• 245 | Leo New Moon: Voyages Gone By!
    Jul 29 2024

    This week, the Sun and Mars further the North Node's energetic agenda; as Venus squares Uranus, look for the unexpected in money and relationships; Venus enters modest Virgo; Mercury enters its latest retrograde period; the Leo New Moon is uncharacteristically reflective; and April revisits a listener question about the Sun's annual cycle through your birth chart. Plus: Retrograde hygiene, dreaming of fairies, and annoying mouth noises!

    Read a full transcript of this episode.

    Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!

    Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!

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    [1:20] The Sun trines the North Node on July 31 (1:48 am PDT 08º38’ Leo-Aries). The North Node’s Sabian Symbol is 9 Aries, A crystal gazer, the Sun’s is 9 Leo, Glass blowers. Create something new and beautiful from the breath of creative spirit.

    [3:20] Mars sextiles the North Node on Aug. 1 (8:19 pm PDT), 08º23’ Gemini-Aries. Mars is on 9 Gemini, A quiver filled with arrows. What skills, contacts and ideas do you have to fan the flames of that pioneering Aries North Node?

    [4:20] Venus squares Uranus on Aug. 2 (6:27 am PDT), 26º52’ Leo-Taurus. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 27 Leo, Daybreak. When Venus comes together with Uranus, we never know what's coming next in love or money.

    [6:23] On Aug. 4 (7:23 pm PDT) Venus enters Virgo and is here through Aug. 29, 2024. Venus in Virgo favors modest surroundings, finds beauty in functionality, is particular in relationships, and organized about money.

    [9:30] On Aug. 4 (9:56 pm PDT) Mercury stations retrograde at 4º06’ Virgo on the Sabian symbol 5 Virgo, A man dreaming of fairies. Mercury is retrograde through Aug. 28th. Simplify your schedule, reduce time on social media, finish up practical projects.

    [12:31] Moon Report! The Leo New Moon (Aug. 4, 4:13 am PDT, 12º34’ Leo) is on the Sabian symbol, 13 Leo, An old sea captain rocking. To express Leo's creative potential fully requires periodic rest, refueling.

    [15:19] This is the beginning of a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that unfolds over the coming three years. Pay close attention to what is important in your life at this New Moon. Action comes at the First Quarter of this LPFC on May 4, 2025, insight at the Full Moon on Feb. 1, 2026, final action at the Last Quarter on Nov. 1, 2026.

    [17:15] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 29 (1:59 pm PDT), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It is VOC for about half an hour and then enters Gemini (2:28 pm PDT). Learn to handle practical affairs more effectively.

    [18:14] On July 31 (7:46 pm PDT), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune, is VOC for about half an hour and enters Cancer (8:19 pm PDT). Use this time to write down what you are imagining, and what you're dreaming of.

    [19:09] On Aug. 3 (3:31 am PDT), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune and is VOC for 38 minutes before entering Leo (4:09 am PDT). Caring for those around you earns love and acceptance.

    [19:56] Hop in the Wayback Machine to revisit Ep. 131 and a question from Listener Asher about the Sun's annual cycle through your birth chart.

    [26:09] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

    [26:41] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!

    [27:14] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer Solstice episode.

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    29 mins
  • 244 | It's Leo Season: Time for Roaring and Relaxation!
    Jul 22 2024

    This week, the Sun enters its fiercest season as it slips into Leeeooooo! Its connections with powerful Pluto and ferocious Mars boost dynamism and creative energy, but heed your limits and be sure to get some rest and recreation. Mercury enters hands-on Virgo; get organized! The Taurus Last Quarter Moon brings an important eclipse season from 2022 to a close. And April answers a listener question about the mysterious 12th House. Plus: putting the “I” in AI, jammies and toast, and your invisible teacher!

    Read a full transcript of this episode.

    Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!

    Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!

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    [1:09] The Sun enters Leeeeeeoooooo, the Sun’s strongest sign, on July 22 (12:44 am PST). It's in this sign through August 22, 2024. Take some time to rest and restore during Leo season.

    [3:29] Also on July 22 (10:37 pm PDT), the Sun opposes Pluto at 00°52’ Leo and Aquarius. Celebrate the glorious individual, but heed its limits.

    [6:55] Mercury enters one of the signs of its rulership (some say exaltation too): Virgo (July 25, 3:42 pm PDT). It will be in Virgo through Sep. 26, 2024. Note that both Mercury and the Sun move into their strongest signs this week. Think about developing systems to make life’s tasks more efficient.

    [9:18] On July 25 (7:32 pm PDT), the Sun sextiles Mars at 03º36’ Leo-Gemini. Use this extra energy to boost Leo's most creative impulses and make them real.

    [11:12] Moon Report! The Taurus Last Quarter Moon (July 27, 7:51 pm PDT) is at 05º32’ Taurus and Leo. Gather resources to bring domestic-oriented dreams closer a reality.

    [12:23] This is the Last Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began at the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on April 30, 2022 (10º28’ Taurus). The First Quarter in this LPFC was on Jan. 28, 2023 and the Full Moon on Oct. 28, 2023 (a Lunar Eclipse). What changes from those eclipses need to be brought to conclusion?

    [15:33] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 23 (2:58 am PDT), the Moon in Aquarius opposes Mercury in Leo. It's VOC for about 3 ½ hours before entering Pisces (6:23 am PDT). This is an opportunity to shift your habits to better balance feeling with thinking.

    [17:18] On July 25 (7:31 am PDT), the Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune. It's VOC for about 21 minutes and then enters Aries (7:52 am PDT). Try developing a new habit of focusing on tackling simple, easy-to-complete chores to help you deal with emotional overwhelm.

    [18:38] On July 26 (3:14 pm PDT), the Moon in Aries trines Venus in Leo. It will be VOC for a little over 19 hours (!!!) before the Moon enters Taurus, on July 27 (10:22 am PDT). The courage to act on your desires is strong during this VOC Moon period.

    [20:50] Listener Swimfan asks about the 12th House in astrology. Check out Episode 162 for another discussion about this fascinating house of the chart.

    [28:51] To have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

    [29:19] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!

    [29:53] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer solstice episode.

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    32 mins
  • 243 | Capricorn Full Moon: A Seat at the Table!
    Jul 15 2024
    This is Mars’ busy week, as it aspects Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and enters Gemini – and busy is the way Mars likes it! The Sun and Mercury connect with Uranus, offering an opportunity to change our personal stories. The Full Moon in Capricorn encourages us to place ourselves in powerful positions. Venus makes a sizzling sextile to Jupiter, and the Sun takes a lovely vacation with Neptune. And April answers a listener question about the Saros Cycle. Plus: A strong fist and a live wire, wooing with words, and stepping into power! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps (full show notes here) [1:19] Mars conjoins Uranus on July 15 (7:05 am PDT) at 26°19’ Taurus. It's the first conjunction between these two since Aug. 1, 2022. Be aware of impulsive actions that can lead to unexpected challenges. [3:25] On July 18 (7:00 am PDT), the Sun sextiles Uranus at 26°25’ Cancer-Taurus. Embrace change. [5:14] Mars sextiles Neptune on July 20 (8:17 am PDT) at 29°50’ Taurus-Pisces. Put all your practical efforts to work for altruistic purposes. [6:30] Mars enters Gemini that same day, July 20 (1:43 pm PDT) and will be in Gemini until Sep. 4, 2024. Mars, the planet of work, will now transcend the physical, and this becomes a transit for hard mental work. For Mars in Gemini inspiration, check out this travel adventure channel! [8:53] On July 21 (8:47 pm PDT) Mars trines Pluto at 00°53’ Gemini-Aquarius. An opportunity to move larger groups of people with your communication. [9:50] Moon Report! The Capricorn Full Moon (July 21, 3:17am PDT, 29º08’ Capricorn) is on the Sabian symbol 30 Capricorn, A secret business conference. 29°, known as the anaretic degree, brings a strong sense of impending change. [13:11] This is the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began on Jan. 21, 2023, with the New Moon at 01º32’ Aquarius (also conjunct Pluto). The First Quarter in this LPFC was on Oct. 21, 2023, and the Last Quarter Moon is on April 20, 2025. Pull out your notes from your New Moon Workbook to see connections between these periods of time. [15:45] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 16 (6:10 pm PDT), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for about 15 minutes before it enters Sagittarius (6:25 pm PDT). Hang out with loved ones and get creative. [16:57] On July 19 (12:58 am PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for about 16 minutes, and then enters Capricorn (1:14 am PDT). Have the humility to consider other points of view. Get out into the brush like Big Foot! [18:14] On July 21 (4:26 am PDT), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for about 17 minutes, then enters Aquarius (4:43 am PDT). How you can use your practical gifts on behalf of the people in your life who need your help right now? [18:59] Venus sextiles Jupiter (July 21, 1:43 pm PDT), at 12º30’ Leo and Gemini. Venus’ Sabian symbol is 13 Leo, An old sea captain rocking. The Sabian symbol for Jupiter is 13 Gemini, A great musician at his piano. Experiment with different creative outlets. Woo the object of your affection with skillful language. [21:29] On July 21 (3:21 pm PDT), Mercury squares Uranus at 26°32’ Leo-Taurus. Tell a new story about yourself and be on the lookout for new opportunities. [22:34] The Sun trines Neptune on July 21 (8:25 pm PDT) at 29°49’ Cancer-Pisces. Slip quietly into a new way of being or go on a sabbatical. Rest to recharge. [23:47] Listener Eclipso asks about the Saros Cycle. Recommended reading: Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady. [30:47] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [31:22] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! [31:58] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
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    34 mins
  • 242 | Venus Enters Leo: Not-so-Subtle Shifts in Style!
    Jul 8 2024

    This week, relationships take an unexpectedly deep turn when Venus, freshly in Leo, connects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Mercury and Jupiter's optimistic sextile aspect turn the corners of the mind upward into a smile. The Sun trines Saturn for healthy boundary setting and discipline, and the First Quarter Moon in Libra encourages us to rely on others to help us move beyond our comfort zone. Plus: Jeans and t-shirts, flamboyant wooing, and taking things to the extreme!

    Read a full transcript of this episode.

    Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!

    Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!

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    [1:20] Venus sextiles Uranus (July 8, 4:04 am PDT), 26°02 Cancer-Taurus. Unexpected opportunities in relationships, money, desire, and values are possible.

    [2:47] Mercury sextiles Jupiter (July 8, 7:26 am PDT), 09°50’ Leo-Gemini. Seize opportunities to increase your contact list; this is a great day to socialize and network.

    [3:47] The Sun trines Saturn (July 10, 8:04 PDT), 19°19’ Cancer-Pisces. The Sabian symbol for the Sun at this trine is 20 Cancer, Gondoliers in a serenade; Saturn is on 20 Pisces, A table set for an evening meal. If you can establish boundaries and embrace your own sense of authority, terrific breakthroughs in career arise.

    [6:34] Venus trines Neptune (July 11, 7:32 am PDT), 29º54’ Cancer-Pisces. Resolve home and family issues with a sense of beauty and connection. Artistic creations are well-received.

    [8:38] Venus enters Leeeeeeoooooo (July 11, 9:18 am PDT) and is in this sign until Aug. 4, 2024. Glam it up! This is a positive placement for creating something that lasts the test of time, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Shower loved ones with affection.

    [10:45] On July 12 (7:12 am PDT), Venus opposes Pluto (01º07’ Leo-Aquarius). Expect intense romantic feelings and financial fluctuations. Conversations deepen in matters of love and money.

    [13:24] Moon Report! The Libra First Quarter Moon is on July 13 (3:49 pm PDT, 22º00’ Libra-Cancer). Expand your inner circle.

    [16:20] This is the First Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began at the Libra New Moon on Oct. 14, 2023 (21º07’ Libra). The Full Moon in this LPFC comes on April 12, 2025, and the Last Quarter on Jan. 10, 2026.

    [17:52] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 8 (11:03 pm PDT), the Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. It's VOC for about 7 ¾ hours, then enters Virgo on July 9 (6:47 am PDT). If celebrating ourselves has gotten out of hand, Uranus in Taurus will help correct course.

    [19:11] The Moon opposes Neptune on July 11 (6:54 pm PDT) and is VOC for only 11 minutes, before it enters Libra (7:06 pm PDT). Keep your eyes open for little messages on how to balance feelings and intellect.

    [21:05] On July 13 (3:48 pm PDT), the Moon squares the Sun at 22º00’ Libra and Cancer (the First Quarter Moon). The Moon is VOC for 16 hours (!!!) before it enters Scorpio (July 14, 7:52 am PDT). Establish more positive habits related to the tension between family and partner, or familiar surroundings vs sociability.

    [22:09] April is prepping for her first-ever sabbatical (!!!) so there is no listener question or mini-lesson this week. Never fear though; they will return in the next episode. April is away from July 15-Aug. 12, but new episodes will continue!

    [22:56] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

    [23:29] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!

    [24:00] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer Solstice episode.

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    26 mins
  • 241 | Cancer New Moon: Happy Overindulgence!
    Jul 1 2024
    This week, Neptune turns retrograde, prompting introspection. Mercury exits Cancer on a dreamy, Neptunian note, then enters playful, creative Leo and gets focused with Pluto. The Cancer New Moon welcomes family gatherings and changes at home. Venus and Mars confer with serious Saturn, and the Sun squares off with the lunar nodes, marking the midpoint between eclipse seasons. And April answers a listener question about Solar Arc directions. Plus: Fiscal responsibility, simple math, and getting serious! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps (full show notes at website) [1:20] Neptune stations retrograde this week (July 2, 3:40 am PDT) at 29º55’ Pisces and is retrograde until December 7, 2024. Be your own spiritual guide. Sort through other philosophical views and decide what resonates. [3:50] Mercury trines Neptune (July 2, 4:53 am PDT) at 29°55’ Cancer-Pisces. Great aspect for creative projects and very helpful in shifting through spiritual principles. [5:29] Mercury enters Leeeeeooooo on July 2 (5:50 am PDT) and will be in Leo until July 25, 2024. Express yourself!!!! [7:32] The Sun squares the lunar nodes on July 2 (11:26 am PDT) at 11°20’ Cancer, Aries and Libra, marking the midpoint between eclipse seasons. [9:00] Yet another aspect for July 2! Venus trines Saturn on July 2 (6:41 am PDT) at 19º25’ Cancer and Pisces. Venus is on the Sabian symbol 20 Cancer, Gondoliers in a serenade, and Saturn is on 20 Pisces, A table set for an evening meal. A sweet aspect for financial and relational commitments. [11:0] Mercury opposes Pluto on July 3 (12:27 am PDT) at 01º19' Leo and Aquarius. Pluto is on the Sabian symbol 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. An excellent time to figure out technical challenges or to uncover mysteries and secrets. [12:26] Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5 (12:02 pm PDT) at 19º23’ Taurus, and Pisces. The Sabian symbol for Mars at the sextile is 20 Taurus, Wind, Clouds, and Haste. The Sabian symbol for Saturn is 20 Pisces, A table set for an evening meal. This is an opportunity to do important things that will last. [14:17] Moon Report! The Cancer New Moon on July 5 (3:57 pm PDT) at 14º23’ Cancer, on the Sabian symbol, 15 Cancer, A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it. The New Moon point is also in a conjunction with Venus, sextiles Mars and trines Saturn. [16:28] This New Moon initiates a new lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that continues over the next three months. The First Quarter Moon of this LPFC will occur on April 4, 2025. The Full Moon in this LPFC will happen on Jan. 3, 2026. The Last Quarter phase in this LPFC will be on Oct. 3, 2026. [18:18] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 2 (8:43 am PDT) the Moon in Taurus makes a sextile to Neptune. It's VOC for seven minutes and then the Moon enters Gemini (8:50 am PDT). Create a solid foundation that makes it possible to indulge your imagination. [19:33] On July 4 (1:44 pm PDT), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 7 minutes, then enters Cancer (1:51 pm PDT). This combination indicates the battle between clarity and confusion. [20:12] On July 6 (8:47 pm PDT), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune. It's VOC for 9 minutes before it enters Leeeeeooooo (8:56 pm PDT). Be on the lookout for love and appreciation from close friends and family. [20:54] Listener Rebecca asks about Solar Arc directions. If you want to learn more about Solar Arc directions, check out April’s webinar Using Solar Arc Directions! [20:54] Listener Rebecca asks about Solar Arc directions. If you want to learn more about Solar Arc directions, check out April’s webinar Using Solar Arc Directions! And here is a great book by Noel Tyl. [27:58] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [28:33] Free ways to support the podcast! Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [26:06] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer solstice episode.
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    31 mins
  • 240 | Venus and Mars' Sexy Sextile, and Astrocartography!
    Jun 24 2024

    This week, Mercury makes mellifluous music with Saturn and Uranus; the Aries Last Quarter Moon moves to finish up the Gemini New Moon's work; Venus connects with Mars in a fun, productive, and sexy aspect; Saturn turns retrograde, a cue to look within for authority; and April answers a listener question about astrocartography. Plus: Gondoliers, overeating, biker rallies and knife fighting workshops!

    Read a full transcript of this episode.

    Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!

    Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!

    Love the show? Make a donation!

    Timestamps (full show notes and resources at website)

    [1:16] Mercury trines Saturn (June 26, 11:09 am PDT) at 19°25’ Cancer-Pisces. Mercury's Sabian symbol is 20 Cancer, Gondoliers in serenade and Saturn's is 20 Pisces, A table set for an evening meal. Mellifluous communication flows like a chocolate fountain at a wedding reception.

    [2:49] Moon Report! The Aries Last Quarter Moon (June 28, 2:53 pm PDT) is at 07°40’ Aries-Cancer. The Sabian symbol for the Last Quarter Moon is 8 Aries, A large hat with streamers flying, facing east and the Sun is on 8 Cancer, Rabbits dressed up in clothes and on parade. Finish those plans seeded at the June 6 Gemini New Moon.

    [4:23] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter in a LPFC that began at the March 31, 2022 New Moon at 11°30’ Aries. The First Quarter Moon in this cycle was on Dec. 29, 2022, and the Full Moon on Sept. 29, 2023. Take one more major action toward reaching those Aries goals!

    [5:48] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On June 25 (3:30 pm PDT), the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus. It's VOC for about 7 ½ hours, then enters Pisces (11:07 pm PDT). Have you been too focused on getting along at the expense of your individuality?

    [7:48] On June 28 (1:44 am PDT), the Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune. It's VOC for 8 minutes, then enters Aries (1:52 am PDT). A practical task can help you out of any Pisces-Neptune malaise.

    [9:25] The Moon in Aries squares Mercury in Cancer on June 29 (9:57 pm PDT). It's VOC for about 7 hours, then enters Taurus on June 30 (5:00 am PDT). Find a balance between being too blunt and not being clear about what you want.

    [11:02] On June 28 (9:49 pm PDT), Venus sextiles Mars at 14°39’ Cancer and Taurus. Venus is on the Sabian symbol, 15 Cancer, Group who have overeaten and enjoyed it. When sexy times knock, answer!

    [12:23] Saturn stations retrograde on June 29 (12:06 pm PDT) at 19°25’ Pisces on the Sabian symbol 20 Pisces, A table set for an evening meal. Saturn will be retrograde until Nov. 15, 2024. Look within for a sense of authority.

    [14:41] Mercury sextiles Uranus on June 29 (7:20 pm PDT) at 25°40’ Cancer and Taurus. Mercury is on the symbol 26 Cancer, Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports and Uranus is on 26 Taurus, A Spaniard serenading his senorita. Harmonious changes portend.

    [16:10] Listener SteveTheHammer23 asks about astrocartography. Check out your planetary lines and/or create a relocation chart (Click on Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection > Round > Chart type > Relocation chart - needs ref. Place > Default settings > Reference place) on astro.com. For an astrolocality reading, check with Ralph MacIntyre.

    [25:56] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

    [26:28] Free ways to support the podcast! Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!

    [26:46] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer Solstice episode.

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    29 mins
  • 239 | Cancer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon: Origin Story!
    Jun 17 2024
    This week, busy Mercury aspects Neptune, Venus, and Mars, and sneaks into quiet Cancer. The Sun seeks rest and clarity as it squares Neptune, then enters Cancer, marking the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. In lunar news, it’s the first of two Capricorn Full Moons. And April answers a listener question about Pluto's strongest signs. Plus: Love letters from the Moon, diamonds in the rough, and what’s on your flag? Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:19] June 17 is a full day for Mercury, as it squares Neptune (12:41 am PDT, 29º52’ Gemini-Pisces), enters Cancer (2:07 am PDT), conjoins Venus (5:42 am PDT, 00º19’ Cancer). [1:50] As Mercury squares Neptune, it may not be the best time to make permanent decisions, sign contracts or make travel plans - you may not have all the information. [3:13] Mercury enters Cancer (June 17, 2:07 am PDT) and is in this quiet sign until July 2, 2024. It favors keeping our thoughts to ourselves and considering our words carefully before we speak. [4:24] Mercury conjuncts Venus (June 17, 5:42 am PDT) on the Sabian symbol 1 Cancer, On a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one. Consider beautiful ways to describe personal loyalties. [5:28] The Sun squares Neptune on June 20 (11:12 am PDT, 29º53’ Gemini- Pisces). Which is more important: that others idealize you, or that you become a truer version of yourself? Rest up and have some alone time. [7:27] The Sun enters Cancer (June 20, 1:51 pm PDT), marking the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Celebrate your origin story but don't let yourself believe in fairy tales about the old days. A quincunx from Pluto in Aquarius reminds us that we can’t move forward if we’re stuck in the past. [9:42] Moon Report! We get two Capricorn Full Moons in the next month. The first is on June 21 (6:08 pm PDT, 01°07’ Capricorn-Cancer). The second is on July 21 (3:17 am PDT, 29°08’ Capricorn-Cancer). These Full Moons encourage us to balance professional and personal life with kindness, empathy and understanding. [11:52] This is the Full Moon in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began with the New Moon on Dec. 23, 2022 at 01°32’ Capricorn. The First Quarter Moon in this LPFC was on Sept. 22, 2023, at 29º32’ Sagittarius, and the Last Quarter is on March 22, 2025. [14:07] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On June 19 (9:19 am PDT), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces and is VOC for almost 13 minutes, before entering Sagittarius (9:32 am PDT). The gift here is that your true, fierce, honest self is beautiful and will bring you the love that you wish to have. [15:35] On June 21 (3:58 pm PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for only 10 minutes and then enters Capricorn (4:08 pm PDT). There could be a certain tension between wanting to be out in the world and making a big, joyful noise, versus, being a little more introspective and maybe spending a little more time with yourself. [16:38] The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on June 23 (8:05 pm PDT). It's VOC for just 9 minutes and then enters Aquarius (8:14 pm PDT). Let your open-heartedness influence the way you do business and pursue earthly goals. [17:25] On June 21 (9:22 am PDT), Mercury sextiles Mars at 09º12’ Cancer- Taurus. Mercury’s Sabian symbol is 10 Cancer, A large diamond not completely cut and the symbol for Mars is 10 Taurus, A Red Cross nurse. Your ideas could be diamonds in the rough. Look for helpers who know how to make those ideas sparkle and shine! [19:00] Listener Elliott gives April a lovely “Thank you!” Listener Franie asks about Pluto’s strongest signs. [26:12] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [26:53] Free ways to support the podcast! Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [27:26] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Cancer solstice episode.
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    30 mins
  • 238 | Mars vs. Pluto: Storms Approaching!
    Jun 10 2024

    This week, determination meets resistance as Mars squares Pluto; Mercury's square to Saturn rewards focus and discipline; the Virgo First Quarter Moon motivates with more than the usual amount of tension; Venus' square to Neptune dispels illusions; Venus enters home-and-family-loving Cancer; and April answers a listener question about profections, an ancient technique for evaluating your birthday year. Plus: Storms, bathing beauties, and trimming the palms!

    Resources: Intro video on the Astrology Podcast, Profections Wheel from Kelly's Astrology, Profections Worksheet from Chris Brennan.

    Read a full transcript of this episode.

    Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!

    Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!

    Love the show? Make a donation!


    [1:28] Mars squares Pluto this week (June 11, 6:21 am PDT) at 01º45’ Taurus-Aquarius, on Sabian symbols 2 Taurus, An electrical storm and 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. Now is not the time to push your own agenda.

    [3:33] Mercury squares Saturn (June 12, 3:47 am PDT) at 19º10’ Gemini-Pisces. Challenging conversations and/or learning can be handled with a little bit of determination.

    [5:02] Moon Report! The Virgo First Quarter Moon (June 13, 10:18 pm PDT, 23º39’ Virgo) is opposed Saturn and Neptune, all square the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, forming a nerve-frazzling T-square configuration. Self-soothe by spending time outdoors, travelling, reading a book, communing with animals.

    [8:58] This is the First Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began with a Virgo New Moon on Sep. 14, 2023. Act on those New Moon goals. More turning points in this LPFC at the March 13, 2025 Full Moon and the Last Quarter on Dec. 11, 2025.

    [10:50] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods for this week. On June 11 (12:16 pm PDT), the Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. It's VOC for almost 10 ½ hours before entering Virgo (10:39 pm PDT). Is your desire for attention and accolades keeping you from being free?

    [12:22] On June 14 (10:53 am PDT), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune. It's VOC for 19 minutes, then enters Libra (11:12 am PDT). Try not to be so focused on a particular end goal that you miss other possibilities.

    [13:19] On June 16 (11:05 pm PDT), the Moon in Libra trines Mercury in Gemini. It's VOC for 33 minutes, then enters Scorpio (11:38 pm PDT). Make a list of three to five people in your life that you would like to see more or get to know better.

    [14:27] The Sun conjuncts Mercury at 24º06’ Gemini (June 14, 9:32 am PDT) on the Sabian symbol, 25 Gemini, A man trimming palms. Keep your messages short and to the point. Be on the lookout for inspiration.

    [15:51] Venus squares Neptune on June 16 (8:46 pm PDT) at 29º52’ Gemini-Pisces. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 30 Gemini, Bathing beauties, Neptune is on 30 Pisces The great stone face. As illusions fade, appreciate reality.

    [18:12] Venus enters Cancer (June 16, 11:20 pm PDT), through July 11, 2024. Enjoy beautifying and entertaining in your home, enjoy family, gardening, cooking, and pets.

    [19:23] Listener Elliott asks about profection years.

    [28:10] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

    [28:42] Free ways to support the podcast! Subscribe, like, review, and share with a friend!

    [29:14] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Aries equinox and Cancer solstice episodes.

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    32 mins