• Being Prepared For A Crisis with Mark Williams
    Jul 25 2024

    The recent CrowdStrike outage drew millions of businesses into a crisis, forcing many companies to enact their crisis plans. This event underscores how swiftly situations can arise that demand strong leadership in the face of a crisis. Today, we’re joined by PR expert Mark Williams from Hughes PR to discuss how we can prepare our businesses to handle these unexpected challenges and protect their reputations.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Understanding Public Relations:

    • Definition and importance of PR in business.
    • How PR differs from marketing and advertising.

    2. Building a Strong PR Strategy:

    • Steps to create a compelling PR strategy.
    • Importance of storytelling and crafting your brand narrative.

    3. Crisis Management:

    • Techniques for handling PR crises effectively.
    • Real-world examples of successful crisis management, including the recent CrowdStrike outage.
    • Importance of having a crisis management plan in place.

    4. Media Relations:

    • How to build and maintain relationships with the media.
    • Tips for pitching stories to journalists and media outlets.

    5. The Role of Social Media in PR:

    • Leveraging social media for PR campaigns.
    • Managing your online reputation.

    6. Measuring PR Success:

    • Key metrics to track PR performance.
    • Tools and methods for evaluating the impact of PR efforts.

    Guest Bio:

    Mark Williams is a seasoned Public Relations professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry. He has worked with a diverse range of clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, helping them to build their brands and manage public perception. Mark is known for his strategic approach and his ability to turn potential PR disasters into opportunities for growth.

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    40 mins
  • The Power of Smarter Questions in Leadership
    Jul 6 2024

    Ever feel like understanding what your team is truly thinking is a mystery? In today’s episode, Brenton and Ron uncover the power of asking the right questions to gain deeper insights. Learn how these essential types of questions can help you make better business decisions and foster a more open, communicative workplace.

    Episode Highlights:

    1. The Power of Questions in Leadership:
      • Brenton and Ron discuss how asking the right questions can significantly enhance leadership effectiveness.
      • Emphasis on moving beyond passive listening to active inquiry.
    2. Five Essential Types of Questions:
      • Investigative Questions: Clarifying what’s known and uncovering root causes.
      • Speculative Questions: Exploring possibilities and encouraging innovative thinking.
      • Productive Questions: Focusing on execution and planning.
      • Interpretive Questions: Understanding the relevance and impact of information.
      • Subjective Questions: Revealing unspoken thoughts and feelings.
    3. Real-World Applications:
      • Examples of how these questions have been used in various business scenarios.
      • Insights from Brenton’s and Ron’s personal experiences in leadership and communication.
    4. The Role of Genuine Curiosity:
      • How cultivating genuine curiosity can lead to deeper understanding and better decision-making.
      • Ron’s mantra of “genuine curiosity” and its importance in effective leadership.
    5. Building a Question Bank:
      • Encouragement for listeners to contribute to a shared repository of smart questions.
      • Discussion about the HBR article “The Art of Asking Smarter Questions” by Arnaud Chevallier.
    6. Practical Tips for Leaders:
      • How to integrate these five types of questions into daily interactions.
      • Strategies for creating a safe environment where team members feel comfortable speaking up.

    Resources Discussed in the episode:

    • HBR Article: The Art of Asking Smarter Questions
    • Book: "That’s a Great Question" by Greg Bustin
    • LinkedIn Group: Business Builders Podcast Community

    Conclusion: By mastering the art of asking smarter questions, leaders can gain deeper insights, foster a culture of open communication, and make more informed decisions. Join us next time as we continue our series on effective communication.

    Call to Action:

    • Join the discussion in our LinkedIn group to share your experiences and favorite questions.
    • Check out the recommended resources to further enhance your questioning skills.

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Subscribe to the Business Builders Podcast on your favorite platform.
    • Follow us on LinkedIn for updates and community discussions.

    Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll delve into the importance of non-verbal communication and how it impacts leadership effectiveness.

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    41 mins
  • The Art of Listening
    May 19 2024

    In this episode, Brenton and Ron continue their series on effective communication by focusing on the fundamental skill of listening. They discuss the significant role listening plays in building strong relationships, making informed decisions, and leading effectively. This episode is full of great examples and straightforward advice that demonstrate why listening is our most important communication tool in both work and life.

    Key Topics:

    1. Benefits of Listening:
      • Understanding others better
      • Building trust and respect
      • Enhancing communication effectiveness
    2. Techniques for Active Listening:
      • Asking open-ended questions
      • Providing feedback to show understanding
      • Using silence effectively
    3. Practical Tips:
      • The stoplight mechanism: Red (stop and listen), Amber (consider response), Green (speak)
      • Preparing mentally before conversations
      • Managing distractions
    4. Barriers to Effective Listening:
      • Distractions and biases
      • The tendency to plan responses instead of listening
    5. Improving Leadership Through Listening:
      • How understanding your team’s perspectives can lead to better decision-making
      • Building stronger connections and fostering a positive workplace culture

    Quotes to Remember:

    • "When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." – Dalai Lama
    • "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." – Theodore Roosevelt

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Beyond Blue
    • Black Dog Institute
    • Lifeline
    • R U OK? Day


    In this episode, Brenton and Ron emphasize that effective communication starts with good listening. They provide listeners with actionable advice on how to improve their listening skills to become better leaders and communicators. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or anyone looking to improve their communication skills, this episode offers valuable insights into the art of listening.

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    43 mins
  • Launch of the Effective Communication Series
    Apr 16 2024

    In this episode, we're kicking off a new series on Effective Communication by challenging you to benchmark your current skills! Think of it as setting the baseline in a fitness test, where understanding your starting point is the first step towards improvement. In this series, we'll explore why sharpening these skills is beneficial and essential for any business leader. Effective communication can be the bridge between confusion and clarity, the answer to misalignment within teams, and the tool for forging stronger connections.

    Whether you're a seasoned CEO or a budding entrepreneur, enhancing your ability to communicate can transform the way you lead and grow your business. Throughout this series, we will focus on becoming not just good, but great communicators.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Communication's Broad Impact: The discussion underlines how communication plays a pivotal role in business environments. It goes beyond mere exchange of information to shaping relationships and business outcomes.
    • Sensory Insights and Analogies: Brenton uses Helen Keller’s challenges to metaphorically describe the consequences of poor communication in business settings. This powerful analogy emphasises the need for clear, impactful communication to prevent misunderstandings and foster a cohesive working environment.
    • Listening as a Key Skill: Significant emphasis is placed on the importance of listening—considered even more crucial than speaking. The hosts discuss how effective listening can lead to better understanding and problem-solving within business.
    • Interactive Self-Assessment: A unique feature of this episode is the interactive communication self-assessment led by Ron. This segment invites listeners to rate their communication skills in real-time, encouraging active participation and self-reflection.
    • Future Topics Preview: Looking ahead, the series promises to cover a diverse range of topics, including public speaking, digital communication, and cultural sensitivity. Each episode aims to equip listeners with practical strategies to enhance their communicative abilities.
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    31 mins
  • Building Mental Fitness with Tim Bishop
    Apr 1 2024

    With the soaring cost of living and global uncertainties, prioritising our mental health has never been more crucial. In this episode, we're talking with Tim Bishop about the unique pressures in the construction industry and how businesses like his are focusing on developing their staff's mental fitness. A vocal advocate for mental health in the workplace, Tim shares his journey of overcoming a dark period in his work life. He offers insights on building resilience, supporting well-being, and navigating the complexities of our times with strength and clarity. Join us as we discuss strategies for building and maintaining the mental fitness of both ourselves and our staff.

    Episode Summary :

    • The Unique Pressures of the Construction Industry: A discussion on the specific challenges faced by workers in the construction sector, including job security, physical demands, and the industry's historical undervaluing of mental health.

    • Tim Bishop's Journey: Tim shares his personal experience with mental health struggles, providing a narrative of his dark period and the steps he took towards recovery. This segment offers listeners an intimate look at the realities of facing and overcoming mental health challenges.

    • Developing Staff's Mental Fitness: Insight into how Tim's business is actively working to support the mental well-being of its employees. This includes practical strategies, programs, and initiatives aimed at building resilience and mental strength among staff.

    • Advocacy for Workplace Mental Health: Tim's role as a vocal advocate for mental health in the workplace, including his efforts to change industry perceptions and encourage open discussions on mental well-being.

    • Building and Maintaining Mental Fitness: Strategies and advice from Tim on cultivating mental fitness for individuals and teams. This includes daily practices, supportive workplace cultures, and resources for mental health support.

    • Navigating Complexities with Strength and Clarity: How to approach the multifaceted challenges of modern life with a focus on maintaining mental health. Tim offers insights into managing stress, fostering emotional intelligence, and making well-being a priority.

    • Conclusion: Strategies for the Future: Wrapping up the episode with actionable takeaways for listeners to apply in their personal and professional lives. Emphasis on the collective responsibility to support mental fitness in and out of the workplace.

    • Join the Conversation: Encouragement for listeners to engage with the topic, share their experiences, and explore further resources on mental fitness and well-being.

    It's evident that the journey towards mental well-being is both a personal and collective endeavour. Tim's narrative of overcoming adversity, coupled with his proactive approach within the construction industry, illuminates the path for individuals and businesses alike to foster environments where mental fitness is not just encouraged but integral to the culture.

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    40 mins
  • Turning Regrets into Resolutions
    Jan 30 2024

    Welcome to the first Business Builders episode of 2024! This thought-provoking session revolves around the transformative lessons from one of our reading books from the holidays, ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’, by Bronnie Ware. As we embrace the new year, our hosts delve into how understanding life's deepest regrets can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

    • Holiday Reflections: A look at how holiday reading, especially poignant books like ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’, can inspire new perspectives.
    • Understanding Regrets: Discussing the common regrets people have at the end of their lives and the wisdom these insights offer.
    • From Regrets to Resolutions: Exploring how to use these regrets as a foundation for meaningful New Year's resolutions.
    • Living Authentically: Emphasizing the importance of living a life true to oneself, not one shaped by others' expectations.
    • Balancing Work and Life: A conversation about the challenge of finding balance between professional ambitions and personal happiness.
    • Expressing Emotions: Encouraging open expression of feelings to cultivate richer relationships and personal well-being.
    • Cultivating Friendships: The role of deep, meaningful friendships in enhancing life quality and how to nurture them.
    • Embracing Happiness: Discussing the choice to be happier and how this mindset can influence our daily lives and decisions.
    • Practical Tips: Offering actionable advice on how to apply these lessons in daily life and business practices.

    This episode is a call to action for listeners to introspect, reassess life priorities, and make 2024 a year of authentic living and meaningful achievements.

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    36 mins
  • Unwrapping the Complexity of Christmas with Samantha Young
    Dec 17 2023

    Welcome to Episode 58 of the Business Builders Podcast, titled "Unwrapping the Complexity of Christmas with Samantha Young." This episode brings a fresh perspective to the festive season as we delve into the intricacies and challenges that Christmas presents for entrepreneurs and business leaders. Joined by Samantha Young, CEO of Human Psychology, we explore the nuanced aspects of balancing holiday cheer with professional responsibilities.

    Key Topics:

    • The True Meaning of Christmas: We begin by discussing the deeper significance of Christmas beyond the commercial aspects, focusing on what truly matters during the season.
    • Managing Holiday Stress: Insights into effectively managing the increased stress and expectations that come with the holiday season, particularly for those in leadership roles.
    • Entrepreneurial Challenges During Festivities: Samantha Young offers her expert view on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face during Christmas and strategies to address them.
    • Maintaining Mental Health: The importance of mental health during this busy period is emphasized, with practical tips on self-care and setting boundaries.
    • Navigating Family and Business Dynamics: We explore how to balance family commitments with business demands during the festive season, including managing different expectations.
    • Reflection and Goal Setting: This segment focuses on using the holiday season as an opportune time for reflection on the past year's achievements and setting goals for the upcoming year.
    • Cultivating Authentic Festive Joy: Ideas for creating a genuinely joyful and meaningful Christmas experience in both personal and professional spheres.

    Additional Resources:
    Links to resources mentioned in the episode, including articles and tools for managing stress and achieving a balanced holiday season.

    • Public Hospital in Australia and dial 000 in an emergency
    • Lifeline Australia Phone 13 11 14 - 24 hour counselling
    • Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78
    • Suicide Call Back Service Australia 1300 659 467
    • beyoundblue Support Service (Australia) 1300 224 636
    • SA Mental Health Crisis Numbers 13 14 65
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    37 mins
  • What Drives You?
    Dec 9 2023

    What am I really doing this for? Have you ever asked yourself a question like this? It's a big-picture question, and at some point, we all find ourselves asking it. But how often do we actually take the time to ponder the question? Today, we're exploring the big-picture questions in our lives and how they help us find our Life-Work balance.

    Key Points & Highlights:

    • A Relatable Query: The episode begins with a familiar scenario: an entrepreneur, amidst a flurry of activity, pausing to question their ultimate goals and purpose, sparking a broader discussion.
    • Brenton's Personal Story: Brenton shares a moving story about a family emergency, a moment that led him to reevaluate life priorities, emphasizing the importance of family and personal connections.
    • Ethics and Personal Values: The hosts delve into how our personal values and ethical beliefs influence life choices, especially when faced with difficult decisions.
    • Diverse Perspectives on Life's Purpose: The episode examines various viewpoints on finding meaning in life, from philosophical discussions to personal growth experiences, inviting listeners to reflect on their own beliefs.
    • The Significance of Social Connections: Drawing from studies like the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the conversation highlights how relationships play a vital role in our life satisfaction and happiness.
    • Stoicism and Accepting Change: Stoic philosophy and the concept of life's transience are discussed, underscoring the importance of aligning our lives with true values and priorities.
    • Exploring Personal Motivations: The discussion encourages listeners to introspect and discover what genuinely motivates them, beyond external achievements and societal pressures.

    In this episode, listeners are invited to pause and ponder the fundamental questions that drive their lives, both professionally and personally, encouraging a thoughtful exploration of what truly matters to them.

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    20 mins