
    Jun 22 2024

    In the final part of Chapter 17, we’ll examine the murder of the Zodiac’s final victim, taxi driver Paul Stine. Stine was a doctoral candidate at San Francisco State driving a hack to make ends meet until his graduation, scheduled for the following January. And learn about how police came within a hair's breadth of catching the Zodiac just minutes after the Stine murder.

    In Chapter 18, learn about how the Zodiac sent multiple letters and mysterious ciphers to media outlets taunting police and terrorizing the public. See the documents and learn about the Salinas, California, couple who decoded his earliest coded messages.

    While the entire book will be presented free of charge in these blog posts, for an easier reading experience, you can obtain the ebook version of all of Part 4 – Who Was the Zodiac Killer? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. You can also buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at Amazon.com.

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    16 mins
  • Ep 16 - PART 4 - WHO WAS THE ZODIAC KILLER? (2 - 4)
    Jun 15 2024

    This post contains more of Chapter 17 of Anthrax to Zodiac where we explore the Zodiac's second and third attacks and take a closer look at the lives of his victims.

    We learn about the shooting of Darlene Ferrin and Mike Mageau at Blue Rock Springs and the knife attack on Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard at Lake Berryessa.

    We’ll consider the possibility that the Zodiac was known to Darlene Ferrin and that she recognized his car moments before she was killed. Then, we’ll examine the evidence left behind at the Lake Berryessa crime scene, including the Zodiac’s boot print and the note he left police written on the door of Hartnell’s white Karmann Ghia.

    Get the ebook of all of Part 4 – Who Was the Zodiac Killer? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post or buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac in ebook, paperback, or audiobook at Amazon.com.

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    21 mins
  • Ep 15 - PART 4 - WHO WAS THE ZODIAC KILLER? (1-4)
    Jun 8 2024

    Between December 20, 1968, and October 11, 1969, the killer known as the Zodiac attacked at least seven victims, killing five of them. The Zodiac attacked three couples in remote areas of the northern California county of Napa before killing a taxi driver in the heart of San Francisco just outside the grounds of the Presidio.

    Despite at least two surviving victims, numerous eyewitnesses, and one of the longest-running investigations in California history, the killer has never been identified, leaving us to wonder fifty-five years later, “Who was the Zodiac?”

    In Chapter 16, we explore the chaotic social revolution that formed the backdrop of the attacks. In Chapter 17, we’ll look at the killings that launched the Zodiac’s reign of terror.

    Get the ebook of all of Part 4 – Who Was the Zodiac Killer? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post or buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at Amazon.com.

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    17 mins
  • Ep 14 - PART 3 - WHO WAS D.B. COOPER (5-5)
    Jun 1 2024

    This post contains Chapter 14 and 15 of Anthrax to Zodiac. In Chapter 14, we'll do a deep dive into the notes Cooper allegedly sent to the media and explore the possibility that some of them contained coded information about his identity. Do the mysterious letters and numbers point to the felonious war hero, Robert Rackstraw? Are they a code that just hasn’t been broken yet? Or are they just gibberish left behind by the hijacker to confuse and torment his pursuers?

    Finally, in Chapter 15, we'll wind up with my comments about the case, some tips for flying safe, a Cooper quiz, a dose of snark, and some cool references and sites regarding Cooper and the only unsolved hijacking in US history.

    Read the entire book free of charge in these blog posts, or get the ebook version of all of Part 3 – Who Was D.B. Cooper? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. You can also buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at Amazon.com.

    To access full show notes click here.

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    16 mins
  • Ep 13 - PART 3 - WHO WAS D.B. COOPER (4-5)
    May 25 2024

    In Chapter 13, of Anthrax to Zodiac, we'll look at some of the most intriguing pieces of evidence in the case including the possible link between the hijacker and a French-language comic book character.

    Then, we'll take a hard look at the tiny particles of exotic metals and alloys recently discovered on the clip-on tie that Cooper left behind that could point to Cooper's place of employment.

    Finally, we’ll learn about the sophisticated scientific analysis done on the only Cooper ransom money ever recovered—$5800 found my an eight-and-a-half-year-old second grader during a camping trip—and how the results have change everything we ever thought about Cooper's escape.

    Read the entire book free of charge in these blog posts, or get the ebook version of all of Part 3 – Who Was D.B. Cooper? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. You can also buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at Amazon.com.

    To access full show notes click here.

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    13 mins
  • Ep 12 - PART 3 - WHO WAS D.B. COOPER (3-5)
    May 18 2024

    This post contains the last part of Chapter 12 of Anthrax to Zodiac and concludes he examination of Richard McCoy as a suspect in the hijacking of Flight 305. Read about how, after McCoy was convicted for a copycat hijacking, he escaped from a federal prison and was killed during an effort to apprehend him.

    Then we’ll look in detail at two other prominent candidates: the mysterious Robert Rackstraw, a war hero turned felon, and Lynn Doyle Cooper, a reclusive logger from Sisters, Oregon, and check out the pros and cons of each of these possible suspects.

    You can get the ebook version of all of Part 3 – Who was D.B. Cooper?for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. You can also buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at Amazon.com and have all seven cases in one ebook volume. The audiobook narrated by the author is also available at Audible, iTunes, and wherever you get your audiobooks.

    To access full show notes click here.

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    18 mins
  • Ep 11 - PART 3 - WHO WAS D.B. COOPER (2-5)
    May 11 2024

    Who was D.B. Cooper? Over the past fifty years, the passenger in seat 18E of Flight 305 has morphed from a man into a legend. Yet, the hijacker calling himself Dan Cooper was a real, flesh and blood human being whose true identity has never been revealed.

    This post contains the first part of Chapter 11 of Antrhax to Zodiac and looks at FBI’s investigation of the crime, including the question of whether or not the hijacker could have survived the jump. In the first part of Chapter 12, we’ll also consider one of the most prominent entries on the suspect list: veteran helicopter pilot Richard McCoy of Provo, Utah.

    You can read the entire book in these blog posts, or you can get the ebook version of all of Part 3 – Who Was D.B. Cooper? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. The entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac is for sale at Amazon.com.

    To access full show notes click here.

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    16 mins
  • EP10 - PART 3 - WHO WAS D.B. COOPER (1-5)
    May 4 2024

    On November 24, 1971, a man using the name Dan Cooper boarded Northwest Orient Flight 305. Once airborne, he passed the flight attendant a ransom note and showed her what he said was a bomb in his briefcase. He demanded $200,000 in cash and four parachutes.

    When the plane landed in Seattle, he collected the ransom and released the passengers and two of the crew then instructed the pilots to fly him to Reno. But somewhere between Woodland and Ariel, Washington, the hijacker strapped on the parachutes and jumped out of the plane with his loot, never to be seen again.

    Chapter 9 looks at the social and economic context in which the hijacking transpired, and Chapter 10 explores the facts of the case.

    You can read the entire book in these blog posts, or you can get the ebook version of all of Part 3 – Who Was D.B. Cooper? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. The entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac is for sale at Amazon.com.

    To access full show notes click here.

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    16 mins