• Encore: The Courage to be Extraordinary
    Dec 27 2017
    Do you worry about your autistic child growing up? Are you a woman living with shame because of your ADD? Susan Senator, author of “Autism Adulthood” admits that while adult life on the spectrum is complicated, it can be manageable, even fulfilling. She offers tips to help adults with autism live happily and independently. Linda Roggli, author of “Confessions of an ADDiva” believes women with ADD can be more than distracted: they can be extraordinary. She motivates us to love how we are wired.
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    56 mins
  • Encore: When Words Hurt: Recovering from the Trauma of Control and Abuse
    Dec 21 2017
    'No one else will ever want you.' 'You’re stupid, you will never amount to anything.' 'You're too sensitive.' The phrases above all have one thing in common: they are signs of verbal abuse – and they are all meant to intimidate and control. This week’s show will help listeners recognize emotional abuse and learn how to 'break the cycle of abuse' and begin the process of healing. Guests and best-selling authors, Beverly Engel and Patricia Evans, have appeared on The Oprah Show, CNN and have been featured in many national magazines. They will help us understand the patterns of unhealthy relationships and tell us how to recover from the trauma of controlling relationships. Whether you are the victim of emotional abuse or you are the perpetrator, and the person who cannot stop trying to control others, this show is for you.
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    56 mins
  • A Gift from the Heart: The Gentle Art of Caring for a Loved One
    Dec 14 2017
    Being a caregiver to a loved one is a difficult task. Whether you become a full-time caregiver gradually or suddenly find yourself in that role, chances are that at some point you feel overwhelmed, under-prepared, and unequipped to handle situations that can and do arise. Many emotions surface when you are caring for a loved one day in and day out. While some of these emotions will almost certainly be negative, there are many positive feelings and tender moments that come out of being there and providing care for a loved one. Join Dr. Merle on Caught Between Generations as she celebrates those who often put their own lives on hold to care for spouses, parents, siblings, children, and other loved ones. Hear the stories of three members of Dr. Merle’s local community as they share their experiences and insights on caregiving.
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    57 mins
  • Grandparents to the Rescue: Raising a Second Generation of Children
    Dec 7 2017
    Grandfamilies are families in which children reside with and are being raised by their grandparents in the absence of one or both parents. What happens when families find themselves in this situation? How does raising a second generation of children affect the health and well-being of the grandparents? Dr. Joseph Crumbley and Jaia Lent are Dr. Merle’s guests for this timely, emotionally-charged discussion. Dr. Crumbley and Ms. Lent both specialize in issues related to kinshipcare, and counsel families in these types of situations. With opioid addiction at an all-time high, more and more families are facing tough decisions about kinship care for children. Learn about the issues facing grandparents trying to provide a safe, healthy environment for children in crisis, and where to turn for help.
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    55 mins
  • The Secrets to Better, More Restful Sleep
    Nov 30 2017
    Do you lie in bed at night, unable to fall asleep? Or do you fall asleep easily, only to wake up at 3am, wide awake? Are you tired and cranky, lacking energy? For some people, sleep comes easy. They lay their head down and are out like a light all night. For others, however, bedtime means a frustrating night of tossing and turning, only to steal an hour or two of unrefreshing rest. This routine is played out night after night in bedrooms everywhere, leaving millions of exasperated, exhausted people to ask, What can I do to get some sleep? Dr. Michael Breus, otherwise known around the world as The Sleep Doctor, is back for another visit with Dr. Merle on Caught Between Generations. Dr. Breus will give us tips for getting a better night's sleep so we can wake up feeling good, ready to take on the day. Dr. Merle will take your live calls for Dr. Breus, so don't miss your chance to have questions answered by The Sleep Doctor.
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    50 mins
  • Encore: When You Need a New Parenting Perspective
    Nov 23 2017
    Are you a mom or dad who loves exploring science and all things tech? Include your kids in the fun! Ken Denmead, publisher of the popular parenting blogs, GeekDad and GeekMom and author of the idea-packed book “Geek Dad,” explains how tech, DIY projects and fun activities can foster a love of learning in our children and grandchildren, and bring families together!
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    56 mins
  • Outperforming the Past: The Journey to Overcoming Childhood Adversity
    Nov 16 2017
    Nearly 75% of us experience some sort of adversity - bullying, loss of a parent, domestic violence, abuse, etc., by the age of 20. Do you know someone who has overcome childhood adversity to achieve success as an adult? We are often amazed when someone beats the odds and rises above their early hardship, but do we know what it took and how they feel about their success? Meg Jay is Dr. Merle's guest this week. The author of SUPERNORMAL tells the stories of ordinary people made extraordinary by dodging bullets and leaping over obstacles to reach their goals. Some are public figures and even celebrities, but others hide in plain sight as doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, teachers, artists, parents, and everyday people winning at life. Dr. Merle will take your calls live on the air, and would love to hear your story of overcoming adversity and becoming successful despite the odds. Tell us about your journey to becoming SUPERNORMAL.
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    55 mins
  • Today It's About ME: Standing Up to Narcissistic Behavior
    Nov 9 2017
    Do you know someone who only thinks of themselves and their own needs? Do you find yourself sidestepping issues that are important to you in order to avoid confrontation with the narcissist in your life? Is there any way to turn these behaviors around? Most of us know someone who is a narcissist. Whether they are a family member or friend, boss or coworker, spouse or significant other, dealing with them is almost always frustrating. Dr. Merle's guest, Wendy Behary, helps us identify and understand narcissistic behavior and suggests ways in which we can stand up for ourselves without getting caught in the crossfire. Behary also gives us strategies to help us get our own needs met without a power struggle, and if necessary, how to escape perilous narcissism.
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    55 mins