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A Walk With God

By: Monk Reflections
  • Summary

  • We help you connect deeper with GOD, through consistent fellowship with the Word. Remember it is Grace that makes great. Not effort, nor strength. Not qualifications, nor connections.
    Monk Reflections
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    Jul 28 2024
    DAY 8 The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! - Zechariah 3:1 PRAYER INTENTION Continue to pray concerning your own prayer list. Behold the Cross of the Lord! Be gone all evil powers! The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered! Alleluia! Come O Holy Spirit and illuminate us- let your glory inside us come alive, let your anointing inside us come alive, let your power inside us come alive- help us to win like we are born to do, we make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen Why is it important to understand the workings of thrones? Mind you, the thrones I speak of are not the thrones in the human context of civilization, am speaking spirit issues. Listen, dominion is not a factor found among men, it is something that existed in the invisible layer that God decided he wants to give humans to walk in. Hear me when I tell you that, someone that knows the devil very well, one of the first things the person will do when he changes location is to offer sacrifices and put things in strategic places so that he or she will wield dominion over the entire territory. In fact, sometimes they can even do some incantation and spread sand or powder in the air and the wind will carry it away, and it will produce outbreaks of sickness that drugs cannot cure, so you will need to visit them to provide the cure. Listen to the voice of wisdom speaking to you the location where your business is cited, your home is cited, your ministry is cited is very very important. There is a reason why that place, that space, that land, that property is vacant and nobody is there, don’t just get excited because the offer is cheap. In fact, if you want to rent a place or acquire a property, do at least 7 days fasting and visit the place or go where the property is; you might have to physically visit the place and smell the air. Some of you they send you a picture and you say “ wow, oh nice, I want this place, it is beautiful , but what you do not know is that in the spirit that property could be a demonic shrine, burial ground, and waste land. There are some houses if you move in, you can never advance more than the owner lah, I know what am saying. I repeat where you do your business or sleep is very important, some of you just sleep anywhere. There is a reason why the place is vacant and nobody is there, or better still there is a reason why that place is very cheap and nobody has gotten it. Sometimes the landlord can be so nice to you before you came into the house, all he wants is for you to enter into the house, then you life will change like day and night. Have you ever wanted to rent and the landlord or lady already has specifications, “oh I want a young married couple, oh I want only males in my house, oh I want only ladies” -hmm ask God for discernment oooh, may be you are the next specification of sacrifice in line ooh. Fast forward you pack your things and enter that house, you have no idea who stayed there, what he or she did, spiritual intelligence will not even prompt you to consecrate the place before you enter, and now every week the doctors at the hospital are now your friends, because a member of your family is sick every week since you moved into that house. You came in with three children and a pregnant wife and every week one of your children is in the hospital, precisely because they need to be servicing the altars of witchcraft with the blood of your children that are more precious and innocent, what is that saying in the evil world concerning children, “the young are they are the sweeter they are.” My guy, my lady, shine your eyes lah, your child was healthy before you enrolled her in that school, now every week he or she is sick, do your research ooh, it could be physical, it could be spiritual, but do your research. My guy, my lady, that your business was doing very well on the table ooo, now you went to rent a store, you are accumulating loss upon loss, my guy shine your eye ooh. It could be physical or spiritual but by all means shine you eye ooh. Then you come to church and say you were given a house free of charge and you are giving testimony, that your testimony is your downfall. Some of you even go to buy items, properties, cars and you don’t consecrate them and that car can be programmed to be your coffin. There is this one they call bend down boutique in my country, aka “obroni-wawu”. The word is “obroni we wu”, white person is dead, then they collect his or her properties and ship them to you- let me ask you ooh, how many of you use the dead things or clothing of your relatives ha?, look even if you want to wear obroni we wu , pray over it. Most of those clothings you are the not the first user ooh, do you know who wore it before you, was she a witch, an occultist or wizard of the high ranking order? See let me balance this oo, am not saying don’t buy ...
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    32 mins
    Jul 27 2024
    DAY 7 "even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” - Jude 1:9 PRAYER INTENTION Begin to pray concerning your own prayer list Behold the Cross of the Lord! Be gone all evil powers! The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered! Alleluia! Come O Holy Spirit and illuminate us- let your glory inside us come alive, let your anointing inside us come alive, let your power inside us come alive- help us to win like we are born to do, we make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen What is a throne? A throne is a special chair used by a king or queen. A throne is a symbol of divine and secular rule and the establishment of a throne is a defining sign of the claim to power and authority. The New King James Version of the Bible mentions the word “throne” 168 times. The Book of Revelation describes the Seven Spirits of God which surround the throne, and its author wishes his readers in the Seven Asian churches to be blessed with grace from God, from the seven spirits who are before God's throne, and from Jesus Christ in Heaven. He states that in front of the throne there appears to be "a sea of glass, clear as crystal", and that the throne is surrounded by a lion, an ox, a man, and a flying eagle; each with six wings and covered with eyes, who constantly cry "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come" repeatedly. It is also said that" out of the throne proceeded lightnings, thundering and voices . Thrones are biblical and very spiritual, but we often neglect to deal with them in spiritual warfare circles because we gravitate toward the Ephesians 6, hierarchy and armor. Most spiritual warriors are familiar with principalities and powers, but not as much with dominions and thrones. The word “throne” in that verse [Colossians 1:16] comes from the Greek word thronos, which means a throne seat, a chair of state having a footstool. We know that Christ’s enemies will one day be made a footstool under His feet (Heb. 10:13). But right now, in the meantime, some of them are sitting on demonic thrones, and from those thrones they are projecting different kinds of negativities. Take for instance, many people—even Christians—are worshipping at the thrones of iniquity. Some are worshipping at the throne of entertainment; some at the throne of sports, work, alcohol or money. The good news is that when we come together in worship, like we are doing in this conference, we will displace the evil thrones in our regions. Worship is a powerful force. David’s worship sent the evil spirits tormenting Saul packing (1 Sam. 16:23). Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits the praises of His people. Where we establish a stronghold of praise and worship, we can unseat demonic thrones. When we press into spirit-and-truth worship—the kind of “proskuneo” worship when we reverence God the way Jesus described to the woman at the well in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” —we shift the spiritual climate, recalibrate our hearts to His presence, reject sinful attitudes, and rise up in our Christ-given authority to dispossess the enemy. Let me show you some scriptures where we come across THRONES- Colossians 1:16, “For by Him (Jesus) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” Psalm 11:4, “The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.” Isaiah 6:1, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.” Isaiah 14:13, “For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north … ”Note that, It is this throne that the angel Lucifer wanted for himself, as we see in the passage below. This caused him to become the devil, Satan, and to be cast from heaven. The prophet Daniel wrote about a judgment scene in the heavenly courtroom, where more than one throne was placed, one of which was the throne of God the Father (the Ancient of Days). Daniel 7:9-10, “I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.” Revelation 3:21, “To him who overcomes I will ...
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    19 mins
    Jul 26 2024
    DAY 6 The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! - Zechariah 3:1 PRAYER INTENTION Begin to pray concerning your own prayer list. Behold the Cross of the Lord! Be gone all evil powers! The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered! Alleluia! Come O Holy Spirit and illuminate us- let your glory inside us come alive, let your anointing inside us come alive, let your power inside us come alive- help us to win like we are born to do, we make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen Now for the sake of emphasis permit me to recapitulate this very fundamental spiritual principle, I can’t stop speaking it, because it is the foundation to victory. Romans 1:20 reads “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” This text is saying that the Invisible things in heaven has a worthy illustration in the visible realm. To the extent that as far as God’s eternal power and Godhead is concerned the physical creation is a mirror image of Gods invisible purposes, the reason it has that positive correlation is because the physical realm came out of the invisible realm. The implications of this material world coming out of the spiritual world is that we can program or manipulate this material world from the supernatural. It means the supernatural world is source from which this physical world is built, so anyone who has mastery knowledge or insight from the invisible realm can manipulate this natural realm, and it doesn’t matter which side of the divide the person is operating from, knowledge, understanding and spiritual intelligence is key. This natural realm will always be a victim, just like a baby is naturally a victim of anything the mother eats, so if the mother drinks pito, the baby in the womb drinks pito, whether it likes it or yes, if the mother eats kelewele the baby also eats kelewele. That's the kind of relationship that exist between the visible and the invisible. From the scenario I gave, the Invisible realm is the mother, and the visible is the baby. So if you want the baby (visible realm) to move in a particular direction, you don’t push the baby around, you work on the mother (invisible realm). If you can program or manipulate that realm it will reflect here in the physical realm. You see, this is why, people on the dark side of the divide, example in witchcraft, occult and various ramifications of evil, don't want to leave because what they are taught is how to manipulate the invisible realm to affect the visible realm. You will have observed that the greatest warlocks, fetish priests, etc are dwelling in very poverty-stricken areas. Have you ever wondered why? They are in strange places where you will not like to stay and it appears like they are living a life of poverty and you wonder why they can’t make themselves rich but have the ability to make others rich, and your MP will go to visit that strange location because election is coming, it is precisely because the person operating that altar has intelligence on how to manipulate the unseen realms to the advantage of humans. It’s funny how, some people think that the outcome of politics is a function of pollen units and census, so the natural person will come and say things like "you know from the constituency we have the numbers, and since politics is a game of numbers there is the likelihood that my people are going to stand behind me.” My guy, my lady- that permutation you are doing is from a wrong realm, the people that know and understand the game travel further than you ooh, you be there and be using statistics as a ground for your analysis- you are too weak to be in charge, because the realities that govern this place are determined by intelligence on how to program or manipulate the unseen realities because of how this physical realm is an offshoot of the invisible. My people, the unseen realm is more structured and real than this physical realm ooh. It is more tangible and more enduring, so when you see a young warlock or apprentice babalawo in training, one of the first principles they teach them is that wealth is mundane; that physical things don't have any value, it is the spiritual things that matter. That’s why he or she is in a hut in a poverty stricken area in some forsaken bush and you will have to travel hundreds of kilometers, park your car and cross rivers and bushes to get to him in the middle of nowhere but he is controlling you in your city, palaces, homes and churches. We lack spiritual intelligence ooh, may the Lord help us, He is in that village with no electricity or potable drinking water but some of your Members of Parliament, some of your pastors, some of your family and friends take instructions from him, he tells them to dance and ...
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    17 mins

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