
  • This Mom Has Amazing Interactions with Her Children in Spirit
    May 28 2024

    Can you really heal the grief of physically "losing" your own child? Does love truly live forever and our relationships go on? Elizabeth Boisson says YES!

    Direct Communication with Children from the Otherside. Our guest is Elizabeth Veney Boisson, President and Co-founder of Helping Parents Heal, author, wife and mother of 4 who has 2 of her children living in spirit.

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    Elizabeth Boisson is the President and Co-Founder of Helping Parents Heal. She has four beautiful children, two of whom are in spirit: Chelsea who passed when she was 2 days old in Montpellier, France, and Morgan who transitioned at the Base Camp of Mount Everest in Tibet while on a university exchange program with 13 other students when he was almost 21 years old. She also has two beautiful daughters: Alix, 28, who earned a PhD in Public Health at the Gillings School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Christine, 26, who recently graduated with a master’s degree in art history from University College London.

    Website: https://www.helpingparentsheal.org
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentsheal
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helpingparentsheal/
    YouTube: https://www.YouTube.com/c/ElizabethBoissonHPH
    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/helpingparentsheal


    BOOK: Amazon Prime: Life to Afterlife – Helping Parents Heal, The Book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GMNJJ3K (Kindle version will be free to download from January 11th – 15th

    MOVIE: Amazon Prime - Life to Afterlife: Mom, Can You Hear Me? https://www.amazon.com/Life-AfterLife-Mom-Can-Hear/dp/B081D98139/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
    And free of charge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icwhBSN4rHQ

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • You Are NOT Broken - Succeed Using Natural Laws
    May 28 2024

    This interview evolved into an amazing master class in manifesting what you want using natural laws, even if you feel like you are at "rock bottom" right now.

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    Most people experience moments when they feel that nothing is working out. Joshua Tongol had plenty of moments where he felt completely broken. Then one day, using Natural Laws as taught by Neville Goddard, Joshua began healing others and himself. He is now the ultimate manifestation teacher for the 2020s and beyond.


    Joshua Tongol is a spiritual teacher, out-of-body explorer, energy healer and psychic medium. With his unique and diverse background, he has become a fresh voice for modern-day spirituality.

    As a rising thought leader, Josh's profound teachings have helped countless people throughout the world. He speaks on topics such as the law of attraction, law of assumption, religion, spirituality, astral projection, paranormal phenomena, and personal development–offering new paradigms relevant for our day and age.

    He trained as an evidential medium at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.

    He holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University and an M.A. in Theology from Talbot School of Theology.

    He and his wife, Remy, currently live in the Philippines.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • Lifelong Contact with Angels, What You Must Know
    Apr 19 2024

    Do you know there are many ways that Angels are hoping to communicate with you, even now? Could you possibly have hidden talents to recognize, or need angelic healing and assistance?

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    Rabbi Shai is a renowned wedding and life cycle officiant, spiritual therapist, singer-songwriter, published author, educator and certified life coach based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. With over 20 years of experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to every ceremony, counseling session, workshop, and performance.

    Web: https://rabbishai.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/rabbishai

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • My Child Teaches Me from Beyond the Veil
    Apr 2 2024

    Through the help of her child in spirit, Marie Sulda found her life’s work and purpose. And both she and her child seemed to have some sense of “knowing” that physical separation was coming. This can be quite common, although the phenomena confuse some. Learn about this and much more, including how understanding your past lives can bring you closer to your spirit love ones.

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**
    Marie had worked in Executive Management roles for over twenty years. In 2015 Marie started the business Kaleidoscopic Travel with an underpinning ethos of opening people’s minds to the world around them and bringing understanding and tolerance. The mission was that through travel, an individual could have a transformative experience, reconnect with the ones they love and have a great understanding of other cultures we share our planet with. The Company also provided employees with full autonomy to work from home and prioritize their family, relationships, hobbies and lives in alignment with their work. In 2020 when Covid arrived and Australian borders closed, Marie was forced to scale down her business. Thinking this was manageable and that she could attend to many challenges life faced her, if her family was happy and healthy, she then experienced her worst fear only months later, when her 11 year old passed unexpectedly suffering a burst aneurysm/AVM at school one morning. The loss that she never thought she could survive, sent her on a journey to honor the love and learnings she had from her daughter Sienna. Through the help of Sienna, Marie found her true purpose, which had always been and continues to be, encouraging others to find their own purpose and overcome the obstacles that life puts in front of our paths. To honor both her daughter in spirit and her earth daughter, she authored of the book “Travel the Mind” which was a series of meditations for children to help them connect with themselves, relieve anxiety and connect t

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Truth About Ouija Boards & Channeling
    Mar 25 2024

    Have you ever used a Ouija board, also known as a talking board or spirit board? Were you or someone you know frightened of the board? Don’t miss this interview with Karen A. Dahlman, perhaps the world’s foremost authority on talking boards.

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    Karen A. Dahlman, MA, is an author, paranormal researcher, licensed counselor and spirit communicator. She serves as an officer and director of the Talking Board Historical Society. Born with the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, Karen communicates with sentient beings in the unseen dimensions and uses these gifts with her clients, providing spiritual readings and guidance. As a leading, noted Ouija practitioner, she has been using the Ouija board since 1973 with astounding results.

    Featured on television, international radio, in documentaries, and other numerous media programs, Karen’s message shares the positive side to the Ouija board as a tool for exploring consciousness. Her work’s mission is pushing the boundaries of consciousness, and her message is assisting humanity in awakening to its greatest potential. Karen holds a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico in archetypal art therapy and is experienced in hypnosis, past life regression, channeling, and spiritual readings. She is the talk show host of Creative Visions TV and is an international speaker and teacher at paranormal and spiritual conferences.


    Social media handle @karenadahlman

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Childhood Near-Death Experience Reveals an Old Soul
    Mar 18 2024

    How might your life be different if you had a childhood near-death experience that helped you unlock life’s greatest mysteries? That is precisely what happened to Jacob Cooper. Now, Jacob has answers for you!

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    Passionate about promoting healing, Jacob L. Cooper, best-selling author of Life After Breath and The Wisdom of Jacobs’s Ladder, is a sought-after speaker on grief, wisdom, and consciousness, offering meditation and mindfulness seminars to help others find purpose and overcome fears of life after death. As a Clinical Social Worker, Reiki Master, and Certified Hypnotherapist, specializing in Past Life Regression, Jacob’s uses his extensive personal and professional experience to empower one soul at a time.
    Facebook- @Jacob Cooper, LCSW
    Instagram- @jacobcooperlcsw
    TikTok- @jacobcooperlcsw

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • How to Live When You Want to Die
    Mar 11 2024

    How can you find the desire to live, when all seems lost and it feels "easier" to die? LeAnn Hull has found out. Whether you are depressed, know someone who may be depressed, or you have thought about suicide or had a loved one die by suicide – this is a helpful, hopeful, and healing show.

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    After the tragic loss of her 16-year-old son, Andy to suicide, LeAnn founded a non-profit organization called Andy Hull’s Sunshine Foundation. The mission of this group is to raise awareness of the high rate of suicide while providing coping skills to deal with life’s challenges. With a “You Matter!” approach, we offer education, support and encouragement which will lead to lives being saved. Building partnerships and relationships has been and will continue to be the focus for LeAnn’s life.

    *About the Guest, LeAnn Hull*
    CONTACT: info@andyssunshine.com
    WEB: andyssunshine.com

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Angels Can Change Your Life
    Mar 4 2024

    How can angels improve every area of your life? Ivory LaNoue is the go-to expert in angel communication. Check out her book “Let Your Angels Lead” and you can learn how to communicate with your angels too. Get Ivory’s take on the hit CBS TV show “Evil” – how close is it to reality for those who see angels and demons? #angel

    Carefree and Conscious is a podcast hosted by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, who is known as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator.

    Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, Superpower film docuseries, and several documentaries that are now playing on Amazon Prime.
    Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.

    Susanne holds a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a Bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.

    In addition to the Carefree & Conscious webcast -- Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more.

    To join a session, visit us at https://carefreemedium.com.
    Web: carefreemedium.com
    Linktree: linktr.ee/carefreemedium

    **This Episode**

    *About the Guest, Ivory LaNoue*
    CONTACT: ivoryangelic@outlook.com
    WEB: ivoryangelicmedium.com

    Ivory LaNoue, known as Ivory Angelic, is a medium, intuitive (psychic), energy healer, and spiritual counselor. She is a long time central Arizona resident with an abiding love for the beauty and variety of the state.

    Since 1996, Ivory has been a professional psychic, and mentored with Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, for mediumship. She studied Gigong with Jan Kennedy, PhD in 1999 and has been giving profound energy healings since then. She is currently working on her PhD in clinical hypnotherapy.

    The root of Ivory's journey to her mission was seeing angels and spirit from a very young age. They have appeared to her and spoken with her since she was age 2. In 1986, Ivory had a profound spiritual awakening, which set her on an intense spiritual journey which continues to this day.

    Her background is in the field of mental health. She managed the mental health program for a county in Arizona, and spent 18 years working with low-income and homeless persons.

    Before she entered the field of mental health, she worked in radio. She hosted an entertainment talk show which won high awards with the Associated Press, and was awarded an honorary Purple Heart for her service to veterans, via her talk show.

    Más Menos
    52 m