• Ep #130: Doug C. Brown: Simple Steps to Sell More Without Feeling Rejected
    Jul 22 2024

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    Doug Brown shares simple steps on how to sell more without feeling rejected. Learn how to boost your sales and confidence!

    In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show, Doug Brown of CEO Sales Strategies, a Sales Revenue and Profit Growth Expert, and creator of the Top 1% Academy, explores the transformative power of transparency and trauma awareness in sales performance. Doug offers an exploration of how personal trauma can significantly impact sales professionals, often in ways that are not immediately obvious.

    Doug begins by discussing the multifaceted nature of trauma and how it can manifest in the sales environment. He explains that trauma isn't always about major life events; it can also stem from accumulated stress, negative experiences, and unresolved conflicts. These underlying issues can shape behaviors, attitudes, and ultimately, sales performance.

    Transparency is a critical component in addressing these issues. Doug highlights the importance of being honest not only with clients but also with yourself. This involves acknowledging your own vulnerabilities and limitations, which while at first might be challenging but ultimately liberating. Doug argues that transparency fosters trust, both internally and externally, and sets the stage for authentic interactions. Relatability and vulnerability sells.

    Doug shares some practical strategies for sales professionals to address your trauma. He suggests incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines to increase self-awareness and reduce stress. Doug also advocates for seeking professional help when necessary, emphasizing that there's no shame in asking for support. He introduces various techniques such as cognitive-behavioral strategies and emotional regulation exercises that can help you manage your trauma more effectively.

    One of the standout segments of the episode is Doug’s exploration of the emotional and psychological barriers that many salespeople face. He explores the common fears of rejection and the internal struggles that often accompany the sales process. Doug shares practical strategies to manage and overcome these fears.

    Doug touches upon the broader aspects of personal development and continuous learning. He emphasizes the importance of investing in yourself through ongoing education and professional development. By staying updated with the latest trends and techniques in sales, you can remain competitive and effective in your roles.

    Engage further with Doug by visiting his website at https://ceosalesstrategies.com/ and download the free ebook "The 1% Earner as well as additional resources, coaching services, and insights into improving your sales strategy. Connect with Doug on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougbrown123 and follow him for more expert advice on elevating your sales career.

    Resources Mentioned: Podcast | Twitter

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    37 mins
  • Ep #129: Marshall Davis Jones: Speak Clear, Confident, and Persuasive Every Time
    Jul 15 2024

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    Struggling with public speaking? Discover simple tips to speak clearly, confidently, and persuasively every time with Marshall Davis Jones. Use your body language and tonal influence to be heard and understood every time you speak.

    In this episode of Business Growth Architect Show, Marshall Davis Jones invites us to an exploration of tonality, spiritual awareness, and their pivotal roles in enhancing interpersonal communication. An expert in tonal influence, Marshall offers a compelling narrative that unveils the transformative power of communication by paying attention to small details.

    Marshall begins by unraveling the subtle yet impactful aspects of tonality in our daily interactions. He emphasizes that how we say something can often be more important than what we say. "Our tonal quality," he explains, "is like a hidden language that conveys emotions, intentions, and deeper meanings beyond mere words."

    "Imagine a conversation," Marshall prompts, "where the speaker's voice exudes confidence and clarity versus one where uncertainty or hesitation seeps through. The difference in impact is palpable." He explores techniques for mastering tonal influence, advocating for practices that enhance vocal resonance, cadence, and emotional expression.

    Moving beyond tonality, Marshall explores the intersection of spiritual awareness and interpersonal dynamics. He thinks that true communication goes beyond verbal exchange; it encompasses a deeper connection rooted in spiritual alignment.

    Marshall shares insights into how cultivating spiritual awareness enhances empathy, authenticity, and mutual understanding in relationships. "It's about being present," he notes, "and acknowledging the energetic exchange that occurs in every interaction." He encourages you to explore mindfulness practices that promote clarity, compassion, and a deeper connection with oneself and others.

    Marshall offers practical strategies designed to elevate communication skills. He advocates for active listening as a cornerstone of effective communication, emphasizing the importance of listening not only to words but also to emotions and underlying messages.

    Central to Marshall's teachings is the integration of spiritual awareness with practical communication skills. He invites you to explore how embodying authenticity and mindfulness can transform everyday conversations into meaningful exchanges. "Communication," Marshall emphasizes, "is not just about conveying information; it's about forging connections and nurturing relationships."

    To further engage with Marshall's teachings and deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to visit his website at www.tonalinfluence.com. This platform offers additional resources, including Marshall's acclaimed book, "Tonal Influence: How to Listen Better, Speak Clearer, and Set the Tone," which provides comprehensive guidance on mastering the art of communication.

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    27 mins
  • Ep #128: Tom Schwab: How to Stand Out as a Podcast Guest
    Jul 8 2024

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    Unlock the power of podcasting to skyrocket your business growth! Join us as Tom Schwab reveals proven strategies to enhance your brand presence, attract your ideal customers, and build lasting relationships through podcasting!

    In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show, I connect with Tom Schwab about one of my favorite topics: podcasting. Tom is the founder of Interview Valet and a pioneer in podcast marketing. Tom brings his extensive experience and passion for podcast guesting to the table, offering clear steps on how you can leverage podcast appearances to elevate your expert status and reach your ideal audience.

    Tom begins by sharing his core philosophy on the importance of authentic introductions over traditional pitches. He makes it crystal clear that the term "pitch" feels impersonal and transactional, whereas an introduction to a conversation fosters a genuine connection. According to Tom, understanding both the host and the audience of the podcast are essential in crafting an outreach message that resonates and adds value.

    We discuss the pitfalls of mass outreach, such as sending generic emails to hundreds of podcasts, which often end up in spam folders. Instead, Tom advises focusing on a select few podcasts that align with your message and audience. He suggests a methodical approach: listen to the podcast, engage with its content, leave reviews, and interact on social media before reaching out.

    A key theme in our episode is the idea of giving before asking. Tom references Gary Vaynerchuk's philosophy of "jab, jab, jab, right hook," which translates to offering value multiple times before making a pitch. He provides practical examples of how to do this, such as sharing valuable insights, promoting the podcast on your platforms, and suggesting specific topics for discussion.

    Tom also touches on the importance of creating a lasting impression during your podcast appearance. He shares stories of guests who treated podcast interviews as mere transactions, failing to engage with the host or promote the episode afterward, which ultimately damaged their reputation.

    The conversation moves to the mission of Interview Valet, which aims to introduce inspiring thought leaders to millions of people for the betterment of all. Tom shares his criteria for selecting clients, focusing on those who have a positive and impactful message.

    We also explore the spiritual and strategic aspects of podcast guesting. We discuss how meaningful conversations can spark new ideas and change perspectives, contributing to personal and professional growth.

    If you’re ready to take your expert status to the next level, don’t miss this insightful conversation with Tom Schwab. Visit https://interviewvalet.com/ to access valuable resources and explore how you can use targeted podcast interviews to reach your ideal customers.

    Resources Mentioned: Linkedin | Twitter |

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    30 mins
  • Ep #127: Rachel Rider Explains How Spirituality Can Make You a Better Boss
    Jul 1 2024

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    Feeling stressed at work? Join Rachel Rider as she shares how spirituality can help you feel calmer and make better choices. Tune in to learn how connecting with your inner self can transform your work life and boost your confidence!

    In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show, we go deep into a transformative conversation with Rachel Rider, an Executive Leadership coach who works with C-Level executives who is known for her integration of spirituality and holistic practices into her coaching methods.

    Rachel’s approach challenges the conventional image of Executive Leadership coaching, which often focuses solely on performance metrics and strategic goals. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of a spiritual practice, noting that most successful people she knows have some form of spiritual grounding. This, she believes, is essential for tapping into deeper sources of wisdom and resilience.

    Rachel's approach combines cognitive awareness, somatic experiencing, and shamanic principles. Rachel discusses the critical importance of understanding our basic survival mechanisms—fight, flight, freeze, or fawn—and how these deeply ingrained responses can either hinder or enhance our leadership abilities.

    Rachel shares her early start with Zen Buddhist practices at the age of 13, highlighting how meditation and mindfulness laid the foundation for her understanding of how the mind works. She emphasizes the value of meditation in noticing thought patterns and discerning which thoughts serve us and which do not.

    Rachel integrates somatic experiences to address the nervous system's responses. She discusses how understanding where our nervous system is stuck due to past trauma can help you to resolve feeling paralyzed and unable to make decisions or push through anxiety faster.

    Adding yet another layer to her Executive Leadership coaching approach, Rachel explores her training in shamanism and her work with crystals. She shares how her connection to the natural world and understanding of energy dynamics have profoundly influenced her coaching practice. Rachel's relationship with the natural world, guided by her training under a Taoist stone expert, underscores her belief in the palpable presence of energy and its impact on our interactions and decisions.

    If you are curious about Rachel’s methods and looking to start your own journey, she offers practical advice on connecting with your authentic selves. She suggests a simple yet powerful exercise: reflecting on moments during the week when you felt most like themselves.

    Rachel Rider’s unique blend of cognitive, somatic, and spiritual practices offers a transformative path for leaders seeking more than just conventional success. Her insights and methodologies provide a holistic framework that integrates mind, body, and spirit, paving the way for a more balanced, authentic, and effective leadership style.

    Resources Mentioned: Website | Instagram |

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    26 mins
  • Ep #126: Secrets of Good Leaders: Scott Greenberg’s Advice on Managing People and Yourself
    Jun 24 2024

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    Unlock the secrets of effective self-leadership with Scott Greenberg! Discover how you can get your team to perform better and become an inspirational leader. Join the conversation.

    In this episode, we connect with Scott Greenberg, an acclaimed speaker, author on leadership and performance and explore the intricate dynamics of managing teams and self-leadership. Throughout our conversation, Scott shares the critical elements that differentiate mediocre leaders from great ones, outlining on how you can inspire genuine commitment and enthusiasm in your team.

    Scott starts by breaking down what both the hard and soft needs of your team members are. He explains that while meeting hard needs—such as providing fair salaries and benefits—is essential, effective leaders go way beyond these basics. You also must cater to the soft needs: the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects that drive your team's engagement and loyalty. By addressing these deeper needs, your leadership will foster a work environment where your employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts.

    You’ve heard about the concept of servant leadership and we are breaking it down in this episode. Scott challenges the traditional top-down leadership model by proposing that the most successful leaders are those who see their role as serving their team. This approach involves providing support, resources, and guidance needed for your team members to thrive.

    Scott also explores the importance of honest self-awareness and continual personal development. He shares that great leaders are always seeking ways to improve, regardless of their current level of success.

    For the spiritual component of the podcast we explore the role of vulnerability in leadership. Scott explains how being open about your fears, mistakes, and uncertainties can actually strengthen your connection with their team. Mindset is another cornerstone of Scott’s leadership philosophy. He talks about the importance of managing one’s own thoughts and emotions to stay calm and focused, even under pressure. Scott shares practical strategies for cultivating a resilient mindset, from journaling and reflective practices to simple acts of self-care, like enjoying a favorite treat - like ice cream!

    This episode will find yourself rethinking your approach to leadership and we hope you are inspired to implement these transformative strategies. After the conversation, be sure to explore more of Scott’s work by visiting his website, ScottGreenberg.com. There, you can find resources and information about his latest book, "Stop the Shift Show," which explores how to manage and motivate hourly workers effectively.

    Resources Mentioned: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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    32 mins
  • Ep #125: Grant Tate: Master the Art of Asking AI the Right Questions and Get Better Results
    Jun 17 2024

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    “Transform Results with AI: Ask Better Questions for Marketing, Problem Solving, and Business Growth. Join AI Expert Grant Tate to Crack the Code!”

    In this episode of the Growth Architect Show, I am joined by Dr. Grant Tate, the CEO of Bridge Business Transformation, a high-performance business consultancy. Dr. Tate is a leading expert in the application of AI for small businesses, and he shares his extensive knowledge and experience on how AI can be a game-changer for business owners. This episode is packed with insights on how AI can be leveraged to solve problems, enhance marketing strategies, and drive business growth.

    Dr. Grant Tate begins by recounting his journey into the world of AI. Up until 2019, he was running his own consulting company, focusing on high-tech organizations and executive coaching. The global pandemic accelerated his shift to online consulting and the desire to write a memoir. In November 2022, with the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Grant saw the potential of AI and began to explore its applications extensively.

    One of the key highlights of this episode is Grant's discussion on the practical applications of AI. He emphasizes that AI can be an invaluable assistant for small businesses, capable of handling a wide range of tasks from developing marketing plans to enhancing customer engagement. He shares real-world examples and talks about how AI can be used to create a detailed marketing plan for your business by simply providing a brief description of the business and its goals.

    Another significant aspect discussed is the concept of “prompt engineering.” Grant explains that interacting with AI effectively involves learning how to ask the right questions. This process, often referred to as prompt engineering, involves refining questions through a conversational approach with AI, ensuring that the answers provided are accurate and useful. He shares that instead of crafting one perfect prompt, business owners should view their interaction with AI as a dialogue, continuously refining their questions to get the best results.

    Grant provides his vision for the future of AI in small businesses, predicting that AI will become increasingly integral to business operations. He emphasizes the need for business owners to stay informed about AI developments and adapt to using it.

    This episode of the Growth Architect Show focuses on harnessing the power of AI to enhance your business and offers practical tips and strategies to help you leverage AI for marketing, problem-solving, and business growth. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to take your business to the next level with AI!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
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    29 mins
  • Ep #124: The Enlightened Passenger: Corey Poirier's New Book and Life Lessons
    Jun 10 2024

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    “Join us as Corey Poirier reveals his life-changing journey and the inspiration behind his new book. Discover valuable insights and lessons that can transform your path to success. Don't miss this inspiring episode!”

    Join us for a transformative episode as we sit down with Wise Traveler, Corey Poirier. In our episode Corey shares his own life-changing journey and the inspiration behind his book, "The Enlightened Passenger," and the powerful lessons he's learned along the way. Corey’s story is one of persistence, overcoming obstacles, and creating a positive impact in the world.

    Corey Poirier, a seasoned speaker, multiple TEDX speaker and author, talks about how he transitioned from a small-town upbringing to interviewing over 7,500 of the world's top influencers and thought leaders. Corey shares his strategy that he used to connect with such a high number of influencers and how he extracted valuable lessons from their experiences that he has turned into teaching that made him well-known in the self-improvement industry.

    He also shares his business model that is based on his interviews that he shaped into the BLU Talks platform where he accelerates credibility and success for business owners who want to become an authority by providing unparalleled opportunities to share stages with luminaries like Les Brown, Jack Canfield, and Lisa Nichols.

    Corey discusses the strategic and spiritual principles that have guided his journey. He discussed the principle of the importance of giving before asking, a philosophy he attributes to Gary Vaynerchuk's "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook" approach. Corey shares the steps he used when he invested time and effort into building relationships with luminaries, ultimately earning their respect and support.

    We explore Corey’s spiritual beliefs and how they intersect with his professional life. Corey explains his transition from a spiritual skeptic to someone who embraces the power of synchronicity and intuition. He discusses how acknowledging and leaning into these spiritual elements has profoundly impacted his personal and professional growth.

    Engage with us by visiting ThisIsTheBook.com to grab a copy of "The Enlightened Passenger." By purchasing through this link, you’ll receive exclusive bonuses that are not available elsewhere. Corey’s book offers a deep dive into the lessons he has learned and provides a roadmap if you are seeking to improve your mindset and financial outcome through both, strategic action and spiritual awareness.

    Additionally, explore the BLU Talks platform to find out if this resonates with you. Corey’s work with BLU Talks provides an exceptional opportunity if you are a thought leader or aspiring influencer and want to gain exposure and credibility fast.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website | Instagram | Facebook |

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    36 mins
  • Ep #123: Crack the Code of Visionary Leadership with Oleg Konovalov
    Jun 3 2024

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    "From Abstract Ideas to Lasting Legacies: The “Da Vinci of Vision” Shares Insights on Vision and Spirituality in Business"

    In this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show I have an inspiring conversation with Oleg Konovalov, the “Da Vinci on Visionary Leadership, a global thought leader, author, business educator, consultant, and C-suite coach.

    We explore how a clear and actionable vision can profoundly impact your life and business, transforming abstract ideas into tangible successes and lasting legacies.

    Oleg shares his unique journey and background in the fishing industry to become a global thought leader in vision. He explains that vision is not merely about setting goals or creating mission statements. Instead, vision is about crafting a meaningful space that inspires and energizes you, providing a sense of direction and purpose.

    A key part of our conversation centers around the deep connection between vision and spirituality. Oleg believes that vision is intertwined with positive and productive energy. He emphasizes the importance of believing in something greater than oneself, whether it’s a higher power, the universe, or an overarching principle. This belief nourishes the soul, fostering a sense of purpose that transcends the ego and connects with a larger cause. Vision, according to Oleg, is about managing energy rather than time. It’s a dynamic and evolving force that continuously inspires and motivates, unlike static mission statements.

    For those wondering how to turn vision into action, Oleg introduces a practical framework called: CAVIAR – *Clarity of Creation, *Ability as a Visionary, *Viability of a Vision, *Influence in Communication, *Acting and Executing, *Revitalizing a Vision.

    Oleg shares the example of Tesla and its visionary leader, Elon Musk. Tesla didn’t invent the electric car, but it created a compelling vision for e-mobility that captured significant market share and redefined the industry. This example illustrates how a powerful vision can drive substantial financial success and innovation.

    We also discuss the importance of maintaining and living your vision every day. Oleg suggests adopting an open system mindset, seeing yourself as part of a larger universe, and continuously acting on spiritual signals. This approach helps you stay connected to your vision and turn inspiration into real results. Oleg emphasizes personal growth and the courage to act on your vision, explaining that as your vision evolves, so must your mindset and approach. This continuous evolution keeps you relevant and impactful, creating a ripple effect that inspires others.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn
    Books: "The Vision Code",

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    29 mins