
  • Hello from Home: Messages of Love and Healing with Claudia Mulligan
    Jul 7 2024

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with your loved one in heaven?

    In this latest episode of Butterfly Kisses, Claudia Mulligan shares her profoundly emotional journey of connecting with her son, David, in the spirit world after his passing. She describes how her communication journey with David began with subtle signs and messages that eventually became clear and direct communication.

    Claudia shares how her initial skepticism transformed into belief as she received undeniable signs and messages from David. She recounts moments when David's presence was felt through scents, sounds, and even moving objects. Through these experiences, Claudia found profound comfort and healing, reassuring her that her son was still with her in spirit.

    Our conversation delves deep into the transformative power of grief and the profound impact of connecting with loved ones in the spirit world. Claudia emphasizes the importance of trusting these signs and messages, even when they seem unconventional or unbelievable to others. She highlights the growth and evolution she experiences through her ongoing communication with David and emphasizes the enduring nature of love beyond physical boundaries.

    Throughout the episode, Claudia and I discuss the intricacies of mediumship and the profound healing that can come from connecting with the spirit world. We explored the idea that grief can be a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual connection, leading to a deeper understanding of life and love.

    Claudia's story serves as a testament to the enduring bond between loved ones, transcending the limitations of physical existence. Her message of hope, healing, and the power of love resonated deeply with our listeners, offering a glimpse into the profound connections that can be forged beyond the veil.

    I encourage you to explore Claudia's book, "Letters to David: Following My Son Into Spirit," which chronicles her communication journey with her son and offers insights into the transformative power of connecting with loved ones in spirit. Claudia's website, www.hello-from-home.com, provides further resources and information for those seeking to explore their spiritual connections.

    Overall, this episode with Claudia was a poignant and enlightening conversation that touches on themes of love, loss, healing, and the enduring nature of the human spirit. I hope Claudia's story serves as a beacon of inspiration for all those navigating the complexities of grief and seeking solace in the presence of their loved ones in spirit.

    Let's Connect:

    • Visit the Butterfly Kisses Website
    • Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham
    • Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham
    • YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham
    • Tiktok: AmyGrayCunningham

    Book Your Mediumship Session...

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Honoring Grief and Finding Peace: A Discussion with Susie Hayes
    Jun 16 2024

    As the host of Butterfly Kisses, I had the pleasure of interviewing Susie, the author of "FREED from Stuck." In this insightful episode, Susie shared her journey of helping people access their internal resources to break free from feeling stuck in life. She discussed the importance of embracing grief as a necessary part of healing and moving forward.

    Susie highlighted the five elements essential for becoming free from "stuck", using the acronym FREED: Facing the Bridge, Recognizing the Bridge, Embracing the Bridge, Exiting the Bridge, and Discovering the Destination. She emphasized the significance of taking responsibility for our choices and not falling into a victim mentality.

    The conversation delved into the challenges of grief and loss, with Susie providing valuable insights on supporting those grieving and navigating through the process. She emphasized the importance of honoring the journey and allowing ourselves to feel the emotions of loss.

    Susie also shared practical steps for individuals to move through their stuckness, encouraging listeners to take simple steps toward healing and growth. She emphasized the power of choice and the potential for transformation when facing life's challenges.

    This episode concludes with a heartfelt discussion about connecting with loved ones on the other side of the veil. Susie shares her desire to have a conversation with her late husband on a beach, exploring his experiences and growth in the afterlife.

    Overall, the episode was a profound exploration of grief, healing, and personal growth, offering listeners valuable insights and tools to navigate their journeys of becoming FREED from Stuck.

    About Susie:

    Susie Hayes helps people become and stay FREED from Stuck! by showing them how to access internal resources they never knew they had and create what they never knew they could, combining coaching, counseling, and hypnosis. She is also a speaker, teacher, and award-winning author of the book "FREED from Stuck! – Date to Cross the Bridge Beyond Grief, Trauma, and Self-Sabotage to Discover Lasting Change Now.”

    With two Master's Degrees in education and counseling, and over 40 years of experience as a psychotherapist, life and business coach, hypnotist, teacher, speaker, and author, Susie Hayes helps people become and stay FREED from Stuck! She is the author of the award-winning book, "FREED from Stuck! Dare to Cross the Bridge Beyond Grief, trauma, and Self-Sabotage to Discover Lasting Change Now."

    Connect with Susie:

    • Visit the FREED from Stuck! Website
    • Facebook: FREEDfromStuck
    • Join the FREED from Stuck Facebook Group
    • LinkedIn: Susie Hayes Counseling
    • Twitter: Susie Hayes
    • Youtube: @SusieHayesCounseling
    • Instagram: @susiehayesnow

    Let's Connect:

    • Visit the Butterfly Kisses Website
    • Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham
    • Facebook:
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    51 mins
  • The Sign Game: Connecting with the Afterlife through Signs & Symbols
    Jun 2 2024

    As the host of the podcast "Butterfly Kisses, A Journey of Spiritual Transformation," I am thrilled to welcome listeners back to Season Two. In this episode, I delve into the topic of receiving signs from our loved ones in heaven. This subject resonates deeply with many people seeking connection with those who have transitioned to the spirit world.

    I begin by sharing personal experiences of receiving signs from my husband, Chuck, who passed away unexpectedly in 2011. Through auditory messages, visual signs like feathers, and even encounters with animals, Chuck has found unique ways to communicate with me from the spirit world. I emphasize the importance of being open to these signs and expressing gratitude for the communication.

    Throughout the episode, I discuss various forms signs can take, such as songs, numbers, animals, and objects like feathers or rocks. I highlight the significance of paying attention to these signs and the emotions they evoke, as they often serve as messages of love and reassurance from our departed loved ones.

    I also share techniques for actively seeking signs, including grounding exercises and setting intentions to receive messages. By raising your vibrations through gratitude and love, you create a conducive environment for your loved ones to communicate meaningfully with you.

    Drawing on personal anecdotes and insights, I encourage listeners to remain open and flexible in interpreting signs, as they can manifest in unexpected ways. By sharing stories of my experiences and inviting you to engage with your encounters, I aim to foster a deeper understanding of the profound connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

    As the episode concludes, I invite you to share your experiences of receiving signs and express gratitude for the ongoing journey of love, life, and connection with our loved ones in the afterlife. Join me in exploring the mysteries of spiritual communication and the profound impact of signs from beyond. Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to connecting with you in future episodes.

    Let's Connect:

    • Visit the Butterfly Kisses Website
    • Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham
    • Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham
    • YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham
    • Tiktok: AmyGrayCunningham

    Book Your Mediumship Session Today

    Did you know that you can communicate with your loved ones who have passed? If you are dealing with grief and wish to receive evidence that your loved one lives on, then this mediumship reading is for you. Join Amy for messages of hope and healing as she provides evidence that your loved ones are still with you.

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    38 mins
  • Unlock Happiness and Healing with Lauren Fonvielle
    Jan 8 2023

    Uncover the liberating power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and learn how to take control of your emotions today!

    "Our underlying beliefs and emotions, whether aware of them or not, can affect our happiness. Learning to manage our emotions better and release any associated stress can be a game changer."

    Lauren Fonvielle is an integrative energy practitioner and EFT specialist who helps her clients on a journey of self-healing, breaking through physical, mental, and emotional obstacles that keep them feeling stuck and in pain.

    Lauren began her journey to healing five years ago when her husband was to be deployed. Through yoga, reiki, meditation, and sound healing, Lauren was introduced to EFT and found it immensely helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and trauma. EFT applies tapping pressure to certain body points while simultaneously acknowledging the accompanying emotions. For example, Lauren was able to help her client with her fear of going to the dentist by using EFT Tapping. Despite her traumatic childhood experiences there, the client had a successful three-hour appointment with no panic attack. EFT works to create space between the trauma and the emotion of it.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. How can our underlying beliefs and emotions, whether or not we're aware of them, affect our happiness in life?
    2. What is the science behind Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, and how does it work?
    3. How can Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping be used to help people with PTSD, trauma, stress, anxiety, and chronic pain?

    How to find Lauren:

    Website: MindShiftWithLauren

    Facebook: @LaurenFonvielle

    Instagram: @laurenic0le

    YouTube: @LaurenFonvielle

    Masterclass: MindShiftWithLauren/Masterclass

    5-Day Mindset Reset: MindShiftWithLauren/mindsetreset

    Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

    Eps. 14. Living Life as a "38DDD"—Disability, Divorce, and Death

    Eps. 22. Toxic Insecurity with Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes

    Eps. 43. Healing from the Soul with Phillip Mountrose

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

    Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

    YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

    Twitter: AmyCunningham1

    LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham


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    34 mins
  • Christine Malek: Get Your SASSI Back!
    Dec 4 2022

    Have you experienced abuse and are on the recovery path? Have you been told to "just be strong" or "just move on" but find yourself unable to get the "Empowered, Resiliency, and Strength" you desire?

    This episode is for you if you're struggling to progress despite this well-meaning advice.

    "The strength it takes to admit your greatest weakness is much bigger than that weakness."- Christine Malek

    Christine Malek is a 57-year-old survivor of abuse who helps women who have been victims of abuse reclaim their strength and inner beauty. She advocates for abuse survivors and encourages them to find their inner SASSI.

    This is Christine Malek's story—

    Christine Malek is a 57-year-old woman in Tennessee who endured six and a half years of abuse and is a recovering Alcoholic. She now coaches women who have been abused to get their SASSI back by teaching them to be Strong, Assertive, Smart, Sexy, and Independent. Christine emphasizes that it is okay to admit one's greatest weakness and to seek help when needed. She hopes to help women realize that it is not their fault and that they can be empowered through the experience.

    Christine believes women can thrive after abuse and emerge like a Phoenix from the Ashes. It is okay to be comfortable with yourself and love yourself just the way you are. She encourages women to start the conversation when they see signs of abuse in relationships and to help those in need.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    • How can women of abuse find their inner strength and reclaim their inner SASSI?
    • How to start conversations around abuse with our friends and loved ones?
    • How to differentiate between functioning alcoholism and alcoholism to know when enough is enough?

    How to find Christine:

    Website: SassiCoach.com

    Facebook: @SASICoachChristine

    Linkedin: @ChristineMalek

    Instagram: @Christine_Consulting

    Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

    Eps. 11 Misfit In Hell to Heaven Expat

    Eps. 20 All We Need Is Love—Grief Advice From "The Bad Widow"

    Eps 37. Love Is with Kim Sorrelle

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

    Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

    YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

    Twitter: AmyCunningham1

    LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham

    Website: ButterflyKissesPodcast

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    51 mins
  • Peggy Lit: Achieve Balance and Happiness
    Nov 27 2022
    "I've learned to live from inside out, not outside in."—Peggy Lit

    Peggy Lit is a spiritual teacher and author helping people heal themselves for over 16 years. She co-founded the Center for Living from the Heart and is passionate about helping people connect to their inner wisdom and power.

    This is Peggy's story—

    Before Peggy's spiritual journey began, if someone asked Peggy who she was, she would've said she was just one of twelve kids born and raised on a farm in South Dakota. However, when Peggy started having out-of-body experiences, all that changed!

    One of her first out-of-body experiences was what she could only refer to as the Holy Spirit coming to take away her original sins. Her initial response to that was. "I have more than one original sin?" At the time, Peggy didn't understand what was happening to her. All she knew was she was experiencing "oneness, " which felt amazing!

    Because of these out-of-body experiences, Peggy realized that she was responsible for her own experience of herself and that she could choose to let go of all the pain she carried within herself. As a result of this realization, Peggy and her partner David began to help others do the same by teaching them how to slow down, connect to their heart, and accept themselves fully.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. What are out-of-body experiences?
    2. How to live from the inside out!
    3. What is Oneness?

    How to find Peggy:

    Website: ANewHealingCenter.com

    Facebook: @ANewLifeCenter

    Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

    Eps. 8: Living Life as a Psychic Medium With Jessica Mangum

    Eps. 36: Behind the Screen with Carrie Schmidt

    Eps. 42- GetHART with Meris Gebhardt: A Mindfulness Coach Who Gets You!

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

    Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

    YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

    Twitter: AmyCunningham1

    LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham

    Website: ButterflyKissesPodcast

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    Leave us a review and rating here: Apple Podcast Reviews and PodChaser

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    56 mins
  • Fall In Love with Marla Goldberrg—A Master Metaphysician
    Nov 20 2022

    If you're looking for a way to improve your life and relieve stress, try energetic healing with Marla.

    "When you heal something, it gives you space for something else."—Marla Goldberrg

    Marla Goldberrg is an Energy Healer, Intuitive, Speaker, Teacher, International Best Selling Author, and Guided Spirit Conversations podcast Host. She desires to inspire and educate people through her books and podcasts. Marla says her mission and purpose in life to is to help her clients enhance and shift their life focus with her tools and techniques. She has been practicing energy healing for over 20 years.

    This is Marla's story—

    Marla Goldberrg is a metaphysician who fell into the metaphysical world after hitting rock bottom and found herself at a women's conference. There, she met a woman who changed her life and introduced her to the world of energy healing. She eventually learned 20 different healing modalities and started her own business helping others.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. How a difficult time in Marla's life caused her to reevaluate the direction of her life.
    2. How Marla helps others with her healing modalities.
    3. What is Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), and how can it help people?

    How to find Marla:

    Website: MarlaGoldberrg.com

    Facebook: @mghealing

    Instagram: @marlagoldberrg

    Twitter: @MarlaGoldberrg

    YouTube: @DrMarlaGoldberrg

    Podcast: Guided Spirit Conversations

    Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

    Eps. 19. A Harvest of Memories: A Look Back This Thanksgiving

    Eps. 32. A Million Shades of Green with Indra Rinzler

    Eps. 45. John Goff: A Story of Hope and Healing

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

    Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

    YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

    Twitter: AmyCunningham1

    LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham

    Website: ButterflyKissesPodcast

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    47 mins
  • *Spotlight Replay* The Gentle Way with Tom T. Moore
    Nov 13 2022

    Would you like to experience less stress and raise your vibration while having a radiant effect on others? Requesting a "Most Benevolent Outcome" in your daily life can dramatically change your spiritual life.

    In this week's episode, I wanted to spotlight this amazing conversation I had with Tom T. Moore in May 2022. As we enter the upcoming holidays, I felt it was important to revisit Tom's unique approach to helping ourselves and others through working with our Angelic helpers.

    Tom and I discussed how he discovered benevolent outcomes and how you can request these yourself. He also offers real-life examples of how your life can dramatically change by utilizing benevolent outcomes and working with your Angelic helpers and Spirit Guides.

    Tom also shares his new book, The Gently Way with Pets: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions, and how benevolent outcomes can help you find and care for your beloved pet.

    How to find Tom:

    Website: TheGentleWayBook.com (You can sign up for his free weekly newsletter on his website.)

    Facebook: @TomTMoore6

    Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

    Eps. 27. The Medium Explosion with Bob Ginsberg

    Eps. 40. Decoding the Matrix Made Easy with Dr. Vic

    Eps. 51. Fall in Love with Your Money Honey!

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

    Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

    YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

    Twitter: AmyCunningham1

    LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham

    Website: ButterflyKissesPodcast

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    Leave us a review and rating here: Apple Podcast Reviews and PodChaser

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    49 mins