• Owning my magic - sharing some wins
    Jun 4 2024

    This is a mini episode I recorded in video format and shared on my Instagram platform.

    I made a post this week calling myself a Curandera, a medicine woman deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and sacred rituals. I recieved so much love and Comments, so I was inspired to share this here as a mini podcast episode.

    I'll be back to continue the Laws of the Universe, just been busy upgrading and learning yoga.

    Thanks so much for your beautiful love and light.

    If you're listening to this on my podcast, head on over to my Instagram and leave me a message, would love to know who's listening!


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    13 mins
  • The Transformative Power of the Law of Relativity
    Apr 17 2024

    Welcome, sacred tribe, to another enlightening episode of Amplify Love, with yours truly Natalia Love Angelou. We are covering the laws of the Universe, and today law number 9, we're delving into the fascinating realm of the Law of Relativity.

    The Law of Relativity suggests that all things in the universe are inherently neutral. It's our perception and perspective that assign meaning and value to them.

    In this episode Natalia gives you steps on how the Law of Relativity work in our daily lives, such as:

    Step 1: Recognize the Comparison Trap

    Step 2: Cultivate Awareness

    Step 3: Practice Non-Judgment

    Step 4: Cultivate Compassion

    The Law of Relativity invites us to reevaluate our understanding of the world and our place within it. By recognizing the inherent neutrality of all things and shifting our perspective accordingly, we can liberate ourselves from the confines of comparison and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling way of living.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    36 mins
  • Reaping What You Sow: Unveiling the Law of Compensation
    Mar 9 2024

    The Law of Compensation asserts that the energy, effort, and intentions you invest into the universe will inevitably circle back to you, and not just in equal measure, but often multiplied. It's a cosmic balancing act that reminds us of the interconnectedness of our actions and their repercussions.

    In this episode Natalia gives you tips on how to practice this principle for optimal balance in your life. Such as mindful nutrition, exercise with intention, and cultivating positive relationships.

    This is the very first time she shares a vulnerable story about her childhood of abuse and health scare. She was lead to share, and doesn't edit her flow, take a listen to learn more about her inner wisdom and strength.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    24 mins
  • Karma Unveiled: The Profound Wisdom of the Law of Cause and Effect
    Feb 23 2024

    Today we are continuing to explore the 12 Laws of the Universe, today we delve into the timeless wisdom of the Law of Cause and Effect, often known as Karma.

    The Law of Cause and Effect, often referred to as Karma, is a fundamental concept that suggests there is a direct relationship between our actions and the outcomes or events that occur in our lives. This law is rooted in various philosophical, spiritual, and religious traditions and emphasizes the idea that every action we take sets into motion a chain of events that will eventually come back to us.

    In this episode I will share with you the 7 key principles of the Law of Cause and Effect and how you can practice it in your daily life:

    1. Understanding Actions and Consequences:

    - Recognize that your actions, whether positive or negative, have consequences.

    2. Intention Matters:

    - Consider the intentions behind your actions. The quality of your intentions influences the nature of the effects.

    3. Responsibility and Accountability:

    - Accept responsibility for your actions. Avoid blaming external circumstances for the outcomes in your life.

    4. Cultivate Mindfulness:

    - Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

    5. Practice Compassion:

    - Treat others with kindness and empathy. Your actions toward others contribute to the energy you attract.

    6. Positive Intentions:

    - Set positive intentions before taking any action. Align your actions with values such as love, kindness, and understanding.

    7. Learn and Grow:

    - View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    30 mins
  • Harnessing the Power of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
    Feb 8 2024

    In this awe-inspiring episode of the Amplify Love podcast, we dive deep into the captivating realm of The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. Buckle up, my radiant souls, for a mind-expanding exploration of the boundless power that resides within each and every one of us. Join me, Natalia Love Angelou, as we unravel the profound truth that at its very core, our reality is shaped by the thoughts we choose to nourish.

    Step into the miraculous understanding that every intention carries within it the potential to manifest in the physical realm. As we embrace this profound wisdom, we unlock the key to sculpting an extraordinary existence. Are you ready to channel your thoughts and become the architect of your own glorious reality?

    Tune in and let the frequency of empowerment and self-love guide you on this transformative journey. Together, we will awaken to the immense power that lies within, perpetually shaping the energetic currents surrounding us. Remember, you hold the power to shape your reality. It's time to unleash this unimaginable potential and manifest a life that sets your soul on fire.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    33 mins
  • Unleashing the Athena Within: Navigating the Law of Inspired Action
    Jan 19 2024

    In this episode we dive into the profound realm of the Law of Inspired Action, law #5 of the 12 laws of the Universe. The Law of Inspired Action is all about taking action from a place of alignment, deep within our core. It's about feeling the divine guidance and inspiration that flows through us, and boldly stepping forward with grace and courage.

    Natalia relates this law with the timeless wisdom encapsulated by the Goddess Athena. Learn how to harness the power of intentional and purposeful steps towards your goals, guided by inspiration and inner wisdom. Discover the significance of trusting your intuition, setting clear intentions, and embracing strategic action.

    Join Natalia as she unravel the secrets of the universe's guidance, and find out why the Law of Inspired Action is a key to unlocking your true potential and co-creating the destiny you desire.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    25 mins
  • Harnessing the Power of the January 11 Portal: Unleashing the Law of Attraction
    Jan 11 2024

    Season 2!! Happy January 11th! Today, we find ourselves standing at the entrance of a magnificent cosmic gateway—the 1/11 portal day! Are you ready to unlock the endless possibilities and embark on a journey of new beginnings and fresh starts?

    In this episode Natalia continues to share the laws of the Universe, and this episode is all about the Law of Attraction. It is not just some mystical concept. It's a universal truth that states, "like attracts like." What you focus on with emotion and intention becomes your reality.

    So, if you radiate love, gratitude, and abundance, you'll attract more of the same into your life. The Law of Attraction teaches us that like attracts like, and our thoughts and intentions shape our reality.

    Harnessing the energy of specific dates, like the powerful January 11 portal, can amplify our manifesting abilities. So, let's dive into some activities you can engage in to maximize the potential of this cosmic event.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    23 mins
  • 13. Mirroring the Universe: Embracing the Law of Correspondence
    Dec 20 2023

    In this inspiring episode we continue exploring the 12 Universal laws - law #3 the Law of Correspondence. Join Natalia as she guides you on a journey of self-reflection and transformation, exploring how patterns repeat throughout the universe and how our reality mirrors what's happening inside us.

    With her signature blend of spirituality and self-empowerment, Natalia empowers you to harness the incredible power of the Law of Correspondence in your own life. Discover how self-awareness, gratitude, intention, and taking responsibility for your reality can transform your experiences and bring alignment between your inner aspirations and external circumstances.

    She also gives you a fun activity to do during this time of year, to take an inventory of what area's of your life you desire improvements. Natalia's uplifting and relatable guidance will encourage you to embrace change, foster personal growth, and nurture self-love.

    For more light and love, follow me on IG at: therealnatalialoveangelou and check out my website at: www.natalialoveangelou.com

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    28 mins