• "The Way We Live Now" and "The Prime Minister"––Conclusion
    29 mins
  • "Ralph the Heir"––"The Eustace Diamonds"––"Lady Anna"––"Australia"
    18 mins
  • "The Vicar of Bullhampton"-'"Sir Harry Hotsput"-"An Editor's Tales"-"Caesar"
    26 mins
  • The American Postal Treaty––The Question of Copyright with America––Four More Novels
    29 mins
  • Beverley
    Jul 16 2023
    23 mins
  • "The Last Chronicle of Barset"-"Leaving the Post Office"-"St. Paul's Magazine"
    30 mins
  • On Criticism
    Jul 16 2023
    16 mins
  • On English Novelists of the Present Day
    28 mins