
  • The Finish Line
    Jul 5 2024

    In this, the final episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, the team join the relay for the finale in London. We chat to ultrarunner David Bone co-founder of Camino Ultra, Jacob Heitland of Newham Council, Fiona Jones of the IFS Cloud Cable, Andrew Griffiths from PlanetMark and Isaac Beevor from Climate Emergency UK, as we make our way towards Parliament Square for the Finish Line. We also hear for a final time from relay crew members Harry Hughes, Rohan Date and Roisin McDonough; as well as Running Out of Time co-founders Dan Thompson and Jamie Hay.

    Listen, as we celebrate the end of this incredible month-long, 2,436 km people-powered journey to deliver a message to politicians across all parties, and now in particular to the new Government in Westminster:

    We call for commitment to cutting emissions, restoring nature and helping those most affected by climate change. We are united for people, climate and nature - and we are running out of time.


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what’s happening across Westminster for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/westminster
    • Find out more about what’s happening across Newham for climate and nature, here: https://carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/newham
    • Read our latest blog about the end of the relay: https://carboncopy.eco/blog/united-for-people-climate-and-nature
    • Read about Camino Ultra, here: https://www.caminoultra.com/
    • Find out about Trash Free Trails: https://www.trashfreetrails.org/
    • Read about The Tunnel, the race that David ran (and won!) in March this year: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/64139029
    • Read about The Line: https://the-line.org/
    • Read about PlanetMark, here: https://carboncopy.eco/blog/friends-of-carbon-copy-planet-mark
    • Read about Climate Emergency UK, here: https://carboncopy.eco/blog/friends-of-carbon-copy-climate-emergency-uk
    • Find out more about volunteering with Climate Emergency UK, here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/application-scorecards-volunteering-2/
    • Find out about Running Out of Time: https://running-out-of-time.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    30 mins
  • Brighton
    Jul 3 2024

    In the penultimate episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, the climate relay has reached the vibrant seaside city of Brighton. We meet Jo McCartney, member of the cold-water swimming group the Salty Seabirds, and teacher at Cottesmore St Mary Roman Catholic Primary School in Hove. Jo tells us how the Seabirds help to engage more people with swimming, and with protecting the sea, and how environmental education is prioritised and celebrated at the school. We also hear from Lizzie Gimblett, Founder of Pupils Profit, which is helping children to reduce waste and learn green business schools through its innovative school-based refill shop scheme.

    Listen to feel inspired and motivated by the energy and enthusiasm of these eco-leaders.


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Brighton and Hove for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/brighton-and-hove
    • Learn more about Pupils Profit: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/pupils-profit
    • Learn more about Leave No Trace Brighton: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/leave-no-trace-brighton
    • Read more about the Salty Seabirds: https://seabirdsltd.com/salty-seabirds-5-c.asp
    • Read about Take 3 For The Sea: https://www.take3.org/
    • Read about the Eco curriculum at the school that Jo teaches at: https://www.cottesmore.brighton-hove.sch.uk/page/eco/
    • Join in with the finale of Running Out of Time! https://running-out-of-time.com/run-to-2030

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    18 mins
  • Portsmouth
    Jul 2 2024

    The Running Out of Time baton has now reached the south coast of England, and in this episode of this Carbon Copy Podcast special, we meet Elly Toyer of Portsmouth International Port, Kristina Downey of the city council and Clare Seek of Share (Portsmouth). We learn how this coastal city is leading the way in terms of making maritime greener, and we even hear from the local climate choir, who sang as the baton was carried through the port!

    Listen, to discover the successes and the challenges of climate action in Portsmouth.

    “I love what community can do to bring people together, to do practical things which help the planet and help each other. I discovered Repair Cafes – the first one was founded in the Netherlands 15 years ago this October – and thought this seems such a good idea, why haven't we got one in Portsmouth? “So I decided to set up a little Facebook group and plugged it on every community group in the city that I knew, and in 24 hours, I had 200 people... Either ones to help or, [people saying] ‘Yes, oh my goodness, I want this because I've got X, Y, and Z and I'd love someone to help me fix it.’ “So, you know, I couldn't then not make it happen!”

    - Clare Seek, Share (Portsmouth)

    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Portsmouth for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/portsmouth
    • Find out about Share (Portsmouth): https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/share-portsmouth
    • Discover more about the Repair Cafe network: https://www.repaircafe.org/en/
    • Learn about sustainability at Portsmouth International Port: https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/services/environmental-health/climate-action/
    • Find out what Portsmouth City Council is doing to tackle the climate crisis: https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/services/environmental-health/climate-action/
    • Read about the huge solar project at Lakeside North Harbour: https://lakesidenorthharbour.com/solar-project/
    • Read about the Climate Choir Movement: https://climatechoirmovement.org/#about
    • Sign up for a leg of Running Out of Time: https://running-out-of-time.com/route/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    20 mins
  • Bradford on Avon
    Jun 29 2024

    This episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special comes from the town of Bradford on Avon, in Wiltshire. Carbon Copy’s Head of Social Media, Yasmin Redfern, and Trustee Andy Knott, joined the relay crew and participants for a sustainable fashion-themed event to celebrate the baton’s arrival in the town, organised by Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon. We hear about Climate Friendly BoA from member Rowena Quantrill, and about the local Town Council environment committee and repair cafe from more enthusiastic residents. We also speak to relay participant and vegan runner Laura Briggs about her involvement with the Running On Plants campaign.

    Listen to discover the fantastic energy and enthusiasm for climate action in this vibrant Wiltshire town.

    “I think it's about opening those dialogues and having conversations about people who are participating in your sports. Not everybody wants free t -shirts. Not everybody wants free bottles of water. Just really being mindful about the little changes that you can make that will improve our environment... “The climate crisis is upon us now. We're running out of time, quite literally. And we need to do something about it now.”

    - Laura Briggs, Running on Plants


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Wiltshire for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/wiltshire
    • Learn more about Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/climate-friendly-bradford-on-avon
    • Get useful tips about reducing the impact of fashion and textiles locally, from Carbon Copy: https://carboncopy.eco/community/slow-down-fast-fashion
    • Read about Running On Plants: https://runningonplants.org/
    • Sign up for a leg of Running Out of Time: https://running-out-of-time.com/route

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    15 mins
  • Bristol & Bath
    Jun 28 2024

    In this episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, we follow the baton as it makes its way through Bristol and into Bath. We meet Gil Martin, Head of Estates at Belmont, an inspiring project based just outside Bristol, which is rewilding, rewetting and restoring landscapes, as well as connecting people locally with the natural environment. We also hear from Planet Earth Games founder Chris Broadbent as he leads a “plog” around Bristol City Centre, before ending the episode in Bath, where Olympic gold medallist Etienne Stott and Olympic sailor Laura Baldwin talk to us about their work using sport to engage people with climate action.

    Listen to hear more about these initiatives, which are all finding ways to inspire more action for climate and nature.


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Bristol for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/bristol
    • Find out more about what's happening across Bath and North East Somerset for climate and nature, here: https://carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/bath-and-north-east-somerset
    • Find out more about Watercress Farm at Belmont: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/watercress-farm-rewilding
    • Read more about Planet Earth Games: https://planetearthgames.org/
    • Read about Champions for Earth: https://championsforearth.com/
    • Read about Sport Local and how to have an imaginarium at your club or group: https://www.sport-local.earth/
    • Learn about Rob Hopkins and the ideas that inspired the Imaginariums: https://www.robhopkins.net/
    • Sign up for a leg of the Running Out of Time relay: https://running-out-of-time.com/route

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    15 mins
  • Cardiff
    Jun 27 2024

    Running Out of Time has now reached the land of dragons – Wales! In this episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast, we catch-up with the baton as it is taken from Merthyr Tydfil to Cardiff, via the Dragon’s Back in the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. We chat to Green Runners Nina and Martin, following their epic 46km run through beautiful Welsh landscapes. Also in this episode, we hear from Richard Pollard, Head of the Schools programme at the Tree Council, who welcomed the relay to an event at St. Fagan’s Museum in Cardiff; and from Becca Clark, co-founder of Green Squirrel, the Cardiff-based social enterprise where the baton ended its day in Cardiff.

    Listen to hear the inspiring stories behind these projects.

    “The job I do is fantastic... Every day there's something new. You get this honorable opportunity to meet children from all over the country who are just so passionate, and believe so strongly in the changes that they can make. It's so lovely to see that happening over time.” - Richard Pollard, Tree Council


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Cardiff for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/cardiff
    • Read about climate action in the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park: https://bannau.wales/environment/climate-change/
    • Learn about The Green Runners: https://thegreenrunners.com/
    • Learn more about the schools programme at The Tree Council: https://treecouncil.org.uk/young-learning/
    • Read more about Green Squirrel: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/green-squirrel
    • Sign up for a leg of Running Out of Time: https://running-out-of-time.com/route

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins
  • Worcester
    Jun 25 2024

    In this episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, we rejoin the climate relay as the baton reaches Worcester. We hear from Dan Brothwell and Rob Collier, founders of Bike Worcester, about their passion for make cycling more accessible for all. We also learn about sustainability at the University of Worcester, from Professor Sally Moyle and Katy Boom, in a conversation with Chair of the NHS Confederation, Lord Victor Adebowale.

    Listen to hear how the next generation is inspiring all the guests in this episode to take action for a more sustainable future.

    “I’m 62 and it seems that our generation really had a bit of a party. You know, [sustainability] wasn’t that big an issue… We’ve had a great time, and now the generation that are running out of time have got five years basically to make a significant difference to the trajectory. Otherwise, they’re going to be living in a depleted world… “…We had the party, but we’re expecting them to get in the kitchen and clean up afterwards, and actually, I’m surprised they’re not more frustrated or more angry than they are because this is their lives and their kids’ lives. So we have a duty to make this an issue, to listen to them and help them tell the story and get the message across.”

    - Lord Victor Adebowale


    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Worcester for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/worcester
    • Learn more about Bike Worcester: https://carboncopy.eco/initiatives/bike-worcester
    • Listen to the full Bike Worcester No Foot Down podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/14suTArgU6nEjyD6WgOsr1?si=fd6f3be36f8c4452
    • Read more about the SHIFT scheme in Worcester: https://goshift.co.uk/
    • Read about sustainability work taking place at the University of Worcester: https://www.worcester.ac.uk/about/sustainability/
    • Read about the work the NHS Confederation is doing to tackle the climate crisis: https://www.nhsconfed.org/topic/climate-change
    • Learn about Lord Victor Adebowale: https://www.nhsconfed.org/people/victor-adebowale-cbe
    • Sign up for a leg of the Running Out of Time relay: https://running-out-of-time.com/route

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    20 mins
  • Show Your Stripes Day
    Jun 22 2024

    In this episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, the climate relay visits the world-famous Lord’s Cricket Ground, to mark Show Your Stripes Day as the baton headed through North London and then west to finish the day at Reading Climate Festival. We chat to Stuart Dunlop, Sustainability and Accessibility Manager at Lord’s, as well as Andrew Charlton-Perez, Professor of Meteorology at the University of Reading; before catching up with Carbon Copy trustees Heather and Ric as they completed their first leg.

    Also in this episode, a conversation with co-founder of The Green Runners, Nina Davies, and Harry Stow of England Athletics, about the exciting project they are collaborating on to bring sustainability to more athletics clubs around the country.

    Listen to learn more about the need for action now, from athletes, fans and sporting organisations alike.

    Show Notes

    • Find out more about what's happening across Hounslow for climate and nature, here: www.carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action/hounslow
    • Discover your local warming stripes: https://carboncopy.eco/local-climate-action
    • Find out more about sustainability at Lord’s: https://www.lords.org/lords/match-day/plan-your-day/sustainability-at-lord-s
    • Learn more about Show Your Stripes Day and the climate stripes: https://showyourstripes.info/
    • Learn more about the Run to 2030 event being organised by The Green Runners and England Athletics: https://www.englandathletics.org/news/running-greener-towards-2030/
    • Learn more about England Athletics’ partnership with The Green Runners: https://www.englandathletics.org/news/update-on-our-greener-clubs-commitment/
    • Sign up for a leg of Running Out of Time: https://running-out-of-time.com/route/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    20 mins