
  • #37 The Brain's Hidden Clock
    Jul 26 2024

    Ever wondered why time seems to fly by during enjoyable activities but crawls during mundane tasks? Join us in this episode of COSYscience as we explore groundbreaking research from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, revealing how our brains perceive time through the richness of our experiences rather than the ticking of a clock. Discover the role of the anterior cingulate cortex in tracking events and how this understanding can impact our daily lives and mental health.

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    #COSYscience #News #Science #Innovation #Education #Mind #Brain #Intelligence #Neuroscience #Psychology #Perception #AnteriorCingulateCortex #TemporalProcessing #PrefrontalCortex #Memory #Time

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    6 mins
  • Morning Coffee #2
    Jul 26 2024

    Article 1: The Double-Edged Sword of Wearables

    Article 2: Chatbots in Hospitals: Are They Ready?

    Article 3: The Clock Within: Daily Rhythms and Receptors

    Article 4: AI: Friend or Foe?

    Article 5: Brain’s Response to Sleep Apnea

    Article 6: Mental Health & Brain Care Scores

    Article 7: 3D Printing Voxel Building Blocks for Organs

    Article 8: Super-Jupiter & Exoplanets

    Article 9: Body & Neurodegenerative Disease

    Article 10: Gallus gallus domesticus ___________ #COSYscience #MorningCoffee #OnThisDay

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    12 mins
  • #36 Balancing Smart Technology with Privacy
    Jul 25 2024

    In this cozy episode of COSY science, we delve into the fascinating intersection of smart technology and personal privacy.

    Discover how the groundbreaking Privacy Lens technology from the University of Michigan aims to protect your privacy by using heat-sensing cameras to turn real images into generic stick figures. Learn how this innovation could revolutionize smart device usage in homes and healthcare, ensuring your private moments remain secure. Join us as we explore this blend of tech and ethics.

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    7 mins
  • #35 Doomscrolling and Existential Dread
    Jul 24 2024

    In this thought-provoking episode of COSYscience, we delve into the unsettling effects of doomscrolling and its potential to trigger an existential crisis. Discover how constant exposure to negative news on social media can alter our views on humanity and life's meaning, based on groundbreaking research from Flinders University. Learn how to manage your media consumption and protect your mental well-being in the age of information overload. Full article

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    7 mins
  • #34 Cuttlefish & The Mystery of False Memories
    Jul 23 2024

    In this episode of COSYscience, we delve into the surprising world of cuttlefish and their ability to form false memories.

    Discover how these remarkable invertebrates recall past events and how their memories can sometimes deceive them, much like ours can. Join us as we explore groundbreaking research from the University of Caen and uncover what cuttlefish can teach us about the nature of memory and cognition.

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    #COSYscience #COSYlanguages #News #Science #Innovation #Education #Memory #Cognition #AnimalBehavior #Cuttlefish #FalseMemories #Research #Neuroscience #Mind #Brain #Intelligence #Dementia #Animals #Fish #Fisheries #Nature #Biology #EvolutionaryBiology

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    6 mins
  • #33 Mindfulness and beyond
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode of COSYscience, we will talk about a groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Cambridge that shows how mindfulness practice can lead to unusual altered states of consciousness.

    Learn how mindfulness can evoke a deep sense of oneness and disembodication, and why it is important to understand these experiences. ⁠Full article⁠

    #COSYscience #News #Science #Innovation #Education #Awareness #Consciousness #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #PracticeofAwareness #AlteredStates #Unity #Disembodication #Research #Mind #Brain #Mindfulness #Spirituality #EducationalPsychology #Psychology #Stress #MentalHealth #Depression #Perception #Numeracy #Behaviour

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    6 mins
  • Morning Coffee #1
    Jul 22 2024

    Article 1: Mental Health Clues to Alzheimer’s

    Article 2: Sleep and Diabetes

    Article 3: The Adolescent Fertility Puzzle

    Article 4: Genetic Influences on Bias

    Article 5: Decoding Depression

    Article 6: Brain's Neural Networks

    Article 7: Early Europeans Unveiled

    Article 8: AI vs. Biological Models

    Article 9: Alzheimer’s Prediction Model

    Article 10: Consciousness and Simulations

    ___________ Chapters: (00:00) Intro (01:16) Article 1: Mental Health Clues to Alzheimer’s (02:16) Article 2: Sleep and Diabetes Risk (03:03) Article 3: The Adolescent Fertility Puzzle (03:46) Article 4: Genetics and Bias (04:24) Article 5: Decoding Depression (05:08) Article 6: Brain's Neural Networks (05:54) Article 7: Early Europeans Unveiled (06:44) Article 8: AI vs. Biological Models (07:26) Article 9: Alzheimer’s Prediction Model (08:21) Article 10: Consciousness and Simulations (09:16) On This Day, 22 July ___________ #COSYscience #MorningCoffee #OnThisDay

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    11 mins
  • #32 How Bowel Movements Reflect Your Health
    Jul 21 2024

    In this episode of COSYscience, we explore the fascinating link between bowel movement frequency and long-term health outcomes.

    Discover what researchers from the Institute for Systems Biology found in their study of over 1,400 adults, and learn how your daily routine might be intricately tied to your overall well-being.

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    #GutHealth #Microbiome #Health #Medicine #WellBeing #BowelMovements #ChronicDisease #DigestiveHealth #Lifestyle #GutMicrobiome #BowelMovementFrequency #BML #ProteinFermentation #ShortChainFattyCcids

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    6 mins