• 133 – Adoptive Parents: How Can I Serve You Better?
    Jul 2 2024

    How can I serve you better?

    Hi Neighbor,

    As an adoptive parent myself, I’ve walked the path filled with both joy and challenges. My mission is to share stories, offer biblical encouragement, and bring on experts to help you navigate this unique journey. I want to walk you home!

    That gets us to today’s question: How can I serve you better? In private conversations I’ve had with adoptive parents, they have told me.

    But I’ve never asked that question on the podcast. So, today I’m asking you, as an adoptive parent, how can I serve you better? See the 2 ways you can share your answers with me below.

    Hope and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. Below are the 2 ways you can share your answers with me... Number 1: Send an email to me, tim@anchorsofencouragement.com Number 2: Become a member of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    6 mins
  • 132 – The Children From Her Heart: A Story of Adoption and Foster Care with Dr. Kimberly Offutt
    Jun 28 2024

    Foster care is intended to be a temporary solution to what should be a temporary problem. The goal is always reunification.

    The focus is to find families that meet the needs of the child, rather than finding children that fit the needs of the family. The child comes first!

    Hi Neighbor,

    Joining me on this episode of Anchors of Encouragement is my neighbor from Atlanta, Dr. Kimberly Offutt. Dr. Kim is an inspirational speaker, author, child advocate, social worker, and adoptive parent.

    She has served at Bethany Christian Services for more than 20 years in various capacities in the child welfare field, advocating on behalf of children who are in foster care and available for adoption.

    When Dr. Kim started with Bethany Christian Services, she was responsible for recruiting families to be foster and adoptive parents. As a recruiter, the first person she recruited was herself!

    Have you ever considered fostering or adopting? Dr. Kim’s story is a testament to patience and love in adoption. Reflecting on adopting 4 children from foster care, she defies conventions and dispels myths about parenting and birth order. Tune in for her heartfelt insights.

    Hope and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. I want to invite you to be a part of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    34 mins
  • 131 – Adoptive Parent Needing Respite? 3 Ways To Embrace the Anchor of Retreat?
    Jun 22 2024

    I surprised my friends who went with me. Honestly, I surprised myself too because I never imagined that I would allow myself to do what I was about to do. I was anxious and I was nervous. And not to be overly dramatic, but in some respects, I was scared to death. However, I did it. And it was one of the most exhilarating forms of respite I've ever experienced.

    Hi Neighbor,

    Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In this episode, I would like to build on the concept of respite we first introduced in Episode 40.

    Respite is something that adoptive parents have told me is important to them as they navigate the challenges of adoptive parenting.

    Today’s story is about how I got out of my comfort zone by allowing a friend to lead me to respite and retreat. I did something I never would have entertained had it not been for her.

    Consider this story with me as we look at 3 ways to embrace the Anchor of Retreat.

    Hope and healing are on the way.

    Your Thrill-Seeking Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. Oops! After I had recorded and published this episode, I realized there was a 5th activity option. I had suppressed it because it caused as much if not more anxiety than the zip line, kayaking in an underground cavern. I can’t swim! I think you can see why I suppressed this option:)

    Episodes mentioned today: EP 40 – 7 Ways for Adoptive Parents to Find Support and Achieve Respite EP 71 – Sit With the Text? How the Psalms Can Help You Overcome Storms in Your Life

    Also, I want to invite you to be a part of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    17 mins
  • 130 – Remembering Amp: The Impact of Pets on Our Hearts
    Jun 14 2024

    When it came time to say goodbye, I couldn’t get the words out. I gently rubbed his head one last time and walked away.

    Hi Neighbor,

    Welcome to a special memorial episode of Anchors of Encouragement. I want to share something deeply personal and touching with you today.

    There comes a time in every pet parent’s life when we must say goodbye to our beloved companions. This episode is my tribute to Amp, who brought so much joy and comfort into my life.

    I first mentioned Amp at the beginning of this podcast in Episode 5. As that story illustrates, he and I had a special connection.

    Take a moment to embrace the fur baby anchors in your life. Whether it’s a cat, dog, horse, or any other cherished pet, their unique ability to sense our emotions and provide comfort is truly invaluable.

    Let them be your anchor of encouragement, as Amp was for me.

    Hope and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. Would you please consider leaving a review for the show? Here is a short video to show you how.

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    4 mins
  • 129 – The Unexpected, Positive Benefits of Embracing the Anchor of Solitude
    Jun 8 2024

    I couldn't sleep, so I’m up doing what I learned from Jonny to regulate myself. I never know the direction these quiet moments will take, but I know something positive always happens... and that’s what I want to share with you today.

    Hi Neighbor,

    Do you enjoy unexpected, positive surprises? I do! In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, I share a story about why I value the anchor of solitude and hope you’ll consider embracing it too.

    We’ll also reflect on a passage from the book of Psalms and discuss solitude from episodes 5, 71, and 128. (see links below)

    Help, hope, and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. Here are the links to the episodes referenced today. Ep 5 – 3 Benefits of Walking to Overcome Overwhelm and Stress

    EP 71 – Sit With the Text? How the Psalms Can Help You Overcome Storms in Your Life

    Ep 128 – 4 Simple Tips To Find Peaceful Sleep as an Adoptive Parent

    Also, I want to invite you to be a part of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    6 mins
  • 128 – 4 Simple Tips To Find Peaceful Sleep as an Adoptive Parent
    Jun 1 2024

    Are you having trouble sleeping? You’re restless. You’re tossing and turning. Maybe you had too much caffeine that day. Maybe you have a busy calendar the next day and you’re concerned about everything you have to do.

    For adoptive parents, maybe it’s out of concern for your children. I know this can leave you anxious. Your mind is racing. You’re losing sleep.

    What can you do?

    Hi Neighbor,

    Are restless nights and racing thoughts keeping you up? You’re not alone. In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, I share 4 practical tips to help you calm your mind and achieve that restful night’s sleep you crave.

    We’ll also look at inspiring scriptures from Psalm 77 and Proverbs 3.

    Grab a pen and paper. I’ll funnel these tips through the acronym CALM. Think of it as a mental massage for your mind.

    Help, hope, and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. I also want to invite you to be a part of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    11 mins
  • 127 – 5 Ways to Help Adoptive Parents Navigate the Anxiety of the Adoption Journey
    May 25 2024

    How can adoptive parents prepare themselves for the challenges they will face in their adoption journeys? May I suggest it can be as simple as picking up sticks?

    Hi Neighbor,

    In this unplugged episode, I want to share 2 stories that will illustrate the concept of the Daily Doable and how it relates to adoptive parents and the storms they will face in their adoption journeys.

    I’m pulling back the curtain to share how I have been able to navigate the anxiety that adoptive parenting presented in my life.

    Grab a pen and paper and dive into the 5 ways to harness the power of the Daily Doable. While this won’t eliminate your storms, it will help you face them with courage and confidence.

    Help, hope, and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor, Tim

    P.S. I also want to invite you to be a part of our amazing community. Click this LINK to join today.

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    17 mins
  • 126 – I See You! 3 Simple Words To Encourage Adoptive Parents To Never Give Up (ENCORE EPISODE)
    May 18 2024

    Have you ever sent your future self a letter of encouragement? I did and it turned out to be the boost I needed at exactly the right time.

    Hi Neighbor,

    As I journaled through ideas for a new episode, I came across one idea in particular. As I explored it, I rediscovered an episode from early in this podcast.

    It contained a message that I needed to hear. Chances are if I needed to hear that message, there is someone out there who could benefit from it too.

    I would encourage you to grab a pen and paper, listen to the episode, and make a list of the things I talk about in the Daily Doable so that you can be encouraged and can encourage others as well.

    I See You! We were miles from where we started. At this point, we were tired but there was no turning back. Then I looked down and saw the encouragement we needed to finish.

    Help, hope, and healing are on the way.

    Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Tim

    P.S. If this podcast has given you the courage and confidence to face storms in your life, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.

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    9 mins