
  • Is Christianity all about Rules? – Rural Reset 8/21 [10]
    Jul 15 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this episode of 'Back to Rurality,' rural pastor TJ Freeman explores the struggle between the Christian's focus on a relationship with Jesus and the plethora of rules often associated with the faith. He shares personal experiences of growing up with strict Christian rules and discusses the challenges of guilt and pride that come with viewing Christianity as merely a list of do's and don'ts.

    Key Points:

    • Two Ditches of Living for Rules: When a Christian tries to live out their faith by adhering to a strict list of rules they often fall into two negative camps: the guilty or the prideful. The guilty camp often struggles with intense shame. On the other hand, the prideful feel satisfied even though they too are missing out the freedom that comes from a relationship with Christ.
    • The Purpose of God's Law: God has given his people different commands throughout Scripture so that they would be a people set apart from the nations around them. God intends his people to image him and show off his glory.
    • The Truth of John 8: Those who are truly Christians abide in God's word because they truly love God.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • TJ encourages his listeners to ask themselves two questions. The first question is "Do I love God's Word?", and the second is "Are you abiding in God's word?"
    • Christians should pray and ask the Lord to give them a hunger for his word, motivated by a love for him.

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    • Website: backtorurality.com
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    19 mins
  • What to do When God seems Distant – Rural Reset 7/21 [9]
    Jul 8 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this episode of 'Back to Rurality,' host TJ Freeman discusses the common feeling of distance from God and offers practical tools to help listeners reconnect with their Heavenly Father.

    Key Points:

    • Potential Causes for this Distance Feeling: Their can be various causes to this feeling including unconfessed sin, unmet expectations, or comparison to others.
    • God's Steadfast Love: In Psalm 13 and Hebrews 13:5, one can see that God is steadfast in His love for His people. God is never distant from His flock.
    • The Importance of Pressing On: Trust the Lord and be encouraged by the promises in His Word.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Despite how one can feel on any given day, the Bible assures us that God is always present and faithful. He will never leave his people.
    • If you are feeling distant, do some homework and ask yourself some questions. Try to get to the source of why you are feeling distant from God.

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    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    25 mins
  • What’s the Deal with Spiritual Gifts? – Rural Reset 6/21 [8]
    Jul 1 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this episode of 'Back to Rurality,' TJ Freeman discusses spiritual gifts, their importance, and how to identify and use them effectively. He emphasizes that every Christian has unique spiritual gifts meant to glorify God and build up the church.

    Key Points:

    • One Body, Many Parts: In Romans 12 we read that the church is one unified body made up by many different parts. Each part has their own vital gifting to serve the church. The church is dependent on one another.
    • The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts: God has granted each Christian spiritual giftings not so they can show them off, or take pride in them, but so that they can build up the body of Christ. Spiritual gifts are meant to be used to aid one's fellow church members.
    • The Joy of Spiritual Gifts: Spiritual gifts are not a burden or an unwanted responsibility. They are gifts meant to pass on to others. God made the church to find their joy in Him and one of the best ways to experience this joy is to serve others.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Don't rely on spiritual gift tests, instead consider one's abilities, desires and one's church's needs, and use those to actively serve and engage within the local church community.
    • Try not to fall into the temptation to be a "Lone Ranger" Christian. Christians are meant to be interdependent on one another.

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    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    24 mins
  • Am I Praying Right? – Rural Reset 5/21 [7]
    Jun 22 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this episode of 'Back to Rurality,' TJ Freeman discusses the common confusions and questions people have about prayer, addressing both theological and practical aspects. He emphasizes the importance of prayer for Christians, especially those in rural areas, and provides foundational insights into why and how to pray effectively.

    Key Points:

    • Common Struggles with Prayer: Many might get distracted while praying, or not even know what to pray for.
    • Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God for things agreeable to his will in the name of Christ.
    • Prayer is how one can communicate with God or fellowship with Him, which allows their relationship with the Lord to grow.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Pray before you read the Bible and pray through a book in the Bible.
    • Minimize all possible distraction when coming to the Lord in prayer. One helpful way to do this is to walk in nature and pray!
    • Use the "ACTS" method of prayer. Bring your adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication to the Lord in prayer.

    Connect with Us:

    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    34 mins
  • Does a Verse a Day Keep the Devil Away? – Rural Reset 4/21 [6]
    Jun 17 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this podcast episode, TJ Freeman addresses common dilemmas faced by Christians when starting to read the Bible. He offers practical advice on developing consistent and meaningful Bible reading habits

    Key Points:

    • Common Bible Reading Struggles: There can be a lot of questions, and varying opinions on how to answer those questions, surrounding studying the Bible.
    • The Importance of Understanding the Text: It's important to understand the text directly rather than relying on commentaries or devotionals initially.
    • Recommended Study Plan: First do a flyover over the text by reading it all at once if possible. Next read a chapter every day for a week with every chapter of the book. Finally, reread the book and jot down anything that stuck out in the book.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Read the ESV translation. It is an easy but accurate translation of the Scriptures to read.
    • Start in the book of Ephesians! It is a great place to start for a Christian new to studying the Bible.
    • Persevere in Bible study, even when it's difficult to understand or fit into a busy schedule. Reading and studying Scripture is vital for long-term spiritual growth and fulfillment.

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    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    35 mins
  • How to Know if You're a Real Christian - Rural Reset 3/21 [5]
    May 24 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this podcast episode, TJ Freeman addresses common doubts about Christian faith, particularly focusing on questions of salvation and assurance. He shares his personal struggle with these doubts, triggered during his middle school years, and discusses how intellectual, emotional, and willful commitments are integral to genuine faith.

    Key Points:

    • Common Doubts in the Faith: Many people struggle with doubt. Some struggle because they are not a Christian and need to come to saving faith in Christ. Others struggle because they come up against something unfamiliar in Scripture or can't seem to overcome a sin struggle.
    • The Importance of Assurance in Salvation: Even though doubt is a common struggle, it's wise to not push it to the back burner. Instead, doubts should be dealt with, examined, and taken to the Lord.
    • Threefold Test of True Faith: This test helps people examine whether their minds, emotions, and commitments have been changed since becoming a Christian.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Examine your life and pray! Christians are those have been changed by the gospel and are seeking to live for the glory of God.
    • Christians, by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, are able to understand Scripture and see sin in themselves.
    • Represent Christ wherever he has placed you so others can experience the joy of being a Christian.

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    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    29 mins
  • Why You Should Care About the Bible - Rural Reset 2/21 [4]
    May 24 2024

    Host: TJ Freeman

    In this episode, TJ Freeman discusses the fundamental practice of reading the Bible. He addresses common struggles such as finding time to read, understanding the content, and dealing with feelings of guilt. TJ offers practical advice and encouragement to help listeners engage with Scripture more effectively.

    Key Points:

    • Struggles with Reading the Bible: Many people find it challenging to make time for Bible reading amidst their busy lives. Others may be unsure how to approach it or feel overwhelmed by its content.
    • Practical Advice: TJ provides tips on how to start reading the Bible, interpret its messages, and integrate its teachings into daily life.
    • Encouragement: The episode emphasizes that engaging with the Bible should be a transformative and positive experience, rather than a source of guilt or confusion.

    Listener Takeaways:

    • Find a manageable and consistent routine for Bible reading.
    • Approach the Bible with an open mind, ready to learn and grow.
    • Seek guidance and ask questions when you encounter difficulties in understanding the text.
    • Remember that the goal is to deepen your relationship with God through His Word.

    Connect with Us:

    • Website: backtorurality.com
    • Social Media: Facebook
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    29 mins
  • Do You Know How to Love God? - Rural Reset 1/21 [3]
    May 23 2024

    Episode Description:
    In this episode, Pastor TJ Freeman addresses common struggles Christians face in their relationship with God, such as finding Bible reading unengaging, experiencing a stagnant prayer life, and feeling disconnected during church services. He offers practical advice on rekindling a love for God, drawing from personal experiences and scriptural insights. Join us as we simplify and refocus our spiritual walk to foster a deeper, more meaningful connection with the Lord.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Admitting Struggles in Faith:
      • Common frustrations in a Christian's walk with the Lord.
      • Feeling disconnected from the Bible and prayer.
    2. Challenges in Bible Reading:
      • The Bible feeling outdated or irrelevant.
      • Overwhelmed by complex passages and long lists.
      • Time constraints and lack of excitement.
    3. Difficulties in Prayer Life:
      • Feeling like prayers are unheard or ineffective.
      • Comparing oneself to others' seemingly eloquent prayers.
      • Forgetting to pray or lacking meaningful prayer time.
    4. Engagement in Church:
      • Struggling to stay focused during sermons.
      • Not feeling emotionally connected to worship music.
      • Kids' reluctance to attend church.
    5. Simplifying and Refocusing:
      • Clearing the clutter to start fresh in your spiritual walk.
      • Emphasizing the basics of Christian faith in rural settings.
    6. Loving God:
      • Jesus' greatest commandment: Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:34-38).
      • Understanding love as a choice and an active effort.
      • Learning to love God despite struggles, trials, and past experiences.
    7. Transformation through Renewal:
      • The role of renewing your mind in spiritual transformation (Romans 12:1-2).
      • Loving what God loves and hating what He hates.
      • Actively engaging in transforming thoughts and behaviors to align with God's will.
    8. Practical Steps:
      • Addressing negative thoughts and cultivating positive ones.
      • Embracing difficult circumstances and people with Christ-like love.
      • Memorizing and meditating on key scriptures to renew your mind.


    • Encouragement to embrace the basics of loving God and renewing your mind.
    • Emphasizing that transformation is a collaborative process between God's power and our active participation.

    Scripture References:

    • Matthew 22:34-38: Jesus' teaching on the greatest commandment.
    • Romans 12:1-2: The call to be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

    Call to Action:

    • Reflect on your current relationship with God.
    • Take practical steps to renew your mind and rekindle your love for God.
    • Engage actively in your spiritual growth for the benefit of your soul, community, and the glory of God.

    Subscribe and Follow:

    • Stay updated with new episodes by subscribing to our podcast.
    • Follow us on social media for more encouragement and resources.
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    32 mins