• How to start investing on a salary? A solid investment approach for salary earners
    Nov 3 2022

    An average person working for my salary. How should I invest? I know about my job, but I don’t know anything about money and investing. How should I start?

    Do I really need to invest?

    A typical person will start earning in the 20’s and retire by the age of 60. This means a person on a salary earns for around 35 years. At the same time average life expectancy is moving to around 80 years. It means we will have around 25 years post retirement.

    The savings from 35 years of earnings must sustain around 25 years of retirement expenses.

    We need to invest and its not as complicated as it seems.

    Keep listening to be able to invest successfully so that your investments will do well over the long term.

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    15 mins
  • Money advice for the wealthy
    Oct 21 2022

    Wealth is uncommon, so commonly available money advice will not work for the wealthy. The wealthy are not interested in tips for saving or reducing credit card debt. The wealthy are looking to enjoy, protect and grow their wealth.

    1. Becoming wealthy and staying wealthy are two different things
    2. Becoming rich was hard. Being satisfied with your wealth is the hardest
    3. Don't overestimate the power of money. Money has its limitations
    4. Don’t overlook the power of money. Money can do more than just buying stuff
    5. Teach your kids about money
    6. Your wealth is impressive but you may not be impressive
    7. We, parasites and vultures are risks to our wealth

    You may have figured out how to get wealthy. But you will now have to learn to handle your money well.

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    8 mins
  • Taking tough decisions with hard choices and few options to choose from. When all the options suck
    Oct 17 2022

    Typical decisions in life look like this. You have to take a decision but you don’t have many options to choose from. The options you have they suck. How to decide when you have nothing to choose from?

    When all the options don't look good, quick fixes don’t work most of the times and you have to take on the bad options

    To select the bad from the worst you can choose an approach based on consequences, convenience or correctness. You will need to apply judgement based on the situation at hand and go with one of the approaches.

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    8 mins
  • Living life on your own terms. Living outside the box. Unconventional choices made easy.
    Oct 9 2022

    Living life on your own terms sounds great in theory. In practice living outside the box is daunting. It need not be a lonely walk on a challenging path.

    It is about creating an approach for building your life on your terms. It’s about living a life which is natural to you and not forcing yourself to walk on the path created by the expectations of others.

    Don't fit in. Stand up for yourself before you start living life on your own terms

    Choosing unconventional options is never easy. It is about giving yourself the capability to adopt unconventional choices.

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    9 mins
  • How would you describe yourself?
    Oct 3 2022

    Describing yourself to you requires an honest introspection. Its uncomfortable. How do we muster the courage to look ourselves in the eye and describe ourselves.

    The most authentic and impactful way to describe yourself is through actions and outcomes. You are what you do or don’t. You are what you achieve. Make the descriptions impactful through stories and and anecdotes which highlight your actions and outcomes.

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    8 mins
  • Not winning in life? Paying the price? Start winning
    Sep 25 2022

    For the average guy who is not winning. You too can win.

    You wanted to be ambitious, yet where do you stand today in terms of life goals achieved. Understand when you started to slip away from the winning ways. Who is to blame for the failed life goals and ambition not achieved.

    Figure out how to fix the problem and start winning. Achieve your life goals. Fulfill your ambitions.

    Live a successful life.

    Say NO to an average life.

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    8 mins
  • Seeking Help? Reach out and make it easier on yourself
    Sep 19 2022

    Seeking help is not easy. Understand the dynamics at play when you reach out for help. Tap into the motivations of others to be helpful, kind and generous.

    Overcome your troubles. Reach out and seek out. Help is at hand. Make it easy on yourself.

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    6 mins
  • Comparisons: Making you jealous and envious?
    Sep 14 2022
    Find out how to get good at the comparison game. Get over the jealousy. Control the envy. Make the right comparisons with the right person with an intent to learn. Learn from the best. Learn to compare yourself with you.
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    5 mins