
  • What is Story?
    May 6 2020

    Stories are much more than merely a list of events. They have far more to them than simply conveying what has happened. A story must communicate experience and understanding in a form that's meaningful and compelling for the reader or audience.

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    13 mins
  • The Protagonist and Antagonist. The dynamic heart of a story.
    May 10 2020

    The protagonist is the main character, or the central figure in the story. Almost without exception, the protagonist will go through some process of change or transformation. How and why this happens is revealed in the story. The antagonist is the character in opposition to the protagonist, and against whom they must contend. It’s this central opposition that gives the story its drama and dynamism.

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    43 mins
  • Transformation in Story
    Jun 7 2020

    Transformation is the inner aspect of story. A main character face challenges, and in order to meet these challenges, they need to change. In this episode of Art of Story, we examine the transformation arc of a main character and its vital role in story.

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    53 mins