• Navigating Life's Turning Points: Ray Catania's Story of His Near Death Experience and Spiritual Path
    Jun 25 2024

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    Can a near-death experience transform your life forever? This week on A Witch, a Mystic, and a Feminist, we sit down with Ray Catania, an award-winning author and intuitive, who shares his breathtaking journey from atheism to spirituality. At 20, Ray faced a terrifying natural gas leak that led to an out-of-body experience, revealing extraordinary insights into life, death, and beyond. Discover how this pivotal moment shifted his entire worldview and set him on a remarkable path of self-discovery and purpose.

    Ray opens up about the hurdles he had to overcome post-NDE, including substance abuse, skepticism, and the eerie moments in his first apartment that defied explanation. He credits his wife's unwavering support and love for helping him embrace the spiritual aspects of his experience, which he had initially shunned. Hear about those crucial, life-saving moments where an inexplicable guiding voice intervened, steering Ray away from danger and guiding him toward a purpose-driven life.

    The episode gets even more compelling as Ray recounts the unexpected discovery of his mediumship abilities. Faced with the challenge of revealing this newfound gift, he received validation and mentorship from both a psychologist girlfriend and a reputable medium. This mentorship not only affirmed his experiences but also deepened his spiritual journey, leading to a transformative birthday retreat and the acceptance into an exclusive mentorship program. Join us for an inspiring episode packed with extraordinary encounters and life-altering revelations that you won't want to miss.

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    50 mins
  • Career Crossroads and Moonlit Pathways to Personal Growth
    Jun 11 2024

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    Carrying around that one special book without ever cracking it open? We've all been there, and in our latest episode, Jamie, Marlena, and Christy get real about the books they hoard with the best of intentions. As they journey beyond their literary confessions, Christy shares how the universe threw her a curveball with a surprise career opportunity, upending her usual slow and steady approach with a demand for rapid decision-making. Our conversation waltzes through the joys of anticipated fiction reads and the serendipity of life's offerings, revealing the unexpected twists in our personal and professional narratives.

    Sometimes, growth requires a leap into the unknown. This episode explores the gutsy mindset shift needed to trade the security of a corporate job for the thrill of a new venture, and how embracing discomfort can be the catalyst for profound personal development. Marlena steers us through the complexities of compassionate leadership, while we confront the internal tug-of-war between spirituality and skepticism. It's a candid look at the hurdles we face when aligning our actions with our aspirations, and the resilience we find along the way.

    Our exploration doesn't stop at career and personal growth; we delve into the mystical influences in our lives, from moon energy work to the potential spiritual roots of physical ailments. Jamie opens up about her transformative experiences with lunar cycles, inviting you to consider how these natural rhythms could shape your own life. We wrap this episode with gratitude, encouraging you to explore the insights from our past discussions available on our website. Tune in for a tapestry of anecdotes, revelations, and an invitation to embrace the books and experiences that shape our journeys.

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    37 mins
  • Julia Halina Hadas on the Essence of Moon Magick and Celestial Insights
    May 28 2024

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    I never thought the scent of beetroot would herald a magical discussion, but return guest, Julia Halina Hadas, author of "The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magic," proved us wrong. A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist are back this week, and Julia leads us through the moonlit path of intuition and healing within witchcraft, contrasting it with the broader strokes of astrology's zodiac signs and celestial bodies. As we lingered on the pages of her book (some mysteriously infused with that earthy aroma), we found ourselves delving into the synchrony of science and spirituality, and the quirky tales of Julia's past, including her stint as a cover band vocalist.

    Amidst laughter over beet-inspired air fresheners, we surrendered to the lunar energy that has always tugged at human heartstrings. Julia's insights into the moon—once a source of childhood spooks, now a beacon of cycles, energy, and feminine power—enriched our understanding of its place in contemporary culture. Could this resurgence of interest in the moon's magic hint at a collective shift in consciousness, or is it the personal spiritual awakening of individuals? We navigated the myriad traditions and practices of moon magic, celebrating the moon's phases and how they shape our rituals for manifesting desires.

    As we wound down our celestial sojourn, Julia shared her visions for the future: crafting spells attuned to moon signs, a potential cocktail book blending mixology and magic, and her budding YouTube channel. Her passion for preserving the depth of moon sign wisdom in her work was palpable, as were the personal adventures coloring her writing journey. Julia left us not only with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of lunar cycles but also with an eager anticipation for the mystical mixtures she's brewing for her readers and viewers next.

    For more information about Julia Halina Hadas, you can go to her linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/juliahalina where you can go to her website, order her books, visit her blog, and so much more.

    Instagram: @juliahalinahadas

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    39 mins
  • Unlocking the Soul's Narrative Through Tarot with Kate Van Horn
    May 14 2024

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    When the cards of life are dealt, some hands require a deeper exploration to understand their meaning. Kate Van Horn, a sage in the mystical arts, joins us to share her journey from the dark corridors of trauma to the enlightening path of tarot. Her book, "Inner Tarot," is not just a guide to the ancient practice but a memoir of resilience that stitches together the wisdom of the tarot with the fabric of personal healing. Kate's story is one of transformation, revealing the power of vulnerability and the instrumental role tarot has played in her recovery from sexual trauma, PTSD, and eating disorders.

    As we weave through the conversation, the tarot emerges as a mirror, reflecting our deepest selves through its timeless imagery. Kate illustrates how she reinvigorates these ancient archetypes, assisting us in seeing our own stories within the cards. Whether you are new to the tarot or have a wealth of experience shuffling through life's deck, her insights on teaching intuition are a lighthouse guiding us to the shores of self-understanding. We also revel in the serendipity of her path, sparked by the simple gift of a tarot deck and fanned into a flame that now lights the way for others.

    But the revelations don't stop with the shuffle of cards; they extend to the spaces we inhabit. Kate, with her nuanced understanding of feng shui and numerology, opens the door to the energies that dance within our homes. She takes us on a tour of how she merges feng shui with modern living, creating sanctuaries that resonate with our spiritual frequencies. If you've ever wondered about the silent stories your home tells through its address number or why certain rooms evoke specific feelings, this episode will paint your curiosity with answers. Kate's life, marked by an upcoming marriage and the desire to connect through retreats and intuitive coaching, serves as a testament to the harmony that can be achieved when we align our inner and outer worlds. Join us for this soul-stirring episode that promises to enlighten, inspire, and transform.

    For more information on Kate Van Horn you can go to her websites:

    Follow her at:
    IG: Kate.Van.Horn
    TikTok: kate.vanhorn

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    33 mins
  • Marlena’s Chronicle of Trusting the Universe and Releasing Control
    Apr 30 2024

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    Ever find yourself trying to micromanage the universe? I sure have, and let's just say it's been quite the wild ride. On this episode of 'A Witch, A Mystic and A Feminist', I, Marlena, pull back the curtain on my personal struggles with control, especially in the context of the Law of Attraction. I share a story about a job opportunity that seemed destined by the stars, yet turned out to be the universe's way of teaching me to let go. This isn't just my story, though; it's a mirror to reflect on our collective need to control and the fear that drives it.

    Our conversation will take us through the labyrinth of our control issues and the coping mechanisms we've built like fortresses around us. But what if these walls are actually keeping us from the magic that happens when we collaborate with the cosmos? Join me as we explore the paradox of surrendering to the universe's wisdom, even when our logic screams for a tighter grip. I invite you into this dance of trust and release, where personal anecdotes and mystical insights blend, revealing what it truly means for us control enthusiasts on our spiritual journeys. No guests, just you and me, embarking on a path where the unknown becomes our ally in growth and transformation.

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    9 mins
  • Embracing Transformation: Tanon's Unfolding Journey Through the Gifts of Yoga
    Apr 23 2024

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    Have you ever discovered something that unexpectedly shifted the course of your life? Our guest Tanon shares her transformative journey with yoga, a voyage that began in the unlikeliest of places—a horror movie in her youth. As she transports us from her early curiosity to the moment her passion for yoga led her to become a guiding light for others, we celebrate the resilience and clarity this ancient practice has brought to her and our community. Her story is not just a testament to the personal growth that yoga can foster, but also an invitation to explore the depths of its teachings.

    Imagine a path that integrates every aspect of your being—the physical, ethical, and spiritual. This is the essence of the eight limbs of yoga, a topic we dissect with reverence and fascination. We unravel the intricate tapestry of yoga's discipline, from the foundational yamas and niyamas to the ultimate goal of Samadhi. Through personal reflections and the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, we uncover the profound ways yoga can serve as a steadfast companion on our most challenging days, providing solace, focus, and a connection to the divine.

    Acknowledging the gift of Tanon's approachable and inclusive presence, we celebrate the diversity of yoga's reach. This episode highlights the misconception of yoga as a mere exercise and praises the power of breathwork and meditation. With the guidance of a compassionate teacher like Tanon, yoga becomes a sanctuary for every body and soul—offering strength, acceptance, and transformation. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or taking your first tentative steps on the mat, this conversation promises to inspire and affirm your personal practice.

    Tanon currently teaches at Flow Yoga and Wellness in Tracy, CA. If you are interested in attending any of her classes you can find her schedule at www.flowyogastudios.com

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    37 mins
  • Dreamscapes and Inner Journeys with Guest, Megan Mary
    Apr 16 2024

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    Ever woken up from a vivid dream, certain there was a hidden message just beyond your grasp? Megan Mary, a trailblazer in Women's Dream Analysis, joins us to shed light on the intricate tapestry of our dreams and how they can guide personal evolution. Our conversation unveils the truth that dreams are not random fragments of our day but tailored communications from our subconscious, rich with significance. We tackle the hurdles of dream recall, revealing why some memories remain elusive and how setting a clear intention can unlock the doors to these nightly escapades. Megan's expertise dismantles the one-size-fits-all approach of dream dictionaries, pivoting towards a more intimate journey of self-discovery through the unique language of our dreams.

    This episode isn't just about the whispers of our sleeping minds; it's a deep dive into the personalized nature of dream interpretation and the transformative potential of lucid dreaming. By sharing personal experiences, including a serendipitous night where Christy and her husband, both encountered snakes in their slumber with contrasting narratives, we emphasize the highly individualized script each dream follows. As Megan guides us through the landscape of lucid dreams, she offers practical strategies to navigate and control these inner realms, opening a therapeutic window to face our deepest fears and reshape our nightmares. Join us as we embrace the wisdom lying dormant in our dreams, inviting you to interpret your own nocturnal tales and unearth the empowerment they hold.

    For more information about Megan, please visit:
    Website: https://meganmary.com/

    Contact info:
    Email: megan@womensdreamanalysis.com
    Phone Number: 208-557-3290

    Podcast Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/womens-dream-enlightenment/id1https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/womens-dream-enlightenment/id1685499920685499920

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    32 mins
  • Healing in Harmony: Victoria Craig on Embracing Plant Medicine and Feminine Wisdom
    Apr 9 2024

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    When the weight of the world bears down on us, it's the seeking of solace in healing that often leads to profound self-discovery. This week on A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, our guest, Victoria Craig, is a beacon of hope in this realm, transforming her own battles with trauma and illness into a mission of nurturing through plant medicine and breathwork. Her insights are a treasure trove for anyone looking to untangle the complexities of their inner world and emerge with a renewed sense of self-love. As Victoria walks us through her personal transformation, she also lays bare the intricate dance of empowering the feminine spirit, marrying vulnerability with strength in a way that resonates deeply with all who are on a journey of self-healing.

    Navigating the delicate intricacies of ayahuasca ceremonies requires more than knowledge—it demands a heart attuned to the silent cries of the soul. Victoria Craig masterfully depicts the sanctity of these trauma-informed spaces, where the subtlest of details, from the flicker of a candle to the arrangement of the room, can make the difference between anguish and catharsis. We discuss the beauty of patience, the art of providing support without words, and the courage it takes to welcome all forms of expression during these profound experiences. It's here that listeners will find a map to the healing potential of ayahuasca, charted through Victoria's compassionate lens.

    The journey doesn't end at the ceremony's close; it weaves through every facet of life, demanding integration and reverence for the healing that has unfolded. Victoria ushers us into the world of Cambo medicine, illustrating its potent detoxifying abilities and how it complements the deep work done in womb healing and yoga practices. As we explore the Soul Rising Retreat, the importance of setting boundaries becomes as clear as the Mexican skies under which transformations are nurtured. Victoria's guidance on carrying the wisdom of these experiences back into the rhythms of daily life is a profound lesson in honoring the inner work that continues to shape us long after the retreat ends.

    For more information about Victoria Craig, you can visit her website at https://www.iamvictoriacraig.com/

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    35 mins