• Agenda 12.8.24 - waste, local government, rates and reform.
    Aug 12 2024

    How do we manage waste across the Island, who’s responsible for recycling and why do some local authorities pay substantially more for their regional recycling centres than others? Is the current Rates system fair and if not why has Rates reform never been tackled? And while we’re discussing reform why do we still have such a disparate range of local authorities from very large to tiny? All these questions and more will be answered on this week’s Agenda. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about local government … and probably a bit more!

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 5.8.24 - what has local democracy ever done for us?
    Aug 5 2024

    Local Democracy Reporter Emma Draper has been in post for just under two years now so what has she learned about local government in the Isle of Man? What is a local democracy reporter and why do we need one? Why does it take so long to get an answer from government, how does central government interact with local government and why do so few people vote in local elections given the important role played by your Commissioners and Councillors in making your community a great place to live and work. So what has local democracy ever done for us?

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 29.7.24 - was Chris Thomas right to be censured by his colleagues in July Tynwald?
    Jul 29 2024

    There was an interesting flare up in Tynwald over the appointment of two new directors to the government owned Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. Some members were incensed by a particular line of questioning from Douglas Central MHK Chris Thomas and he was asked to withdraw what were described as disparaging remarks. Is it possible to question candidates’ suitability for certain roles in such a public forum, and if it isn’t then perhaps Tynwald’s role in the process is merely to rubber stamp decisions taken behind closed doors. Agenda considers whether legitimate debate was being stifled or were Chris Thomas’ comments beyond the pale.

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 22.7.24 - assisted dying, a bus station, some luxury flat funding and consultation?
    Jul 22 2024

    The assisted dying Bill is due to be read a third time tomorrow in an extra Keys sitting and Agenda asks what’s the rush. We also ponder whether Tynwald and government are capable of delivering a bus station in Douglas, why developers need support to build luxury flats in Port Erin and why Tynwald rejected the opportunity to save money by allowing private member’s Bills to appear on the government consultation website. If you are struggling to understand government’s spending priorities then this week’s Agenda may well be able to help - mind you it might not and all.

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 15.7.24 - Michelle Haywood tells us why future generations should not be allowed to buy tobacco products.
    Jul 15 2024

    Rushen MHK Michelle Haywood wants to progressively prevent new generations from being able to purchase tobacco products. Her private member’s Bill would in effect see the age at which you can buy tobacco products increase by a year each year until eventually nobody could buy them. With an estimated 25% of the health budget spent treating smoking relate illness this seems like an obvious thing to do. Will the health budget savings outweigh the lost tobacco tax income? Surely helping us lead longer healthier live must be a good thing?

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 8.7.24 - who cares about carers?
    Jul 8 2024

    Lawrie Hooper’s homework was marked by June Tynwald and he passed with flying colours. The waiting list initiative supported by Tynwald last year appears to have had a significant impact in reducing numbers of people waiting for treatment. Minister Hooper tells us about that initiative and new adoption law changes before moving on to the Carer’s Strategy. Julie Edge gave an impassioned speech in support of carers which we’ll hear too in this week’s Agenda. Good news about waiting lists but does government care about carers?

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 1.7.24 - the 41st Summit of the British-Irish Council and sharing the spoils of off-shore wind.
    Jul 1 2024

    The 41st Summit of the British-Irish Council took place here just over a week ago with senior politicians focussing on unlocking the economic and social opportunities of renewables across these islands. The Irish Taoiseach was here as was the Scottish Government First Minister but do these summits actually deliver anything meaningful? And has any progress been made to give the Isle of Man a share of the spoils extracted from windfarm licences that would be ours if we were independent?

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    27 mins
  • Agenda 17.6.24 - Rob Callister tells us why we need another housing committee.
    Jun 17 2024

    If we had a house for every report, review, investigation, and new policy and recommendation then we probably wouldn’t have a housing crisis. So why does Rob Callister want to set up another committee investigation on housing? Should public sector housing be more accessible for people on low incomes and if so how do we pay for the new houses required to satisfy demand? Surely it’s time for more obvious action rather than endless words, excuses and “jam tomorrow”?

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    25 mins