
  • Salt Spring's Crucial Bike Route Gap, and BC Transit's Vision
    Jul 29 2024

    An eye-opening conversation with Steve New, board member of Island Pathways and former Chief Operating Officer of BC Transit.

    We explore the ambitious vision of completing the 180-kilometre Salish Sea Trail loop on Salt Spring Island's narrow roads, and dive into the role of BC Transit in enabling active transportation across B.C.

    Island Pathways: improving transportation on Salt Spring Island https://islandpathways.ca/

    B.C. Transit's vision

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    32 mins
  • The Dutch Cycling Revolution: Lessons for BC
    Jun 7 2024

    Consul General for the Kingdom of the Netherlands to BC, Sebastiaan Messerschmidt, shares his firsthand experiences of growing up in a country that prioritizes cycling. From his nostalgic childhood memories of biking freely and safely to his current efforts in promoting active transportation projects globally, Sebastiaan offers a unique perspective on the transformative power of cycling-friendly infrastructure, what we can do to up our game, and where BC is getting it right.

    www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl and/or www.netherlandsandyou.nl
    Facebook www.facebook.com/NetherlandsEmbassyInCanada | Twitter @NLinCanada @smesserschmidt

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    34 mins
  • Bike Valet! It's simple, it's cheap, it keeps your bike safe.
    May 7 2024

    How does a fleet of cyclists lobby City Hall at a meeting where there's no bike parking? BCCC Bike Valet Grant Administrator Sam Holland explains how that bike parking gap in San Francisco in the 1970s led to an explosion of bike valet parking around North America. He explains how bike valets change the way people get to festivals, sporting events, town hall meetings and shopping destinations, including a couple who ride from Saanich to downtown Victoria to shop just because their bikes are protected by a bike valet.

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    35 mins
  • Powell River's lone protected intersection: hot potato, or sign of things to come?
    Apr 10 2024

    Welcome to Powell River: home of BC's first small-city semi-protected intersection! It may be one small step, and it didn't come without controversy — but Anastasia Lukyanova, Sustainability Planner for the City of Powell River, sees it as a victory. What will it take now, to satisfy the City's demands for transportation alternatives and build a comprehensive cycling network in Powell River?

    Check out Powell River's Bicycle Network Strategy HERE.

    Read about the controversial Manson and Duncan intersection project: HERE

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    28 mins
  • Penticton: the city that banned discussion of bike lanes
    Mar 5 2024

    The City of Penticton gained infamy when its City Council tried to ban discussion of bike lanes until 2026. One Councillor's political about-face almost stopped the bike lanes, but a clever amendment and determined advocates got the project back on track.

    Matt Hopkins tells the story of how four friends and their farmers' market bike valet kick-started cycling improvements in Penticton. Now, the 6.5 km Lke-to-Lake route is nearing completion.

    To get involved contact Matt at urban.director@bikepenticton.com

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    33 mins
  • Copenhagen in New Westminster? The Mayor says: bring it on!
    Feb 8 2024

    New Westminster Mayor Patrick Johnstone answers the $4 billion question: What would happen if the BC government spent as much on active transportation as it is does on one tunnel crossing? Answer: Castlegar would have a full bike and pedestrian network, and New West would be Copenhagen.

    Johnstone makes a passionate case for why this level of spending is needed to meet BC’s CleanBC transportation goals, which would also solve the "congestion problem". He also explains why road pricing (to finance transit and active transportation) seems to be the eternal third rail of BC politics, even though people really want bike lanes and transit -- especially the Rad e-bike moms of New West!

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    33 mins
  • Busting myths and crunching numbers: what really adds up to safe cycling?
    Dec 16 2023

    Is helmet-wearing the key to safe cycling ? Maybe NOT! Kay Teschke, retired UBC Prof in Occupational and Environmental Health, joins Peter to debunk misconceptions and talk about what really makes cycling safe. Whether it's helmet laws, safe passing distances, bike lights, or cyclist-pedestrian conflicts — Kay's got the data and she's not afraid to use it.

    Read about the BC Government's controversial Bill 23 legislation regarding safe passing distances around cyclists HERE.

    Check here for a great compilation and systematic debunking of common CYCLING FALLACIES courtesy of the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain.

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    36 mins
  • Shared mobility rocks! Bringing shared e-bikes, cars, scooters and buses into the mix
    Nov 9 2023

    Shared Mobility Architect Sandra Phillips believes in connecting the dots between shared transportation modes to help people get around safely and quickly, while reducing dependence on privately owned automobiles. Movmi, her BC-based consulting firm, has worked with communities from Switzerland to Vancouver, and from Moncton NB to Portland, Nelson, Osoyoos, and New York state — helping communities structure and finance shared cargo bikes, e-scooters, cars, and even electric autonomous on-demand buses to enable shared mobility at every scale.

    Check out Movmi: Bringing shared mobility visions to life — HERE

    Movmi's project 40 miles north of New York City is in the Village of Ossining, NY — learn more HERE.

    Future Mobility expert Jennifer Dungs also talks about Ossining in this WEBINAR on Lower Density and Bike Revolution, moderated by Sandra and including Kassandra McCleery from Copenhagenize and Ashley Finch from Atlanta.

    Find out about the Sparrow shared scooter project in Kelowna HERE

    Share your BikeSense with us! Send us a text message.


    The Bike Sense podcast with Peter Ladner is produced by the BC Cycling Coalition – your voice for safer and more accessible cycling and active transportation in British Columbia.

    Membership in the BCCC is now FREE! To find out about BCCC's projects and add your voice to the chorus please visit BCCycling.ca

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    34 mins