
  • Do Not Liberalize Your Theology
    Jun 30 2021

    Some have made a push to make theology not as important as evangelism. Or at the very least, the Southern Baptist Convention voted to not let it be an issue that gets in the way of doing evangelism. We find issue with that. Does that mean we can do evangelism with Mormons or Catholics? Should we have theology we have to agree on? In this episode we discuss the importance of theology and why it matters. 


    You have a theology. Everyone has one. And some theologies keep some groups from working with other groups. And that is for good reason. Resolution of the SBC was a bad decision and if you listen to this we will explain why. Listen to then end and we will give you our tip for what evangelism really needs. 

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    23 mins
  • Southern Baptist Convention May Lose Many Churches
    Jun 18 2021

    The Southern Baptist Convention just finished up SBC21 and it was highly contentious. There was debate over just about everything. There was almost not a motion passed that did not have an amendment or some kind of objection. Messengers took shots at one another. Speaker took shots at one another. Nomination speeches were used as opportunities to speak ill of one another.

    It looked like some kind of presidential election for the United States. And shame on us for it. Check out this episode to get our thoughts on it. We highlight some of the lows and the highs. We try and get the negative and the positive. And we close with one very helpful tip on denominations and why they are so very important.

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    44 mins
  • Rick Warren and Saddleback Break From Southern Baptist and Ordain Women Pastors
    Jun 3 2021

    Can women be pastors? Should Southern Baptist Churches be ordaining women pastors? Apparently Rick Warren thinks he knows the answer to that question. His church just ordained three women to the role of pastor in what is one of the largest Southern Baptist churches in the country. 

    How should we respond? What should be done about this? Is he right? Is he wrong? All of this and more in this episode on Are You Wrong? 

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    32 mins
  • 7 Ways to pray that you may be missing out on.
    Jun 3 2021

    Many people do not know what to pray. Or maybe you feel like you cannot pray. We want to encourage you to pray and to know that there are many different ways you can pray. We even want to encourage you to pray for things you may have thought were silly or not important to God. 

    We want to remind you that God has called us to pray. He has commanded it. And you can pray for all kids of things in your life. Don't let fear keep you from talking to the creator of the universe. Let us help you to see 7 easy ways you can pray. 

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    43 mins
  • Tim Scott, racism, and Christianity
    Jun 3 2021

    Christianity has a long history of racism in our country. But is that racism always as it seems? Does the media treat racism fairly? Or are some black individuals treated differently simply because they do not fit the right narrative? Join us today as we tackle some of these issues. 

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    32 mins
  • How Do I Choose a Church?
    Jun 3 2021

    Picking a new church can be difficult. Join us as we work through each of our top five reasons for picking a church. 

    Because lets face it, if you pick the wrong church you may find yourself being miserable. Or you may end up even worse. You could be in a place that is doing more harm to your christian walk than good. Everyone should think long and hard about the church they are joining. And they should think long and hard about why they want one church over another. 

    There are some biblical reasons for picking church. Sadly, many people today pick a church for selfish reasons that may not have much impact on their relationship with God. Not at least positive impact anyway. 

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    14 mins
  • John MacArthur tells Beth Moore to "go home" and women in the ministry thoughts.
    Jun 3 2021

    In this episode we examine comments John MacArthur made about women in the ministry and Beth Moore specifically. We discuss whether it is ok for women to be pastors and egalitarian vs complementarian issues. 

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    53 mins
  • Liberals Attack Again: This time against Christian Universities
    Jun 3 2021

    Two christian Universities are under attack for their conservative positions. One school, Ozark Bible College, is in court defending its right to only room biological males with biological males and vis versa for females. Seattle Pacific University is also defending its conservative values. They are in court defending the right to not have to hire LGBTQ+ individuals. We also consider these schools taking federal funds and how that impacts the governments right to tell them what to do and in some cases what not to do. 

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    51 mins