
  • Enchiridion
    Jul 24 2024

    The Enchiridion or Handbook of Epictetus (Ancient Greek: Ἐγχειρίδιον

    Ἐπικτήτου, Enkheirídion Epiktḗtou) is a short manual of Stoic ethical

    advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek

    philosopher Epictetus. Although the content is mostly derived from the

    Discourses of Epictetus, it is not a summary of the Discourses but

    rather a compilation of practical precepts. Eschewing metaphysics,

    Arrian focuses his attention on Epictetus's work applying philosophy to

    daily life. Thus, the book is a manual to show the way to achieve mental

    freedom and happiness in all circumstances.

    00:00:00.000 The Inchiridion

    00:13:01.720 I There are things which are within our power

    00:15:02.560 II Remember that desire demands the attainment of that of which

    00:16:03.040 III With regard to whatever objects either delight the mind or

    00:16:31.040 IV When you set about any action, remind yourself of what nature

    00:17:54.080 VI Be not elated at any excellence not your own.

    00:18:25.520 VII As in a voyage, when the ship is at anchor, if you go on shore

    00:19:12.240 VIII Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish

    00:19:20.600 IX Sickness is an impediment to the body, but not to the will

    00:19:39.520 X Upon every accident, remember to turn toward yourself and

    00:20:02.360 XI Never say of anything, “I have lost it,”

    00:20:34.880 XII If you would improve, lay aside such reasonings as these h

    00:21:30.440 XIII If you would improve, be content to be thought foolish and

    00:21:55.560 XIV If you wish your children and your wife and your friends to

    00:22:42.640 XV Remember that you must behave as at a banquet.

    00:23:31.480 XVI When you see anyone weeping for grief, either that his son has

    00:24:04.400 XVII Remember that you are an actor in a drama

    00:24:30.320 XVIII When a raven happens to croak unluckily, be not overcome by

    00:24:56.680 XIX You can be unconquerable if you enter into no combat in which

    00:25:32.880 XX Remember that it is not he who gives abuse or blows, who

    00:25:57.840 XXI Let death and exile, and all other things which appear

    00:26:12.720 XXII If you have an earnest desire toward philosophy, prepare

    00:26:50.120 XXIII If you ever happen to turn your attention to externals, for

    00:27:10.480 XXIV Let not such considerations as these distress you

    00:29:30.960 XXV Is anyone preferred before you at an entertainment, or in

    00:31:05.960 XXVI The will of nature may be learned from things upon which we

    00:31:50.480 XXVII As a mark is not set up for the sake of missing the aim, so

    00:31:58.600 XXVIII If a person had delivered up your body to some passer-by,

    00:32:12.040 XXIX In every affair consider what precedes and what follows

    00:35:31.080 XXX Duties are universally measured by relations.

    00:36:22.320 XXXI Be assured that the essence of piety toward the gods lies in

    00:38:20.200 XXXII When you have recourse to divination, remember that you know

    00:39:53.120 Attend, therefore, to the greater diviner, the Pythian God, who

    00:40:01.760 XXXIII Begin by prescribing to yourself some character and

    00:43:59.840 XXXIV If you are dazzled by the semblance of any promised

    00:44:43.160 XXXV When you do anything from a clear judgment that it ought to

    00:45:01.280 XXXVI As the proposition, “either it is day or it is night,”

    00:45:30.360 XXXVII If you have assumed any character beyond your strength, you

    00:45:40.560 XXXVIII As in walking you take care not to tread upon a nail, or

    00:45:55.520 XXXIX The body is to everyone the proper measure of its

    00:46:26.080 XL Women from fourteen years old are flattered by men with the

    00:46:50.000 XLI It is a mark of want of intellect to spend much time in...

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    56 mins
  • The Secret of the Rosary Complete Audiobook
    Jul 17 2024

    00:00:00 Preface

    00:03:01 Dedication

    00:16:14 What the Rosary Is

    00:16:15 First Rose

    00:17:22 Second Rose

    00:21:01 Third Rose

    00:28:53 Fourth Rose

    00:33:21 Fifth Rose

    00:39:05 Sixth Rose

    00:41:16 Seventh Rose

    00:43:56 Eighth Rose

    00:49:46 Ninth Rose

    00:51:56 Tenth Rose

    00:57:13 Eleventh Rose

    00:59:57 Twelfth Rose

    01:11:25 Thirteenth Rose

    01:14:29 Fourteenth Rose

    01:18:17 Fifteenth Rose

    01:21:38 Sixteenth Rose

    01:26:22 Seventeenth Rose

    01:30:48 Eighteenth Rose

    01:33:16 Nineteenth Rose

    01:37:50 Twentieth Rose

    01:44:30 Twenty-First Rose

    01:49:25 Twenty-Second Rose

    01:52:27 Twenty-Third Rose

    01:56:32 Twenty-Fourth Rose

    02:01:11 Twenty-Fifth Rose

    02:07:19 Twenty-Sixth Rose

    02:12:12 Twenty-Seventh Rose

    02:19:35 Twenty-Eighth Rose

    02:23:46 Twenty-Ninth Rose

    02:29:04 Thirtieth Rose

    02:33:52 Thirty-First Rose

    02:37:44 Thirty-Second Rose

    02:40:19 Thirty-Third Rose

    02:47:42 Thirty-Fourth Rose

    02:50:14 Thirty-Fifth Rose

    02:51:37 Thirty-Sixth Rose

    02:53:30 Thirty-Seventh Rose

    02:56:03 Thirty-Eighth Rose

    02:58:37 Thirty-Ninth Rose

    03:01:15 Fortieth Rose

    03:04:26 Forty-First Rose

    03:09:01 Forty-Second Rose

    03:12:18 Forty-Third Rose

    03:17:12 Forty-Fourth Rose

    03:24:44 Forty-Fifth Rose

    03:27:03 Forty-Sixth Rose

    03:35:36 Forty-Seventh Rose

    03:48:09 Forty-Eighth Rose

    03:58:21 Forty-Ninth Rose

    04:01:54 Fiftieth Rose

    Embark on a transformative journey through prayer with this audiobook presentation of St. Louis de Montfort's beloved work,

    The Secret of the Rosary. This insightful text, penned by a renowned

    spiritual guide, unveils the profound depths of the Rosary, offering a

    fresh perspective on this cherished Catholic devotion.

    What you'll find within:

    A rich exploration of the Rosary's history and symbolism - Delve

    into the origins and meaning of this powerful prayer, gaining a deeper

    appreciation for its significance in the Catholic tradition.

    Guidance for contemplative prayer - Learn how to use the Rosary as a

    tool for meditation, allowing you to reflect on the mysteries of Jesus'

    life and deepen your connection with the Divine.

    Practical tips

    for incorporating the Rosary into your daily life - Discover ways to

    integrate this beautiful prayer into your routine, fostering spiritual

    growth and a closer relationship with God and the Virgin Mary.


    you're a seasoned Catholic seeking to enrich your prayer life, or

    someone curious to understand the power of the Rosary, this audiobook is

    for you. Listen along with St. Louis de Montfort and unlock the

    transformative potential of this sacred practice.

    April 28 marks the 300th anniversary of the death of St. Louis Marie

    Grignion de Montfort, one of the most important promoters of Marian

    devotion, the Rosary, and consecration to Our Lady as a sure means of

    growing in grace and in love for Jesus her Son and our Lord.

    It was de Montfort’s method of consecration to Our Lady that St. John Paul II made and led to his motto: Totus Tuus.


    Crossing the Threshold of Hope, St. John Paul II wrote, “Thanks to St.

    Louis de Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother

    of God is actually Christocentric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted

    in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the

    Incarnation and Redemption."

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    4 hrs and 36 mins
  • Modern Stoicism With Epictetus: Find Happiness & Overcome Anything!
    Jul 15 2024

    00:00:00 Introduction

    00:03:32 Chapter 1 - Wish Events To Happen As They Do

    00:13:05 Chapter 2 - Written In Stone

    00:21:42 Chapter 3 - Embracing Discomfort

    00:47:09 Chapter 4 - What Are You Really Afraid Of?

    00:52:35 Chapter 5 - Dichotomy Of Control

    01:02:53 Chapter 6 - Apply The Dichotomy Of Control.

    01:32:51 Chapter 8 - Helpful Stoic Exercises.

    01:56:03 Conclusion.

    Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or out of control? Epictetus, a badass Stoic philosopher, has the wisdom you need to navigate life's challenges with strength, resilience, and inner peace. In this video, we'll explore his powerful teachings and discover how to:

    Stop wishing for things to be different and embrace reality (even when it's tough!)

    Let go of what you can't control and focus on what you can (it's more than you think!)

    Transform discomfort into opportunity and turn challenges into growth

    Confront your fears head-on and unlock your true potential

    Develop a love for your fate (yes, even the bad stuff!) ❤️

    Epictetus' wisdom is more relevant than ever, and this video will give you the practical tools you need to apply it to your modern life. Get ready to live with more purpose, power, and peace ✌️

    Subscribe for more life-changing philosophy!

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    2 hrs and 5 mins
  • Bible Characters Discussed And Analyzed By The Scholarly Divine, Joseph Parker, D.D.
    Jul 13 2024

    Have you ever felt you would like to walk side-by-side with the individuals you have read about in the Bible and to have talked with them and learned from them? Reading this book is the closest thing to knowing them this side of Heaven. Selections from three of the finest Bible scholars of any age: D. L. Moody, T. DeWitt Talmage, and Joseph Parker, have been combined in this book describing foremost characters that are found in the Old and New Testaments.

    They, from their immense intellectual store-house, have brought out profitable, practical lessons and profound thoughts, regarding these Bible Characters. The characters are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. However, this is much more than a reference book. It is a narrative that will also yield instruction and blessing with its rich imagery. Easy and pleasurable reading.

    It frequently occurs to the devout Bible student and to the earnest Christian that, if he could have had the personal acquaintance of Jesus, and other Bible characters, it would have helped materially in the cultivation of a religious and spiritual life. One feels that, if he could have been a James, or a John, a Martha, or a Mary; if he could have stood by Jesus himself, and listened to the words falling from His lips: observed his life, become acquainted with his thought, and felt that silent, subtle influence emanating from his personality; such would have been potential factors, aiding one onward and upward in the divine pathway.

    So also, but in lesser degree, one regrets the impossibility of personal contact with Elijah, Isaiah, John, Paul, et al. But time has drawn the veil, and we cannot lift it. We must look at them through the varying atmosphere of many generations, and the best we can do is to avail ourselves of the best aids possible, and through them draw as near as possible to these great and good characters, so closely linked with our religious belief and our faith in the Infinite and Eternal.

    One of Brooklyn’s greatest divines once said, that he had never visited Palestine personally, but by study he had become so thoroughly acquainted with that country, that, should he be left at any point in Palestine at midnight, he would be able to tell in the morning, from the surrounding topography, where he was.

    So the editor of this volume has sought the scholars who have been recognized by the world as the leading religious teachers of their age, and culled from their utterances choice selections, respecting Jesus and the “Holy men of old, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

    JOSEPH PARKER, who, from his immense intellectual store-house, well filled, has brought out such wonderful thoughts, respecting the Bible Characters.

    The editor of this volume then presents you, in this age, when intelligent minds are looking for the greatest and the best, with the best thoughts of these great men, respecting the Christ and other great characters which adorn the pages of the Holy Writ.

    #BibleCharactersDiscussedAndAnalyzed #JosephParker

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    6 hrs and 11 mins
  • Two Systems Of Thought
    Jul 12 2024

    00:00:00 Decision Making by Peter Hollins

    00:12:02 Measuring Opportunity Cost

    00:23:21 It’s a WRAP

    00:25:14 Widen Your Options.

    00:27:11 Reality-Test Your Assumptions.

    00:30:03 Attain Distance.

    00:31:45 Prepare to Be Wrong.

    In the whirlwind of daily decisions, do you ever feel overwhelmed by information overload?

    Do you crave a framework for making sense of complex situations and navigating life's uncertainties with confidence?This insightful mini-book unlocks the secrets of successful thinkers: mental models. These powerful frameworks, used by everyone from industry titans to everyday heroes, offer a toolbox for making smarter choices and achieving your goals.

    Step inside and discover:

    • The Brain's Built-in GPS: Demystifying Mental Models:
    • Gain a foundational understanding of how your brain processes
    • information and leverage mental models to become a more strategic
    • thinker.
    • Your Essential Toolkit: Master Frameworks for Everyday Challenges: Learn to wield powerful models like opportunity cost, the 5 Whys, and the WRAP method to tackle common challenges with greater ease and efficiency.
    • Unveiling the Hidden Traps: Outsmart Cognitive Biases: Discover how to identify and avoid the mental shortcuts that can cloud your judgment, leading to more informed and confident decisions.
    • Spark Your Inner Genius: Unleash Creativity and Problem-Solving:
    • Explore how mental models can help you see situations from fresh
    • perspectives and unlock innovative solutions to complex problems.

    Packed with engaging real-world examples and practical exercises, this guide will become your trusted companion for:

    • Simplifying the Complex: Break down overwhelming situations into manageable steps using mental models as your roadmap.
    • Thinking Critically: Develop a more discerning approach to information and decision-making.
    • Approaching Life with Clarity: Gain a newfound perspective on challenges and opportunities, empowering you to make choices that propel you forward.

    Invest in yourself with the power of mental models and start making choices that shape your success!

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    34 mins
  • Conversation Tactics, Exercises & Worksheets Complete Audiobook from Patrick King
    Jul 10 2024

    00:00:00.000 Strong Eye Contact.

    00:02:53.400 Get Your Game Face.

    00:04:35.800 READ OUT LOUD.

    00:07:07.360 React With Importance.

    00:09:18.400 Don’t Be So Literal

    00:11:25.600 Curious As A Cat.

    00:14:02.920 Weave A Story.

    00:16:04.200 Keep The Flow.

    00:18:18.400 Conversation Resume Worksheet.

    00:20:36.040 Conversation Resume Prompts

    00:23:28.200 Quick Thinking Exercise.

    Are you nervous at social events, fearing awkward silence and running

    out of things to say? Or do you just want to get better at building

    rapport and talking to anyone?

    You can never underestimate the

    power of a single conversation. That’s why it’s so important to make

    sure that your social skills are up to par, and that you can converse

    with anyone at any time. Make sure that you always make a great

    impression on others! I’ve been a social skills, conversation, and

    charisma coach for years and have social interaction down to a science,

    from specific types of eye contact to the broader strokes of what makes

    people tick. I have over 10 books – all of them best-sellers – on

    similar topics. Let me help you!

    I will help you address the two

    portions necessary for optimal communication and social skills: the

    mindset, and actionable steps. You’ll learn:

    The best mindsets and approaches to being social and winning people over

    Exercises and drills to draw the best out of you

    Subtle, easy ways to be more likable and charming

    Tips to navigate any social setting

    The essential elements of charisma and how to apply them

    How to never run out of things to say and avoid awkward silences.

    How to build rapport and direct a flowing conversation with anyone, from icebreaker to end.

    Applying it all to the opposite in dating, online dating, flirting,

    confidence, vulnerability, and deciphering shades of grey.

    I’ll get you to be the person that can work the room, instantly charm people, and talk to anyone, period.

    #Conversation #ConversationResume #ConversationResumeWorksheet

    #ConversationTacticsWorksheet #DontBeSoLiteral #EyeContact #READOUTLOUD

    #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #ConversationTactics #Worksheet #andExercise


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    31 mins
  • Nietzsche: Rock Star Philosopher Explores Life, Truth, & YOU!
    Jun 29 2024

    Unleash your inner philosopher! Dive deep into the world of Friedrich Nietzsche, the 19th-century philosopher who challenged everything we thought we knew. This book isn't just dry theory - it's an exploration of radical ideas that will shake up your perspective on truth, morality, and religion.

    We'll unpack Nietzsche's groundbreaking concepts:

    Questioning Everything: Is there such a thing as absolute truth, or is it all about perspective? (Spoiler alert: Nietzsche might make you rethink reality!)

    Morality Flip the Script: Nietzsche challenges traditional morality and explores the "master-slave" theory.

    Death of God? No Problem!: Learn how to embrace life's beauty and power without religion (amor fati, anyone?).

    Become the Übermensch: Discover the potential within yourself to overcome limitations and create your own values. (No capes required!)

    Will to Power: It's not about brute force! Learn how Nietzsche defines this concept as the drive to overcome and create.

    Nietzsche's ideas are more relevant than ever! This book explores how his philosophy continues to influence a wide range of thinkers, artists, and even you!

    Bonus! We'll also delve into Nietzsche's fascinating life, from his early days as a prodigy to his relentless pursuit of a perfect climate for philosophical musing. (Spoiler alert again: it involves mountains and the French Riviera!)

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    1 hr and 27 mins
    Jun 21 2024

    Unveil the timeless wisdom of Confucius in this captivating audiobook presentation of The Analects!

    Embark on a journey through the teachings of the revered Chinese philosopher, Confucius. The Analects, a collection of his sayings and dialogues with disciples, offers profound insights on:

    • Living a virtuous life
    • Building strong relationships
    • Effective leadership
    • Good government
    • And much more!

    Whether you're a student of philosophy, seeking personal growth, or simply curious about ancient Chinese thought, this audiobook is an invaluable resource.

    Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Confucius and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

    #Confucius #Analects #Audiobook #Philosophy #EasternPhilosophy

    Like and subscribe for more insightful audiobooks!

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    2 hrs and 24 mins