 Choosing the Sci-Fi Genre 07:00 Critiquing Early Works 11:46 Support and Reactions 15:09 Finding Inspiration 16:34 Writing Process and Coaching 21:56 Balancing TV and Learning 22:14 Maintaining Writing Discipline 22:41 Overcoming Adversity: Writing Through Challenges 23:15 Exploring 'You Won't Know Her Name' 25:47 Impact and Reception of 'You Won't Know Her Name' 28:22 Navigating School and Writing Success 32:38 Finding Time to Write 33:32 Writing Environments and Productivity 35:54 Connecting with Readers and Future Plans 37:35 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
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    39 mins
  • Tony Schmaltz- Wake the BLEEP Up!
    Jun 20 2024
    If someone gave you a blank check to go all in on investing in your personal development, how much money would you budget for it? My guest today has spent most of his life in some sort of personal development. However, in the last 5 years he’s hit it extra hard , investing over a quarter of a million of his own dollars in himself in order to learn, grow and succeed. Tony Schmaltz has a passion for helping people upgrade their lives in any area possible. He specializes in mindset, wealth creation, relationships and happiness and has walked his talk when it comes to pursiung a better life for himself and his family. He also has a book out called wake the BLEEP UP! We’ll talk about his journey from being miserable in the corporate world, to his massive investment in himself and how that has played out so far. So take a deep breath, now exhale,alright, let’s go! ----more---- Connect with Tony: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tony.beschmaltzy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tony.schmaltz/ Website: https://www.tonyschmaltz.com/ ----more---- Summary Tony Schmaltz shares his journey of personal development and investing over a quarter of a million dollars in himself. He emphasizes the importance of filling your cup with positive energy in the morning and serving others from the overflow. Tony discusses his transformation from feeling miserable in the corporate world to finding joy and happiness through personal growth. He talks about the challenges of reconciling his past experiences with corporations and his desire to help others in a professional capacity. Tony also highlights the importance of finding joy in tasks and shares a story about being launched out of a sand hole as a metaphor for personal transformation. In this conversation, Tony Schmaltz discusses the tools he uses as a coach to help his clients overcome their fears and limiting beliefs. He introduces the concept of Witot (What I Think Others Think), which is the root of most fears and doubts. He emphasizes the importance of eliminating negative influences and developing a positive morning routine. Tony also explores the idea that there is no such thing as a bad day, only bad moments, and highlights the power of perception in shaping our reality. He shares his approach to helping clients shed self-limiting beliefs and identifies the importance of awareness and identifying the stories we tell ourselves. Tony also discusses the types of clients he typically works with and the value of investing in personal growth. Keywords personal development, positive energy, serving others, corporate world, investment, transformation, joy, authenticity, reconciliation, limiting beliefs, coaching, fears, limiting beliefs, Witot, negative influences, positive morning routine, perception, self-limiting beliefs, awareness, personal growth Takeaways Start your day with a positive morning routine to fill your cup with positive energy.Investing in personal development is an investment in yourself and everyone you affect.Reconciling past experiences with corporations can be a challenge, but it's important to find ways to serve and help others.Find joy in tasks, even the smallest ones, by gamifying them or involving others.Personal transformation requires changing limiting beliefs and being open to new possibilities. Identify and eliminate negative influences in your life to reduce fear and doubt.Develop a positive morning routine to start your day with positive energy.Shift your perception and realize that there is no such thing as a bad day, only bad moments.Become aware of your self-limiting beliefs and the stories you tell yourself.Invest in personal growth and seek the help of a coach to overcome limitations and achieve success. Sound Bites "Having a positive morning routine, starting with declarations, some sort of prayer or meditation, some exercise, maybe a walk around the block or jumping jacks, something to fill your cup with positive energy.""When we first moved to Florida, we lived in Seattle area. We moved to Florida in 2018 for a job. And it was when I got to that company that I realized I was definitely not being myself.""The total number is right around $250,000 in the last five years. It's actually a little north of that.""It's almost always about people pleasing.""Almost all of our fears, our limiting beliefs, our doubts come from what we think other people are going to think about it.""The first step for almost anybody is to be able to turn that into a positive." Chapters 00:00Filling Your Cup with Positive Energy 03:22Realizing the Need for Personal Growth 06:23Investing in Personal Development 10:10Writing a Book to Help Others 20:55Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs 22:19Developing a Positive Morning Routine 23:16Shifting from Bad Days to Bad Moments 24:42The Power of Perception 26:08Identifying and Shedding Self-Limiting Beliefs 28:28Dealing with Know-It-All Clients 31:54The Importance of Awareness 35:32Investing in ...
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    41 mins
  • Noah Heymann- Data Driven Dating
    Jun 6 2024

    My guest today is Noah Heymann, a dating and relationship coach who can’t stand seeing great people frustrated or lonely and understands that the modern dating scene and online dating don’t come naturally to anyone.

    Noah uses a science and data-driven approach to help his clients find success both in their dating journey, then well into when things start to get real with their relationship.

    He’ll share the latest science on dating. From fMRI research to improve confidence and conversation, to data insights into profiles, messages, and crowd-sourced feedback on photos.

    Oh, and this is important to mention if YOU are in a super califragalistic, just as happy as you can possibly be, kind of relationship. Well hey! Congratulations, but all the more reason to listen in today, because I bet you have a friend or loved one who is looking for that too, and I bet you’ll hear a few nuggets of wisdom you could pass along.


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    Summary Noah Hymann, a dating and relationship coach, shares insights on modern dating, online dating, and the science-driven approach to finding success in relationships. He discusses coaching clients through the challenges of dating, relationship dynamics, and the importance of values in finding a compatible partner. Noah, a dating coach, discusses the process of finding a compatible partner and navigating the world of online dating. He shares insights on identifying values, managing expectations, and building body confidence. Noah also delves into the science of confidence and the importance of self-awareness in dating and relationships. Keywords dating, relationship coach, modern dating, online dating, science-driven approach, relationship dynamics, values, compatibility, dating coach, online dating, finding a partner, values, expectations, body confidence, self-awareness, confidence, relationship advice Takeaways
    • The importance of a science-driven approach to modern dating and relationships
    • Coaching clients through the challenges of dating and relationship dynamics
    • The significance of values in finding a compatible partner Identifying values and expectations is crucial in finding a compatible partner.
    • Body confidence is essential and can be cultivated regardless of body size or shape.
    • Self-awareness and understanding one's confidence intervals are important in dating and relationships.
    Sound Bites
    • "A joyful rebellion."
    • "In order to be happy, sometimes you have to break the rules that you've been following for so many years."
    • "You can break it down. You, you've got studies, you got these things."
    • "How freaking lucky are you right now? Right? Absolutely go you guys."
    • "I was looking for someone at a five. I thought five was a 10."
    • "I learned so much about the potential upsides of cryptocurrency when I was on dating."
    Chapters 00:00The Joyful Rebellion of Modern Dating and Relationships 03:09Challenges of Dating and Relationship Dynamics 10:21A Science-Driven Approach to Dating and Relationships 24:21Identifying Values and Expectations in Dating 31:35Building Body Confidence and Self-Awareness 47:16The Science of Confidence and Self-Awareness
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    50 mins
  • Bob Martin- Finding Your Way
    May 30 2024
    I’ve met some amazing folks in this joyful rebellion, and Bob Martin is one of the most interesting people I’ve met so far on my journey. If I read his full bio, well, let’s just say, my background music would run out long before his list of career highlights. Bob is a mix of things you might not expect to go together. He currently works as a professor of business law at Elon University. He is also the Mindfulness Coordinator for the University. As a Taoist/Buddhist/Christian practitioner, Bob actively works to free people from the constraints of religious dogma and guide them toward the path of virtue and self-discovery. We talk about his most recent book titled- I Am the Way, a Taoist/ Christian devotional that reflects Bob’s commitment to bridging spiritual traditions and fostering unity and compassion among all beings. We also talk a lot about mindfulness and meditation and why creating a consistent practice has become so important to defend our minds from the information overload many of us experience daily. I can’t wait for you to hear this conversation, so let’s jump in! ----more---- Website http://www.iamthewaybook.com Website #2 https://awiseandhappylife.com/ Website #3 https://awiseandhappylife.com/meditation LinkedIn URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-martin-995b30127 Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/awiseandhappylife ----more---- Summary Bob Martin, a professor of business law and mindfulness coordinator, shares his journey of integrating different spiritual practices and ideologies. He discusses his book, 'I Am the Way,' which bridges Taoism and Christianity. Bob also talks about the importance of mindfulness and meditation in defending our minds from information overload. He shares his experience as a criminal trial lawyer and social worker, emphasizing the power of listening and validation in helping individuals change their circumstances. Bob explains the practice of meditation and the role of the observer in connecting to our true selves. In this conversation, he discusses the challenges of practicing mindfulness in a world filled with distractions and information overload. He emphasizes the importance of cleaning the 'blackboard' of the mind and reconnecting with one's true self. Bob also shares his experiences teaching meditation and the breakthroughs he has witnessed in his students. He highlights the value of having a coach or mentor in the meditation practice. The conversation concludes with a discussion about Bob's book, 'I Am the Way,' which explores the intersection of Daoism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Keywords spirituality, mindfulness, meditation, integration, Taoism, Christianity, criminal trial lawyer, social work, validation, listening, observer, mindfulness, meditation, distractions, information overload, true self, teaching, breakthroughs, coaching, book, Daoism, Buddhism, Christianity Takeaways Integrating different spiritual practices and ideologies can lead to a more holistic and fulfilling life.Mindfulness and meditation are essential practices for defending our minds from information overload.Listening and validation can have a profound impact on individuals and help them change their circumstances.The practice of meditation helps us connect with our observer, the fountain of all wisdom and our true selves. In a world filled with distractions and information overload, it is important to clean the 'blackboard' of the mind and reconnect with one's true self.Having a coach or mentor in the meditation practice can provide valuable guidance and support.Teaching meditation from a classical perspective can help individuals understand the practice and experience anxiety reduction.Bob's book, 'I Am the Way,' explores the intersection of Daoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, offering a new perspective on spirituality and the teachings of Jesus. Sound Bites "You're not aware of the fact that 20 feet down where you really live, everything is calm.""It's okay to integrate different practices, ideologies, and philosophies.""Meditation is about waking up from the default mind mush and paying attention.""You got to start to clean the blackboard up.""The moment you take the time to watch your mind is a light bulb moment for anyone.""Challenge the first thought." Chapters 00:00Introduction: Floating on the Surface 02:55Chapter 1: Bridging Taoism and Christianity 07:48Chapter 2: The Power of Mindfulness and Meditation 14:53Chapter 3: Listening and Validation for Change 24:51Cleaning the 'Blackboard' of the Mind 27:17The Light Bulb Moments in Meditation 30:32Challenging the First Thought 37:13Exploring the Intersection of Daoism, Buddhism, and Christianity
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    50 mins
  • Ari Gunzburg- The Five Keys of Greatness
    May 23 2024
    My guest today is Ari Gunzburg, an award-winning speaker and coach working to solve human disconnection. Ari inspires people using personal stories filled with triumph, tragedy, and transformation, and draws on his experiences in nature's great healing domain to give others hope and light. He is the author of the popular parable, The Little Book Of Greatness. We talk about some of the modern distractions that contribute to disconnection and how to be more aware of them. Then we discuss Ari’s five keys of greatness. I’m excited for you to hear this episode, so let’s get it going! ----more---- Connect: Website https://www.arigunzburg.com/ Website #2 https://www.5keystogreatness.com/ Website #3 https://littlebookofgreatness.com/ LinkedIn URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/arigunz Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/AriGunzburg Twitter URL https://twitter.com/AriGunzburg YouTube URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcTme9CXv-r9DP8r4HzM5cQ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/arigunz ----more---- Summary In this episode, host James Walters interviews Ari Gunsberg, an award-winning speaker and coach who focuses on solving human disconnection. They discuss the importance of nature in reconnecting with ourselves and others, and the sense of awe and humility that comes from being in nature. They also touch on the impact of technology on our sense of connection and the need for balance. Ari shares insights from his book, The Little Book of Greatness, which explores the journey of a man searching for answers and the five keys to greatness. The conversation explores the five keys to greatness: giving, reason, engagement, amazing (positive thinking), and tenacity. The guest shares how he learned these lessons the hard way and how he distilled them into a framework for a better life. The importance of checking in with oneself and being present in the moment is emphasized, as well as the role of nature in creating awareness. The conversation concludes with a discussion on how to apply the five keys in daily life and how to connect with the guest's work. Keywords nature, human disconnection, connection, sense of awe, humility, technology, balance, The Little Book of Greatness, five keys to greatness, five keys to greatness, giving, reason, engagement, positive thinking, tenacity, awareness, presence, nature, applying the keys Takeaways Nature can help us reconnect with ourselves and others, providing a sense of awe and humility.Technology can hinder our sense of connection if we become too reliant on it.Finding a balance between technology and nature is important for overall well-being.The Little Book of Greatness explores the journey of a man seeking answers and the five keys to greatness. The five keys to greatness are giving, reason, engagement, positive thinking, and tenacity.Checking in with oneself and being present in the moment is crucial for personal growth and well-being.Nature can help create awareness and provide opportunities for self-reflection.Applying the five keys in daily life can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.Connecting with the guest's work can be done through the website ariguns.com. Sound Bites "The belonging that I'm talking about is just feeling like you have a sense of togetherness and a sense of being there with the people that we're with.""We're losing that sense of community and that sense of this is where I belong in the world.""Being in nature allows me to just shut part of my brain off and reconnect with myself in a way that I am more present.""The first key is to be more giving to provide for the people around us with money, time, compassion, anything like that.""The third key is engaged, to be more present in the moment and to put the phone down and be with the people you're with.""The fourth key is amazing, which is just a keyword to remember the concept of thinking positively." Chapters 00:00Introduction 01:30The Importance of Nature in Reconnecting 08:19Finding Balance in a Digital Age 10:33Exploring the Five Keys to Greatness 25:22Nature as a Catalyst for Awareness 34:26Applying the Five Keys in Daily Life 37:38Connecting with Ari Gunz' Work
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    39 mins