
  • EP43: Top 6 Data Science Companies and Startups in 2024 || Being An Analyst
    Jun 4 2024

    Hi Fellow Analyst

    In this episode, we delve into the exciting world of data science in South Africa, exploring six standout companies and startups making waves in 2024. Join us as we uncover the innovative work of Omnisient, Zindi, Melio AI, Korwe Software, Eden AI ZA, and Argility Technology Group. These organizations are pioneering advancements in data privacy, AI, machine learning operations, and more, each contributing uniquely to the data science ecosystem in Africa and beyond.

    Discover how Omnisient is promoting financial inclusion through privacy-preserving data collaboration, and how Zindi is building a vibrant community of data scientists across the continent. Learn about Melio AI's focus on operationalizing data science projects and Korwe Software's commitment to providing just the right information through its sophisticated data solutions. We also highlight Eden AI ZA's dedication to enhancing AI project success rates and Argility Technology Group's mission to lead in digital commerce and supply chain management software. Tune in to get inspired by the transformative potential of data science in South Africa!

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    32 mins
  • EP42 - Overview of the Lack of African-Based AI Tools for Data Analysis
    May 31 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    In this episode, we explore the noticeable absence of African-based AI tools for data analysis despite global advancements. We discuss key reasons such as limited resources, infrastructure challenges, talent shortages, and the necessity for localised AI solutions that address Africa's unique socio-economic and environmental contexts. Dr Mark Nasila, in his book "African Artificial Intelligence," emphasises the importance of developing tailored AI solutions for Africa's specific needs, showcasing various use cases across multiple industries and advocating for ethical, inclusive, and strategically implemented AI.

    We also touch on the debate of whether Africa should focus on the Third Industrial Revolution (industrialisation) or embrace the Fourth (AI and digital technologies). While industrialisation can provide immediate job creation, integrating AI and digital technologies can future-proof Africa's economy, driving innovation and long-term sustainable growth. Join us for an insightful discussion on how Africa can balance these approaches to leverage both immediate and future opportunities and test your knowledge with our engaging quiz!

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    31 mins
  • EP41: Ten AI Tools for Data Analysis – Are Any Based in Africa? || Being An Analyst
    May 28 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    In this episode we dive into the top 10 AI tools for data analysis in 2024 and explore the burning question: Are any of these innovations based in Africa?

    We'll start with a comprehensive overview of the leading AI tools that are revolutionizing data analysis:

    1. Microsoft Excel - A timeless tool now supercharged with Python and Copilot integration, making it ideal for both beginners and experts.
    2. Tableau - A premier data visualization platform enhanced with Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse for streamlined tasks and personalized insights.
    3. Polymer - A robust tool for connecting multiple data sources and building dashboards without requiring data science skills.
    4. Power BI - Microsoft's powerful BI tool offering cloud-based services for interactive dashboards and reports.
    5. KNIME AI - Known as K-AI, this open-source software provides low-code/no-code solutions for accessible data analysis.
    6. Julius AI - A platform offering unique data interpretation solutions with quick analysis and visualization capabilities.
    7. Akkio - An AI data platform tailored for agencies, specializing in data flow automation and predictive analytics.
    8. MonkeyLearn - A no-code text analytics tool that excels in extracting insights from various textual data sources.
    9. Sisense - An AI/ML-enhanced platform driving rapid decision-making and product innovation.
    10. Microsoft Azure - A comprehensive cloud platform for developing AI applications with flexible pricing options.

    After detailing these tools, we’ll shift our focus to a crucial discussion about the absence of African-based AI innovations in this list. Dr. Mark Nasila's new book, "African Artificial Intelligence," provides an insightful perspective on this issue. Drawing from his extensive experience at First National Bank, Dr. Nasila emphasises the necessity for Africa to develop AI solutions tailored to its unique challenges. His book highlights the importance of understanding, strategy, and ethics in implementing AI and calls for a collective effort to build an AI-driven future for Africa.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the latest AI tools in data analysis and join the conversation on why Africa must carve its path in the AI revolution. Don’t miss out on the insights and the chance to test your knowledge with our quiz!

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    31 mins
  • EP40: Unveiling the Power of Data Quality in AI and Compelling Data Stories || Being An Analyst
    May 24 2024

    In this episode of "How to Start Being an Analyst," we delve deep into the often-overlooked cornerstone of data storytelling: data quality. Analysts understand the significance of a compelling narrative backed by solid data. However, without ensuring our data's integrity, accuracy, and completeness, our stories risk faltering before they even begin.

    Join me, seasoned analyst and founder of Being An Analyst, as we embark on a journey to unravel the profound link between data quality and effective data storytelling. Through real-world examples and expert insights, we'll explore how investing in data quality not only enhances the credibility of our analyses but also enriches the narratives we craft.

    Discover the pivotal role data quality plays in fostering trust among stakeholders, empowering decision-makers, and ultimately driving meaningful business outcomes. From identifying common pitfalls to implementing best practices, this episode equips aspiring analysts and seasoned professionals alike with the tools and knowledge needed to elevate their storytelling prowess.

    Tune in as we unlock the transformative potential of high-quality data and learn how to harness its power to captivate, persuade, and inspire action.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Understanding the fundamental importance of data quality in data storytelling.
    2. Exploring the impact of poor data quality on the credibility and effectiveness of our narratives.
    3. Learning practical strategies for ensuring and maintaining data integrity throughout the analytical process.
    4. Leveraging high-quality data to craft compelling and influential data stories that drive actionable insights.
    5. Empowering stakeholders with trustworthy analyses that facilitate informed decision-making and drive business success.

    Join me on this enlightening journey as we bridge the gap between data quality and compelling data storytelling, empowering analysts to unleash their full potential in the dynamic landscape of the knowledge economy.

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcats is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    26 mins
  • EP39: Mastering Data Storytelling: Asking the Right Questions || Being An Analyst
    May 21 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    In this episode, we dive into the art of data storytelling and explore how asking the right questions can transform your data into compelling narratives. Join us as we discuss the key elements of effective data storytelling, including the importance of a solid data foundation, having a clear main point, and focusing on explanatory insights.

    We'll also cover the significance of presenting data in a linear sequence, incorporating dramatic elements, and using visual anchors to enhance understanding. Additionally, you'll learn practical tips on how to ask impactful questions that lead to better insights and clearer understanding.

    Whether you're a seasoned analyst or just starting out, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and strategies to elevate your data storytelling skills. Tune in to discover how to craft stories that not only inform but also engage and inspire your audience.

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    31 mins
  • EP38: How AI Is Reshaping Data And Analytics Roles || Being An Analyst
    May 17 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    In this episode, we explore the transformative impact of AI on data and analytics roles. With significant investments like $42.5 billion in AI startups and the global data analytics market projected to grow from $61.44 billion in 2023 to $581.34 billion by 2033, the landscape is rapidly evolving. We'll discuss the rise in job opportunities, with a 35% increase in data scientist positions projected by 2032, and the critical role analysts will play in interpretation, strategic thinking, and analysis despite AI advancements.

    We'll also delve into key trends such as the transition from data processors to data storytellers, the emergence of new roles like AI trainers, and the importance of specialisation in industry-specific data expertise. The episode highlights the necessity of continuous learning, effective communication, and ethical data handling in navigating the future of data analytics. By understanding these insights, professionals can better leverage AI advancements and thrive in the evolving data-driven economy.

    Read the full article here

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    30 mins
  • EP37: Understanding the Five Whys Technique for Better Root Cause Analysis || Being An Analyst
    May 14 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    Today we’re diving into a fundamental problem-solving technique that can transform your analysis – the Five Whys technique. Are you battling with root causes in your analysis? Whether you're a seasoned analyst or just starting out, this episode is for you.

    The Five Whys technique is a method used to identify the root cause of a problem by repeatedly asking "Why?" until the underlying cause is discovered. Originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and used within the Toyota Motor Corporation, this technique is now widely adopted across various industries for its effectiveness in root cause analysis. In this episode, we'll walk you through the steps of the Five Whys technique, provide a practical example, and discuss its importance in uncovering underlying causes, promoting thoroughness, prioritizing actions, and fostering continuous improvement.

    So, next time you encounter a problem in your analysis, remember to use the Five Whys technique. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can help you uncover the root cause of issues and improve your processes over time. Thanks for tuning in to "How to Start Being an Analyst." If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe and share it with your colleagues. Let’s continue to grow and improve together.

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    26 mins
  • EP36: Charting Your Analysts Path: Navigating the Landscape of Analysis Leadership and Converging Mindset, Toolset, and Skillset of Analysts || Being An Analyst
    May 10 2024

    Hi Fellow Analysts

    Join us on a journey of exploration and empowerment as we delve into the intricacies of analysis leadership. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned analyst looking to elevate your skills, this episode is packed with valuable insights to guide you along the way.

    As analysts, we often find ourselves navigating the complex intersection of mindset, toolset, and skillset in data preparation and analysis. But what does it truly take to excel in this dynamic field?

    First, we'll dive into the fundamental mindset required for effective analysis. From analytical skills like problem-solving and pattern recognition to the importance of continuous learning and domain knowledge, we'll uncover the key components that lay the foundation for success.

    Next, we'll explore the essential toolset needed to tackle data preparation with confidence. From programming languages like Python and R to data manipulation techniques and database management, we'll equip you with the technical skills necessary to thrive in today's data-driven world.

    But technical prowess alone isn't enough. That's why we'll also shine a spotlight on the crucial skillset needed to bridge the gap between data and insights. From hands-on experience gained through practical application to the power of communication and collaboration, we'll show you how to leverage these skills to drive meaningful impact within your organization.

    And finally, we'll tie it all together by examining how these elements converge to form a holistic approach to data preparation and analysis. From performance management and strategic planning to stakeholder relations and leadership support, we'll demonstrate how each piece of the puzzle plays a vital role in achieving analytical excellence.

    So whether you're preparing for your next job interview or seeking guidance in a performance conversation, this episode is your roadmap to success in analysis leadership. Tune in, take notes, and embark on your journey to becoming a true leader in the world of data analysis." Feel free to adjust any part of the description to better align with your podcast's tone and style!

    If you love insights like this, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter and WhatsApp group for daily insights or purchase our books on Amazon to grow the community

    • Subscribe via Email: https://newsletter.beingananalyst.co.za/

    • Join Analyst Chat on WhatsApp: [https://chat.whatsapp.com/JKBpoKrHO2xEkytlWtujGn]

    • Books on Amazon: [https://amzn.to/4d6bX0K]

    This podcast is dedicated to discussing the following: Analysis mindset, Data analysis, Career tips/ Career advice, Analyst career, Business analysis, Financial analysis, Analyst training, Analytics, Industry 4.0/4IR, Business intelligence, AI in business, Financial Reporting, Career development, Data science, IT strategy, Professional development, Analysis for SMMEs, and Data Industry trends

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    29 mins