
  • 05 RAE shortwave broadcasting with special QSL
    May 16 2017
    ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR No. 5Welcome to a new edition of the DX program on RAE - Argentina to the World.Remember that your messages are welcomed at actualidaddx.com.ar@gmail.comCORTINA MUSICALLet’s start with some great news: RAE-ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD is back on the SW, and with a special QSL card.We’ll appreciate if you help us spread this information and we await your reception reports with technical details that help us know how our broadcast is reaching you.Here’s the schedule on SW starting on May 2, 2017: Spanish: Mon-Fri 2200 to 2300 on 5950 KHZ, 49-meter band.English: Tue-Sat 0100 to 0200 UTC on 9395 KHZ on 31-meter band.And all this is via a relay by WRMI. Reception reports sent will be replied with a numbered, special QSL card: RAE-ARGENTINA TO THE WORLDCC5551000 CABAArgentinaCORTINA MUSICALToday we have a special show on the violent conflict surrounding the city of Mosul, In Iraq, that directly or indirectly affects the Middle East.AUDIO N.1In the small city of Hassan Sham, some 30 kilometers northeast from Mosul, the scars left by the heavy fighting with ISIS are evident.The city was recently liberated by the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish Peshmerga, at the cost of its total destruction.The landscape is terrifying, and it’s very hard to get into. At control posts, just before reaching Hassan Sham from Erbil, the military advice never to drive away from the asphalt line, as there’re still many mines to deactivate.Once through, one reaches a massive refugee camp.Al Ghad is an independent radio station that provokes the Islamic State by airing anything from pop music to beauty advice and football news.It broadcasts from Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. All staff prefer to keep their location secret for security reasons.AUDIO No. 2“The project of the radio, one of its directors say started in 2015, few months after Daesh took over Mosul. Radio became one of the few ways of communicating for those who remain in the city...Al Ghad is the only of its kind...we faced many risks to reach areas where relay stations were placed...many times we successfully blocked Al-Bayan, the Califate’s radio and we even used their frequencies. It wasn’t a very continuous broadcast at first, but with success, came 24-hour constant broadcasting”.The program “I Am A Citizen”, allows listeners to inform what is happening in the areas under control of the Islamic State...here are some of the phone calls made women to the Station:-I can’t sleep no more...they died right in front of me, everything leads to death here, three brothers died on the same day...where something like that happens??-In our neighborhood Daesh bombs houses of the civilian population...today a house with two families was blasted…AUDIO No. 3The director says he thinks people believes in the station: “I notice due to the way they talk to us...I feel they have a lot of trust in us”. And we received also some threats by jihadists, but this only boosts our listenership’s numbers.CORTINA MUSICALAnd we continue in the region of Mosul.The Islamic State has lost propaganda capacity after losing several media outlets to Iraqi troops advancing into their territory.According to sources, 70% of ISIS media centers were destroyed in Mosul.Omar Salahaldin, an information expert from the Baghdad University, assured that propaganda was a vital part in the Islamic State’s plan to control the area and establish a caliphate.Some of that propaganda system included Al Bayan Radio, weekly magazine Al Nabaa, and had giant screens in the streets of Mosul where their propaganda was also disseminated.AUDIO No. 4Al Bayan has been practically set apart by the military, but it still airs some content every now and then.ISIS was just about to set up a TV channel, but Iraki bombings supported by the US-led international coalition prevented that from happening.They have a news-gathering agency, Amaq, that keeps vindicating terrorist acts around the world, but they have to change internet suppliers as companies keep shutting down their website.The Iraqis deem a priority to control those communication centers, as they want to cut off contacts between ISIS and their cells.AUDIO No. 5On February 27, ISIS suspended the broadcast of their radio AL Bayan in Mosul, due to the advance of the Iraqis in the western part of the city.Nonetheless, that radio station has again broadcast on and off, with content encouraging Jihad and verses of the Koran.Iraqi Police said Al Bayan was seized a month ago, and its gear captured.Terrorists still broadcast via a mobile transmission device, but Al Mahmadaui promised the Iraqi troops will locate and bomb that also.The offensive began last October 17, and has the goal of capturing Mosul and the other lands controlled by the radical group that began its dominion by taking over Ninive province in mid 2014.
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    10 mins
  • 04 Actualidad DX .com .AR Radio & DX News and Sounds from Argentina
    Apr 17 2017
    ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR Hello dear friends of Actualidad DX.com.ar the DXIng program aired weekly by RAE - Argentina to the World. Argentina’s International Short Wave Radio Station.Remember you can send your messages to actualidaddx.com.ar@gmail.comYou can also write to us: RAE - CC555 - PO Box 1000, BA, Argentina.CORTINA MUSICALLet’s start with some hearings:Clandestine broadcaster Radio Itakuha, for Burundi, could be picked up via a transmitter located in Talata, Madagascar, on April 1, between 1800 and 1900 on 15420 KHZ, with 250 KW, airing programs for Southwest Africa, in Kirundi language. The station only broadcasts on Saturdays.AUDIO No. 1Religious station Lutheran World Federation, or Voice of Gospel, was picked up from the transmitters in Issoudun, France, between 1830 and 1900 on 15315 KHZ; with 500 KW, and programs in Fulfulde language.Another interesting broadcaster is Radio ERGO, for Somalia, via transmitters in Dhabayya, United Arab Emirates. The station could be picked up between 1200 and 1300 on 17485 KHZ with 250 KW for Eastern Africa. They broadcast 7 days a week.AUDIO No. 2We continue with Africa. We’ve got now some hearings by Spanish colleague Manuel Méndez, from Lugo. He reports:Radio Mali, from Bamako, on 5995 KHZ, between 1849-1910 UTC, in French and vernacular.Voice of Nigeria, via transmitter in Ikorodu, on 7255 KHZ between 1830 and 1845 in vernacular.And finally, Radio Hargeisa from Somalia, on 7120 KHZ between 1839 and 1847, in vernacular.AUDIO No. 3Now some news from our country.Recently, the National Communications Authority ENACOM, ruled in favor of Perfil, a publishing and media company, that had bidded for obtaining a broadcasting license that used to belong to former Radio America.The decision was informed by the board of ENACOM, that chairs Miguel De Godoy.AUDIO No. 4Perfil owns a building at the Edition and Design Cluster of BA City, built to house a newspaper, magazines, websites, two TV channels and two radio stations, one AM and another FM.The project of having a radio airing only news is linked to the history of the now defunct Radio America.Impresario Eduardo Eurnekian had bought it back in 1989, and he changed the name to América from Radio Antarctica. It had been also called Malvinas Argentinas and Radio Phoenix, when it was originally established in the 1920s.24-hour news stations are successful in various countries, but so far, in Argentina, there’s nothing like that.In Brazil, for instance, the prestigious CBN, Brazilian News Central, is third in ratings in the South American giant.The oldest broadcaster of this kind is New York’s AM1010 WIns, that marked 50 years broadcasting only news in 2015.CORTINA MUSICALWe have now very sad news, that will be a blow to everybody linked to the world of shortwaves.Reverend José Holowaty died last March 26, as Swedish DXer Henrik Klemetz reports to us.Holowaty’s characteristic voice was transmitted via the now defunct KGEI Short Wave station in San Francisco, US.AUDIO No. 6Holowaty had been living in Paraguay, where he created Radio Broadcasting America.On the remarkable site: programasdx.com, there’s a file by Rubén Margenent from KGEI.On July 31, 1994, KGEI, the Voice of Friendship was coming off the air for good.But a little earlier, in 1991, they had broadcast programs tailored for DXers. The segments were only five minutes long, but they were aired several times a day. On 1305, 0335, 0705 on 9615 kHz and 0005 on 15280 kHz, produced and hosted by Samuel A. Ramírez and Benito J. Quintana, with talk about topics picked up from a book called “Shortwave Radio Listening with the experts”.On this edition you’ll hear makes reference to the QSL card. It’s hosted by the late José Holowaty, who introduces the show and informs listeners they are tuned in on KGEI.CORTINA MUSICALLet’s move on now to Short Wave news of international broadcasters.France’s RFI launched the third edtion of the prize “RFI Interview in Spanish”, for Latin American and Caribbean students of journalism.This contest is open between March 22 and May 21 2017, aimed at journalism students below the age of 30.The winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 7, in the context of the Latin American and Caribbean week in France.Journalism schools are invited to present a candidate via email to : premio.reportaje@rfi.fr.Until May 21, they can submit a radio interview of up to 20 minutes, as well as a proposal for an interview to carry out in Paris.A jury integrated by RFI journalists will analyze candidates’ work and chose the winner, that will be announced at the Paris America show of June 7, 2017.The prize is a paid internship at the Spanish-language newsroom of RFI in Paris, during 2017, with all expenses covered.This comest few months before France 24 launches its Spanish-language version next September.RFI and France 24, lets’ recall, are both part of State-ran media conglomerate France Médias Monde.Last year, the winner...
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    13 mins
  • 03 Actualidad DX .com .AR weekly english edition
    Apr 9 2017
    ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR No. 3Greetings dear friends of Actualidad DX.com.ar, the DXing program about DXing, broadcasting media and new technologies that airs every week through RAE-Argentina to the World, the International Short Wave Station of the Argentine Republic.We remind you that you can send your reception reports, suggestions, criticisms and comments to our email: actualidaddx.com.ar@gmail.comWe also invite you to contact us via traditional mail, to RAE Argentina to the World, PO Box 555, Post Code 1000, BA, Argentina.CORTINA MUSICALRAE Argentina al Mundo keeps on incorporating new technologies and has now a new channel: AUDIONOW, that allows our listeners to follow our programs via their phones, at the cost of an local phone call.AUDIONOW is a system to connect stations with their audiences in far-off places, as an alternative to SW and internet. In the specific case of the US, online listening is made only where there’s Wi Fi networks near, since 4G and 3G services don’t have flat-price data plans, but they do have flat-price plans for phone calls.This radio-over-phone instrument is already used by other international broadcasters such as BBC, VOA, Radio Francia Internacional, Deutsche Welle, and the UN radio station.On this first stage, RAE Argentina to the World will work with Audionow in English and Spanish for listeners in the US who will be able to tune in on our full hour-long programs or on our news bulletins.Arrangements are being made to bring this option to Mexico and Canada in North America and Brazil in South America.There’s the intention also of including football broadcasts.CORTINA MUSICALAnd we kick off with SW hearings.La Oesterreichischer Rundfunk, was picked up by transmitters in Moosbrun, Austria 0500-0620 en 6155 khz con 300 kW in German for the west of Europe, from Mondays to Fridays.0500-0615 en 6155 khz also in German for western Europe, on Saturdays and Sundays.AUDIO No. 1From the same transmitting site, religious broadcaster FEBA goes on the air, between 0800-0830 on 15260 KHZ with 100KW in Arabic.Also from Moosbrun, Austria, Radio DARC, broadcasts only on Sundays, between 0900-1000 UTC on 6070 khz con 100 kW in German.AUDIO No. 2Only the first Sunday of every month and always from Moosbrun, Radio JOystick can be picked up between 1000 and 1100 on 7330 khz, with 100 kW for Europe in German.Now we share some news for the A17 broadcasting period by WCB-Madagascar World Voice.Between 0200 and 0400, on its new frequency of 6190KHZ with 100KW, aimed at SOuth America in Spanish, with a program called “The Happy Voice”.AUDIO No. 3Between 0300-0400 on 15515 KHZ with 100KW for Southeast Asia with English-language program “African Pathways Radio”.Between 1900 and 2000 on 9820 KHZ with 100KW in Russian for Eastern Europe, with a program generated by its sister station “KNLS New Life Station”.CORTINA MUSICALNow we have more news from Argentina.The Culture Secretary of La Rioja province, Víctor Robledo, together with other officials of the provincial administration met Cristian Arrieta, the delegate from the ENACOM, Communications Board.The provincial secretariat had requested the federal authorities for an FM broadcasting license, to set up a public radio that broadcasts culture-related news.CORTINA MUSICALWe move on now to an international SW broadcaster, China International Radio proposed Sputnik China to create a joint brand, according to what was informed by Dmitri Kiseliov, director general of the Rossiya Segodnya, .media group In addition, a project called “Russia and China on the Silk Road”, organized by both groups began last October.25 journalists from both nations will visit the main stages of the New Silk Road between the cities of Xi'an and Urumchi.CORTINA MUSICALAnd back to Latin America to visit Ecuador.The Ecuadorian House of Culture reported that the Telecom Watchdog Agency, Arcotel, assigned an FM broadcasting licence to them.Arcotel granted the entity the 100.9 frequency, with enough range to cover the province of Pichincha. The new station will be called Culture FM.Pérez underlined the importance of getting the licence, something the House of Culture had been working for years. They already run an AM station, House of Culture Radio, that’s been on the air for almost 70 years, and is one of the forerunners in the field of cultural broadcasting in the country.According to Pérez Torres, Culture FM will aim at contributing to the cultural enhancemente of Ecuadorians, bringing them closer to Latin America and the world.Proaño, expects the station becomes a reference in culture for the country.CORTINA MUSICALLet’s continue with the Americas. Now, Panamá.The Panamanian National Authority of Public Services held two public hearings that seek to establish the reach and benefit for the population of granting Radio Licences Class B (non-proffit broadcasting) to the State-Ran SERTV broadcasting service and the Catholic Faith Radio Promotion ...
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    17 mins
  • 02 Actualidad DX The new stage of RAE
    Nov 21 2016
    The new stage of RAE. The International Service of the Argentine Radio has lately become RAE-Argentina to the World. With different programs and a new applied technology
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    17 mins
  • 01 Actualidad DX African Short Waves
    Nov 21 2016
    English first episode from RAE Argentina to the world DX program . Dx , shortwaves, ham radio, internet, and special report about the short waves and broadcasting in African countries, especially in conflict-ridden countries. Archive audio records from DX african listening.
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    38 mins