• Ain't No One Coming to Save You but YOU!
    Jul 25 2024

    How many of us been waiting for someone or something to come and save the day? I know my ass has def spent time waiting! lol

    Then I realized "oh shit, I am my own savior, so I better get my ass in gear because this shit is no joke!"

    Real talk, nothing outside of us will "save the day" in a way that is long term. Part of the reason we incarnate is to witness ourselves as the extension of G.O.D. Life force creative energy.

    You are the game maker, the gamer player and the game changer!

    Listen to get empowered and inspired because Honey You are a full on BAD ASS!

    Love you all xoxox

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    11 mins
    Jul 23 2024

    Ok B Squad the REAL reason why I do all this work around emotional health is because of the paranormal!

    Like for real. I used to be known as "THE ESOTERIC EXORCIST" because I basically helping people clean there systems and homes of unwanted visitors.

    In nearly every single case it was the client's festering emotional repression that was what invited the vibrationally matched non physical being to come inhabit the person and or space.

    AND in nearly every single case it was deep emotional expression work that created the liberation required to clean house!

    I continue to do this work because it is truly so important and it lights me the fuck up!

    Listen and learn more during this story time episode.


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    11 mins
  • Date Yourself!
    Jul 19 2024

    Ok B Squad if you are wanting a new romantic relationship or wanting to freshen up a current one this episode talks all about how and why to date yourself to live your best most fulfilling romantic life!

    Learn how to treat your self the way you want to be treated by others and watch the magick unfold!

    Yas Bitch happiness can be yours!

    Love you all k Bye xoxoxoxo

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    11 mins
  • Yo Emotional Repression is Legit Dangerous!
    Jul 15 2024

    Ok real talk...

    There are a ton of spiritual teachers pushing for emotional repression and that shit is just nuts!

    Emotional Repression causes disease!

    Emotional Expression is only chaotic when emotions are repressed and then explode into a temper tantrum once the repressor is triggered by their partner chewing with their mouth open! Lol!

    Emotional Expression (the healthy and responsible kind) creates a blissful purpose filled life! It will literally set you free on a soul level! Like for fucking real!

    Unpack more of this powerful subject in this episode!

    Love to the Bitch Squad! xo

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    11 mins
  • AFFIRMATIONS! Are they like for REAL?
    Jul 11 2024

    Dudes affirmations only really for real work if you believe them!

    If you are out there chanting affirmations you don't believe trying to convince yourself of something that shit ain't gonna cute it!

    You're basically just lying to yourself and that lie creates dissonance in your entire system.

    You'd be waaaay better off chanting a mantra in a language you don't really know.

    Tune into this episode to find out how to use affirmations in the most honest way you can and actually get results!


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    11 mins
  • But I LOVE HIM Part 2
    Jul 8 2024

    Look Honey pretending to be what you are assuming your crush/partner/boss/who ever is into is NOT the way to attract people to you in a way that will be healthy or long lasting! (that's what she said)

    That is exhausting, dishonest and like legit manipulative!

    You are amazing, talented, funny, all of the things and your people will find you once YOU find YOU!

    Love yourself the way you want to be loved by others Bitch.

    Listen to find out how! xo

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    11 mins
  • Bitch I Had To
    Jul 4 2024

    There is rarely if EVER a time when we do not have a choice. Therefore, "HAD TO/HAVE TO" does not apply!

    I know dude, owning this shit can be super complex because tough choices are often easier when we pretend we don't have a choice in the matter.

    But like for realzies, full ownership of how you show up is one of the golden keys to living your best most destiny driving life!

    Love to the Bitch Squad! xo

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    11 mins
  • Omg NEED!
    Jul 1 2024

    How often are you using the word NEED when you actually mean WANT?

    There really is no NEED outside of basic needs!

    So many of us have a weird relationship with letting ourselves have desires.

    So many of us have really dramatic relationships with the word NEED!

    Switch NEED to WANT and watch your world change for the better!


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    11 mins