• Struggling with the fear of judgement?
    Mar 12 2024

    Do you find yourself always trying to manage and control parts of yourself through fear of them coming out and then being judged and rejected?

    Do you have a belief that you are bad and unlovable and then spend every waking hour trying to prove your 'goodness' and lovability?

    Well that was me for 30 years and it led me down a dark path of isolation, loneliness and unfulfillment!

    What I discovered over these last 6 years was that these parts 0f me that I was trying to hide from the world (which then come out in unhealthy ways) just wanted my acceptance and love, instead of everyone else's that I was trying to gain by presenting a socially acceptable version of myself.

    Once I started to invest in myself and work with people that were able to offer me the safety I needed to open up, I began recognising that I CAN show up in my wholeness and express myself authentically and as a result of that, I no longer needed to waste so much energy trying to hide parts of myself and instead could use my energy to have fun, invest in those people closest to me, what I want to create in the world and THAT is what has brought people into my life that are open minded, kind and are also on their own inner journey!

    As cliché as it sounds your vibe really does attract your tribe.

    Much love,


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    26 mins
  • reflecting on my binge drinking days
    Mar 8 2024

    throughout my 20's I wasted so much time 'living for the weekend' and in this episode I reflect on what was really going on for me and what I really wanted in my life.

    I share how I feel on a day to day basis as well as how I am experiencing life now compared to in my 20's.

    As always if you'd like to connect in any way then drop me a message at either danreader2@gmail.com or authentically_dan (instagram)


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    30 mins
  • Life update
    Mar 5 2024

    In this episode I talk about the pain I experience every day and what it is exactly i'm struggling with as well as my thoughts and feelings behind it.

    I also discuss it's origin story and why this is absolutely vital to us as human beings!

    As always i'd love to connect so if you have any thoughts, have struggled with similar or just want to chat about something then please just drop me a message at either danreader2@gmail.com or authentically_you on instagram.

    speak soon,


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    32 mins
  • The importance of working on the relationship you have with yourself, ESPECIALLY while you're in a relationship with someone else.
    Nov 2 2023
    In this episode i'm joined by my fiancée Charis.We discuss our own individual journeys and what we have struggled with along the way, what we have learnt in our relationship together so far and what we continue to work on.We also go into detail about the importance of taking responsibility for your insecurities instead of expecting your partner to solely be responsible for them.The impact that NOT taking responsibility for your insecurities has on the relationship, as well as some vital things to get clear on before getting into a relationship.As always my inbox is open and i'd love to chat about anything you may be struggling with.If you are ready to dive in head first and really commit to the relationship you have with yourself then drop me a message on https://www.instagram.com/authentically_dan/ and we can chat further about my 3 month therapy programme AuthenticallyYOU.
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    33 mins
  • Insecurities in a relationship
    Aug 24 2023
    YOUR refusal to take ownership of YOUR insecurities is causing you to constantly try and control your partner. Not only that but it is absolutely draining always looking for 'proof' that they are up to something, because of the 'fact' that you are clearly not good enough.I know because i've been there!'She could be with someone far better than me, what do I have to offer?!' Was what I used to believe about myself.After the breakdown of my second relationship 6 years ago I started to notice a pattern...The way I felt about myself had created the same result in both of my previous relationships!I realised that if I wanted to create a different result, then I had to start taking responsibility for the way I felt about me.One of the most powerful questions I asked myself was 'what kind of partner do I want to be?' We all struggle with the relationship we have with ourselves,But...Do you want to be the kind of partner that doesn't take ownership, blames the other person and tries to control their experience of life so that you feel better about yourself,OrDo you want to be the kind of partner that is able to communicate how you feel, without trying to control your partners experience of life and together support eachother to enjoy life to the full?!Remember the way you show up WILL and DOES create a very specific result in your relationships.You deserve to experience love and life to the full and it starts the moment you decide to take ownership of how you feel about you!As always, my inbox is open.Dan.
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    26 mins
  • Do you ever feel like you're not good enough?
    Aug 14 2023
    If you ever feel like you're not good enough then you NEED to listen to this episode!I go into detail about where this belief comes from and what you need to do as an adult any time you feel this way.This will change your life!!As always, if you'd like to dive in deep or would like to just discuss anything at all regarding your journey then please drop me a message on either Instagram or Facebook.In this together,Dan.
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    26 mins
  • Are you going in search of proof that you're enough?!
    Mar 6 2023

    Most of us spend our lives trying to get that metaphorical pat on the back to let us know that we're enough.

    We waste so much of our lives trying to fit into a mould of who we think we should be and who we think is more acceptable and lovable.

    Unfortunately this causes us years of suffering because we end up creating a life that isn't really what we want.

    We settle for much less than we want and deserve and then can't work out why we feel unfulfilled.

    I done this for 30 years of my life until I was faced with the truth that I just didn't love myself.

    5 years on and thousands of pounds invested in help and support I have now got the kind of peace in my life I craved for all those years!

    You really can create the kind of life and relationships you truly desire but it all starts with the relationship you have with yourself!

    If you'd like more info on my 6 Month Deep Dive then reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram.

    Much love,


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    21 mins
  • Why compassion is absolutely VITAL when it comes to our healing journey
    Jan 14 2023

    In this episode I am joined by Luzia Eisenhut who I connected with in our compassionate inquiry year long psychotherapy training which was created by Dr Gabor Maté.

    We discuss how and why compassion is vital when it comes to healing and liberation from our trauma responses.

    If you're just beginning your healing journey, or find yourself struggling with anything at all then this episode will really help you understand why and how to move forward.

    As always if you have any questions then please reach out as i'm here to support YOU.

    In this together,


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    32 mins