• The Secret Sauce
    Dec 11 2023
    I'm whispering the secret but you can press play and hear it fine. Just keep it to yourself.
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    9 mins
  • The Best Gift List Ever
    Dec 4 2023
    What do you want for Christmas? When I was young, my dad would say that all he wanted for Christmas was a smile and a few kind words. Back then, I thought that was pretty silly. I certainly wanted more than a smile and a few kind words. But over the years, I have come to appreciate Dad's simple request. Presents and pretty packages are nice and who can't use one more this or that? Even so, a smile and a few kind words are never unwanted or unappreciated. Thinking about that today got me wondering. What gifts have I come to value the most over the years? Which gifts do I most remember and cherish? Here's what my musings finally focused on. If you are considering a gift for someone who matters to you or hope for a gift from someone who cares about you, peruse my shopping list. Each item is a gift that I am happy to give or receive. Each is a welcomed upgrade from Dad's smile and a few kind words whether you give or receive. All you need to do is press the play button and the Best Gift List Ever is there for you, just waiting for you to give to someone who matters to you or to request from someone who cares about you. Be well, do well and do something nice for someone. He or she will appreciate it and you will both have a happier Christmas.  
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    5 mins
  • Versus
    Nov 7 2023
    Thanks for Joining me. Let me share a story with you. It’s an example of what most of us have been taught about conflict resolution, working out differences, and more generally about working and living among each other. • We have been taught to be more tolerant and less judgmental. • We have been instructed to respect and value our differences and diversity. •We have learned ways to communicate more effectively by being better listeners and more receptive to those who disagree with us, those who do not value our cause and point of view. • We have been shown the wisdom of moving beyond our limited incentives and personal values to embrace the greater good, the collective interest. We might think of this as consecutive subordination: Our interests are subordinate to family interests, family interests are subordinate to community interests, community interests are subordinate to national interests, and humanity rules all. Do we agree on the list? Of course not. We seldom agree on much unless we are associated with the same cause, the same perspective. Even then, our consensus hangs together on a very thin thread. Now for the story. It should work like this. We have been taught that it can work like this. We have been instructed to go along with this approach to harmony and mutual success. But we know that it will not work. Even if it seems to be working it eventually fizzles out. Factions emerge, differences intensify, and harmony retreats. As you consider the story, I only have two questions: • Why do we persist in trying to resolve our collective issues using the same approaches and strategies we have been taught since we were too young to understand, knowing that the chances of lasting success are slim to none? • If our conflict resolution paradigm no longer works -- assuming that it ever did – and knowing that most will not agree to any new paradigm that might be proposed, how will you approach conflict resolution at the family, community, national, and humanity levels without reverting to the faltering paradigm we have all been taught? The Rift Within: Rebuilding Riverton's Community Chapter 1: The Fractured Community The small town of Riverton had always prided itself on its tight-knit community, where people of varying ages and socioeconomic statuses lived harmoniously side by side. It was a place where neighbors knew each other's names and shared in each other's joys and sorrows. But as time passed, a subtle shift occurred, disrupting the tranquility that once defined Riverton. It all began innocently enough, with a group of enthusiastic individuals who were passionate about a specific cause. Their dedication was admirable, but little did they know that their newfound focus would soon consume their lives, altering the dynamics of the entire community. Randy Wayne White's words echoed through the minds of the townspeople: When you hook up with a cause you forfeit your interest in relating to those not associated with the cause. Initially, the members of this cause-oriented group embraced their mission fervently, united by a common purpose. However, as they delved deeper into their cause, they inadvertently distanced themselves from those not associated with it. Conversations became focused solely on their agenda, leaving little room for connection with others. This isolation gradually seeped into the fabric of Riverton, causing a ripple effect that spread throughout the community. As other groups emerged, supporting different causes and rallying behind diverse beliefs, the once unified town became a fragmented patchwork of clashing ideologies. With each passing day, the divide grew wider, and the once- cherished unity was replaced with opposition and hostility. Riverton became a battleground where the original cause was pitted against other causes, and the community suffered as a consequence. Ideas were met with resistance, innovation stifled, and compassion was overshadowed by animosity. Yet,
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    17 mins
  • Dream Magic
    Nov 2 2023
      Thanks for joining me. I am sharing a story with you that highlights both an opportunity and a trap. The opportunity is for great success and fulfillment. The trap is for failure and disappointment. If your dream, your passion requires putting all of your eggs in one basket, please do what you've got to do. It may work out just fine. At least, you need to believe it will. I'm sure you see the trap. Ignore it at your risk; and if all of your eggs are in that basket, the risk is extreme. Better would be to hold back an egg or two, just in case. Since I seem to be into old sayings, here's another one. Don't burn your bridges unless you will never need to go back across; and even then, don't burn them if there is any acceptable way to keep them open. My point is that this story could be true but the odds of its being true for you or me are slim to none. Does that mean that we shouldn't go for it? It definitely does not. We should. Here is the point. Hold back an egg or two and don't burn any bridges if you can at all avoid starting the fire. Now for the story. Just substitute your dream, your passion for those of the guys in the story. Give it your best shot. Just know how you will recover if your shot misses. Chapter 1: A Familiar Face The hustle and bustle of daily life in a big city was something that Ben had become used to since he'd moved to Los Angeles. It was a far cry from his childhood home in the small town of Leetonville, Ohio, where life was a lot quieter and simpler. It was during one afternoon stroll, when he was walking along the busy streets of downtown, that he noticed something out of the ordinary. A man walking towards him, wearing a blue plaid shirt and a baseball cap, that appeared very familiar. Ben had never seen this man before, yet he could not shake the feeling that he knew him from somewhere. The man's face was so familiar that it seemed as if he had known Ben for years. As the man got closer, Ben could swear that he recognized his eyes and the way he walked, his mannerisms, everything about him. He was confident that he had seen this man before, but he wasn't sure where. The two men stopped in their tracks, with Ben standing in front of the mysterious stranger. The man looked up at Ben and smiled, and it all clicked. "Ben?" the man said, "Is that you?" A wave of recognition swept over Ben's face. It was his old neighbor, Robert! Robert had moved away when Ben was still a child, so he was understandably surprised to see him here in Los Angeles. The two men embraced and shared stories of their lives since then, and Ben was delighted to learn that Robert had come to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of becoming a movie director. With the memories of their old home in Leetonville, Ohio flooding back, Ben saw that his old neighbor was still the same old Robert he had known and loved all those years ago. Chapter 2: Rekindling Dreams As Ben and Robert sat down at a nearby café, the memories of their childhood in Leetonville, Ohio flooded their conversation. They reminisced about their adventures in the woods behind their houses, their shared love for baseball, and the countless hours spent dreaming about their futures. Ben couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as he listened to Robert talk about his passion for filmmaking. It reminded him of the dreams they had shared as kids, the dreams that had slowly faded away as they grew older and life took them on different paths. "I never thought I'd see you again, Robert," Ben said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "It's amazing how life brings people back together." Robert nodded, a wistful smile on his face. "Yeah, it's funny how things work out. I always knew I wanted to make movies, but life got in the way. I got caught up in the routine, the expectations, and I let go of my dreams." Ben could relate. He had always dreamed of becoming a writer, but the practicality of life had led him down a different path.
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    15 mins
  • 3 Dose Truth
    Oct 16 2023
    Thanks for joining me. I have been away for a while but am glad to be back with you. While I was gone, my website has had a facelift. Check out GaryCrow.net to see how the update went. I have been thinking about what's true and how we can ever know. Although I don't personally have any certainty, I did come across this 3 Dose Truth strategy and thought you might appreciate it. It's just something to consider. Give it a couple of minutes and come to your own conclusion. In these days of fake news and intentional misinformation, it's easy to wonder if anything we read or hear is true. Maybe even more alarming is our inability to know who to believe, who to trust. And of course, that is the point of fake news and misinformation. The goal is not so much to get us to believe false this or untrue that as it is to fuel mistrust and doubt: mistrust of our political leaders and doubt about the intentions and motivations that underpin our government and institutions. In The Fine Art of Baloney Detection, Carl Sagan was definitely on point when he counseled, "Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage. But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us — and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along." It's harsh but certainly self-evident that "If you don't control your mind, someone else will." John Allston points out the obvious, but it has gotten to where even the obvious is suspect. In testimony to this sad state of affairs, William Safire advises, "Never assume the obvious is true." At the extreme, we get to where we mistrust what we hear, what we see, what we think; and if the insidious erosion of trust persists, we come to distrust our personal judgment and our self-confidence falters. There is an antidote for this insidious erosion of trust, but I doubt that many would think it is an easy medicine to swallow. The first dose is to give up our reliance on group-think. "Don't think you're on the right road just because it's a well-beaten path." I don't know who said that first and doubt that it matters much. The value is in being reminded that we are responsible for what we think, what we believe, and just because lots of well-meaning folks have signed onto the trip does not make it okay for us to thoughtlessly follow. Anatole France assures us that "If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." It's also true that if fifty million people think or do a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. It's up to us to guard against being just another one of the fools. The second dose serving as an antidote for this insidious erosion of trust is to give up on our habitual reliance on simply accepting the perspectives, views and opinions of people with the loudest voices or the most followers. Let it suffice to remind us of Buddha's advice, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it — even if I have said it — unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." The third dose is perhaps the hardest to swallow. Grace Hopper argued that "The most damaging phrase in the language is, it's always been done that way." Variations on the point are mental crutches such as "I've always thought…," or "I've always believed…, " or "Everyone knows…." The notion is that once I think or believe anything, that's the way it is forever. Granted, it's being consistent; but as Bernard Berenson cautioned, "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." Or perhaps you prefer George Bernard Shaw's take, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." Even so, Glen Beaman has a point, "Stubbornness does have its helpful features. You always know what you are going to be thinking tomorrow.
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    10 mins
  • Worse Than a Box of Chips
    Sep 1 2023
    This report was generated by AI. I point that out to emphasize that reducing employment inequity and discrimination is not rocket science. Obviously, the recommendations will help an infuriatingly persistent issue in many if not most organizations. I’m sure you can, with little effort, suggest a few more steps that can and should be taken. Someone very wise once observed that we know better than we do. As we see, even a box of computer chips knows better than we do. If we already know what to do, and we do, why do those who are in a position to fix things don’t? It’s a damn shame and we should all be ashamed, but we aren’t. Maybe one day our computer overlords will show us what morality is really about. Report: Fostering Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance To: Senior Management Team From: Sarah, Alex, and Jordan - Managers Date: [Yesterday] Subject: Addressing Concerns about Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance We, the undersigned managers, have conducted a comprehensive review of employee feedback and concerns related to gender equality and work-life balance within our organization. Through various channels, we have gathered valuable insights from employees, shedding light on the challenges they face. It is our sincere intention to address these matters proactively and create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Gender Equality: We have heard from employees that there may be instances where women are treated differently than men, particularly in project assignments and opportunities for advancement. To foster an environment of equality and provide everyone with a level playing field, we propose the following actions: Implement Mentorship and Leadership Training Programs: Create formal mentorship initiatives that empower women to excel in their careers. Offer leadership training programs that cultivate the skills and confidence needed to take on leadership roles. Promote Inclusive Project Assignments: Ensure that project assignments are distributed fairly based on skills and competencies, rather than gender. Regularly review project distribution to identify and address any disparities. Work-Life Balance: Employees have expressed concerns about the pressure to prioritize work over family life, impacting their overall well-being. To address these concerns and promote a healthier work-life balance, we suggest the following strategies: Flexible Work Arrangements: Introduce flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to accommodate the diverse needs of our employees. This will allow them to manage both their work and personal responsibilities effectively. Guidelines for After-Hours Communication: Establish clear guidelines for after-hours communication, ensuring that employees have the freedom to disconnect during their personal time without fear of repercussions. Support Networks: Create platforms for employees to openly discuss work-life balance challenges and share experiences. Foster a supportive community that encourages the sharing of best practices for achieving balance. Conclusion: Incorporating these strategies will not only address the concerns raised by our employees but also contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive workplace culture. We believe that by prioritizing gender equality and work-life balance, we will enhance employee morale, productivity, and long-term retention. We appreciate your consideration of these proposals and your commitment to creating a workplace that values every individual's contributions and personal well-being. We look forward to working collaboratively to implement these changes and create a more equitable and supportive work environment. Sincerely, Sarah [Manager] Alex [Manager] Jordan [Manager] Let’s start with what’s good for people before doubling down on what’s good for business.  
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    5 mins
  • No, I Don’t Want to Play Today
    Aug 25 2023
    Once Upon a Time A charming café named "Tranquil Brews" welcomed patrons seeking comfort in solitude. At a corner table with a view of the cobblestone streets, Mia, Alex, and Riley gathered as they had for years. Their warm beverages offered not only comfort against the slight chill in the air, but also a sense of camaraderie among kindred spirits. With a gentle sigh, Mia reluctantly spoke up, her voice a soft melody that blended with the café's soothing ambiance. "You know, there are days when I wish we could have just one day to ourselves, without those extroverts barging into our peace." Alex nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting to the window as if to emphasize the point. "Exactly, a day where they'd just mind their own business and let us introverts thrive in our own solitude." Riley, ever the thoughtful one, leaned in closer, a contemplative expression on her face. "I've been pondering that too. What if we decided to declare our own day, a day of quiet where we can indulge in our own worlds without the constant intrusion?" The idea hung in the air, tantalizingly close yet needing to be fully grasped. After a beat, Mia's eyes lit up, her face illuminated by a soft smile. "Perhaps we could pick Monday? It's the start of the week, and maybe people won't mind too much." Alex leaned back in his chair, a hand resting beneath his chin as he pondered. "True, but Mondays can already be overwhelming. Maybe we should choose a day that falls somewhere in the middle. Not too close to the weekend's chaos, but not too far either." "Tuesday," Riley suggested, her eyes sparkling. "It's like a blank slate, a day without expectations." Nods of agreement swept across the table, sealing their decision. Tuesday would be the Introverts' Day, a sanctuary for quiet reflection and cherished personal space. But as the excitement settled, a new challenge arose: who would champion the cause and announce this new introverts' holiday to the world? A moment of awkward silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the occasional clink of a spoon against a teacup. Riley shifted in her seat, her gaze flitting between her friends. "I'm not sure I'm up for making a grand announcement. It feels a bit too... extroverted for my taste." Mia and Alex exchanged understanding glances, their shared empathy bridging any unspoken thoughts. "What if we didn't make a big announcement?" Mia suggested. "What if we simply started celebrating it ourselves, quietly?" Riley's eyes brightened, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "Okay, but how do we ensure that everyone respects our day? What if people don't even realize it's Introverts' Day?" With a mischievous grin, Alex leaned forward. "Well, here's the ingenious part. If anyone dares to breach our solitude on Tuesday, we can just... ignore them." Mia chuckled softly, her amusement mirrored in Riley's eyes. "And if ignoring doesn't do the trick, we can delegate the responsibility to Winston." Laughter filled the air, the image of Winston, the kind-hearted barista who had become part of their daily routine, being the enforcer of quiet, proving too amusing to resist. "Poor Winston," Riley chuckled, "but you know, it might just work. If we all commit to this, we might actually have our Introverts' Day without too much fuss." Unfortunately, It Was Just Then When A group of lively extroverts burst into "Tranquil Brews" with infectious energy. Their laughter and animated conversations filled the air, creating a stark contrast to the usual calm atmosphere. Mia, Alex, and Riley exchanged knowing glances, bracing themselves for what they knew could be an unwanted encounter. The extroverts took over a large table near the entrance, their boisterous greetings echoing across the room. Mia, Alex, and Riley kept their heads down, hoping to remain unnoticed in their cozy corner. However, curiosity got the better of one of the extroverts, a tall and gregarious woman named Lily. With a friendly grin,
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    9 mins
  • American Greatness — y or n
    Aug 21 2023
    Thanks for joining me. We hear presidential candidates talking about the greatness of America. They seem to reflect a range of beliefs from America is great to America used to be great but is not great anymore; they will make America great to they will make America great again. I thought it might be interesting to ask ourselves what action we think might lead to a great America or to sustaining America's greatness. To that end, I have collected seven reasons to believe America is as great or greater than it ever was and seven reasons to believe that America is not great and in need of action to make it great. There are thus fourteen aspects of American life that need attention. Of course there are others but Let's limit ourselves to these fourteen for purposes of this exercise. For each of the fourteen, answer two questions. First, what needs to happen to keep the element great; or if it is currently deficient, what needs to happen to make the element great? Second, what action will the President have to take to sustain the elements greatness; or if the element is currently deficient, what will the President need to do to assure that the element becomes great? Let's keep America great or make it great again, depending on perspective. Here are seven reasons people often give for believing that America is as great as it ever was: Innovation and Technology: Many point to America's history of technological advancements and innovation as evidence of its continued greatness. (Note) Be sure to answer the two questions for this element before moving on. Cultural Diversity: The nation's rich cultural diversity and the opportunities it provides for different perspectives and experiences. Economic Prosperity: Highlighting the country's strong economy, job opportunities, and entrepreneurial spirit as indicators of its greatness. Freedom and Democracy: Emphasizing the values of freedom, democracy, and the protection of individual rights that are seen as integral to America's greatness. Global Leadership: The role that the U.S. plays in international affairs, including its military strength and diplomatic influence. Higher Education: The presence of world-renowned universities and research institutions that contribute to global knowledge and innovation. Social Progress: Noting advancements in civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and other areas as signs of America's ongoing progress. Here are seven reasons people often give for believing that America is not as great as it used to be: Economic Inequality: Many argue that increasing income inequality has led to a decline in the overall well-being of the population. (Note) Be sure to answer the two questions for this element before moving on. Political Divisiveness: Concerns about heightened political polarization and inability to find common ground on important issues. Healthcare System: Criticisms about the complexity and cost of healthcare, leaving some citizens without adequate access to medical services. Infrastructure: Aging infrastructure, like roads and bridges, is seen as a sign of neglect in some areas. Education System: Worries about the quality of education and access to affordable, high-quality schooling for all. Gun Violence: Concerns about the prevalence of gun violence and perceived lack of effective gun control measures. Climate Change: The perceived insufficient response to environmental issues, including climate change and pollution. Debate: Is America as Great as it Used to Be? In the heart of a bustling cafe, two friends, Jack and John, engage in a spirited debate over a topic that has long fueled discussions across the nation: the current state of America's greatness. Jack, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, leans forward and begins, "John, my friend, I firmly believe that America is as great as it ever was. Just look at the incredible innovations we've witnessed, from landing on the moon to the digital revolution. Our culture thrives on diversity,
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    8 mins