• Faith in Desperate Times: Lessons from Jairus' Family’s Story
    Jul 25 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 32

    Jairus & His Wife and Daughter


    Wendi Christensen and Tamara Anderson discuss the story of Jairus and his family from Mark 5: 22-24, 35-43. They talk about the power of faith in overcoming adversity, sharing stories of miracles and the importance of slowing down to notice people in need. They emphasize the significance of recording sacred moments in their lives and holding on to belief and hope during challenging situations. Through personal experiences and insights, they highlight the importance of faith in unexpected ways and the need to keep hoping beyond hope for a miracle.

    Main Takeaways

    · From Wendi, “I just love with this story. The fact that it just shows so much care and compassion that Christ has for each and every one of us. . .[that] people are not going to get and understand those those special sacred things in our lives. But that Jesus gets us. He gets us, He knows us, he understands us, and he sees our faith.”

    · From Tamara, “I love the faith of this little family, and how they chose Jesus. They chose Jesus, that was a conscious choice: We choose Jesus at this pivotal moment. And I think that's a great example for all of us. And so, yeah, seek him out in your pivotal moments, in your daily moments. Seek Jesus.”

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Wendi Christensen, LCSW

    Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


    If you’d like to read the transcript of today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog. Link in the bio.


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    40 mins
  • Can Fasting Bring Miracles in Your Life?
    Jul 23 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 31

    Sermon on the Mount, part 16


    Tamara and Wendi discuss Matthew 6:16-18 about how fasting is not just about abstaining from food and drink, but about humbling oneself and seeking spiritual growth. It should be done in secret and with a humble heart, with a specific purpose in mind. Both women share personal experiences of using fasting to seek God's strength and guidance during difficult times, emphasizing its transformative power in their spiritual journeys. They underscore the importance of understanding that fasting is not always immediate or straightforward, but it can bring about miracles in one's life.

    Main Takeaways

    · From Tamara, “It strengthens our spirit and our connection with God when we do fast. And that is what helps us move through things, even hard things with greater strength and maybe more of a godlike perspective. Maybe not initially, but eventually. So I'm thankful that we have this tool that the Savior teaches us about for good times for hard times.”

    · From Wendi, “As I continue through a fast, then I get to that point where it doesn't bother me so much. I'm it's not so much about the hunger and the hunger pains. It's that I have a purpose. And that purpose often leads me to a higher connection with my higher power. And I overcome …the physical body almost, so that my …spirit has more power, she feels stronger. She feels a lot more aligned… with God's will, with what would he have for me or the person maybe that I'm fasting for?”

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Wendi Christensen, LCSW

    Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


    If you’d like to read the transcript of today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog. Link in the bio.


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    36 mins
  • What Can We Learn from the Woman with the Issue of Blood?
    Jul 18 2024

    How Can Faith Help Us Overcome Long-Term Challenges?

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 30

    The Woman With The Issue of Blood


    Tamara and Wendi shared personal experiences with long-term challenges and how they relate to the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible (Mark 5: 25-34). They emphasized the woman's resilience and faith in Jesus, who healed her despite societal norms and her desperation. They encouraged listeners to find hope and inspiration in the woman's story, even in the darkest of times, and to seek help. They also discussed the transformative potential of Jesus Christ in overcoming personal struggles, sharing their personal experiences and insights.

    Main Takeaways

    · From Tamara, “I love her faith. I love her courage. I love that she didn't give up. And I I admire her determination to keep going and I think that's probably one of my biggest takeaways is don't give up. Even though there may be moments when you feel like it. We all feel that way sometimes. But just keep going. Keep going, knowing the answers will come, eventually.”

    · From Wendi, “Even though we feel nameless, God knows your name. Jesus Christ knows you. He knows you and helps you and will offer that peace. Keep going. And healing be there and peace will be there.”

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Wendi Christensen, LCSW

    Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


    If you’d like to read the transcript for today’s episode, please visit our Women Warriors of Light website blog.

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    33 mins
  • How Can Prayer Help Us Overcome Temptation?
    Jul 16 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 29

    Sermon on the Mount, part 15


    Tamara Anderson and Wendi Christensen discuss Matthew 6:13 from the Lord’s Prayer about the importance of prayer and God's help in overcoming temptation and evil. They emphasize the need to submit to God's will and trust in His power, highlighting personal experiences of God's help in their lives. They also offer counseling techniques and biblical references to help individuals overcome sorrow and depression through faith and empowerment. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of recognizing and relying on God's peace, light, and goodness in times of struggle.

    Main Takeaways

    · From Wendi: “I love that Christ ends on that hope, with He's going to help us go through. That we're going to go through these difficult things, these temptations, even temptations from the evil one… we will find that help--even if it's going to be a while trudging through the difficulties of difficult moments, praying for strength and it's okay for us to pray for strength over our temptations. And to continue looking to that source of power and light and glory. Keep looking through that to that and we will overcome. We will come off conqueror with Him.”

    · From Tamara: “I just keep going back to that cute saying that they say in the South that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, But tacking on "with his help." Really and truly, that's what life boils down to. And that's what this verse boils down to for me is that we can do anything with his help.”


    Pray that God will help and strengthen you in temptations as you face evil today.

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Wendi Christensen, LCSW

    Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


    If you’d like to read the transcript for today’s episode, please visit our Women Warriors of Light website blog. https://www.womenwarriorsoflight.com/blog/How-Can-Prayer-Help-Us-Overcome-Temptation

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    37 mins
  • What Can We Learn from Dorcas' Example of Service?
    Jul 11 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 28



    Tamara, Jen, and Amy discussed the story of Dorcas/Tabitha in Acts 9:36-43, highlighting themes of service, selflessness, and the transformative power of God's love. They shared personal experiences and insights on the importance of serving others and receiving help, emphasizing the value of this cycle of love in bringing people closer together. Through their testimonies, the speakers illustrated how following Christ's example and relying on His power can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and connection with others.

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Jennifer Wright

    Jen is a member of our advisory board. She is a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and an administrator for a non-profit. Although busy pursuing her graduate work in Public Administration, she still finds time to be a wife and mother as well as help the youth in her area learn to love and understand the scriptures.

    Amy Johnson

    Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.


    If you’d like to read the transcript for today’s episode, please visit our Women Warriors of Light website blog. https://www.womenwarriorsoflight.com/blog/What-Can-We-Learn-from-Dorcas-Example-of-Service

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    28 mins
  • Why Is Humility Key in Approaching God?
    Jul 9 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 27

    Sermon on the Mount Part 14


    Tiffany, Haley and Tamara discuss Matthew 6:9-12, 14-15 from the Sermon on the Mount. They talk about the meaning of 'Hallowed be thy name' and 'Kingdom Come' in the Lord's Prayer. They explore the spiritual and symbolic meanings of these phrases and their connection to the ultimate purpose of life. The speakers also discuss the significance of forgiveness in personal spiritual journeys and its connection to gratitude, mercy, and humility. They emphasize the importance of approaching God with humility and seeking His forgiveness, as well as inviting His nourishment in both spiritual and physical aspects.

    Main Takeaways

    • From Tiffany, “I want to remember why I'm here. I want to remember that this life, I'm not here to do all the worldly things that we think about. But all of those things come because I'm doing my Heavenly Father's work.”
    • From Haley, “It's okay to talk to Him about everything that is going on in our lives and to talk to Him as our dear Father that knows us and knows everything that we need, and we can speak freely, and He's there for us and He loves us.”
    • From Tamara, “It's my partnership with God that I'm just going to link arms with Him today, and walk through the day with Him by my side, because then it feels so much more doable and achievable.”

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Tiffany Fletcher

    Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog: motherhadasecret.blogspot.com

    Haley Hatch Freeman

    Haley miraculously survived anorexia which caused a near-death-experience. She has written her extraordinary story in her book as well as two children’s books to help parents create a strong foundation of self-worth and instill a healthy relationship with food in their children. She is a professional speaker and mentors women around the world. You can find out more about her on her website at www.haleyhfreeman.com


    If you'd like to read the transcript from today's episode, you can find it on the Women Warriors of Light website blog.

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    32 mins
  • What Can We Learn About Gratitude & Covenants from Noah’s Family?
    Jul 4 2024

    What Can We Learn About Gratitude & Covenants from Noah’s Family?

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 26

    Women of the Ark, Part 4


    Tamara, Tiffany, and Amy discuss Genesis 9, focusing on gratitude in Noah and his family’s story post-flood. They explore Noah's altar, God's covenant with him, and its relevance to women today in creating a legacy of faith.

    Tamara Anderson, Tiffany Fletcher, and Amy Johnson discuss Genesis Chapter 9 and the significance of gratitude in the story of Noah and his family after the flood. They explore how Noah's altar-building and burnt offerings demonstrated his gratitude to God, and how God's covenant with Noah and his descendants was established as a result. The speakers highlight the significance of this covenant, which includes the promise of perpetual generations and the token of God's part, the rainbow. They also discuss how this covenant applies to women and their role in passing down the story of Noah and the flood to future generations. Tiffany Fletcher and Tamara Anderson also emphasize the importance of prioritizing God in their lives to multiply blessings and leave a righteous legacy.

    Main Takeaways

    Podcast Hosts & Guests

    --Tamara Anderson

    --Tiffany Fletcher

    --Amy Johnson


    If you’d like to read the transcript for today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog. https://www.womenwarriorsoflight.com/blog/What-Can-We-Learn-About-Gratitude-Covenants-from-Noahs-Family

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    27 mins
  • How Can Authenticity Transform Your Prayer Life?
    Jul 2 2024

    Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 25

    Sermon on the Mount, Part 13


    Tamara, Amy & Jen discussed Matthew 6:5-8 about the significance of authenticity in prayer, sharing personal experiences with prayer and the atonement. They emphasized the importance of forming a personal relationship with God through quiet moments of prayer and meditation, rather than following a checklist of religious routines. They also highlighted the relational aspect of prayer, emphasizing that it's not a transaction but a conversation with God, and that it's okay to express emotions like anger and sorrow to Him. The speakers emphasized the need for authenticity and vulnerability in prayer to build a genuine relationship with God.

    Main Takeaways

    • From Jen “He tells us come, ask. The most common thing we are told throughout all of scripture, and it's in every piece of scripture is ask. Ask me, ask me. I'm going to tell you, ask me. So that's my takeaway is pray and ask.”
    • From Amy “When you're surrounded by other people, and you feel like you cannot get alone time to pray. Why not take them with you? And I think back to when I had my little children, how different would it have been if I had grabbed my oldest, who never stopped talking, and said to him, ‘Hey, can you just come kneel silently here for just a minute with mom, I really need to talk to Heavenly Father. I want to be with you too, but can you just kneel with me silently for just a minute?’ How different would my life have been and his life had I brought him with me, to the Lord?”
    • From Tamara, I'm just thankful to know that we have this gift of prayer, that we can reach out to God at all times, wherever we are, whenever we are. If we feel like, maybe we don't deserve an answer, it doesn't matter. God is there. He's there to hear. He's there to help. He's there to answer.”

    Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

    Tamara K. Anderson

    Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

    Amy Johnson

    Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.

    Jen Brewer

    Jen Brewer is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is a nourisher of bodies and souls. She does this through speaking, writing, and global malnutrition work. She is the mother of 7 children, author of 6 books, and lover of traveling to discover yummy food and Jesus Christ (not necessarily in that order).


    If you’d like to read the transcript for today’s episode, please visit our Women Warriors of Light website blog. Link in the bio. https://www.womenwarriorsoflight.com/blog/How-Can-Authenticity-Transform-Your-Prayer-Life

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    36 mins