
  • The Power of Personal and Professional Growth with Zana Goic Petricevic
    May 16 2024
    Welcome to the latest episode of Business Book Bites! I’m your host, Karen Williams, and in today’s conversation, I sit down with Zana Goic Petricevic, an executive leadership coach and author. We discuss her experiences in writing and publishing her first book, ‘Bold Reinvented’, and her upcoming second book. Zana shares insights into the personal growth and professional success she has experienced as a result of her book writing journey, emphasising the importance of courage, resilience, and embracing vulnerability. Join us as we explore how writing a book can be a transformative personal development journey and the impact it can have on shaping one's message and legacy. Tune in for valuable advice and practical tips for aspiring authors and entrepreneurs and discover how Zana's books are igniting conversations and sparking change worldwide. ** Get the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two in one simple to consume guide. Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 ** Highlights: ** Embrace the journey: Writing a book is a process of personal and professional growth. It's about finding the grit to keep going, even in moments of doubt, and recognising that each step forward contributes to a powerful legacy. ** ** Seek mentorship: Having a mentor to guide you through the writing process is invaluable. A mentor can provide insights into message clarity, structural integrity, marketing strategies, and overall growth. ** ** Multiply your impact: Writing a book isn't just about putting words on paper; it's about encouraging a wider conversation with readers and fellow authors. It's an act of vulnerability that opens doors to new opportunities and platforms for sharing your message. ** Bio: Zana Goic Petricevic brings to her work a blend of nearly 20 years as a corporate manager, executive leadership coach, and trainer with a great passion for writing, teaching and public speaking. She is also a game changer and believes in the transformative power of bigger, bolder conversations, which enhances her work with executives and leadership teams across the world. Through her keynote speaking and books, Zana aims to encourage conscious bold leaders who are ready to live and lead from a place of courage and boldness, so that they fully honour their own authenticity, and lead themselves and others to purposeful achievement. She is the author of ‘Bold Reinvented’, designed around her SOUL framework, and she is currently working on her second book. Website: www.boldleadership-culture.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/9534961205 Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zanagoicpetricevichttps://www.instagram.com/zanagoicpetricevic Time stamped overview: 00:00 Embracing authority in the book writing journey.05:55 Embracing bold leadership, overcoming fear with courage.08:37 Marketing your book is essential for success.10:25 Success in APAC region, growth in business.14:07 Realising multiple books from one original question.17:29 Book 2 expands on leading in varied environments.21:51 Having a mentor is essential for growth.23:14 Expressing gratitude for Zana's time. Discussion questions: What challenges did Zana face in her book writing journey, particularly during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how did she overcome them? How did Zana describe the personal and professional growth that she experienced as a result of writing and publishing her first book? In what ways did Zana’s book contribute to her business growth, and how did it impact her ability to work on a global scale outside of Croatia?Discuss Zana's concept of "relationship agility" and "emotional agility" as she applies it to her leadership principles. How do these ideas influence her approach to leadership and her interactions with others in the workplace?How does Zana's analogy of "walking on the edge" relate to the experience of writing a book, taking risks in sharing one’s message, and the potential impact of that message?What are the overall central themes of Zana’s second book, and how do they compare or contrast with the themes in her first book?Zana emphasises the importance of mentorship in the book writing process. How has her mentor's guidance influenced her book writing and personal development journey? How does Zana articulate the role of vulnerability in book writing and sharing one's message? In what ways does vulnerability play a part in creating a book and engaging in meaningful conversations with readers?Zana emphasises the idea of continuously pushing forward with determination and grit in the book writing journey. How has this resilience contributed to her growth and success as an author and leader?How does Zana believe her second book will impact her future endeavours and aspirations? What are her visions for the future? Keywords: executive leadership coach, entrepreneur, game changer, keynote speaking, conscious leaders, courage, bold ...
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  • Elevating Your Expertise & Creating An International Impact with Sarah Hamilton-Gill
    May 9 2024
    Welcome to Business Book Bites! I’m your host, Karen Williams, and I’m thrilled to be having a conversation with Sarah Hamilton Gill, an accomplished entrepreneur, executive coach, HR consultant, and award-winning author. Sarah brings over 30 years of experience and numerous achievements, including being honoured with the HR Consultancy of the Year award and being a finalist for the national CIPD award. She also authored the successful book ‘Leap into HR Consulting’, which has made a significant impact since its publication in 2020. During this engaging conversation, Sarah shares the story behind her book and the challenges she faced, including navigating the impact of the pandemic. She delves into the journey of transitioning her business from face-to-face training to online events and how she carved out time to complete her book, along with the insights gained from her mentorship with me. You will gain valuable insights as Sarah discusses her book publishing journey, the reception of her book in international markets, and her plans for a second edition. She also offers practical advice on structuring book content, receiving feedback, and preparing for the release of subsequent books. ** Get the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two in one simple to consume guide. Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 ** Highlights: ** Every business owner, coach, or consultant has a book bursting to be written, and a good book can elevate your expertise in the marketplace and open up new opportunities. ** **When writing a book, seek mentorship and give yourself enough time to do it. Enjoy the process and celebrate the feeling of accomplishment when you see the end result. ** ** Consistent action is powerful and essential for achieving your goal of writing and publishing a book. Whether this is through dedicated chunks of time or regular progress, set the time aside and stick to it. ** Bio: Sarah Hamilton-Gill FCIPD embodies the essence of success and fulfilment, blending her roles as an entrepreneur, executive coach, and HR consultant seamlessly with her passions. With over 30 years of experience, she has propelled hundreds of businesses and individuals towards success, earning accolades such as the HR Consultancy of the Year award and being a finalist for the National CIPD Awards. Not just a business luminary, Sarah is also a spirited adventurer and a resident photographer in Corfu, balancing professional achievements with personal joys. Connect with her to embark on your path to success. Website: https://www.leapintoconsulting.com https://amzn.eu/d/0VdYEnT Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahhg Time stamped overview: 00:00 Struggling with writing, but loved seeing progress.03:47 Writing a book elevates expertise and opens opportunities.07:25 Second marketplace, UK-centric book, upcoming edition to focus on a worldwide audience. 11:03 Amazon boosts bootcamp business growth.14:53 Writing success comes from finding what works.18:26 Start research early, understand ideal readership.19:53 Business owners, coaches, and consultants should write. Discussion questions: How did Sarah HG's background in entrepreneurship, coaching, and HR consulting influence her decision to write "Leap into HR Consulting"?What challenges did Sarah face when writing her book, and how did she overcome them? How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact Sarah's book writing process and business operations? In what ways did Sarah leverage her book to expand her reach internationally, particularly in Australia and the US?What insights did Sarah share about the success of her book, particularly with regard to the format (paperback vs. Kindle) and its impact on her coaching business?What prompted Sarah to consider a second edition of her book, and what adjustments does she plan to make to keep the content relevant?How has Sarah's book influenced the growth of her boot camp and the success of individuals in launching their own consultancy businesses?What strategies and preferences did Sarah discuss for her book writing process, and how have these evolved from her first experience as an author?What role has mentoring played in Sarah's book writing journey, and what advice does she offer for individuals considering writing and publishing their own book?In what ways does Sarah see her second book complementing the foundation laid down by "Leap into HR Consulting," and how does she plan to approach the writing process for the next book? Keywords: Sarah Hamilton Gill, executive coach, HR consultant, business author, HR Consulting, business pivot, book writing process, business success, book marketing, book sales, Amazon bestseller, leap into consulting, leap into hr consulting, business growth, book structure, book publishing, book mentoring
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    23 m
  • A Book Is The Best Business Card Ever with Fiona Allman Treen
    May 2 2024
    Welcome back to another episode of Business Book Bites. I'm your host, Karen Williams, and today, we dive into the world of digital mastery and book publishing with Fiona Allman-Treen. Fiona is the entrepreneurial mind behind FAT Promotions and an authority in strategic website design and online systems. In this episode, we unpack Fiona's journey authoring Website Mastery: For Business Owners Who Don’t Speak Tech. Despite an initial resistance and hurdles along the way, such as a challenging book-writing process and the intricacies of typesetting, Fiona successfully self-published her guide in March 2023. We explore her ingenious launch strategies, including effective email and social media campaigns, and how her book has managed to stay ahead of the curve, even amidst swift technological changes. Fiona and I also discuss our hands-on experiences with AI tools like ChatGPT, and how they've revolutionised tasks like generating content without replacing the human touch. Get the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two in one simple to consume guide. Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 Highlights: Overcoming Publishing Challenges: Fiona delves into the practical aspects of her journey, from overcoming the inertia of writing to mastering the typesetting of her book. Her experience can help budding authors navigate the complexities of publishing. **AI Relevance and Limitations: Our conversation extends to the intersection of technology and human creativity, discussing how AI can augment content creation, without replacing the emotional depth that only humans can provide. ** ** From Book to Booming Business: Fiona shares her exceptional journey of using her book as a powerful lead magnet, directly impacting her business to the tune of £60,000 in client income so far. ** Bio: Fiona Allman-Treen is an expert in strategic website design and online software systems to enable scalable, sustainable growth for business owners and charities globally. An established presenter and devout believer in encouraging entrepreneurship in young people, Fiona founded FAT promotions in 2001, creating effective websites and online solutions for a portfolio of international and blue-chip clients. Her book, Website Mastery: For Business Owners Who Don’t Speak Tech was published in March 2023. Website: http://www.websitemasterybook.com Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatpromotions-website-designhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/fat-promotions-ltd/https://www.facebook.com/FATpromotionshttps://twitter.com/fatpromotionshttps://www.instagram.com/fatpromotionshttps://www.youtube.com/@fatpromotions Time stamped overview: 00:00 Using past articles to inspire new work. 03:05 Repurpose existing material, create a good plan.08:27 Building trust, authenticity crucial for client relations.12:18 Leverage book content for social media alignment.15:51 Used my book to train Chat GPT.19:20 AI influenced book content creation, challenging traditional methods. 20:59 Diversifying income streams, focusing on direct clients.26:27 Struggles maintaining book launch momentum; leading by example28:05 Take time to develop new ideas. Discussion questions: What motivated Fiona Allman Treen to transition from her resistance to writing "Website Mastery for Business Owners who don't speak tech" to finally completing and publishing the book?Can you discuss how Fiona used her existing articles and knowledge about website building to create a structured plan for her book? How did Fiona's journey of tyFiona mentioned the success of her book launch through email and social media campaigns. What were her key strategies in executing those campaigns effectively?How has "Website Mastery" managed to stay relevant in the face of rapidly advancing technology, particularly with the advent of AI?In what ways did Fiona Allman Treen and Karen Williams utilize AI, such as Chat GPT, to support their work, and where do they see its limitations? Fiona's book generated a significant direct income for her business. How did she strategically use her book as a marketing tool to attract new clients? The concept of using a book as a lead magnet has been influential for Fiona. What advice does she have for authors considering a similar strategy to drive their business success? Post-launch can often lead to a crash in momentum. How did Fiona handle this phase, and what are Karen Williams' insights on keeping the momentum going? Fiona plans to explore her current book fully before starting on a new project. How important is it to focus on one book's lifecycle, and what can be the impact of rushing into the next publication too soon? Keywords: strategic website design, online software systems, FAT Promotions, Website Mastery for Business Owners, book writing, typesetting, book publishing, book launch, email campaigns, social media campaigns, AI in technology, AI content creation, Chat GPT, online ...
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  • Cracking crowdfunding during COVID with Paul Newton
    25 m
  • 20,000+ Book Sales: Making A Global Impact With A Book with Susan Payton
    Apr 18 2024
    In this episode of Business Book Bites, we delve into the power of stories with Susan Payton, coach, consultant and the author of the bestselling book, The Business of Stories. Writing a book wasn’t on Susan’s radar, and then a culmination of things led to its creation. First off, she wanted to move from working one to one with clients – as a done-for-you service – into running group workshops and programmes. But she couldn’t work out how to turn her service into something that would work in a group setting. So, she realised she had to get her ideas out of her head and onto paper in order to teach it. This started as an e-book for lead generation, but she realised that it had to become a paperbackpaperback. She engaged a book coach, followed their process and successfully launched it. It immediately became a bestseller and this, alongside plenty of hard work, helped Susan to support more clients, scale her business, and create a six-figure business. In our conversation, Susan delves into the profound impact of storytelling in the business world and shares invaluable insights into the process of infusing personal narratives into impactful content. She provides compelling advice on ensuring that your book maintains your unique voice, the skillful intertwining of personal stories into your book, and the art of connecting with your audience through relatable storytelling.** Want the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two? Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 ** Highlights: ** Authenticity Matters: When writing a book, don't be afraid to infuse it with your authentic voice and personal stories. Let your readers hear your voice throughout the narrative. ** ** Weave Your Story: Showcasing real-life experiences and weaving them into your book can bring your teachings to life, allowing readers to connect with the content on a deeper level. ** ** Long-Term Promotion: Writing a book is just the beginning. Continued promotion and engagement with readers are essential for long-term success. Don't stop talking about your book, as it can lead to incredible opportunities and connections. ** Bio: Susan Payton is a coach, consultant and author of The Business of Stories. Released in March 2022, Susan’s book quickly became a UK and US #1 bestseller on Amazon in several business categories, including Marketing and Sales – even knocking Stephen Bartlett (Diary of a CEO) off the top spot. It got to #1 on Amazon again when the audiobook version was released, and it was a finalist in the Business Book Awards 2023. In a noisy world, where it’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd and be heard above the noise, Susan is passionate about showing business owners how to clearly articulate their value and speak to the right people, at the right time, with a simple message and a great story. Her game changing framework helps entrepreneurs and marketers craft stories and narratives that launch businesses, build brands and create raving fans. Website: You can get a free copy of The Business of Stories at https://thebusinessofstories.com/my-book. Socials: https://www.facebook.com/susanpaytonUK/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanpaytonuk/ Time stamped overview: 00:00 Transitioning from one-on-one to group work.05:12 Following structure helped create a practical, helpful book.08:17 Author struggles but eventually finds clarity and satisfaction.11:14 Author achieves top book ranking through persistence.15:28 Royalty statement shows surprising global reach.18:53 Book focuses on emotional connection, actionable impact.21:15 Guidance and support improve performance, like coaching.24:15 Publisher pushback; author stands firm on voice. Discussion questions: What prompted Susan Payton to write "The Business of Stories"?What was Susan's approach to writing, publishing, and marketing the book?How did Susan promote her book successfully, and what were some of the hard work and strategies she used?What has been the level of success of Susan's book in terms of sales and reach?How does Susan use her book to align with her business and attract clients and opportunities?What significant tips or advice can Susan share for those thinking about writing, publishing, or marketing a book?How did Susan incorporate her voice and storytelling into her book to make it sound like her and create a conversational tone?Where can people get a copy of Susan's book, "The Business of Stories", and how can they connect with her on social media?What were some of the opportunities and speaking engagements Susan secured as a result of her book's success?What is the significance of weaving personal stories throughout a book, and what purpose does it serve? Keywords: book marketing, storytelling, business book, author, bestseller, entrepreneur, marketer, framework, writing process, book structure, business growth, story structure, storytelling workshop, book publishing, book ...
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  • Creating multiple streams of income from your expertise with Dr Tamara Russell
    Apr 11 2024
    Welcome back to another enlightening episode of Business Book Bites! I’m your host, Karen Williams, and today, we have the immense pleasure of featuring Dr. Tamara Russell, a neuroscientist, clinical psychologist, martial arts expert, and an innovative force in the realm of well-being. With her trailblazing books, ‘Mindfulness in Motion’, ‘#What is Mindfulness?’, and ‘What Colour is Your Dragon?’, we delve into the importance of simplicity in writing.Tamara explores how she has bridged the gap between complex neuroscience and practical, accessible mindfulness practices. Tamara shares how she has created multiple work and income streams from her writing, including launching a programme in Brazil. She gives us insights into her latest venture, the Dragon Academy App, providing layered content, exercises, audios, and live sessions catered to different levels of engagement. We also discuss the exciting potential of generative AI in enhancing the mindfulness experience and the importance of authenticity and expert guidance in writing and teaching. ** Want the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two? Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 **Highlights ** Non-fiction writing should simplify concepts without undermining their complexity, making them accessible to a broad audience ** ** Integration of digital resources with traditional learning can profoundly enhance the user's experience and retention ** ** Leveraging technology, like apps and AI, provides a dynamic platform for iterative learning and personalised content delivery ** Bio: Dr. Tamara Russell is a neuroscientist, author, clinical psychologist, martial arts expert and leading innovator in the well-being space. She has helped people all around the world transform their lives using her ground-breaking applied brainwise techniques for living well. These applied translational neuroscience tools allow everyone the chance to make better decisions in line with their core values and live well. With two PhDs and a black belt in Shaolin Kung Fu, Tamara's work integrates mind, brain and body in a totally unique approach to well-being and thriving that combines movement, neuroscience and creativity. Her three core programs include Body in Mind Training, Brainwise Mindfulness and The Dragon Way to Mental Wealth (and for Families and Young People - What Colour is Your Dragon?). These programs have been offered across corporate, education, health and creative sectors, where Tamara teaches groups and individuals in the public and private sector how to thrive. Tamara is involved in international research investigating how mindfulness changes the structure of the brain. She lectures in Neuroscience and Mindfulness at King's College London. She is regularly invited to speak on Mindfulness around the globe, appearing both on stage, radio and online. This work informs her applied translational neuroscience approach to well-being. Her organisation The Mindfulness Centre of Excellence was founded in 2011 after sharing the stage with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Sao Paulo, Brazil at a symposium exploring how ancient contemplative technologies can inform the challenges of modern living. Tamara is the author of three books Mindfulness in Motion, #whatismindfulness, and What Colour is Your Dragon? Website: https://mindbodymot.com and https://www.drtamararussell.com Socials: https://www.instagram.com/drtamararussell Time stamped overview: 00:00 Transition from academic editing to writing books.05:45 Explaining mindfulness to children and its challenges.08:59 Mindfulness impacts mental health through specific practices.12:51 Book emphasises practical application of mindfulness concepts.17:41 Mindfulness language precision and translation challenges.21:43 Movement-based learning method engages and aids learners.24:01 Iterative feedback process allows continuous improvement.25:53 Psychologist offers personalised service and explores AI.29:35 AI in preventative health: sharing knowledge, changing behaviour.33:54 Early editor feedback vital for personal writing. Discussion questions: How did Dr. Tamara Russell's background in neuroscience, psychology, and martial arts inform her unique approach to mindfulness and her writing?What challenges does Dr. Russell identify in translating academic research into non-fiction writing that's accessible to a general audience?How does Dr. Russell tailor her courses and books to address common problems people face in corporate, community mental health, and clinical settings?Can you discuss the process and considerations behind creating an app like the Dragon Academy and the different membership levels it offers?How might generative AI change the way mindfulness training is delivered, and how does Dr. Russell see it playing a role in her own work?What are some of the ethical considerations and potential benefits of using AI in the health and ...
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  • Lessons from a prolific author and ghostwriter with Cheryl Rickman
    Apr 4 2024
    As a Sunday Times bestselling author and seasoned ghostwriter, Cheryl Rickman has penned an impressive 27 nonfiction books, with specialties ranging from empowering business strategies to transformative well-being practices. In today's episode of Business Book Bites, we delve into the fascinating world of ghostwriting and hear how Cheryl’s knack for capturing unique voices has resulted in outstanding successes, including a nonfiction chart-topper that propelled an author to industry authority status.Cheryl navigated her journey from business guides to the realms of positive psychology, where she not only became a qualified practitioner but brought invaluable insights into her self-published work, ‘The Flourish Handbook’. Her latest endeavour, ‘You Can Flourish’, delves deep into the landscape of human emotions and positive psychology. You'll learn about her cherished project, ‘Three Lionesses’, her ethos on the importance of planning and structure in writing, and how her foray into ghostwriting has resulted in unexpected successes, such as her first book's boost from Anita Roddick's endorsement. Get ready to absorb Cheryl's top writing tips, discover the transformative power of giving voice to others, and understand why she believes it's crucial to encourage more would-be authors to share their stories with the world. ** Want the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two? Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 ** Highlights **Embrace the Ghost**: Cheryl dives into how ghostwriting can be a rewarding path for writers, providing a voice to others while learning and connecting with various fields. **Write with Purpose**: By focusing on one point per paragraph, Cheryl underscores the importance of clear and concise writing. This simple but effective tip can elevate your writing, whether it’s a business proposal or your next bestseller. **Beyond Words**: From being a Sunday Times bestselling ghostwriter to self-publishing ‘The Flourish Handbook’, Cheryl's journey illustrates the power of positioning and authentic voice in establishing authority and impacting lives. Bio: Cheryl Rickman is a Sunday Times bestselling ghostwriter and author of 27 non-fiction books across self-help, business, inspirational memoir, and mental health guidance. With 18 years’ experience of book-writing, Cheryl specialises in writing empowering, practical books to inspire, inform, and help people to fret less and flourish more. She is also a qualified Positive Psychology Practitioner and a Wellbeing Ambassador for the Network of Wellbeing.Specialist subjects include resilience, goal-achievement, building hope and self-compassion and her ‘superpower’ is turning complex topics and captivating life stories into practical easy-to-digest guidance mixed with inspirational life lessons. Cheryl spent the first half of her career writing and ghostwriting business books to help people flourish at work and in business. The second part of her career has been spent working on books that help people flourish in life. Now, Cheryl is well-positioned to team up with inspirational high-profile people in the public-eye whose experiences highlight those much-needed life lessons. Her most recent book is a children’s non-fiction book ghostwritten for three young elite athletes, called Three Lionesses: Find your team, boost self-belief and embrace your inner Lioness. This was a book idea Cheryl came up with after watching England’s Lionesses win the Euros Final in 2022. She wrote the book with Nikita Parris, Georgia Stanway and Ella Toone to help young people grow their confidence, achieve their goals and rise to challenges. Website: https://www.CherylRickman.co.uk Socials: https://www.instagram.com/wellbeingauthor https://twitter.com/writerukhttps://www.facebook.com/CherylRickmanAuthorGhostwriter Time stamped overview: 00:00 Learning success secrets, pitching books, finding publishers.05:25 Author's forward by Anita Roddick boosts sales.07:32 Enjoying recent ghostwriting experience; inspired by resilient female footballers.10:28 Shift from business writing to positive psychology.13:31 Flourishing is about the whole spectrum of emotions.17:43 Finding confidence in writing multiple distinct voices.23:50 Timing to write a book pivotal for success.24:44 Collaboration and transcription help shape impactful content.27:57 Remember to stay focused on the point. Discussion questions: What initially drew Cheryl Rickman to the field of writing and ghostwriting?How has Cheryl's transition from writing business books to focusing on positive psychology and well-being topics affected the way she approaches her writing and ghostwriting projects?Cheryl discusses the importance of planning and avoiding overwriting—could you share a time when not following this advice impacted one of your projects, and what you learned from that experience?Can you elaborate on the ...
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  • How to leverage a book as a keynote speaker with Nick Fewings
    Mar 28 2024
    Welcome to another episode of Business Book Bites, where we distil the top insights from business authors to support your book writing and marketing success! I’m Karen Williams, your host, and in today’s episode I talk to Teamworkologist, Nick Fewings. With over three decades of experience in cultivating high-performing teams, Nick used the COVID pandemic period to complete a project that people had been asking for him to write for years. After carrying out extensive research for the project, he encapsulated his wealth of knowledge in the bestseller ‘Team Lead Succeed’, which is being read across the globe from Alaska to Bali and it even caught the eye of a waitress in Majorca.Nick cleverly mastered the art of book marketing prior to its launch, engaging his audience through Instagram shares, poetic chapter previews, and even snapping pictures of his book with a pen for added theatrical effect. We dive into the business side of book sales – it has increased his business by 66%. We explore Nick's emphasis on leveraging speaking engagements and the ripple effect his book has created in his career. With no such thing as a free speech, Nick has found innovative ways to negotiate beneficial deals that extend beyond financial gains. ** Want the Business Book Bites Best Bits from all our episodes in series two? Go to www.librotas.com/bbb2 ** Highlights: **Leverage Social Media Creatively**: Nick Fewings shared his book's journey across the globe via Instagram, nurturing an engaged and interactive reader community. **Strategic Book Marketing**: Nick used unconventional strategies, including pre-launch sneak peeks and smart merchandise tagging, which led to a monumental 66% increase in related business. **The Ripple Effect of a Book**: Writing "Team Lead Succeed" has intensified Nick's credibility and opened doors to numerous opportunities, proving that a book can significantly impact your career trajectory. Bio: Nick Fewings calls himself a Teamworkologist, someone who studies the dynamics of achieving high-performance teamwork, which he has done for over 30 years. He has facilitated teamwork around the world, working with 1,000s of individuals and 100s of teams. He is also a much sought after keynote speaker on the topic of teamwork, and has spoken at over 500 conferences worldwide.Website:https://ngagementworks.com/team-lead-succeed Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickfewingshttps://twitter.com/Nick_Fewings https://www.instagram.com/nickfewings https://www.facebook.com/Ngagementworks Time stamped overview:00:00 Experienced teamworkologist writes book during lockdown.05:41 Book helps leaders and teams communicate effectively.10:04 Readers take photos of book around the world.14:18 Preparation and promotion for a book launch.18:17 Book marketing success: focus on bulk sales.19:12 Charging for speaking, finding value in marketing.24:28 Self-marketing after PR launch boosts book success.26:21 Seeking legacy and success through writing and speaking.29:48 Passion, credibility, knowledge, and testing your topic. Discussion questions: 1. How did your strategy of sharing snippets and photos of "Team Lead Succeed" prior to its launch contribute to the book's early interest and success?Nick, can you elaborate on the impact that creative marketing techniques, such as photographing your book with a pen, had on your sales and overall brand visibility? In what ways do you believe that targeting bulk sales and adding value through book sales at conferences have amplified your business, as highlighted by Karen Williams?You've mentioned charging for speaking engagements but negotiating for marketing value. Can you share some tips on how authors can effectively negotiate these terms? Could you walk us through a specific example where giving away copies of "Team Lead Succeed" led to unexpected opportunities, such as your speaking engagement at the Houses of Parliament?Nick, your wife advised you to treat your book as a seed. What daily nurturing activities have you found most effective for growing the book's presence in the market?How have you leveraged the publication of "Team Lead Succeed" to gain writing opportunities with other publications, and what advice would you give to authors looking to do the same?You emphasised passion, knowledge, and credibility for aspiring authors. How did these elements play a role in your writing process and in receiving feedback from your readers? Reflecting on your experience, what would you say has been the most surprising element of becoming a published author and how has the book changed your professional trajectory?Finally, what's one piece of wisdom you would like to impart to listeners of Business Book Bites looking to apply the high-performance teamwork principles from "Team Lead Succeed" to their own teams? Keywords: Nick Fewings, Team Lead Succeed book, global readership, Amazon books, book marketing strategies, ...
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