
  • Your Book Review: How the War Was Won
    Aug 26 2024

    [This is one of the finalists in the 2024 book review contest, written by an ACX reader who will remain anonymous until after voting is done. I’ll be posting about one of these a week for several months. When you’ve read them all, I’ll ask you to vote for a favorite, so remember which ones you liked]

    To a first approximation, there are a million books about World War II. Why should you care about How the War Was Won (hereinafter “HtWWW”) by Phillips Payson O’Brien?

    • It provides a new, transformative view of the conflict by focusing on production of key goods and what affected that production instead of the ups and downs of battles at the front.

    • That particular lens used can (and should) be applied outside of just World War II, and you can get a feel for how that might be done by reading HtWWW.

    • I have lectured about World War II and read many, many books about it. I have never texted friends more excerpts of a book than this one.

    I have some criticisms of HtWWW, but if the criticisms dissuade you from reading the book, I will have failed. These complaints are like tut-tutting Einstein’s penmanship.


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    43 mins
  • Highlights From The Comments On Nietzsche
    Aug 26 2024

    [original post here]

    Table Of Contents

    I. Comments About Master And Slave Morality
    II. Comments By People Named In The Post
    III. Comments Making Specific Points About One Of The Thinkers In The Post
    IV. Other Comments


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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Altruism And Vitalism As Fellow Travelers
    Aug 26 2024

    Some commenters on the recent post accused me of misunderstanding the Nietzschean objection to altruism.

    We hate altruism, they said, not because we’re “bad and cruel”, but because we instead support vitalism. Vitalism is a moral system that maximizes life, glory and strength, instead of maximizing happiness. Altruism is bad because it throws resources into helping sick (maybe even dysgenic) people, thus sapping our life, glory, and strength.

    In a blog post (linked in the original post, discussed at length in the comments), Walt Bismarck compares the ultimate fate of altruism to WALL-E: a world where morbidly obese humans are kept in a hedonistic haze by robot servitors (although the more typical example I hear is tiling the universe with rats on heroin, which maximizes a certain definition of pleasure). In contrast, vitalism imagines a universe alive with dynamism, heroism, and great accomplishments.

    My response: in most normal cases, altruism and vitalism suggest the same solutions.


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    22 mins
  • Your Book Review: Two Arms and a Head
    Aug 26 2024

    [This is one of the finalists in the 2024 book review contest, written by an ACX reader who will remain anonymous until after voting is done. I’ll be posting about one of these a week for several months. When you’ve read them all, I’ll ask you to vote for a favorite, so remember which ones you liked]

    Content warning: body horror, existential devastation, suicide. This book is an infohazard that will permanently alter your view of paraplegia.

    The Death of a Newly-Paraplegic Philosopher

    For me, paraplegia and life itself are not compatible. This is not life, it is something else.

    In May of 2006, philosophy student Clayton Schwartz embarks on a Pan-American motorcycle trip for the summer before law school. He is 30 years old and in peak physical condition.

    He makes it as far south as Acapulco in Mexico before crashing into a donkey that had wandered into the road.

    The impact crushes his spinal cord at the T5 vertebra, rendering him paralyzed from the nipples down.

    On Sunday, February 24, 2008, he commits suicide.

    In the year and a half in between, he writes Two Arms and a Head, his combination memoir and suicide note.


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    55 mins
  • Matt Yglesias Considered As The Nietzschean Superman
    Aug 22 2024

    I. Bentham’s Bulldog

    Blogger “Bentham’s Bulldog” recently wrote Shut Up About Slave Morality.

    Nietzsche’s concept of “slave morality” (he writes) is just a dysphemism for the usual morality where you’re not bad and cruel. Right-wing edgelords use “rejection of slave morality” as a justification for badness and cruelty:

    When people object to slave morality, they are just objecting to morality. They are objecting to the notion that you should care about others and doing the right thing, even when doing so doesn’t materially benefit you. Now, one can consistently object to those things, but it doesn’t make them any sort of Nostradamus. It makes them morally deficient, and also generally philosophically confused.

    The tedious whinging about slave morality is just a way to pass off not caring about morality or taking moral arguments seriously as some sort of sophisticated and cynical myth-busting. But it’s not that in the slightest. No one is duped by slave morality, no one buys into it because of some sort of deep-seated ignorance. Those who follow it do so because of a combination of social pressure and a genuine desire to help out others. That is, in fact, not in any way weak but a noble impulse from which all good actions spring.


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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Your Book Review: Real Raw News
    Aug 13 2024

    [This is one of the finalists in the 2024 book review contest, written by an ACX reader who will remain anonymous until after voting is done. I’ll be posting about one of these a week for several months. When you’ve read them all, I’ll ask you to vote for a favorite, so remember which ones you liked]


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    47 mins
  • Links for July 2024
    Aug 13 2024

    [I haven’t independently verified each link. On average, commenters will end up spotting evidence that around two or three of the links in each links post are wrong or misleading. I correct these as I see them, and will highlight important corrections later, but I can’t guarantee I will have caught them all by the time you read this.]


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    19 mins
  • Some Practical Considerations Before Descending Into An Orgy Of Vengeance
    Aug 13 2024

    The “LibsOfTikTok” Twitter account found a random Home Depot employee who said she wished the Trump assassin hadn’t missed. Her followers mass-called Home Depot and got the employee fired.

    Moral of the story: despite everything, there’s apparently still a norm against assassinating politicians. But some on the right interpreted this as meaning something more. A sudden vibe shift, or impending Trump victory, has handed conservatives the levers of cancel culture! This sparked a right-wing blogosphere debate: should they be magnanimous in victory, or descend into an orgy of vengeance?


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    31 mins