• Bamboo Mindset
    Jul 23 2024

    🌿 Embrace the Bamboo Mindset for Success and Resilience! 🌿

    Bamboo’s unique qualities—its resilience, adaptability, and ability to thrive in diverse environments—serve as a powerful metaphor for personal and professional growth. Here are some key takeaways::

    1. Resilience and Flexibility: Just as bamboo bends without breaking, we too can learn to adapt to life’s changes and bounce back from adversity. 🌀

    2. Solid Foundation: Success often requires extensive groundwork. Bamboo spends years developing a strong root system before showing visible growth, reminding us of the importance of patience and a solid foundation. ⏳

    3. Continuous Growth: Like bamboo’s rapid and ongoing growth, we should strive for continuous improvement and contribution throughout our lives, regardless of age. 🌳

    4. Simplicity and Sustainability: Bamboo’s minimal resource requirements highlight the importance of mindful living and environmental care. It encourages us to adopt sustainable practices in our daily lives. 🌍

    5. Community and Collaboration: Bamboo grows in clusters, symbolizing the power of community and teamwork. When we support each other, we achieve greater heights together. 🤝

    My personal journey of late blooming due to weaker foundational roots taught me that it’s never too late to strengthen our core values and relationships. Embracing the bamboo mindset can lead to a life enriched by collaboration, adaptability, and continuous growth.


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    16 mins
  • Our Desire To See The Future
    Jul 16 2024

    As humans, we have an intrinsic desire to see around the corner, to know what the future holds. This yearning is rooted in our need for preparedness and safety. The unknown can be intimidating, evoking feelings of anxiety and fear. We crave certainty because it provides a sense of control and comfort. However, if we look deeper into this desire, we might find that knowing the future may not be as beneficial as it seems.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    1. Our deep desire to know the future
    2. The fear of the unknown
    3. The paradox of knowing
    4. The value of the journey
    5. Embracing uncertainty

    I hope you enjoy and as always, stay curious!


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    19 mins
  • Creating Your Vision and 25 Years In My Relationship
    Jul 9 2024

    Navigating Relationships with Vision and Communication

    Episode Theme:
    Today I celebrate 25 years of commitment to my wife. In fact, my anniversary got me thinking about personal and professional relationships. As I reflect on the journey of my marriage, it was abundantly clear that my wife and I have always shared our dreams. Our vision of what a future together might look like. How we would like to experience a future reality together.

    Our life has not always gone to plan, but we are both bought into each other’s vision. There is little difference when leading a company or a team.

    Personal and professional relationships are very similar on many fronts. In this episode, I explore both, and I share both my successes and my missteps.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. The North Star Principle:
      • Understanding and identifying your guiding principles to navigate through life’s decisions and opportunities.
      • How a “north star” can provide direction and purpose in both personal and professional settings.
    2. Personal Relationships:
      • The importance of sharing life goals and aspirations with your partner.
      • Strategies for fostering stronger bonds and minimizing misunderstandings through aligned objectives.
      • Real-life examples from my 25-year relationship journey.
    3. Professional Relationships:
      • Articulating a clear vision to keep employees engaged and motivated.
      • Aligning team efforts with organizational goals for cohesive and productive work environments.
    4. Preparation and Luck:
      • Balancing preparation with the element of luck in achieving success.
      • How being prepared increases the chances of favorable outcomes.
    5. Continuous Improvement:
      • The significance of seeking feedback and prioritizing long-term growth.
      • Incorporating personal values into everyday decisions for sustained harmony and success.


    • Develop and adhere to a personal “north star” to guide your decisions.
    • Openly communicate life goals and aspirations in personal relationships to work towards a shared future.
    • Clearly articulate organizational visions to keep employees motivated and aligned.
    • Embrace preparation while acknowledging the role of luck.
    • Commit to continuous improvement and feedback for long-term success and harmony.

    Call to Action:
    Reflect on your own guiding principles and consider how effectively you communicate your vision in both personal and professional spheres. Take steps today to align your relationships with these insights for a more harmonious and successful future.

    Listener Challenge:
    This week, take time to discuss with a partner or team member about your shared goals and visions.

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    25 mins
  • The Power of Perspective
    Jul 4 2024
    The Power of Perspective: Navigating Life’s Challenges with a New Lens

    Life is full of twists and turns, whether you’re steering a startup through turbulent waters or grappling with personal challenges that feel insurmountable. The key to navigating these tumultuous moments often lies in one crucial element: perspective.

    The Breakfast Epiphany: Startup Growth and Financial Decisions

    Imagine this: you’re at breakfast, deep in conversation about the unpredictable journey of startup growth. Every sip of coffee seems to amplify the weight of significant financial decisions looming over you. The uncertainty is palpable, the risk is enormous, and you find yourself in what can only be described as a “tornado” of doubt and stress. It’s moments like these that require more than just logical analysis; they demand a leap of faith and a reservoir of determination.

    Shifting the Lens: Overcoming Anxiety and Fear

    In these high-stakes situations, it’s easy to get paralyzed by fear. But what if the solution lies not in changing the circumstances, but in shifting your perspective? By viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles, you can transform anxiety into action and fear into focus.

    Life Lessons from the Open Road: Motorcycle Riding and Business

    For me, there’s a fascinating parallel between motorcycle riding and business. Both require a keen sense of focus and a solid perspective to navigate effectively. On a motorcycle, the road ahead can be unpredictable, much like the journey of a business. But by keeping your eyes on where you want to go, rather than the obstacles in your path, you can steer yourself towards success.

    Embrace the Journey: Appreciate, Achieve, and Stay Curious

    At the heart of this narrative is a simple yet transformative message: appreciate your journey, recognize your achievements, and remain curious for future growth. Life’s challenges are inevitable, but by shifting your perspective, you can turn these challenges into stepping stones towards greater success and fulfillment.

    So the next time you find yourself caught in a storm of doubt and stress, remember that the power to change your situation often lies within. Shift your perspective, take that leap of faith, and embrace the journey ahead. After all, it’s not just about where you’re going, but how you choose to get there.

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    17 mins
  • Interview Strategy - Scenario, Solution, Outcome
    Jun 25 2024

    Mastering Interviews with SSO Method

    In this episode, I highlight the SSO (Scenario, Solution, Outcome) method as a powerful tool for showcasing your skills and experiences. Companies looking for the best talent and candidates seeking a new opportunity, should utilize SSO.

    Key Highlights:

    1. SSO and STAR Method:

      • We compare the SSO method with the well-known STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method.
      • Both methods are designed to help candidates present specific and tangible examples, moving away from generic responses.
    2. Preparing for Interviews:

      • Emphasis on crafting positive stories and key points for easy recall.
      • The importance of honesty about your skills and a willingness to learn.
    3. Continuous Learning:

      • Encouragement to maintain a sense of curiosity and openness to new insights and learning opportunities.

    Remember to paint yourself into the job you desire!

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    14 mins
  • Teaching Through Discipline
    Jun 18 2024

    Embracing Discipline as a Path to Growth

    In this episode, I explore the concept of discipline, uncovering its true essence and purpose beyond the common misconception of it being synonymous with punishment. Here are the key highlights:

    1. Origins and Meaning:

      • Explore the Latin roots of the word “discipline,” which translates to instruction or knowledge.
      • Understand discipline’s primary role in teaching and guiding rather than punishing.
    2. Discipline as Growth:

      • View discipline as an opportunity for personal and professional development.
      • Emphasize the importance of setting boundaries, explaining rules, and fostering understanding.
    3. Effective Discipline Practices:

      • The significance of clear communication in setting expectations and providing support.
      • Transforming discipline into a collaborative and constructive process.
    4. Positive Outcomes and Accountability:

      • Focus on positive reinforcement and rewarding good behavior.
      • Utilize discipline to nurture growth, build trust, and ensure accountability.
    5. Applications Across Contexts:

      • How discipline serves as a coaching and development tool in various settings such as parenting, leadership, and employment.

    Let's shift the narrative from punishment to empowerment and growth. Learn how adopting this perspective can transform relationships and foster a culture of mutual respect and continuous improvement.

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    17 mins
  • Financial Personalities with Gary Arblaster
    Jun 11 2024

    I had the pleasure of sitting down with Gary Arblaster to discuss the importance of financial self-awareness. Gary's perspective on personal finance is truly enlightening—he emphasizes that personal finance is exactly that: personal.

    According to Gary, everything begins with us. Our perceptions and views of the world significantly influence how we engage with and build our personal wealth.

    What truly impressed me about Gary is his dedication not only to personal financial growth but also to education. He actively lends his expertise at the collegiate level, focusing on empowering the youth of America with better financial education.

    Tune in to our latest episode to hear Gary's insights on financial self-awareness and his efforts to educate the next generation on personal finance. You won't want to miss this enlightening conversation!

    You can connect with Gary in the following ways:



    Gary’s book: Making Millions, Going Broke.


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    56 mins
  • Loss and Growth with Tessa Arnold
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode, Tessa Arnold opens up about her transformative journey of self-discovery in both life and business. After the heartbreaking loss of her husband, Tessa chose to lean into and grow their business, Snapback Energy.

    With the mantra "Crush Today, Own Tomorrow," Snapback Energy embodies the philosophy of being fully present while continuously striving for future success.

    Tessa's gentle nature combined with her fierce determination to promote a healthier and more fulfilling life deeply impressed me. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Snapback Energy and Balance of You, as well as a devoted mother of two, Tessa stands as a shining example of what can be achieved with a heart-centered mission.

    You can find Tessa below:






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    1 hr and 3 mins