• 18 | How is your relationship with your dog? Try this exercise and find out!
    May 26 2024

    Hey there dog lover!

    Do you want to learn something about your relationship with your dog?? (of course, you do! 😉)

    Today, you are getting a sneak peek at one of the first lessons in my Relationship Remedy Online Program!

    This is one of my favourite exercises that all of my students do.

    It's called BE with.

    I first learned about this when my dad bought me a baby horse. I was thrown into the deep end of trying to figure out horse psychology ( prey) instead of dog psychology (predator).

    So that began an incredible journey of learning and today I am sharing that with you!

    Your dog is always communicating with you... and this exercise will help you stop and take a moment to listen. :-)

    I hope you enjoy this mediative exercise in awareness.

    Next Steps:

    Make sure we are Pen Pals:

    Join the Canine Chronicles!

    1. Go to beyondobedience.caâ https://beyondobedience.caâ
    2. hang on the page for a few seconds
    3. When the pop-up comes up, fill out the form
    4. That's it! Now we are pen pals🎉

    Also, if you haven't joined the free Facebook Community Join me there!

    â Living Beyond Obedienceâ

    Looking forward to hanging out with you next week!


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    25 mins
  • 17 | Frustrated with off leash dogs? My method for staying calm so you can create a good experience
    May 19 2024

    Hey there fellow dog lover!

    Dog reactivity and off-leash dogs. 🐕

    It's a hot topic for sure. 🔥

    It can be said that dog reactivity is born from bad experiences when your dog is on a leash.

    But today I am talking about how I turned a potentially bad situation into a dog-bonding experience.

    I am sharing exactly what I did, why I did it and sharing 3 tips on how to help your dogs when off-leash dogs approach you while you are walking your dog.

    Now disclaimer time:

    There are many variables when it comes to off-leash encounters with other dogs. Today's story worked because these dogs weren't aggressive and the owners were great people. That won't always be the case therefore, always consult a professional dog trainer to help you if you are struggling with dog reactivity and off-leash dog encounters

    How to stay in touch:

    Join the Canine Chronicles (aka Be my pen pal!)

    Here's how to do it:

    1. Go to www.beyondobedience.ca

    2. Hang on the page for a few seconds until the pop-up comes up

    3. Fill out your name and email

    4. Now we are pen pals!! 🎉

    I hope you enjoy this episode. Reach out if you have questions or other podcast ideas!

    See you next week!


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    29 mins
  • 16 | Dog Introductions 101:The truths about bringing home your new dog. Success Guide!(Part 3)
    May 12 2024

    Hey there fellow dog lover!

    We are continuing our discussion on how to set up your life with your new dog! 🎉

    So you have done the homework.✅

    You have done the initial meet and greet with your current dog. ✅

    You signed the paperwork and now you are bringing home your new dog✅

    In this episode, we are talking about setting realistic expectations, creating boundaries and understanding the mind of your new dog as they settle into this new space and family.

    These next few days, weeks and months are the most important.

    Don't be fooled by the "Honeymoon phase" and set your new dog up for success!

    Next steps?

    Join the Facebook Community! Share your pics and let me know what you think about the podcast!

    Are we Pen Pals?

    Join the weekly newsletter Canine Chronicle

    Here's how you do it:

    1. GO to www.beyondobedience.ca

    2. Hang on the page and a pop-up menu will appear

    3. Leave your name and email

    4. Now we are pen pals forever! 💜

    I hope you enjoy this podcast!

    Please be sure to share it with other dog-loving friends!

    See you next week!


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    31 mins
  • 15 | Dog Introductions 101: The "How-to" Introducing 2 Dogs the Right Way (part 2)
    May 5 2024

    Hey there dog lover!

    This week we are continuing our discussion: How to introduce a new dog to your pack and family.

    Last week we talked about the "why".

    Why do you want to add another dog to your family?

    And what kind of dog?

    How old? etc

    And now this week, we are talking about introducing your dog to your potential new dog.

    I am giving you the exact "how-to" today :-)

    It's time for... (drum roll please)

    Dog Introduction 101 -so that you can take the time to observe how your dog feels about the new dog. 🎉


    Be sure to subscribe and catch next week's episode for Part 3 of Dog Introductions. :-)


    Be sure to Join our Facebook Community for more tips and cute pics of dogs!

    And if you haven't had a chance to join our Newsletter: The Canine Chronicles, be sure to do that so that you can ask your questions or just say hi! Let's be pen pals!

    Here's how you do it:

    1) Go to BeyondObedience.ca

    2) Hang on the page for a bit, and a pop-up will ask you if you want to be part of our Canine Chronicles.

    3) Give your name and email and that's it!

    Disclaimer: All info here is for education/entertainment purposes and should never replace a professional trainer's advice. :-). If you are unsure or uncomfortable introducing dogs please consult a professional dog trainer in your area.

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    30 mins
  • 14 | Dog Introductions 101: The Basics and How to introduce your newly adopted dog to your OG Dog (Part 1)
    Apr 28 2024

    Hey there my fellow dog lover!

    This week I am talking about one of my favourite topics: Dog introductions!

    Specifically, how to introduce your newly adopted dog/puppy to your original dog with less stress and more success!

    So, if you are considering adding another furry friend to your pack, this week's episode is for you!

    Special shout out to Karen who replied to my Canine Chronicle Weekly Digest with her question about her newly adopted puppy Howie and how her dog Tucker is feeling about the whole thing.

    Today is part 1 of this series and we are talking about the first steps BEFORE you decide to get another dog.

    So if you are dreaming of having more than one dog... grab a notebook and pen and let's get into it!

    Disclaimer: All info here is for education/entertainment purposes and should never replace a professional trainer's advice. :-). If you are unsure or uncomfortable introducing dogs please consult a professional dog trainer in your area.

    Show more Show less
    27 mins
  • 13 | Barking in the car? Why it's happening and what to do about it!
    Apr 21 2024

    Hey there dog lover!

    We are still talking about barking! It's a hot topic for sure.

    This week's question comes from my friend Susanne, who travels with her 8-month-old dog and goes wild whenever anyone approaches the car.

    Let's find out why, and what to do about it.

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    30 mins
  • 12 | 3 Truths about Attention Barking and Why Saying 'NO BARKING!' isn't Helping.
    Apr 14 2024

    Hey dog lover!

    Well, barking is a hot topic! Am I right?

    So let's continue the fun with this week's episode on Attention Barking!

    Attention barking is when your dog is barking at you.

    They are demanding you to play, feed or pay attention to them in some way.

    Attention barking can be frustrating and may have you shouting! BE QUIET! NO BARKING! more than you would like to admit. And if that is you my dog-loving friend... This is the episode for you!

    So let's review the 3 truths about attention barking and what you can do about it.

    Oh! and...

    special shout out to Shar who commented on Spotify! Thank you for the inspiration for this episode!

    And if you would like your question answered be sure to get on the Canine Chronicle Weekly Digest and message me!

    Your question could be featured in the weekly email series on the podcast or Question of the Week!

    Just go to: beyondobedience.ca

    hang on the page for a second and a pop-up menu will ask if you would like to be on the list for the Canine Chronicles. Fill it out so we can be pen pals!

    Until next week!


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    20 mins
  • 11 | Are you struggling with dog barking? Try this unusual tip to get some peace
    Apr 7 2024

    Hey there dog lover!

    Do you have a dog that barks at everything going on outside? Barking at the door, the windows, the fence line? Today on the podcast I am talking about barking. But not just any barking. Alert barking. And I am sharing this one surprising tip I learned after watching my daycare dogs. Dogs really are the best teachers when it comes to understanding our dog's behaviours. So if you are ready to try something a little more "dog-like" Let's get to it!

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    19 mins