• 233 | Building Your Business: The 5K Metaphor for Success in Health and Fitness Coaching
    Jul 23 2024

    Grow in your business today!


    Hey health and fitness coaches! If you’re ready to boost your business and take it to the next level, this episode is for you. Today, we’re diving into a unique and powerful analogy using my medal rack from running races to illustrate how you can set and achieve goals in your business. Whether you’re aiming for more clients or striving for higher achievements, this episode will inspire you to see the bigger picture and understand the importance of every step in your journey.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Medal Rack Metaphor: How my 5K medal rack represents your business goals and achievements.
    • Setting Annual Goals: Visualizing your yearly client targets and breaking them down into manageable steps.
    • Continuous Growth: Understanding that achieving goals doesn’t mean stopping but rather expanding and setting new ones.
    • Effort Behind the Scenes: The importance of the unseen work that goes into achieving visible success.
    • Training and Upleveling: The necessity of ongoing training and self-improvement to handle bigger challenges and higher ticket clients.
    • Embracing the Process: Finding joy and motivation in the journey, not just the destination.

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    15 mins
  • 232 | Knowing Your Audience: The Key to Effective Marketing
    Jul 22 2024

    Become a Client Magnet Today!

    Welcome to another insightful episode where I delve into the crucial topic of understanding your audience, especially if you're a female health and fitness coach. I share personal anecdotes and practical strategies to help you connect emotionally with your audience and drive engagement. From the emotional significance of pillows and blankets to the functional appeal of water picks and air compressors, learn how to tailor your marketing message to resonate deeply with your target audience.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Understanding Emotional vs. Functional Appeal:

      • Women often connect emotionally with products and experiences, while men may prioritize functionality.
      • Tailor your marketing strategies to address these differing perspectives.
    2. Personal Stories to Illustrate Audience Connection:

      • Stephanie shares a friend's story about pillows and her own experience with blankets to highlight the emotional connections women often have with everyday items.
      • These stories underscore the importance of knowing what emotionally charges your audience.
    3. Identifying Your Audience:

      • For health and fitness coaches, it's crucial to present yourself in a way that aligns with your audience's lifestyle.
      • Use imagery and language that resonates with their daily experiences and challenges.
    4. Balancing Emotion and Function in Your Marketing:

      • Female business owners, especially those balancing family and career, need a mix of emotional connection and functional benefits.
      • Highlight how your services or products can help them achieve their goals without sacrificing what's important to them.
    5. Practical Exercise: Purpose, Passion, and Audience (PPA):

      • Identify your purpose and passions to find your "golden ticket" — the sweet spot where your business can thrive.
      • Understanding this intersection helps you connect more deeply with your audience and tailor your marketing efforts effectively.

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    13 mins
  • 231 | Defining Success on Your Own Terms
    Jul 18 2024

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    Today, I am sharing my thoughts on the concept of success and how it can be subjective and personal. I start with sharing my own experience of defining success based on material possessions and realizing that it didn't bring the expected fulfillment. I really want you to think about how important defining success on one's own terms, whether it's in personal life, business, or relationships. I also want listeners to set their own goals, milestones, and rewards, and not to let others dictate what success should look like. The key takeaway is that success is unique to each individual and should be defined by their own values and desires.


    • Success is subjective and personal, and it should be defined on one's own terms.
    • Don't let others dictate what success should look like for you.
    • Set your own goals, milestones, and rewards that align with your values and desires.
    • Success can be different in various aspects of life, such as personal, business, and relationships.
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    8 mins
  • 230 | Using AI in Your Business Ft Kinsey Soderberg
    Jul 17 2024

    Get Your Business Featured Today!

    In this episode, I am interviewing Kinsey Soderberg, an entrepreneur and host of the Feel Good Social and Authentic AI podcasts. We discuss the importance of authenticity in marketing and how AI tools can be used to save time and maintain brand authenticity. Kinsey shares her approach to using AI tools, including training them on brand identity and voice. She also emphasizes the need for women and underrepresented groups to embrace AI tools to stay competitive in the business world. The conversation highlights the potential of AI tools to boost productivity and save time in various business tasks.

    A little bit about Kinsey:

    With her brand and podcast Authentic AI, Kinsey helps down-to-earth entrepreneurs leverage AI tools in your business without wasting your time or sacrificing your authenticity. She focuses on a human-first approach to AI that brings your brand to the forefront, and helps you make AI work for you (not the other way around). She believes in using AI to get more done more quickly without sacrificing quality and find a little wiggle room to actually enjoy your life. Her Website

    Feel Good Social Podcast

    Authentic AI Podcast


    • Authenticity is crucial in marketing and can be maintained while using AI tools.
    • AI tools can save time and boost productivity in various business tasks.
    • Training AI tools on brand identity and voice is essential to ensure they produce authentic content.
    • Women and underrepresented groups should embrace AI tools to stay competitive in the business world.
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    41 mins
  • 229 | The Impact of Choosing the Right Coach
    Jul 16 2024

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    stop taking advice from people who have no understanding of the challenges and experiences you are facing. Specifically, I am talking to women business owners! Don't take advice from male business owners or single women in their 20s. Seek advice from individuals who have been in similar situations and have achieved success. I even share my personal experience of following advice from a male coach and the negative impact it had on her business and personal life. There is value in working with a coach who understands the unique challenges faced by women in business.


    • Stop taking advice from people who have no understanding of your situation and challenges.
    • Seek advice from individuals who have been in similar situations and have achieved success.
    • Choose a coach who understands the unique challenges faced by women in business.
    • Consider the impact of advice on your personal life and well-being.
    • Build a network of experts who can provide guidance in specific areas.
    • Understand the importance of mindset and how it affects your business.
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    9 mins
  • 228 | The Long Game of Entrepreneurship
    Jul 15 2024

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    Today, I am discussing the idea of working towards goals that may take longer than expected to achieve. I share my personal experience of running and collecting medals as a metaphor for the journey of entrepreneurship. We all need to understand the importance of recognizing the progress and impact made along the way, even if it may not be immediately visible. I want to encourage entrepreneurs to stay committed, celebrate their achievements, and continue pushing forward.


    • Entrepreneurship is a long game, and goals may take longer to achieve than anticipated.
    • The work and effort put into a business will eventually pay off, even if it's not immediately visible.
    • It's important to celebrate and be proud of the progress and achievements made along the way.
    • Every milestone and accomplishment in business represents the impact made on others.
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    15 mins
  • 227 | Balancing Work and Motherhood: The Tug of War
    Jul 11 2024

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    Today, I am sharing about how I used to believe the idea of being a stay-at-home mom meant giving up on personal dreams and goals. I share my own experience of wanting to be a working mom but feeling torn between work and family. I am shedding light on the challenges of balancing work and motherhood and the feeling of losing a sense of purpose. However, being a successful business owner and an active mom are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to have both and that being a mom can actually enhance one's business success.


    • Being a stay-at-home mom does not mean giving up on personal dreams and goals.
    • Balancing work and motherhood can be challenging, but it is possible to be a successful business owner and an active mom.
    • Being a mom can actually enhance one's business success.
    • Having a sense of purpose and being present with children can be achieved through entrepreneurship.
    • It is important to find a balance that works for both work and family life.

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    11 mins
  • 226 | Delegating Tasks to Scale Your Business Ft Lynsey Mahoskey
    Jul 11 2024

    Get Your Business Featured!

    Lindsay, the owner of Her Hive Social, shares her journey of starting a social media marketing agency. She explains how her passion for social media and her experience as a life coach led her to create a team of experts to help small businesses amplify their online presence. Lindsay emphasizes the importance of consistency and visibility on social media, and advises business owners to know themselves and show up authentically. She also provides tips for delegating tasks and hiring the right team members.

    Lindsay's Contact Information:⁠


    • Consistency and visibility are key in social media marketing. It's important to show up authentically and be clear about what you do.
    • When overwhelmed or at capacity, consider delegating tasks to lighten your load and allow for business growth.
    • When hiring team members, communicate your needs and expectations, and make sure you vibe with them.
    • For business owners struggling to find their focus, write down all the things you do and organize them under one umbrella. Consider letting go of tasks that don't align with your core focus.
    • Firing clients or team members who drain your energy is necessary for the success and well-being of your business.

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    35 mins