• 07.10 Sunday Session
    Jul 16 2022

    This session is part 1 on the podcast on the tithes.

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    59 mins
  • What Are The Arguments Against The Tithes? Part 2
    Dec 12 2022


    We have a segment of subject under the banner of "The Topology of The Tithes" that challenges modern ideology concerning whether or not modern Christians are required to give the tithes. This podcast annotate those reason most Christians are not willing to give their tithes, what scriptures say concerning giving or not giving the tithes, and if the scriptures in fact, validate not giving the tithes.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • What is The Firstfruits?
    Aug 9 2022

    This study is a thorough study concerning a controversial topic of the tithes. It is typical for debate in this modern time primarily because of misinformation that has distorted what the word of says concerning the tithe and it's purpose for the tithes.

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    57 mins
  • What Are Some of The Arguments Against The Tithes?
    Nov 28 2022


    This is yet, another Sunday Session where the tithes are being discussed, and what the Bible says about the tithes. Many Christians are disregarding the subject at the peril of contradiction. We are engage the topology of the subject.

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    49 mins
  • Is The Tithes The Will of God? Part 2
    Jul 28 2024


    We certainly thank Abba YHWH for yet another completion of a segment of the Topology of the Tithes. We believe it is a vital biblical precept that the tithes has a direct association to God's will. The sequel of this subject gives the indication that the tithes was the expressed thought of an intended habitual behavior that is categorized under His divine will.

    Every Believer and descendant of YasHaWralaH, and YaHaWadaH, are suggested to take under consideration that His will is not our will, and that proper alignment (or at-onement) with God is our submission to His will. Any such intentions beyond, or in opposition to that is inherently "thelema".

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Ha'Machiach: The Blood of YHWH [Sequel]
    Jul 21 2024


    This portion of the Word of God is a reiteration of the first video that spoke the interconnection of relationship with God. The interconnection were in reference to marriage and blood. This segment simply focused on the blood. There are much significance to the blood, such as, halo, blood type, and genetic markers. But, that major distinction made in this message is how it has both its physical and spiritual properties.

    The primary focus is Christ's blood and how His blood is subject to His people according to the requirements of salvation. Moreover, connection to YHsWH through His blood is but one of His points of connectivity that provides a bridge to God, ability to overcome, and power to cleanse immoral behavior.

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    56 mins
  • Is The Tithes The Will of God?
    Jul 15 2024


    This portion of Session directed us toward viewing the tithes as whether or not it is the will of God. Amid the controversies of tithing, and the many tropes of whether or not, it is for, or applicable to today's modern Christian, it is verified that it is biblical, a direct instruction from YHWH, and most of all He did not say that any Believer or follower of Christ (Ha'Machiach) was exonerated from giving the tithe.

    So, can we find a scripture text that undoubtedly a conclusively says that tithing is the will of God? NO. However, this study defines God's will and abstract any association to the tithes and God's intentions behind the practice and relativity to His purpose for His people.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Ha'Machiach: The Blood of YHWH
    Jul 8 2024


    This message emphasizes the dynamics of relationship according to John 17:3 iterating knowledge of YHWH, and his Son YHsWH Ha'Machiach, who is also the essential environmental cultivation of Life after (bodily) death. YHsWH (Jesus) gives a prayer to His Father about Him giving His chosen the inter-level under, and overstanding of "at-one"ment amongst all those of His that YHWH had given to Him. The Heavenly Father made expressly Ha'Machiach's purpose through this verse, which was, for Him to be the blood of atonement for His people.

    There is an interconnection that is shown to be attained from YHsWH's prayer that suggests "knowing" as the common, or referential theme. He also let us know how the lack of the knowledge of Him can be detrimental toward our destruction (Hos. 4:6). Knowing our Heavenly Father through marriage and blood was empirical to present-day living which transcends to after-life living.

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    47 mins