
  • Quit Criteria
    Jul 16 2024

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    Embracing the Power of Quitting: A Pathway to Personal and Professional Growth

    I’ve always believed that the essence of personal growth is not just sticking to the familiar but daring to step off the beaten path. Recently, on my podcast, we ventured into a concept that's often shrouded in negativity: quitting. Our society tends to paint quitting in a less favorable light, associating it with failure. However, I firmly believe that strategic quitting can be a stepping stone to finding our true passions and achieving greater success.

    Our latest episode delved deep into the art of knowing when to quit and creating a solid framework around the decision. It's not merely about giving up; it's about making an informed choice that aligns with our values, goals, and well-being. We discussed the importance of stepping back, evaluating our current pursuits, and asking ourselves, "Is this path leading me to where I want to be?"

    Finding the Courage to Let Go

    In exploring the topic, I shared insights into external factors that often chain us to our current situations—peer pressure, societal expectations, and the comfort of familiarity. Yet, history is filled with stories of successful individuals and companies, like Google or Apple, who mastered the art of quitting unproductive ventures to focus on what truly mattered. This episode prompts listeners to reflect on their own lives and identify areas where strategic quitting could open doors to new opportunities.

    A Guide to Decisive Quitting

    The crux of our discussion focused on establishing "quitting criteria," a concept borrowed from the IT sector’s pre-mortems. By setting clear, measurable goals and conditions under which we would consider quitting, we can remove the emotional weight from the decision-making process. This approach ensures that our choices are grounded in logic, align with our values, and lead us towards a more fulfilling path.

    I shared my personal experience with podcasting, highlighting the importance of setting specific metrics for success and knowing when to pivot if those aren't met. It's about being honest with ourselves, setting realistic expectations, and being open to change.

    Embracing New Beginnings

    One vital takeaway from the episode is the concept of having something to quit towards. Quitting without a direction or purpose can leave us adrift. Therefore, it's crucial to identify what truly excites us and channel our energies into pursuits that ignite our passion and drive.

    Your Role in the Journey

    As the host of this podcast, my goal has always been to foster a community where we can share, learn, and grow together. I encourage you to engage with this episode, reflect on its lessons, and reach out with your stories of strategic quitting and the successes it has led you to. Your experiences enrich our discussions and inspire others within our community to make bold, transformative decisions.

    Recommended Resources for Further Reading:

    • Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
    • Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point
    • Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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  • Your Quitting Decision
    Jul 9 2024

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    Hey, Be Better Tomorrow family! Thanks for joining me, Jason Fisher, as we navigate the complex world of decisions – specifically, the decision to quit. Quitting often gets a bad rap, but let's face it, knowing when to say "enough" is just as crucial as pushing through.

    In our ongoing series about quitting, we're diving deep into when to quit, why it's sometimes the bravest choice you can make, and how to evaluate your activities to ensure they align with your personal and professional goals. Remember, sticking with something just because it's comfortable or familiar might not always serve your best interests.

    Audible Sponsorship
    A big shoutout to Audible for sponsoring our podcast. Enhance your reading habits with their extensive selection of audiobooks. Head over to bebettertomorrow.com/audible to get your free book with your Audible membership.

    Last Week's Recap
    We touched on the importance of self-assessment and goal setting. The goal? To figure out if our current actions propel us toward our dreams or hold us back. The key takeaway: It's okay to quit if it means making room for growth.

    Quitting Criteria and Accountability
    Feeling stuck and unsure about your next move? I'm here to help you establish your quitting criteria and stay accountable. Don't hesitate to reach out at Jason@BeBetterTomorrow.com for personalized coaching.

    The Pros and Cons
    Before making any life-altering decisions, it's vital to weigh the pros and cons. Ask yourself: Does this activity bring me joy, growth, and fulfillment? Or is it causing more stress and taking me away from my loved ones?

    Setting Goals and Benchmarks
    To truly measure progress and satisfaction, setting clear goals and benchmarks is non-negotiable. Whether it's improving a skill or finding balance in your personal life, understanding what success looks like for you is the first step to achieving it.

    Recognizing Stagnation and Societal Pressures
    It's crucial to acknowledge when you're no longer growing or if external factors are influencing your decision to stick with something. Reflecting on how activities impact your life and relationships can provide clarity and courage to make the right choice.

    Next Episode Teaser
    Stay tuned as we dive into decision-making frameworks in our next episode. This will equip you with the tools to make informed choices about quitting and chasing what truly matters.

    As always, your feedback fuels our community. Share your thoughts, stories, and questions at Jason@BeBetterTomorrow.com or join the conversation on our social channels at BeBetterTomorrow.com.

    Looking for more in-depth guidance? Sign up for our newsletter at BeBetterTomorrow.com to get exclusive access to a comprehensive workbook that supports this series, helping you to navigate your quitting journey with confidence.

    Remember, it's not just about the decisions you make but understanding why you're making them. Here's to making choices that lead us to be better tomorrow.

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  • Strategies for Effective Quitting and Goal Setting
    Jul 2 2024

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    Welcome back to all our listeners, and a huge thanks for joining us on another episode of the Be Better Tomorrow podcast. I'm your host, Jason Fisher, thrilled to be with you again to explore more ways we can all be better tomorrow than we are today.

    This week's episode continues our discussion on the necessary yet often misunderstood concept of quitting. If you missed the previous episode (221), where we introduced the idea of quitting not as a failure but as a strategic choice, make sure to check it concisely explained at www.bebettertomorrow.com/221. Remember, quitting can signify strength, help refocus on what truly matters, and can open doors to new opportunities.

    Our sponsor for today's episode is Audible, an incredible resource with over a quarter of a million audiobooks to help you fill your mind with knowledge, inspiration, and entertainment. Be sure to visit bebettertomorrow.com/Audible for a free audiobook and discover the wealth of knowledge waiting for you.

    • Key Takeaways from Today's Episode:

    - Quitting and Opportunity Cost: We delve deeper into the necessity of quitting as a part of strategic personal development, focusing on the concept of opportunity cost. Letting go of less critical activities to focus on ones that drive us towards our true goals.

    - Self-Assessment and Goal Setting: A crucial part of making informed decisions about quitting involves understanding ourselves better through self-assessment and aligning our actions with our personal and professional goals.

    - Books and Resources Mentioned:
    - The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, recommended for insights on starting with the end in mind.
    - Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek, for discovering your driving purpose.
    - Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi encourages finding passion and interests to get into the "flow" state.

    - SWOT Analysis: We discussed how to apply the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to your life as a tool for making informed decisions about whether to stick it out or quit.

    - Looking Forward: Next episode, we'll touch on setting "kill criteria," identifying milestones, and recognizing when stagnation means it's time to move on.

    Your feedback and questions drive this show. If there's something you're struggling with or want to know more about, reach out to me at jason@bebettertomorrow.com or engage with us on Facebook and Twitter at the Be Better pod.

    Remember, each episode is designed to offer something valuable for your growth journey. So, if you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with someone who might benefit from our discussions, and don't forget to rate and review us on your favorite podcast platform.

    Until next time, keep striving, keep learning, and be better tomorrow.

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  • Know when to Quit
    Jun 25 2024

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    Hey everybody! 🎙️ Welcome to another episode of the Be Better Tomorrow podcast. I’m your host, Jason Fisher, and I’m thrilled you’re joining me on this journey of personal improvement. This episode is something that’s been brewing in my mind for a while, sparked by various online discussions and debates. It’s all about the concept of quitting and rethinking the stigma around it.

    If you missed any previous episodes where I touched on similar topics, I strongly recommend checking them out on our website [BeBetterTomorrow.com](http://bebettertomorrow.com) or wherever you stream your podcasts.

    Today’s Theme: Quitting
    Quitting often gets a bad rap, seen as synonymous with giving up or failing. But is it really? Throughout this episode, I debunk this myth, exploring both voluntary and involuntary quitting, and why sometimes, it's not only okay but necessary to let go.

    Misconceptions About Quitting

    - We're often told that persistence is key, but what about when quitting can actually pave the way for better opportunities? Inspired by the works of Angela Duckworth and her book Grit, and insights from Chip and Dan Heath’s Decisive, we dive into why quitting shouldn’t always be seen as failure.

    Quitting as a Strategic Decision

    - There comes a point where we need to assess whether our endeavors are serving us or holding us back. We discuss the idea that quitting can be a sign of strength, as argued by Derek Sivers in 40 Lessons from a New Kind of Entrepreneur.

    The Psychological Benefits of Quitting

    - Quoting Brene Brown from Daring Greatly, we explore how quitting can lead to reduced stress and better alignment with our personal values.

    Looking Ahead

    Next week, we’ll delve deeper into self-assessment and goal-setting to help you make informed decisions about when to stick with something and when to let it go.

    Recommended Reading and Resources

    For those interested in diving deeper into today’s topic, here are a few recommended reads:

    - Grit by Angela Duckworth
    - Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath
    - 40 Lessons from a New Kind of Entrepreneur by Derek Sivers
    - Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

    Find these resources and more in the show notes on [BeBetterTomorrow.com](http://bebettertomorrow.com).

    Final Thoughts

    Remember, quitting is not synonymous with failing. It’s about making room for growth and reevaluating what truly matters. Don’t forget to subscribe to Be Better Tomorrow on Spotify, iTunes, or your favorite podcast platform, and let’s continue to invest in becoming better versions of ourselves.

    🎵 The music in this episode is by Kevin McLeod, shared under a Creative Commons license.

    Keep striving, and as always, my goal is to help you be better tomorrow.

    Jason Fisher


    *Be Better Tomorrow is produced under a Creative Commons 3.0 Share-Alike Attribution License. Feel free to use and share this content for non-commercial purposes, but please provide attribution to our podcast.*

    Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a step toward a better tomorrow.

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  • Public Speaking Tips
    Jun 18 2024

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    As you all know, I am Jason Fisher, the voice and spirit behind the Be Better Tomorrow podcast. Each episode, we embark on a journey together, diving into the vast ocean of personal and professional development. It's more than just advice; it's about sharing experiences, overcoming fears, and embracing growth. In our latest episode, we took a deep dive into the world of public speaking and presentation skills – an area many of us find daunting, yet immensely rewarding once mastered.

    Public speaking, as I've shared, is not a natural talent for all. It's a skill, something that can be honed and improved over time. Many of you know my fondness for Toastmasters, an organization that has played a significant role in my own speaking journey. Since joining in 2015, I've not only witnessed my own growth but also the transformation of countless others who stepped into the arena of public speaking with trepidation, only to emerge as confident speakers. It's more than an organization; it's a support system for individuals who dare to face their fears head-on.

    In the episode, I delved into the common hurdles many face when tasked with presenting – be it in a boardroom, at a conference, or even in casual team meetings. The fear of public speaking is real and pervasive. However, with the right mindset, tools, and practice, it's a fear that can be diminished, if not entirely overcome.

    One key takeaway I emphasized is the importance of preparation and authentic presentation. It's easy to resort to self-deprecation as a defense mechanism but rising above this impulse sets the stage for a more impactful delivery. Remember, your audience is there to listen and learn from you; owning that space with confidence makes all the difference.

    Visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, can either be your best ally or your worst enemy. It's critical to design them to complement your speech, not overshadow it. The goal is to engage your audience, not to give them a transcript of your talk through slides overloaded with text. Simplicity and clarity should guide your creation process.

    Additionally, the art of pacing and the strategic use of pauses cannot be overstated. They serve as powerful tools to emphasize points, allowing your audience to absorb and reflect on the information being shared. It's through these moments of silence that your words gain weight and significance.

    Finally, the episode wouldn't have been complete without addressing the crucial aspect of audience engagement. Asking not "if" but "what" questions they have, shifts the atmosphere from passive listening to an interactive discussion. It encourages participation, making the session more enriching for everyone involved.

    To all our listeners, your journey to becoming a more effective communicator is ongoing. Each opportunity to speak is a chance to improve, to learn something new about yourself, and to share your insights with the world. Remember, the goal isn't to eradicate nervousness but to harness it, to make those butterflies fly in formation.

    For those who haven't had the chance to listen to the episode yet, I highly encourage you to do so. Whether you're aiming to become a thought leader within your organization, hoping to boost your confidence during meetings, or simply seeking to enhance your communication skills

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  • Your Feelings are not the Answer
    Jun 11 2024

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    Why Feelings Are Your Compass, Not Your Destination: Unpacking a Powerful Lesson on Emotional Intelligence

    Hello, fellow travelers on the road to personal and professional growth. It's Jason Fisher here, from the "Be Better Tomorrow" podcast. Today, I want to share a significant insight that has profoundly impacted my journey—a lesson taught by a remarkable coworker, Michael. For those new to our space, welcome! Our mission is simple: to deliver bite-sized tips for your improvement journey, ensuring you’re better tomorrow than you are today.

    This week, we delve into a concept that really got me thinking—a reflection on emotional intelligence and the real role of our feelings. It's about understanding that feelings are not the final answer but rather, the beginning of an important question.

    You see, emotions have a way of coloring our perceptions. When we're angry, we swiftly label the source of our anger as bad. Happiness, on the other hand, is often seen as the ultimate goal. However, Michael challenged this notion, suggesting that our emotions are not final states to be achieved or obstacles to be avoided. Instead, they are invitations to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

    Through my journey, I've learned that my immediate emotional responses, especially when feeling disrespected, don't necessarily reflect reality. It's a tough pill to swallow, recognizing that the disrespect I perceive isn't always intended. This revelation underscored the importance of digging deeper, asking myself why I respond the way I do and what internal narratives drive these emotions.

    This insight led to a valuable mantra that I keep pinned on my desk: "respond, don’t react." It serves as a reminder that, in the heat of the moment, taking a step back to process my emotions allows me to engage more constructively. This is especially crucial in today's fast-paced, often remote work environments, where the nuances of communication are easily lost.

    Another aspect of this lesson involves acknowledging the diversity in communication styles. Understanding that what feels like a heated debate to me might be perceived as a verbal attack by someone else. This realization has been pivotal in nurturing healthier relationships both personally and professionally.

    Addressing the discomfort that arises from challenging conversations leads us to a crucial point: our emotional discomfort doesn't necessarily warrant shutting down dialogue. Instead, it calls for introspection and, perhaps, seeking support if needed. Embracing this approach has been liberating, allowing me to participate more meaningfully in discussions without succumbing to the urge to impose my emotional state as the conversation's endpoint.

    In sharing this insight, my hope is that it resonates with you, offering a fresh perspective on navigating your emotions and enhancing your emotional intelligence. As we continue on this journey of self-improvement together, I encourage you to embrace your emotional responses not as definitive answers but as guiding questions. By doing so, you open yourself up to a deeper understanding and, ultimately, a more fulfilling path forward.

    Until next time, remember, it’s not just about being better by the day; it’s about the incremental steps we take toward understanding ourselves a

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  • Getting Good Feedback
    Jun 4 2024

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    Hey everyone, Jason Fisher here from the Be Better Tomorrow podcast. I'm thrilled to share some insights and reflections that have been brewing since our recent episode. This journey of self-improvement we're on together is all about discovering those nuggets of truth that push us to evolve and be better with each passing day.

    One topic that has really been on my mind, and which I delved into in our latest episode, is the notion of "pursuing your passion." This phrase has become somewhat of a cliché, echoing endlessly across social media platforms and self-help seminars. The reality, however, is that true passion doesn't need a reminder to be pursued. It inherently drives us, consuming our thoughts and energy. The challenge isn’t in pursuing passion; it's discovering what that passion is in the first place.

    Throughout my career coaching and the myriad conversations on this topic, I've seen a pattern. Many of us are on a constant quest, seeking that elusive passion, that one thing we're meant to do. Yet, it's essential to acknowledge that this journey isn't linear. Some discover their calling early in life, while others might take a winding path, filled with various endeavors before finding their true passion. And for those with diverse interests, the concept introduced by Emily Wapnick as being a "multipotentialite" can be a revelation, offering a new perspective on how to merge multiple passions into a fulfilling career.

    Another cornerstone of self-improvement we explored is feedback. The art of giving and receiving feedback is pivotal, yet not as straightforward as it might seem. Quality feedback can be hard to come by; it's about finding that balance between constructive criticism and encouragement, between guiding and shaping without imposing. In the episode, I shared some personal experiences and strategies on how to navigate feedback effectively, emphasizing the importance of clarity and specificity. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end, knowing what type of feedback is needed and how to communicate it can transform a potentially challenging exchange into a productive and enlightening conversation.

    Listeners' engagement and stories enrich our discussions significantly. In response to queries about dealing with workplace boundaries and saying no to overpowering demands, we tackled the complexities of professional dynamics. It's a delicate dance, balancing one's responsibilities with personal limits, and it requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise. Your feedback and stories have been instrumental in deepening this conversation, reminding us that the personal growth journey is as much about navigating external challenges as it is about internal discovery.

    Our podcast is more than just a platform for these discussions; it's a community of curious minds, a safe space for exploration and growth. Each episode, each conversation is an invitation to look inward, question, and challenge ourselves to be better tomorrow than we are today.

    I invite you to join us on this voyage of discovery and self-improvement. Share your stories, your challenges, and your victories. Let's navigate this complex, beautiful journey of life together. And remember, it's not just about finding what you're passionate about; it's also about embracing the lessons learned along the way, cultivating resilience, and forging a path that's uniquely your own.

    Until next time, keep striving to *Be Better Tomorrow*. Let's continue this fascinating journey together, exploring new ideas, challenging old beliefs, and opening our minds to the endless possibilities that await.

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  • The Courage to Say No: Empowering Self-Care and Honest Boundaries
    May 28 2024

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    Hey everyone, Jason Fisher here, your guide and companion on the quest for improvement through the Be Better Tomorrow podcast. Today, I want to dive deeper into a concept we explored in our latest episode – the transformative power of saying "no."

    This seemingly simple word encompasses much more than its two letters might suggest. It's a boundary, a declaration of self-respect, and an essential component of growth. In our podcast, we unpacked the essence of saying no – emphasizing its importance for mental health, maintaining space for what truly matters, and fostering honesty within ourselves. It's not always easy, but its impact is profound.

    For years, like many of you, I struggled with saying no. The fear of missing out, of being perceived as rude, or simply disappointing others made it easier to default to yes, often at my own expense. But life is a relentless teacher. As I navigated personal and professional landscapes, the unsustainable nature of constant accommodation became glaringly apparent. Burnout, diminishing self-esteem, and a disconnection from my own needs and wants signalled it was time for a change.

    The journey to embracing no wasn't without its challenges. It demanded introspection, the willingness to confront discomfort, and the cultivation of mindfulness. Each no became a stepping stone towards self-awareness, teaching me to prioritize and honor my time and energy.

    Saying no also illuminated the importance of communication in my relationships. It improved conversations with friends, family, and even within my professional environment. It wasn't about declining for the sake of it, but rather about making space for choices that aligned with my values, energy, and goals. Yes, it occasionally meant turning down a night out at a dance club because it wasn't my scene, or declining an extra project at work to maintain quality on current responsibilities. But it always aimed at fostering integrity and authenticity.

    Understanding the distinction between healthy and unhealthy pressures, whether in social settings or at work, is vital. There's a profound difference between stretching oneself for growth and being stretched thin by incessant obligations. Through our discussions on the podcast and experiences shared with our listeners, we explored practical strategies for saying no – from using "I" statements to communicate personal needs or limitations, to engaging in open and honest discussions about prioritization with superiors at work.

    Looking forward, I am committed to nurturing this practice of saying no when necessary, to protect and prioritize not just my well-being, but my journey towards becoming a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today. It's not merely a personal resolution but a catalyst for broader conversations on self-care, boundaries, and healthy growth.

    I invite you, our cherished listeners and readers, to join this conversation. Reflect on your own experiences with saying no, the challenges it presents, and the growth it facilitates. Share your stories with us on social media or reach out directly via email. Your insights not only enrich our community but also reinforce the message that in the tapestry of self-improvement, each thread of no weaves stronger fabric for tomorrow.

    Let's continue to support one another in be

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