
  • The Mythology in Sci-Fi (Battlestar Galactica)
    Jun 20 2024

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    For this show, we venture into the fascinating intersection of mythology and science fiction through the lens of Battlestar Galactica. From the original 1970s series to the 2000s reboot, we uncover how certain pagan and celestial references are ingeniously woven into the storyline with names like Pegasus, Commander Adama, and Lieutenant Athena aren't just characters—they're symbols of a grander narrative that tie the drama into the premises of the ancient astronaut theory.

    We also focus on Caprica, the prequel series that adds further depth to this rich universe and also on how the human survivors of a millennia-long war with the Cylons seek out the elusive 13th Colony, which is here on planet Earth. You'll find intriguing connections to the Hebrew Bible's creation story and the reptilian attributes of the Cylons. Mormon cosmology is also significant, particularly the parallels between planet names of Kolob and Kobol, showcasing creator Glenn Larson's intent to infuse the narrative with elements of Mormonism.

    As we round out our discussion, the thematic richness comes to light with love, betrayal, vengeance, and theology and forms a complex web that mirrors real-world advancements in AI. We delve into the series' depiction of the android robot Cylons integrating into their society, drawing parallels to actual automation, and show how there are religious undertones to it, such as creation and resurrection. The story reminds us of the poignancy to what the late astrophysicist Carl Sagan had once said about us being made of "star stuff" and helps us ponder the possibility of our origins from the out there in the cosmos.

    *The content of this podcast is based only on the views of the hosts and are not those of the motion picture production companies, franchises or guilds, nor does it imply any endorsements from them.*

    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    Radically Apostolic
    Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German & Audible.

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    31 mins
  • The Mythology in Sci-Fi (Star Trek)
    Jun 7 2024

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    Ever wonder if the world of Star Trek holds deeper truths about our beliefs and the universe? We kick off our 10th season with an exploration of the symbolic representations in one of the most iconic science-fiction films of our time. We dissect how these stories might reflect and shape our understanding of extraterrestrial life and humanity's place in the cosmos. This season's fresh format will have us pondering the connections between imaginative fiction and the symbolic truths embedded in mythology.

    Join us for a nostalgic journey through the Star Trek franchise, from the artistic to the innovative technobabble. We explore the synergy between fiction and actual technological advancements, celebrating how human imagination has turned the dreams of yesterday into the realities of today. From smartphones to 3D printers, we marvel at how far we've come, inspired by the some of the visionary ideas presented in Star Trek. Tune in to celebrate the power of imagination and its profound impact on our future.

    *The content of this podcast is based only on the views of the hosts and are not those of the motion picture corporations, franchises, or guilds; nor does it imply any endorsements from them.*

    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    La Fayette, We Are Here!
    French history podcast for Americans, by a Frenchman. Learn all about France's history.

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    43 mins
  • The Shadow Government
    May 16 2024

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    Could the very strings of global events be pulled by unseen forces? Join us as we wrap up our ninth season, taking you on a riveting journey behind the curtain of the world's most elusive power brokers. From the impact of COVID-19 to the resurgence of the Illuminati in modern culture, we've pieced together an intricate tapestry of theories that will challenge the way you perceive the mechanisms of power and control in our institutions. We're not just scratching the surface; we're unearthing the roots of a potential shadow government whose reach might extend to every corner of society.

    As we venture into the realm of the extraterrestrial and the conspiratorial, we question the presence of higher authorities, comparing the alleged indifference of Pleiadeans to human issues with that of the Illuminati's historic manipulation. We stir the pot further by examining the involvement of figures like George Soros and Klaus Schwab in societal upheavals and the true drivers behind 'woke' social movements, suggesting they might be the chess moves of power-maintaining shadow institutions. And for the history buffs, we delve into the birth of the Illuminati, tracing its evolution and enduring grasp on the public imagination through its representation in pop culture.

    Finally, in the spirit of revelation and foresight, we examine the divisive concept of a New World Order. From the shaping of governance and secret societies to wars and global governance skepticism, we explore the potential reality behind this controversial notion, and how it intersects with religious prophecies and extraterrestrial lore. As we bid farewell to this season, we thank you for joining us on this expedition into the unknown and eagerly anticipate the discoveries that await us in the next season.



    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    Radically Apostolic
    Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German & Audible.

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    48 mins
  • The Galactic Federation
    May 2 2024

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    Could ancient mythologies hold the key to understanding an interplanetary federation? Prepare to stretch your imagination as we explore the tantalizing myths and modern musings of alien councils throughout the galaxy. From the pantheons of gods in age-old religious texts that may mirror celestial beings, to the interstellar collectives championed by science fiction titans like Star Wars and Star Trek, we sift through the narratives and question whether humanity has always been under the watchful eye of a higher cosmic order.

    Embark with us on a journey through the stars as we contemplate Earth's potential role within the Galactic Federation. We analyze the bewildering accounts of Valiant Thor's Earthly visit and the secretive assertions of Haim Eshed and Peter Hellyer about human-alien collaborations. Could these be mere flights of fancy, or is there more to these tales than meets the eye? We assess the speculative paths humanity could take to join a peaceful galactic alliance.

    Our gaze then turns skyward to the enigma of UFOs and their possible connections to a galactic coalition of worlds. We examine the implications of astronaut Edgar Mitchell's beliefs and the recent Pentagon disclosures on UAPs, pondering whether our planet is under surveillance by advanced civilizations. As we venture beyond the known, we invite you to consider the profound implications of what it means to be part of this vast and marvelous universe. Tune in for an episode that promises to transcend the everyday and venture into the extraordinary realms of possibility and wonder.



    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    Radically Apostolic
    Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German & Audible.

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    36 mins
  • Who Was Valiant Thor?
    Apr 18 2024

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    Imagine an extraterrestrial being landing near the nation's capital in 1957, with a critical message for humanity, and who demands to seek an audience with the President of the United States. That is the urban legend of Valiant Thor, as described by ufologist and Christian evangelist Dr. Frank Stranges in his book Stranger in the Pentagon. Join us as we navigate the events following the arrival of an alien who calls himself Valiant Thor, who hails from the planet Venus, and warns about humanity's future.





    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    Radically Apostolic
    Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German & Audible.

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    41 mins
  • Battle Planet A.D.: Relic of The Gods
    Apr 3 2024

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    Joe and Laurie share their five-year endeavor to complete their latest science-fiction novel that puts the ancient alien theory into something entertaining and tantalizing. Join us as we reveal some of the elements and plots of a story that challenges us to look at human history in a different light.

    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    Radically Apostolic
    Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German & Audible.

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    56 mins
  • The Baltic Sea Anomaly
    Mar 20 2024

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    Could the ocean's murky depths be hiding artifacts of advanced ancient civilizations or evidence of extraterrestrial visitations? Open your mind to the enigmatic wonders that are possibly submerges beneath the waves. We journey to unravel the secrets of the Baltic Sea Anomaly, discovered in 2011 by marine geologists Peter Lindberg and Dennis Ashberg, and compare it to other mysterious underwater features, like the Yonaguni Monument and the Bimini Road. Strap in for a voyage through history and speculation, where formations found on the ocean floor spark debates over natural phenomena versus otherworldly creations, and ancient lore intersects with modern UFO sighting.

    This episode isn't just a dive into the ocean's mysteries; it's an excavation of the truth, as we examine behind the Smithsonian Institute's rumored concealment of discoveries that could rewrite history. Nordic, Celtic, and Baltic mythologies speak of deities traversing the skies in celestial chariots. Could these myths preserve memories of historical events, such as aerial conflicts, that left behind artifacts like the Baltic Sea Anomaly? Our conversation spans to the awe-inspiring and the controversial, from considering the existence of secret underwater bases to the eerie 1997 "bloop" detected by naval research hydrophones throughout the South Pacific.

    From there, we ponder the existence alien craft capable of not only of interstellar travel, but also of underwater excursion. This notion is found to be bolstered by modern-day reports of phenomena, such as the Tic-Tac UFO and unidentified submersible objects. Findings that are as profound as they are perplexing are hidden in the depths of our planet's most formidable frontier. We ask the questions about such clues that lead to a better understanding of civilizations, both past and present.

    Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men," The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda. J. P. Farrell, p 178-187. Feral House (2011) Port Townsend, WA.


    "Calls from The Deep," D. Wolman, New Scientist. June 15, 2002, (archived from the original on January 6, 2013).



    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    La Fayette, We Are Here!
    French history podcast for Americans, by a Frenchman. Learn all about France's history.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    43 mins
  • Alien Secrets of the Australian Outback
    Mar 6 2024

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    Prepare to traverse the shadowy domain of alien lore and skyward mysteries. Here we delve into the mysterious story of the 1966 Westall UFO experience where the ordinary lives of over a hundred Australians were marked forever by an extraordinary encounter. Their testimonies, woven into the fabric of Australia's rich UFO history, stands as a beacon for enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

    Our narrative arcs back to ancient times, addressing the Australian pyramids and the spellbinding Wandjina rock art through the lens of celestial inquiry. Dare to question the origins of these marvels. Could they be the artifacts of star-born wisdom, left for humanity to ponder? Is the land of Australia the remanent of the lost mythical civilization known as Lemuria? It may be that the indigenous Aborigines preserved this knowledge in the form their oral traditions and spiritual beliefs about the universe.






    "Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
    Copyright © 2021 Melody Loops LP
    Full License Royalty-Free Music

    La Fayette, We Are Here!
    French history podcast for Americans, by a Frenchman. Learn all about France's history.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    35 mins