
  • CMP000 Introduction to the Celtic Myth Podshow
    Jan 23 2008
    Meet your hosts, Gary & Ruth, and find out what we have got planned for the Podshow. It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or Speakpipe   Show Summary:   Our introductory episode lets you get to know the presenters and introduces you to the Celtic Myth Podshow. The Show will tell you ancient tales and legends of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany bringing you the bravery of heroes and heroines, the magnificent pantheon of gods and goddesses and the magic and wonder of druids, faeries and folklore. It weaves together the rich, beautiful tapestry of mythological history, battles and sagas of the Celts. More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:54Apology1:57Outline of what is to come 2:25 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x x Overview of the Celtic Myth Podshow Gary and Ruth - your Hosts - with their children Welcome to all of our new listeners! We plan to cover the Irish Mythological Cycle (which will start with Episode 1 Gods in the Mist) and then go on to the Welsh Mabinogion, with Episode 30 Restless Dreams. We will also have some Special Shows - those starting with the prefix SP (SP01, SP02 etc.) - will be found which contain modern stories, music, factual pieces and interviews about Celtic History, Music and Culture. You can also find a Help Page that will help you with everything to do with Podcasts, subscribing and how to listen to each new show.   Special Thanks For our Theme Music The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details. Get EXTRA content in the Celtic Myth Podshow App for iOS, Android & Windows Contact Us: You can leave us a message by using the Speakpipe Email us at: garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com. Facebook fan-page http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow, Twitter (@CelticMythShow) or Snapchat (@garyandruth), Pinterest (celticmythshow) or Instagram (celticmythshow)   Help Spread the Word: Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :) If you've enjoyed the show, would you mind sharing it on Twitter please? Click here to post a tweet! Ways to subscribe to the Celtic Myth Podshow: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to subscribe via RSSClick here to subscribe via Stitcher     Save Save Save
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    5 m
  • CMP P01 Promo 1 Short
    Jan 25 2008

    A 42-second Promo for the Celtic Myth Podshow

    It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or Speakpipe



    A short, 42-second, humorous introduction and promotion (Promo) for the Celtic Myth Podshow.

    More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com

    We hope you enjoy it!

    Gary & Ruthie x x x

    Get EXTRA content in the Celtic Myth Podshow App for iOS, Android & Windows

    Contact Us:
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    Email us at: garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com.
    Facebook fan-page http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow,
    Twitter (@CelticMythShow) or Snapchat (@garyandruth),
    Pinterest (celticmythshow) or Instagram (celticmythshow)


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    Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :)

    If you've enjoyed the show, would you mind sharing it on Twitter please? Click here to post a tweet!

    Ways to subscribe to the Celtic Myth Podshow:
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  • The_Ladychant.mp3
    3 m
  • CMP001 Gods in the Mist
    Feb 16 2008
    The Tuatha De Danaan, the Children of Danu, arrive in Erin in clouds of mist! It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or call us on Speakpipe   Show Summary:   The first episode in our Irish Mythological Cycle series begins with the Tuatha De Danaan, the Children of Danu, arriving in Erin in clouds of mist that cover the land for three days. Emissaries from the Tuatha De and the Fir Bolg meet and inspect each other - very carefully! More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:52News & Views 0:59Story 2:53Promo - Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies 19:29 This episode is the first episode in the Irish Book of Invasions. Full credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish1 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x x News & Views The Podcast Launches! Gary and Ruth - your Hosts! We introduce you to our show and to our website, including the brand new voice recorder, called Speakpipe, that can be found either as a link or over on the right-hand side of most pages on our website at http://celticmythpodshow.com.We also invite you to talk to us by emailing us at garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com. Gods in the Mist - Episode 1 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 1 of the Book of Invasions Names Used in this Story Listed in order of appearance FaliasGoriasMuriasFindiasMor-fasaeLia FialTemairCuchulainLugaidConn of TemairTailltinTuatha De DanaanEsrasLughUsciasNuadaSemiasDagdaConmaicne Rein in ConnachtaConnaughtRianBrefneFir BolgEochaid, son of ErcCesardMagh ReinSrengBresElathaCraisechMagh NiaBelgataSliabh BelgadainBadbMachaMorriguCesarnGnathachIngnathachSemneSithbrughSengannCuroiEscaEconnCirbConchobarGannLuchtaSlaingeGaileoinEochaidCairbreAiEdan The Battles of the Tuatha De This map shows the locations mentioned during this Episode, including the plains that the Tuatha De arrived on as well as the location of Temhair. Promo - Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies Tee Morris, Evo Terra & Ryan Williams Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies This plain–English guide shows you how to record like a pro, build an audience, and maybe even generate some revenue from your podcasting passion. If you′re ready to go live with what you have to say, here′s how to create podcasts that appeal to a large audience, sound top–notch, and communicate a message. Special Thanks For voice acting: Edward and Morgan,our sons For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden. See the Contributor Page for details. For our Theme music: Culann's Hounds, http://www.sfhounds.com. See the Contributor Page for details. For guidance and inspiration: Tee Morris & Evo Terra, Podcasting for Dummies.   Sources used in this Episode Timeless Myths http://www.timelessmyths.com/celtic/invasions.html#DanannArrival Lebor Gabala http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/lebor.htm The Irish Tradition http://members.aol.com/lochlan6/mlegend1.htm The Battle of Moytura http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/1maghtured.html The Second Battle of Moytura http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T300011.html Lebor Gabala Erenn http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/lebor4.html#55 The Coming of the People of Dana http://www.celtic-twilight.com/celts/rolleston/chapter_iii.htm Fight with the Fir Bolg http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/gafm/gafm03.htm And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil...
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    22 m
  • CMP P02 Promo 2 Long
    Feb 22 2008

    This 1m55 second promo is a promo for our show.

    It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or call us on Speakpipe



    A 1 minute 55 second Promo for the Celtic Myth Podshow. It gives you a bit more detail about our show - please feel free to use as you please.

    More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com

    We hope you enjoy it!

    Gary & Ruthie x x x

    Get EXTRA content in the Celtic Myth Podshow App for iOS, Android & Windows

    Contact Us:
    You can leave us a message by using the Speakpipe
    Email us at: garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com.
    Facebook fan-page http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow,
    Twitter (@CelticMythShow) or Snapchat (@garyandruth),
    Pinterest (celticmythshow) or Instagram (celticmythshow)


    Help Spread the Word:
    Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :)

    If you've enjoyed the show, would you mind sharing it on Twitter please? Click here to post a tweet!

    Ways to subscribe to the Celtic Myth Podshow:
    • Click here to subscribe via iTunes
    • Click here to subscribe via RSS
    • Click here to subscribe via Stitcher


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  • CMP002 Let Battle Commence!
    Mar 1 2008
    The armies of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fir Bolg clash on the fields of Magh Turiedh. It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or call us on Speakpipe   Show Summary: After a vicious hurling match, the armies of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fir Bolg clash on the fields of Magh Turiedh. A ferocious battle takes place in which over 100,000 warriors die. After a brutal blow, a new King has to be chosen for the Tuatha De. This episode is the 2nd episode of the Irish Book of Invasions. More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:34News & Views 0:50Story 3:52Listener Feedback - Celtic Firegem, Manannan Mac Lir, Morgana 25:34Review - Anne is a Man 26:27 All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish2 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x x   News & Views We welcome St David's Day for Wales on March 1st and St. Piran's Day for Cornwall on March 5th. The Welsh name for both leek and daffodil is Ceninen. More on the Eisteddfod here.   Let Battle Commence! - Episode 2 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 2 of the Book of Invasions Names Used in this Story Listed in order of appearance SrengBresTuatha De DanaanChildren of DanuFir BolgTuireadhRuadhTuathMagh TuireadhMagh NiaTuatha DeFathachBadbOgmaMidirBodb DergDiancechtAengaba of NorwayBadbMachaMorriganThe DagdaCirbAidleoEochaidForusSemneSithbrugSengannBuanCairbre CasOrdanFintanSlainge the FairConnachtaCuroiGannEscaEcgonnConchobarGaileoinNuadaGabranHosts of the SidheAllaDelbaethElathaNet the FomorianAengusAedCermad the FairSigmall AbertachGobann the SmithLucraidh the JoinerCredne the CraftsmanEreFotlaBanbaEothailNemedBadraiErcMen of DeFerdiadCuChulainnTemhairDruim CainLiathdruimDruim na DescanNemnachNithLia Fail Locations mentioned in this story   Listener Feedback We had some great emails from Celtic Firegem, Manannan Mac Lir, and Morgana. Thank you so much folks!   Review Anne is a Man Anne Frid De Vires wrote us an amazing review that you can find on his blog about academic podcasts. He also wrote a follow-up where he offered us some serious advice which we followed at the end of the Irish Mythological Cycle series. Anne's blog is a fascinating resource. He says: "While looking for Dutch audio, I discovered podcasts. When investigating the iTunes directories, I soon discovered the history and science podcasts I came to like so much. Among the first were Berkeley's History 5, Shrink Rap Radio and the Dutch podcast Simek 's Nachts. After many months of listening, I began this blog and dedicated it to reviewing the majority of podcasts I find."   Sources used in this Episode Timeless Myths http://www.timelessmyths.com/celtic/invasions.html#DanannArrival Lebor Gabala http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/lebor.htm The Irish Tradition http://members.aol.com/lochlan6/mlegend1.htm The Battle of Moytura http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/1maghtured.html The Second Battle of Moytura http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T300011.html Lebor Gabala Erenn http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/lebor4.html#55 The Coming of the People of Dana http://www.celtic-twilight.com/celts/rolleston/chapter_iii.htm Fight with the Fir Bolg http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/gafm/gafm03.htm And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Special Thanks For voice acting: Edward and Morgan, our sons For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details. For our Theme Music The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go ...
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • CMP003 The Rule of Bres the Beautiful
    Mar 15 2008
    Bres is elected King over the Tuatha De Danaan and has a very eventful reign! It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or call us on Speakpipe   Show Summary: The Battle of Magh Tuireadh is over and after Nuada is seriously injured and Bres gets elected to be King over the Tuatha De Danaan. His reign, however, does not go exactly well. We hear of how the Dagda is treated and learn about the mysterious origin of Bres. Bres then turns to an unexpected source for allies. This episode is the 3rd episode of the Irish Book of Invasions. More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:36News & Views 1:15Story 2:24Listener Feedback - Damh the Bard 22:43 All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish3 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x x   News & Views We welcome St Patrick's Day for Ireland on March 15th. We also talk about the new Fiction list on the site, as well as the Character biographies. (The biographies have since been abadonned in favour of the excellent work done by Mary Jones).   The Rule of Bres the Beautiful - Episode 3 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 3 of the Book of Invasions Names Used in this Story Listed in order of appearance RathConnachtaTailltiuCoill CuanEochaidSrengFir BolgTuatha De DanaanCesairFintanPartholonFomoriTuanNemedFomorGannSengannSamhainToree, ToryFir DomnanGaileangaMagh MorErcEithneBalorCianDiancechtTemhairBres, Eochaid BresEriuDanuNechtanFindgollFindemasOgmaDagdaKath BreseCridenbelAengus Mac OgCairbreEtainNuada Argat-lamhMiachAirmedDelbaethElathaMaeth Sceni Locations mentioned in this story   Listener Feedback We had an answer to Ruthie's question about the Welsh Red Dragon from Damh the Bard. Thank you Damh! We also mention that Damh is the host of Druidcast. We had a second email from George in Peru. Thank you so much for your amazing email.   Voice Feedback We're very proud to bring you our first voice feedback from Erin from Columbus, Ohio. Thank you so much for your awesome feedback Erin.   Sources used in this Episode Timeless Myths http://www.timelessmyths.com/celtic/invasions.html#DanannArrival Lebor Gabala http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/lebor.htm The Irish Tradition http://members.aol.com/lochlan6/mlegend1.htm The Second Battle of Moytura http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T300011.html Lebor Gabala Erenn http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/lebor4.html#55 Cairpre''s Satire http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/cairpre.html Reign of Bres http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/gafm/gafm04.htm Expulsion of Bres http://www.celtic-twilight.com/celts/rolleston/chapter_iii.htm And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Special Thanks For voice acting: Edward, our son. For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details. Time Ticks Away by Jigger. See their Contributor Page for details. For our Theme Music The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page. S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page. Spiral Dance Extra ...
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    27 m
  • CMP004 The Coming of Lugh
    Mar 29 2008
    A stranger with many differrent skills comes to Teamhair It's always great to hear from you! Email garyandruth@celticmythpodshow.com, or call us on Speakpipe   Show Summary: Tensions increase as the tyranny of the Fomor bites on the Children of Danu. A stranger with many gifts comes into Teamhair and brings them all new hope. However, Bres makes a new alliance with a mighty King of the Fomor, Balor of the Evil Eye and invasion is planned. This episode is the 4th episode of the Irish Book of Invasions. More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:42News & Views 0:54Bumper - Philippa Ballantine 2:03Story 3:28Appeal for Tara - Gary & Ruth 19:35Promo - Chasing the Bard 21:02Listener Feedback - Byron, Morgana 22:20 All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish4 We hope you enjoy it! Gary & Ruthie x x x   News & Views We apologise for the loss of the forums and announce the arrival of the new look website. We will contact all members by email and advise them of their new logins and say we'll get a forum working soon.   The Coming of Lugh - Episode 4 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 4 of the Book of Invasions Names Used in this Story Listed in order of appearance LughTeamhairNuadaTuada De DanaanBalorErinBresNetFomori, FomorSidheGamalCianEithneEochaidDuachLuchtarLuachaidColum CuaillemechOgmaAbheanDiancechtBicelmosErcEthamanDanuCredne CerdSamildanachNemedCurrachsDruim na TeineTailltiuUisnechLugh LamhfadaManannanSgoith GleigeilGoitne Gorm-ShuileachSine SindeargDonall Donn-RuadhAonbharrFreagarthachEineEathfaighCoronComparLochlannCiathlennEabNeidSeanchabSital SalmhorLiathLobaisElathaBerbheluathsMen of DeaEas DaraConnachtaBodb DeargDagdaGrellach DollaidAmrunBrehonMaethgenSlieve LeagueDenna UladMourne MountainsBri RuriSlieve BloomSliab SnechtaiSlemishBlai-sliabNemthennSliab Maccu BelgodonSegaisCruachan AigleCroagh PatrickLough DergLough LuimnighLough CorribLough ReeLough MaskLough NeaghLough GaraLough ReaghMárlochthe Bushthe Boynethe Banthe Nemthe Shannonthe Moythe Ernethe Liffeythe SuirFigolMamosMorrigan Locations mentioned in this story   Listener Feedback We had some help on pronounciation from Byron. Thank you so much for your amazing help with pronouncing Lebor Gabala Erenn.   Voice Feedback We're very proud to bring you our first voice feedback from Erin from Columbus, Ohio. Thank you so much for your awesome feedback Erin.   Sources used in this Episode Timeless Myths http://www.timelessmyths.com/celtic/invasions.html#DanannArrival Lebor Gabala http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/lebor.htm The Irish Tradition http://members.aol.com/lochlan6/mlegend1.htm The Second Battle of Moytura http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T300011.html Lebor Gabala Erenn http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/lebor4.html#55 Cairpre''s Satire http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/cairpre.html Reign of Bres http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/gafm/gafm04.htm Expulsion of Bres http://www.celtic-twilight.com/celts/rolleston/chapter_iii.htm And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Special Thanks For voice acting: Edward, our son. For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details. Time Ticks Away by Jigger. See their Contributor Page for details. For our Theme Music The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for...
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    25 m